Class 10 English Chapter – 14 The Hundred Dresses – II

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Class 10 English Question Answer Chapter 14 The Hundred Dresses – II

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The Hundred Dresses – II

FIRST FLIGHT Chapter – 14

Oral comprehension check – I

1. What did Mr. Peroski’s letter say? 

Ans: Mr. Peroski’s letter said that Wanda would not come to school any more as they had moved to a big city. Nobody would make fun of her for having such a name. There were lost of funny names in the city. 

2. Is miss Mason angry with the class, or is she unhappy or upset? 

Ans: in fact, miss Mason is not angry with the class but she is unhappy and upset. It was unfortunate as it happened in utter thoughtless. She cautions the class not to hurt anyone ‘s feelings henceforth. 

3.  How does maddie feel after listening to the note from wanda’ s father? 

Ans:  After listening from wanda’s father maddie feels badly hurt. She wants to go mto Wanda and tell her that they didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. 

4. What does maddie want to do? 

Ans: maddie wants to go to Wanda and beg apology saying whatever she did was not meant to hurt her feelings. 

Oral comprehension check check-II

1. What excuses does Peggy think up for her behaviour? Why? 

Ans: Peggy thinks up that she never called her a foreigner or made fun of her name either. She never thought that Wanda could sense that they were making fun of her. 

2. What are maddie’s thoughts as they go to boggins heights? 

Ans: maddie’s thoughts are that they will meet Wanda and tell her that they are sorry. They really did not mean to hurt her. All will be nice to her and she should come back. She and Peggy will stand by her. 

3. Why does wanda’s house remind maddie of wanda’s blue dress?

Ans:  wanda’s house reminds maddie of wanda’s blue dress because the house is shabby but clean as is her dress.

4. What does maddie think hard about? What important decision does she came to?

Ans: maddie decides to speak up if she ever heard anybody teasing anyone for funny looking or for having strange names. She is now ready to lose Peggy’s friendship for doing so. She will never make anyone unhappy.

Oral comprehension check check – III

1. What did the girls write to Wanda? 

Ans: The  girls wrote to Wanda that her drawings were pretty. They also asked her if she liked the place where she was living and her new teacher. They regretted for what had happened. 

2. Did they get a  reply? Who was more anxious for a reply, Peggy or maddie? How do you know? 

Ans:  No, they did not got a reply, maddie was more anxious. She Could. D not sleep well and burst out crying for wanda. 

3. How did the girls know that wanda liked them even though they had teased her? 

Ans: They knew that wanda liked them even though they had teased her bec she gave two of her drawings to them and wished merry Christmas to all. 

Thinking about the text : 

1. Why do you think wanda’s family moved to a different city? Do you think life there was going to be different for their family? 

Ans : wanda’s family moved to a different city to get rid of racial injustice. In a big city life was going to be different because there would be people from different races. 

2. Maddie thought her silence was as bad as Peggy’s teasing. Was she right? 

Ans: Yes, maddie was right when she thought her silence was as bad as Peggy’s teasing because it encouraged Peggy to do so. 

3. Peggy says, “I never thought she had the sense to know we were making fun of her any way. I thought she was too dumb. And gee, look how she can draw!” what led Peggy to believe that wanda was dumb? Did she change her opinion later? 

Ans: wanda never made any  reply to Peggy’s teasing. Wanda remained silent and her silent reply was serious. She was not dumb at all. Peggy changed her opinion later and regretted. 

4. What important decision did maddie make? Why did she have to think hard to do so?

Ans : maddie made an important decision. It was that in future she would never remain silent when someone teased someone. She would speak up even though she might lose Peggy’s friendship. She would never make anyone unhappy.

5. Why do you think Wanda gave maddie and Peggy the drawings of the dresses? Why are they surprised?

Ans: Wanda gave maddie and Peggy the drawings of the dresses in reply to their teasing.They were supposed because those drawings had their faces and also because of wanda’s greatness.

6. Do you think Wanda really thought the girls were teasing her? Why or why not?

Ans:  yes, Wanda really thought the girls were teasing her-as she was highly sensitive and intelligent. She showed her talent in her drawings by drawing their faces.

Thinking about Language : 

I. Here are thirty adjectives describing human qualities. Discuss them with your partner and put then in the two words webs (given below)  according to whether you think they show positive or negative qualities. You can consult a dictionary if you are not sure of the meanings of some of the words. You may also add to the list the positive or negative ‘pair’ of a given word. 

Kind, sarcastic, courteous, arrogant, insipid, timid, placid, cruel, haughty, proud, zealous, intrepid, sensitive, compassionate, introverted, stolid, cheerful, contended, thoughtless, vain, friendly. Unforgiving, fashionable, generous talented, lonely, determined, creative, miserable, complacent. 

II. What adjectives can we use to describe Peggy, Wanda and Maddie? You can choose adjectives from the list above. You can also add some of your own. 

1. Peggy………………. 

2. Wanda……………… 

3. Maddie……………. 

Ans: 1. Peggy – sarcastic, cruel, proud, thoughtless, jealous, vain, haughty, arrogant, insipid, sadistic, introverted, unforgiving. 

2. Wanda – kind, courteous, intrepid, compassionate, contended, generous, talented, lonely, determined, creative, introverted, complacent. 

3. Maddie – insipid, timid, placid, stolid, friendly. 

III. Find the sentence in the story with the following phrasal verbs.Lined up, thought up, took off, stood by

Ans: 1) All lined up,……. 

2) Peggy, who had thought up the game,…….. 

3) Miss Mason took off her glasses,……. 

4) She had stood by and said nothing,…… 

2. Look up these phrasal verbs in a dictionary to find out if they can be used in some, other way. (Look at the entries for line, think, take, and stand in the dictionary.)  Find out what other preposition can go with these verb. What does each of these phrasal verbs mean? 

Ans: 1. line – i) lined with (in a line) 

ii) lined up (get into a line) 

iii) line something up (queue /form) 

iv) line abreast. (abreast of each other) 

2) think – i) think up (devise, conceive, invent) 

ii) think about (examine, consider really, reflect upon) 

iii) think of (consider, take into account, imagine) 

iv) think out (consider carefully and make a plan for) 

v) think over (reflect up on, consider further) 

3) take – i) take after (resembles) 

ii) take apart (separate into parts) 

iii) take away from (lesson, weaken, diminish, remove) 

iv) take back (retreat, with, draw) 

v) take down (write down, lower) 

vi) take in (receive, absorb, understand) 

vii) take off (make a start in jumping; remove) 

viii) take on (become exited or agitated; undertake) 

ix) take somebody on (accept as an opponent; engage, fight) 

x) take something out (extract, remove) 

xi) take over (accept duties, responsibilities) 

xii) take up (lift up; raise) 

S.L.No.First FlightClick Here
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(ii)Fire and IceAnswer
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(iv)The Ball PoemAnswer
Unit-4From the Diary of Anne FrankAnswer
(i)Amanda !Answer
Unit-5The Hundred Dresses – IAnswer
Unit-6The Hundred Dresses – IIAnswer
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(i)A Baker from GoaAnswer
(iii)Tea from AssamAnswer
(iv)The TreesAnswer
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4) Stand – i) stand by (be a bystander) 

ii) stand back (move back) 

iii) stand at (be at a certain level) 

iv) stand aside (be inactive; do nothing) 

v) stand down (retire from a witness box or similar position) 

vi) stand for (represent; support) 

vii) stand in (take a share in) 

viii) stand off (remain at a distance; move away) 

ix) stand out ( be easily seen above or among others) 

x) stand over (be postponed) 

xi) stand to (take up position to resist possible attack) 

xii) stand up (upright) 

3. Use at least five such phrasal verbs in sentences of your own. 

Ans: i) line up :- The general lined up his troops. 

ii) think of :- He thought of a new plan. 

iii) think over :- Please think over the matter again. 

iv) take for :- I took him for Ramesh. 

v) Stand by :- He stood by her in her distress. 

4. Colours are used to describe feelings, moods and emotions. Match the following ‘colour expressions with a suggested paraphrase. 

(i) The Monday morning – feel embarrassed / angry / as hamed. 

(ii) Go red in the face – feel very sick, as if about to vomit. 

(iii) Look green-sadness or depression after a weekend of fun. 

(iv) The red carpet – the sign or permission to begin an action. 

(v) Blue – blooded – a sign or surrender or acceptance of defeat; a wish to stop fighting. 

(vi) A green belt – in a unlawful act; while doing something wrong. 

(vii) A black guard – a photo graphic print of building plans; a detailed plan or scheme. 

(viii) A grey area – land around a town or city where construction is prohibited by law. 

(ix) A white flag – an area of a subject or a situation where matters are not very clear. 

(x) the green light – of noble birth or form a royal family. 

Ans: (i) The Monday morning – sadness or depression after a blessed weekend of fun. 

(ii) Go red in the face – feel embarrassed /angry /ashamed 

(iii) Look green – feel very sick, as if about to vomit

(iv) The red carpet – a special welcome. 

(v) Blue-blooded – of noble birth from a royal family. 

(vi) A green belt – land around a town or city where construction is prohibited by law. 

(vii) A blackguard – a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong. 

(viii) A grey area – an area of a subject or a situation where matters are not very clear. 

(ix) A white flag – a sign of surrender or a cceptance of defeat, a wish to stop fighting. 

(x) A blue print – a photographer print of building plans; a detailed plan or scheme. 

(xi) Red-handed – in a unlawful act, while doing something wrong. 

(xi) The green light – the sign or permission to begin an action. 

Speaking : 

Role Play 

The story of Wanda petronski presents many characters engaged in many kinds of behavior (teasing, playing, sitting in class….) From groups. Choose an episode or episodes from the story. Assign roles to each member of the group from that episode, and try to act it to like a play, using the words in the story. 

Ans: Do yourself in the class. 

Writing : 

1. Look again at the letter which Wanda’s father writes to miss Mason, Wanda’s teacher. Mr. Petronski is not quite aware how to write a formal letter in English. Can you rewrite it more appropriately? Discuss the following with your partner before you do so. The format of a formal letter: How to begin the letter and how to end it; the language of the letter needs to be formal. (Avoid informal word like ‘holler’ and fragments like ‘No more ask why funny name. ‘)write complete sentences. 

Ans: Dear Miss Mason 

I am Wanda petronski’s father. I would like to inform you that my daughter Wanda will not be able to come to your school any more. And Jack will also not come. We all are moving away to a big city where no one will tease Wanda for having a funny name because there will be plenty of funny names there. We hope we shall have good times there. 

Thanking you

Yours sincerely 

Jan Petronski

2. Are you interested in drawing and painting? 

Ritu Kumar, One of India’s best known dress designers, has no formal training in designing She started by sketching ideas for her own dresses, and getting them stitched by a tailor. Ritu’s friends liked her dresses so much that they asked her to design clothes for them, and even paid her for it! Imagine you are going to make a career our of your hobby. What sort of things will you need to learn? Write a paragraph or two on this topic after consulting an expert or doing reference work on your chosen area. 

Ans: I want to be a photographer. For the purpose I will have to concentrate on a certain area of activity to know all about the technical aspects of photography. The monetary side should also be taken into my consideration. I shall have to undertake the risk involving it. 

3. Rewrite a part of the story as if Wanda is telling us her own story. 

Ans: I had to spend a tough time at school. I was astonished to find my classmates so rude to me in their behavior. They had no sympathy and used to tease me regarding my name and my dress. Peggy thought her self to be the Supreme leader in teasing. She did not try to understand my feelings or talent. Maddie was always with her. They simply saw the out ward view. Human value was not counted. But I had to carry on. 

Comprehension questions and answers:

Q:- Read the passages carefully and answer the questions choosing appropriate options given below :-

1. A deep silence met the reading of this letter miss Mason took her glasses, blew on them and wiped them on her soft white handkerchief. Then she put them on again and looked at the class. When she spoke her voice was very low. ” I am sure that none of the boys and girls in room thirteen would purposely and deliberately hurt anyone’s feelings because his or her name happened to be a long, unfamiliar one. I prefer to think that what was said in thoughtlessness. I know that all of you feel the way I do, that this is a very unfortunate thing to have happened unfortunate and sad, both. And I want you all to think about it”. 


1. What did miss Mason do after reading the letter? 

a) Enjoyed very much. 

b) Become silent.

c) Took off her glasses. 

d) Spoke very low. 

Ans: c) Took off her glasses.

2. According to Mason someone hurt wanda-

a) Intentionally.

b) Tactfully.

c) Willfully.

d) Thoughtlessly.

Ans: d) Thoughtlessly.  

3. Miss Mason termed the incident – 

a) Not desirable.

b) Unfortunate and sad.

c) Unfortunate.

d) Sad.

Ans: b) Unfortunate and sad.

4.miss Mason spoke in a – 

a) Low voice.

b) Loud voice.

c) Hurry.

d) Bad mood. 

Ans: a) Low voice.

2. “I think that’s where the petronski live,” said maddie, pointing to a little white house. Wisps of old grass stuck up here and there along the pathway like thin kittens. The house and its sparse little yard looked shabby but clean. It reminded maddie of  wanda’s one dress, her faded  blue cotton dress, shabby but clean. There was not a sign of life about the house. Peggy knocked firmly on the door, but there was no answer. She and maddie went around to the back yard and knocked there. Still there was no answer. There was no doubt about it. The Patron Skis were gone. How could they ever make amends? 


1. Who accomplished maddie to the little house? 

a) Peggy.

b) Wanda.

c) Mason.

d) Her friends.

Ans: a) Peggy.

2.wanda’s house was- 

a) Shabby.

b) Grassy.

c) Clean.

d) Shabby but clean.

Ans: d) Shabby but clean.

3.why was there no answer? Because – 

a) Wanda wasn’t there. 

b) wanda’s family had left the place. 

c) Wanda was sleeping. 

d) Wanda did not like to answer. 

Ans: b) wanda’s family had left the place.

4.what reminded maddie wanda’s faded blue dress? 

a) The road.

b) The location.

c) The house. 

d) The yard. 

Ans: c) The house.

3. On Saturday maddie spent the afternoon with Peggy. They were writing a letter to Wanda petronski. It was just a friendly letter talking about the contest and telling Wanda she had  won. They told her how pretty her drawings were. And they asked her if she liked where she was living and if she liked her new teacher. They had meant to say they were sorry, but it ended up with their just writing a friendly letter, the kind they have  written to any good friend, and they signed it with lots of x’s for love. They mailed the letter to noggins  heights, writing ‘please forward’ on the envelope. 


1. The letter written to Wanda was a –

a) Formal letter.

b) Love letter.

c) Friendly letter.

d) Usual letter.

Ans: c) Friendly letter. 

2. Who wrote the letter?

a) Peggy.

b) Maddie.

c) Wanda.

d) Peggy and maddie.

Ans: d) Peggy and maddie.

3. They ended the letter whit –

a) Sadness.

b) Pleasure.

c) Love.

d) Lots of x’s for love.

Ans: d) Lots of x’s for love.

4. Why did they think that the letter had reached Wanda?

a) They got an acknowledgement. 

b) Wanda’s reply come. 

c) The letter did not come back.

d) None of these.

Ans: c) The letter did not come back.

4. She went home and she pinned her drawing over a torn place in the pink – flowered wallpaper in the bedroom. The shabby room come Alive from the brilliancy of the colours maddie sat down on her bad and looked at the drawing. She had stood by and said nothing. But Wanda had been nice to her, anyway.Tears blurred her eyes and she gazed  for a long time at the picture. Then hastily she rubbed her eyes and studied it intently. The colours in the dress were so vivid that she had scarcely noticed the face and head of the drawing. But it looked like her, maddie! It really looked like her own mouth.


1. Where did maddie pin her drawing?

a) On her table. 

b) On the wall.

c) In the drawing room. 

d) Over a torn place in the wallpaper in the bedroom.

Ans: d) Over a torn place in the wallpaper in the bedroom.

2. What happened when she pinned the drawing in her bedroom?

a) The drawing because brighter. 

b) It because more beautiful. 

c) It darkened the room. 

d) The room came alive.

Ans: d) The room came alive.

3. what did  maddie think of Wanda?

a) Wanda was cruel. 

b) Wanda was beautiful. 

c) Wanda had been nice to her. 

d) Wanda  hated Peggy.

Ans: c) Wanda had been nice to her .

4. What did maddie discover in the drawing?

a) An image of a girl. 

b) The image of Peggy. 

c) The image of herself. 

d) The image of Wanda.

Ans: c) The image of herself.

Short answer type questions and answers:

1. What did  Wanda’s father write in his letter?

Ans: Wanda’s father was not happy because the American girls used to tease Wanda. In his letter he wrote that  Wanda would not come to school any more. Jack also would not come because they were moving to a big city. So nobody would tease Wanda there because in big cities there must be many peculiar names.

2. What was miss Mason’s reaction after reading Wanda’s father ‘s letter?

Ans:  After reading Wanda’s father’s letter miss Mason told the class that none of the boys and girls in the class would purposely hurt anyone’s feelings because of his or her funny name. It was said in thoughtless. It was very sad and unfortunate.

3. What did maddie decide to do after she he’d come to know that Wanda’s feelings had been hurt?

Ans:-  After learning that Wanda’s feelings had been hurt maddie decided to meet  Wanda and  tell her that she hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings. She would also tell Wanda that she had won the contest and her hundred dresses were beautiful.

4. What did peggy and maddie do after school? Why?

Ans:  Peggy and  maddie, both decided to meet Wanda. So, they took the street to boggins heights after school. They wanted to say ‘ sorry’ to her. In fact, they never made fun of her name.

5. Why couldn’t maddie sleep that night when she visited Wanda’s House?

Ans:maddie felt guilty as  peggy teased Wanda. She could not sleep. She thought of Wanda and her faded blue dress and also her  little white house. She thought of  Wanda’s one hundred dresses. She felt sorry for teasing Wanda.

6. What did peggy and maddie write to Wanda?

Ans:-peggy and maddie wrote a friendly letter to Wanda. They wrote that Wanda had won the contest. Her drawings were pretty. Then they asked her about her new place and her new teacher. They meant that they were sorry. They signed the letter with lost of x’s for love.

7. What did Wanda write to miss Mason?

Ans:-in her letter Wanda wrote to miss Mason that the girls of room thirteen could keep those hundred dresses. She had a hundred new dresses in her new house. Peggy should take the drawing of the green dress with red trimming and maddie the blue one. She missed the school and she wished merry Christmas to all.

8.  What did maddie do with the drawing?

Ans:-  Maddie took the drawing home and pinned it over a torn place in the wallpaper. The room became alive. She sat down and looked at the drawing. She felt that Wanda had been nice to her. Finally she could see herself in the drawing.

Long answer type questions and answers:

1. What did maddie think of Wanda when no reply come to her? What did she decide to do?

Ans :-  Peggy and maddie wrote a letter to Wanda . But they did not get any reply from her. Peggy began to forget the whole episode but maddie continued to think of it. She slept with the thought of Wanda and her faded blue dress. She also thought of the hundred dresses made by Wanda. She could not sleep. She pressed her forehead tight in her hands and continued to think. She finalised that she would never stand by such things and would never make anybody unhappy again like Wanda.

2. What did maddie and peggy find in the drawings? How did they react?

Ans:- Peggy and maddie carried their respective drawings home. Maddie peined her drawing on a torn place in the wallpaper in the  bedroom. The room came alive at once. She looked at the  drawing and thought that Wanda had been nice to her. She began to look at the drawing. Suddenly she discovered herself in it. She ran to peggy to tell her. Peggy saw that Wanda had drawn her in the picture. Peggy said that it proved that Wanda liked them.

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