SEBA Class 10 English Chapter – 15 Animals

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Class 10 English Question Answer Chapter 15 Animals

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FIRST FLIGHT Chapter – 15

Thinking about the poem:

1. Notice the use of the word ‘turn’ in the first line. ‘I think I could turn and live with animals…’ what is the poet turning from? 

Ans: The poet is turning from a human – being to an animal. 

2. Mention three things that humans do and animals don’t. 

Ans: Humans cry about their condition. They lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins. They also hanker after owning wealth. But animals don’t do these.

3. Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago? Discuss this in groups. 

Ans: yes, humans – beings kneel to other humans as a part of their culture to show respect to the elders.

4. What are the ‘to kens’ that the poet says he may have dropped long ago, and which the aminals  have kept for him? Discuss this in class. (hint : Whitman belongs to the romantic  tradition that includes rousseau and wordsworth, which holds that civilisation has made humans false to their own true nature. What could be the vaise aspects of our nature as living beings that humans choose to ignore or deny?) 

Ans : The ‘ tokens’ are love, affection, kindness, sympathy etc. The  poet says that he may have dropped these human qualities. Because all these have disappeared from among man. But animals have not lost their qualities, so they are better than humans in many ways. 

Comprehension questions and answers: 

Q:- Read the extract and answer the questions choosing the most appropriate options given below :-

1. They do not sweat and whine about their condition, they do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins, they so not make me sick discussing their duty to god, no one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with The mania of owning things, Nor one kneels to  another, nor to his  kind that Lived thousand of years ago, not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth. 


1. What do the animals not do about their condition? 

a) They do not weep.

b) They do not pray.

c) They do not sweat and complain.

d) They do not love others.

Ans: c) They do not sweat and complain.

2. What do the animals not do for their sins? 

a) They do not repent.

b) They do not pray.

c) They do not commit sin. 

d) They do not lie awake in the dark and weep. 

Ans: d) They do not lie awake in the dark and weep.

3. No one of them is dissatisfied because 

a) They have everything. 

b) They can own everything. 

c) They have no mania of owning thing. 

d) Human beings have the mania of owning things. 

Ans: c) They have no mania of owning thing.

4. Why does no one kneel to another? Because 

a) All are equal.

b) Someone is superior.

c) Someone is inferior.

d) All are powerful.

Ans: a) All are equal.

2. So they show their relations to me and I accept them, they bring me tokens of myself, they evince 

Them plainly in their possession I wonder where they get those  tokens, Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them? 

S.L.No.First FlightClick Here
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1.who are the ‘they’ here 

a) The human beings.

b) His friends.

c) The animals.

d) The vegetation.

Ans: c) The animals.

2. What do they bring to the poet? 

a) Love and affection.

b) Sincerity.

c) Symbol of love.

d) Familiarity.

Ans: a) Love and affection. 

3. How do they show their love? 

a) Artificially.

b) Plainly.

c) In a complex manner.

d) Emotionally.

Ans: b) Plainly. 

4. Where do they get those token from? 

a) The field.

b) Other living beings.

c) Man.

d) Among themselves. 

Ans: c) Man.

Short answers type questions and answers: 

1. Why does the poet want to ‘turn and live’ with animals? 

Ans:- The  poet found that animals possess better qualities than man. They are peace – loving and self- contained. They do not complain about their condition and do not weep for their sins. They don’t hanker after  wealth. So the poet wants to turn live with animals. 

2. How are animals different from man in relation to owing things?

Ans:- In the case of owning things  animals are different from man. Man is greedy and madly hankers after wealth. But  animals never do so. They are not interested in owning material  things. 

3. What does the poet think of the tokens which came to the animals? 

Ans:- The poet thinks that man had those tokens of love long ago. As a man he too had those human qualities. But he wonders if he had left those for the animals long ago.

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