SEBA Class 10 English Chapter – 25 For Anne Gregory

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Class 10 English Question Answer Chapter 25 For Anne Gregory

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For Anne Gregory

FIRST FLIGHT Chapter – 25

Textual Questions and Answers:

Thinking about the poem:

1. What does the young man mean by ‘great honey-coloured, ramparts at your ear’? Why does he say that young men are ‘thrown into despair’  by them? 

Ans:  By ‘great honey coloured/ramparts at your ear’ the poet means the golden outer parts of the young woman ‘s ears. They are ugly and so young men are’ thrown into despair ‘ by them. 

2. What colour is the young woman’ s hair? What does she say she can change it to? Why would she want to do so? 

Ans: The colour of the young woman ‘s hair is yellow. She can change her hair to black, brown or carrot. To look attractive and win love she would want to do so. 

3. Objects have qualities which make them desirable to others. Can you think of some objects (a car, a phone, a dress..) and say what qualities make one object more desirable than another? Imagine you were trying to sell an object :what qualities would you emphasise? 

Ans:  Objects like car, phone or dress etc have different colours, designs, portability etc. These qualities make one object more desirable than another. 

While selling something I shall first emphasise the get  up of object and then its colour and design. 

4. What about people? Do we love others because we like their qualities, whether physical or mental? Or is it possible to love someone ‘for themselves alone’? Are some people ‘more lovable’ than others? Discuss this question in pairs or in groups, considering points like the following. 

i) A parent or Care given’s love for a newborn baby, for a mentally or physically challenged child, for a clever child or a prodigy. 

ii) The public’s love for a film star, a sportsperson, a politician, or a social worker. 

iii) Our love for a friend, or brother or sister. 

iv) Your love for a pet, and the pet’s love for you. 

Ans: We love others because we like their qualities. Both physical and mental qualities are taken into consideration. It is also possible that people love others ‘for themselves alone’. A father or a mother loves his/her child not for any quality but for the child itself. Some people are more lovable because of their questions. 

i) Parents ‘s love their children irrespective of their quality but for the sake of love itself. 

ii) Public love for a filmstar, a sports person, a politician, or a social worker is situational. Some times one is made hero but at times they are forgotten. 

iii) My love for a friend, or brother or sister is unconditional. I love them because I should and they love me. 

iv) I love mu pet but I am not affected by the pet’s love towards me. 

5. You have perhaps concluded that people are not objects to be valued for their qualities or riches rather than for themselves. But else where yeats asked the question. How can we separate the dancer from the dance? Is it possible to separate the person himself or herself from how the person looks. Sounds, walks and so on? Think of how you or a friend or member of your family has changed over the years. Has your relationship also changed? In what way? 

Ans: in fact, it is rather difficult to separate ‘the dancer from the dance’. But one’s activity varies with the times and change of situation. It should be kept in mind that a person has manifold potentialities. 

Yes, a member of our family has changed over the years. It has happened due to change of situation and economic change. Relationship has also got changed unknowingly. Artificiality has expt up in between behaviour and also in between relationship. 

Comprehension questions and answers: 

Q:- Read the extract and answer the questions choosing the most appropriate option given below:

1. “never shall a young man, 

     Thrown into despair 

     By those great honey – coloured 

     Ramparts at your ear, 

     Love you for yourself alone

     And not your yellow hair”. 


1. The poem is written by – 

a) Robert frost.

b) Walt Whitman.

c) Ogden Nash.

d) W. B. Yeats.

Ans: d) W. B. Yeats.

2. What is the cause of despair? 

a) Her hair.

b) Her ear.

c) Her figure.

d) Honey – coloured ramparts at her ear. 

Ans: d) Honey – coloured ramparts at her ear. 

3. Who is addressed here? 

a) Anne Gregory.

b) The beloved of the speaker.

c) His girl friend.

d) His wife. 

Ans: a) Anne Gregory.

4. What does the speaker not like? 

a) Her dress. 

b) Her ears.

c) Her yellow hair.

d) Her figure.

Ans: c) Her yellow hair.

2.  ”  But i can get a hair-dye

        And set such colour there, 

        Brown, or black, or carrot, 

        That young man in despair 

        May love me for myself alone 

        And  not my yellow hair”. 

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1. Who is the speaker of these lines? 

a) Anne Gregory.

b) Her boy friend.

c) The poet’s friend.

d) The poet’s wife. 

Ans: a) Anne Gregory.

2. What can she get? 

a) New dress.

b) Hair-dye.

c) Attracting things.

d) New hair.

Ans: b) Hair-dye.

3. What should the young man love her for? 

a) Her hair.

b) Her beauty.

c) Herself alone.

d) Her love.

Ans: c) Herself alone.

4. What is the thing that should not come in the way of love? 

a) Her beauty.

b) Her yellow hair.

c) Her figure.

d) Her ears. 

Ans: b) Her yellow hair. 

3. “I heard an old religious man 

     But yesternight declare

     That he had a found a text to prove 

     That only God, my dear, 

     Could love you for yourself alone 

     And not your yellow hair”. 


1. Who is the speaker here? 

a) The poet.

b) Anne Gregory.

c) A religious man.

d) Ba girl.

Ans: a) The poet.

2. Who did the speaker meet the previous night? 

a) His friend.

b) His beloved.

c) Anne Gregory.

d) A religious man.

Ans: d) A religious man.

3. A young man tends to love a girl for her – 

a) Physical beauty.

b) Internal beauty.

c) Great mind.

d) Her qualities.

Ans: a) Physical beauty.

4. God loves one for-

a) Beauty.

b) Devotion.

c) Heart.

d) One self.

Ans:- d) One self.

Short answer type questions and answers: 

1. What does the speaker say? To whom does he say? 

Ans:- The speaker speaks to Anne Gregory. He says that no one will love her for herself alone. Her yellow hair does not attract any one. 

2. What are the things of the woman that throw the young man into despair? 

Ans:- The young woman ‘s honey-coloured rampants of her ear and her yellow hair throw the young man into despair. 

3. What does God love of a man? 

Ans:- A religious man found a text where it had been said that God does not love anyone for one’s beauty or anything else. But God loves a person for himself alone.

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