SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 2 My Native Land

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SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 2 My Native Land

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My Native Land

ACTIVITIES (অ্যাকটিভিটি) – ক্রিয়াকলাপ

1. Read the poem and answer the question that follow : কবিতাটি পড়ো এবং পরবর্তী প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও :

( a) what does the old man ask the poet? – বৃদ্ধি লোকটি কবিকে কী জিজ্ঞাসা করেন? 

Ans. The old man asked the poet what his native land looking like. 

( b) why does the old man ask the question to the poet? – কেন বৃদ্ধি লোকটি কবিকে সেই প্রশ্নটি করেন?

Ans. Because he was blind that’s why he asked the question to the poet. 

( c) How does the poet address the old man? What does that form of address mean? – কবি বৃদ্ধি লোকটিকে কীভাবে সম্বোধন করেন ? সম্বোধনের সেই রূপটির অর্থ কি?

Ans. The poet addressed to the old man by Koka The address mean is grandfather.

(d) Why does the poet ask the old man to breathe deep? – কেন কবি বৃদ্ধ লোকটিকে গভীর নিঃশ্বাস নিতে বলেছিলেন?

Ans. The poet asked the old man to take a deep beath for reminded him of his childhood.

(e) With what does the poet compare the cool breeze on the old man’s face? – বৃদ্ধ মানুষটির মুখের শীতল বাতাসের সাথে কবি কী তুলনা করেছেন? 

Ans. With peaceful breath of the land the poet com – pare the cool breeze on the old man’s face.

(f) With what does the poet compare contented gurgling of the little baby? – কবি ছোট্ট শিশুর সন্তুষ্টি কোলের সাথে কাকে তুলনা করেছেন?

Ans. The poet compare the contented gurgling of the little baby with the people of the land.

( g) What does the chorus of the cuckoo and the sparrows do? – কোকিল এবং চড়ুইয়ের কোরাস কী করে?

Ans. It does the shapes of our native land.

Chapter 1The Prince of Panidihing
Chapter 2My Native Land
Chapter 3Explore India: Quiz Time
Chapter 4Dokchory learns about the panchayat 
Chapter 5Louis Pasteur
Chapter 6A New Day, A New way
Chapter 7Sympathy
Chapter 8Chandraprabha Saikiani
Read For Pleasure
Chapter 1The wooden Horse
Chapter 2Two Drops of pulse polio
Chapter 3The second voyage of sindbad
Chapter 4Albert Schweitzer
Chapter 5The village child
Chapter 6The Three Runners
Chapter 7The spider and the Fly
Chapter 8On Happiness

(h) What are the things that create the soul of the poet’s beloved country? – এমন কী কী জিনিস যা করিব প্রিয় দেশের স্মৃতি মনে করায়?

Ans. The heady aroma of the pitha and laroo, the chant of the evening prayer in the namghar, masjid, church, these make the soul of the poet’s beloved country.

2. A brief summary of each of the stanzas of the poem has been given below. Match the stanzas with the given summaries. Mention the stanza number along – side the correct summary. – কবিতার প্রতিটি স্তরের একটি সংক্ষিপ্তসার নীচে দেওয়া হয়েছে। প্রদত্ত সংক্ষিপ্তসারগুলির সাথে কবিতার স্তবকগুলি মেলে। সঠিক সংক্ষিপ্তসারের পাশে স্তবক সংখ্যা উল্লেখ করো।

(a) My native land makes me feel as safe and se – cure as a baby carried on a mother’s back.

Ans. Stanza 4.

(b) The spirit of my native land can be understood in terms of its unity in diversity. Like different family mem – bers who have similarities and differences, yet belong to the same family and have the same home, in our native land, our family members practise different religions and traditions.

Ans. Stanza 6.

(c) The lonely, blind old man in the street asked me to describe our nativeland.

Ans. Stanza 1.

(d) Our native land is rich in its gift of nature and is brought to life by the birds and animals that playfully roam its rich green forests.

Ans. Stanza 5

(e) The touch of our native land is as peaceful as The cool, fresh breeze blowing after a night of thunder and rain.

Ans. Stanza 3

3. Note that the poem is a series of information to a blind man on what his land is like. The girl provides the information by making use of the senses that are very strong in blind persons. These senses are : একজন অন্ধ লোককে তার দেশ কেমন তা নিয়ে তথ্যের ক্রমগুলি চিহ্নিত করো । মেয়েটি এই ধারণাটি ব্যবহার করে তথ্য সরবরাহ করে যা অন্ধ ব্যক্তিদের মধ্যে খুবই দৃঢ় । এই বোধগুলি হল :

( a) touch

( b) hearing

( c) smell

( i) Find out the examples that the poet uses to make the old man feel what his land is like. Here is an example : the warm air. 

( ii ) Find out the examples that the poet uses to make the old man hear the sounds to understand what his land is like. 

( iii) Find out the examples that eAlo poet uses to make the old man smell what his land is like. 

( iv) was the old man able to guess the season when the poet described what his land was like? 

Ans. ( a) smell.

( b) hearing.

( c) smell.

( d) smell.

4. Here are some words from the poem. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B : ( এই কবিতাটি থেকে কিছু শব্দ দেওয়া রয়েছে । A – স্তম্ভে  র সাথে B – স্তম্ভে র যে অর্থগুলি মেলে তা মেলাও )

mornthe happy sound made by babies
contentedStrong pleasant smell
gurglingthe loud explosive sound that following lightning in the clouds
chorusStrong and firm
aromaSinging or speaking at the same time


thunderthe loud explosive sound that follows lightning in The clouds
gurglingthe happy sound made by babiesing
chorusSinging or speaking at the same time
aromaStrong pleasant smell
sturdyStrong and firm

Now make sentence of your own using words : এখন তোমার নিজের শব্দ ব্যবহার করে বাক্য তৈরি করো :

Thunder – The animals were scared by the thunder.

Morn – The ft part of the day is morn. 

Contended – Always be contented with a little. 

Gurgling – The baby is gurgling on her mother lap. 

Chorus – Carolina sang two verses and the chorus of hen song. 

Aroma – The tantalising aroma fresh coffee. 

Sturdy – Mohan had sturdy physique. 

5. ( a) practise pronouncing the following pairs of words. Then recite the poem with correct pronunciation. – নিম্নলিখিত জোড় শব্দগুলির উচ্চারণ অভ্যাস করো ।‌ তারপর সঠিক উচ্চারণ সহ কবিতাটি আবৃত্তি করো । 

( i) sturdyStudy
(ii) breathebreed
( iii) warmWorm
( iv) rainran
( v) thanthen
( vi) churchSearch
( vii) deepdip
( viii) landlend

Ans. This is done in the itself. 

( b) Here are a few more sentences for practice. Practise saying these sentences after your teacher. 

( i) The sturdy boys study hard. 

( ii) The worms come out when the weather is warm. 

( iii) Than and them do not mean the same. 

( iv) They lend me their plough to till the land. 

( v) people search for peace in the church. 

( vi) she ran in the rain, laughing in joy. 

( vii) The river is too deep to take a dip. 

Ans. This is done in the boys itself. 

6. In the poem you will find the poet referring to three musical instruments that are used in the husori programmes of Bihu. – কবিতায় কবি তিনিটি বাদ্যযন্ত্রের উল্লেখ করেছেন যা বিহুর হাশোরি প্রোগ্ৰামগুলিতে ব্যবহৃত হয় ।

( a) dhol : a drum made especially for the Bihu festival and hence called the Bihu dhol Or Bihu drum

( b) pepa : a type of pipe made out of buffalo horn played during husori. 

( c) gogona : a type stringed musical instrument belonging to the harp family 

(There are many more musical instruments used in husori performances. Find more about them and write down the words naming the instruments and their meanings. Draw their diagrams as above and write a small para – graph of about six lines on the musical instruments that are used in Bihu festival.)

Ans. Dhol, Pepa, Gogona, already done.

7. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your house during the Rongali Bihu holiday. Include in your letter what special food items will be made, what rituals will be followed and so on. তোমার বাড়িতে আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়ে তোমার বন্ধুকে চিঠি লেখো বিহু রঙ্গোলির ছুটিতে তোমার বাড়িতে বিশেষ খাদ্যদ্রব্য যা তৈরি হয় এবং কোন কোন প্রথা অনুসরণ করে।                                  

Your address

(This is called the heading) 


My dear …………………(Your friend’s name)

(This is called salutation.)

(Body of the letter, which you may extend to more than one paragraph)

(Next paragraph)

(Your friend’s address)

(Complimentary close)

(Your name)





My dear friend Nagen. How are you? I have received your letter in which you have asked me about celebration of Rongali Bihu Holiday. My family is going to celebrate Rongali Bihu with lot of fun and joy. Wt also arrange a beautiful atmosphere for dancing and singing and we are also arranged some delicious meals those are rice, jiggery, sasame. These ritual is accompanied by folk song. I want you to be there with me in the celebration of festival bihu. I know that you will not disappoint me And you will surely accept my invitation. Hope to see you seen dear. 

Your’s friend

Kolkata Barrackpore.                         


8. ( a) ( i) Your teacher will read aloud a passage about an American tourist. Listen to it carefully. As you lis – ten, fill in the gaps in the passage belows :

The _____ Mela is a _____ day community fair held by the _____ Community in _____ at jonbeel in Morigaon district over the weekend of the _____ Bihu. It is a fair in Morigaon, Assam organised by the ____ community. The American tourist _____ Gordon was delighted to know about Assam. He had heard of ______ and the rhinoceros. He wanted to visit the river island _____. He was in time to celebrate ______ Bihu. 

( ii) Answer the questions below by recalling the information from the passing read out by your teacher:

( a) what was the name of the American tourist? 

( b) where did the author meet him? 

( b) what was the name of the author’s travel agency? 

( d) which please in Assam was the tourist keen to visit? 

( e) In which month was the tourist in Kolkata? 

( b ) Now read the first passage at page 112 indi – vidually and in groups and write a dialogue between the tourist and the author. Use the information and enact it in the form of a role play before the class. You can add additional information to make the role play more interesting. The role play must begin with a proper introduction between the author and the tourist. 

Ans. A & B do it your self. 

9. The poem ‘ my Native Land’ refers to the ” Cho – rus of cuckoos and sparrows”. The English language has a variety of words to denote the sounds made by birds and animals. For example cuckoos ‘ coo’ and sparrows ‘chirp’. These words are called onomatopoeic words because they sound similar to the actual sounds.Look at the onomatopoeic words in the box given below. Match them correctly with the pictures of the birds and animals given here.-‘ My Native Land’ কবিতায় উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে কোকিল এবং চড়াইয়ের কথা। প্রাণীদের দ্বারা তৈরি শব্দ ইংরেজিতে বিভিন্ন শব্দে আছে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ কোকিলের, ‘কু’ এবং চড়াইয়ের ‘চিপ’ এই শব্দগুলিকে বলা হয় – ধ্বন্যাত্মক শব্দ কারণ তাদের প্রকৃত শব্দ অনুরূপ শব্দ। ধ্বন্যাত্মক শব্দগুলির দিকে দেখো নীচের বাক্সে দেওয়া আছে। সঠিকভাবে তাদের মেলাও পশু ও পাখিগুলির ছবির সাথে।

Cluck             caw                    hiss                 bleat Hoot               screech             coo                  moo



10. Let’s learn some grammar:

Read this sentence:

The old man said to me, “Tell me what my land is like.”

Note that the reporting clause (Tell me….like ) is an imperative sentence. Imperative sentences express orders, requests, instructions, etc.

When we change imperative sentences to indirect narration we use ‘to

The old man asked me to tell him what his land was like.

Here are a few other sentences:

(a) The teacher said to me, “Show me your home work”.

The teacher asked me to show her my homework.

(b) The teacher said to us, “Don’t make a noise”. The teacher told us not to make a noise.

(c) I said to the boy, “please come tomorrow”. I request the boy to come the next day.

Ans. This is done in the book itself.

Rewrite the sentences below in indirect speech in the sameway as the sentences above. – উপরোক্ত বাক্যগুলির মতোই পরোক্ষ উক্তিগুলি নীচের বাক্যগুলিতে লেখো ।

(a) The poet said to the old man, “Feel the cool breeze on your face.”

Ans.The poet said to the old man, “Feel the cool breeze  on your face. “

(b) The man said to me, “Listen to the gurgling of that little baby.”

Ans. The man said to me, ” Listen to the gurgling of that little baby.”

(c) The teacher said to us, “Enjoy your holidays.”

Ans. The teacher said to us,”Enjoy your holidays. “

(d) She said to me, “Tell me your mobile phone number,”

Ans. She said to me, “Tell me your mobile “number.”

(e) My mother tells me, “Always obey your teachers.”

Ans. My mother tells me, “Always obey your teachers.”

(f) I said to him, “Come to our house tomorrow.”

Ans. I said to him, “Come to our house tomorrow.”

(g) She said to me, “Get me a glass of water, please”.

Ans. She said to me, “Get me a glass of water please”.

(h) The man said to me, “Please close the gate”.

Ans. The man said to me, “please close the gate”.

11. Work in pairs: – দলগত কাজ

Share with your partner what inspires you the most about your native land. It could be the following – তোমার জন্মভূমি তোমাকে কিরকম অনুপ্রেরণা জাগায় তোমার সঙ্গীর সাথে ভাগ করো। এটি নিম্নলিখিতভাবে হতে পারে।

• The gifts of nature that your native land has, like its rivers, forests, islands, wild life, etc. – তোমার জন্মভূমির প্রাকৃতিক উপহার যা নদী, জঙ্গল, দ্বীপ বন্য জীবন ইত্যাদি।

• The beautiful people of your land, who have different cultures and celebrate different traditions, festivals, etc. – তোমার জন্মভূমির সুন্দর মানুষ, যাদের বিভিন্ন সংস্কৃতি আছে। যারা বিভিন্ন সাংস্কৃতিক উৎসব পালন করে ইত্যাদি।

Our native land is huge and beautiful landfull of won – dears. From the Himalaya to the Indian Ocean, desert of Thar in the snowy mountains of Sikkim, it is a country fall of beautiful landscapes and beautiful people. Our land is secular. On his knees breathe the happy disciples of the different religions of the world. We have a unique cutter that has vented throughout centuries. There is a lot of diversity among our people. We speak several languages, we worship many goods and yet we have the same spirit, we have a great unity in diversity.

12. Let’s make Pitha : পিঠার তৈরি কর । 


(i) 2 kgs of sticky rice (Bora rice)

(ii) 1/2 kgs black sesame seeds (Til)

(ii) 1 kg jaggery (Gur)

Directions to prepare the rice powder:

(i) Wash and soak the rice for an hour.

(ii) Strain rice and spread it out on a parchment paper or news paper and let it dry partially.

(iii) Grind the rice to a very fine powder. 

Directions to make the filling:

(i) For the filling, wash and strain sesame seeds, and let them dry.

(ii) Roast the sesame seeds in a pan until they give out a nutty fragrance.

(iii) Coarse grind the sesame seeds.

(iv) Melt jiggery in a pan, and add it to the ground sesame seeds. The filling is ready.

Directions to make a Pitha: পিঠার তৈরি নির্দেশশিকা ।

(i) Heat the flat frying pan.

(ii) Take some of the prepared rice flour. Spread the rice flour on the pan in the shape of a circle or an oval. Press the flour gently with your fin – Gers.

(iii) Put some filling on the flour. Roll up the pith to your desired shape and gently push it to the edge of the frying pan till the pitha is crispy. You can now start making the next pith.

Ans. This is done in the book itself.


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