SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 5 Louis Pasteur

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SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 5 Louis Pasteur

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Louis Pasteur

ACTIVITIES (অ্যাকটিভিটি) – ক্রিয়াকলাপ

1. Answer the following questions to check your understanding : তোমার বোধ যাচাই করে নিম্নের প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর দাও :

(a) What happened one day while Louis Pasteur was playing with his friends? – একদিন কী ঘটেছিল, যখন লুই পাস্তর তার বন্ধুদের সাথে খেলছিল?

Ans. Then a man running towards him.

(b What does rabies cause in human beings? – মানুষের শরীরে জলাতঙ্ক কেন হয়?

Ans. Human beings get the virus when they are bit – ten or scratched with rabies.

(c) What experiment did Pasteur conduct on rabbits? – পাস্তর খরগোশের উপর কোন্ পরীক্ষা চালিয়েছিল ?

Ans. Experiment of rabies virus Pasteur did conduct on rabbits.

(d) Who was Pasteur’s first human patient? was his treatment successful? – পাস্তরের প্রথম মানব রোগী কে ছিল? তার চিকিৎসা কী সফল হয়েছিল?

Ans. The first patient was a boy. Yes, his treatment Was successful.

Chapter 1The Prince of Panidihing
Chapter 2My Native Land
Chapter 3Explore India: Quiz Time
Chapter 4Dokchory learns about the panchayat 
Chapter 5Louis Pasteur
Chapter 6A New Day, A New way
Chapter 7Sympathy
Chapter 8Chandraprabha Saikiani
Read For Pleasure
Chapter 1The wooden Horse
Chapter 2Two Drops of pulse polio
Chapter 3The second voyage of sindbad
Chapter 4Albert Schweitzer
Chapter 5The village child
Chapter 6The Three Runners
Chapter 7The spider and the Fly
Chapter 8On Happiness

(e) Where and when did the French government establish the Pasteur Institute? What is it famous for? – কোথায় এবং করে ফরাসি সরকার পাস্তব ইনস্টিটিউট প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছিলেন?

Ans. In Paris, on 1888 French Government estab – lished the Pasteur Institute. It is famous study for biology, micro – organisms, dis – eases and vaccines.

2. You must have noticed that the lesson has many words related to diseases. Read the lesson carefully and note down all these words in the word web below. One has been done for you. – তোমার অবশ্যই লক্ষ্য করেছ যে পাঠ্যটিতে রোগ সম্পর্কিত অনেক কাজ বয়েছে । অধ্যায়টি যত্ন সহকারে পড়ো এবং নীচের শব্দ‌ওয়ের – এ সমস্ত শব্দ সেট করো ।‌একটা তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া ।


3. Here are five friends sharing information about diseases. Complete their dialogues with information from the lesson. – এখানে পাঁচটি বন্ধু রোগ সম্পর্কিত কিছু তথ্য সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করছে অধ্যায় থেকে তথ্য নিয়ে তাদের সংলাপ সম্পূর্ণ করো ।

(a) Puja: Beware of animal bites………………….

(b) Rohan: Measles is a deadly disease. It can lead to ……………………….

Pushpa: Rubella infection can lead to ……………….

(d) Jumon: The anopheles mosquito………………..

Ans. (a) Puja: Beware of animal bites and scratched.

(b) Rohan: Measles is a deadly disease. It can lead to blindness.

(c) Pushpa: Rubella infection can lead to deafness in the unborn child.

(d) Jumon: The anopheles mosquito causes malaria.

4. Do you know what a flowchart is? It is a diagram that shows how one thing leads to the next. Read the lesson once again and complete the flowchart to show The chain of events. The first entry has been inserted for you. – তোমরা কী জানো ফ্লোচার্ট কী? এটি একটি চিত্র যা দেখায় যে কীভাবে একটি জিনিস পরের দিকে নিয়ে যায় । পিঠটি আর‌ও একবার পড়ো এবং ঘটনাগুলির শৃঙ্খলা দেখানোর জন্য ফ্লোচার্টটি সম্পূর্ণ করো । প্রথম প্রবেশ তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হয়েছে ।


Pasteur sees a man bitten by a mad wolf.

Louis was scared because he understood that the made wolf was suffering from rabies.

Many years later, while experimenting on rabbits, Pasteur found the deadly virus that causes rabies.

A boy was returning from school when he was bitten by a mad dog.

Pasteur injected the boy with the virus and kept him under watch.

The boy respond Pasteur treatment.

5. Here are some sentences from the lesson.

A man came running towards Louis Pasteur. The man was very frightened. “What is the matter?” Louis asked him. Someone has been bitten by a mad wolf from the mountain.

Look at the words printed in italics.

Can you recall which grammatical structure is represented by the words in italics? Fill. in the blank spaces provided below to give the answer. – তুমি কি ব্যাকরণগত  কাঠামোটি ইতালীয় শব্দগুলির দ্বারা প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে তা মনে করতে পারো?

The words printed in italics are in the p…………………… voice.

Ans. The words printed in italics are in the P a s t e u r voice.

By changing the verb forms, the sentence can also be written in the following way : ক্রিয়াপদের রূপ পরিবর্তন করে বাক্যটিও নিম্নলিখিত উপায়ে করা যেতে পারে ।

(a) A mad wolf from the mountain has bitten someone. This sentence is in the A _ _ _ _ voice.

Ans. This sentence is in the A c t i v e voice.

Now, read the lesson and find out other sentences in active voice. Reframe these sentences if necessary.Then convert them into their Passive forms.

(a) The boy responded to pasteur’s treatment. (A)

(Pasteur’s treatment was responded by the boy. (P)

(b) He injected the boy (A)

(The boy was injected by him (P)

6. (a) Let’s learn some tense forms : চলো কিছু ক্রিয়াকালের গঠন শেখা যাক ।

We use the Simple Present tense

(i) to express universal truths :

Animals with rabies grow mad.

(ii) to express habitual or repeated action

Louis Pasteur plays with his friends.

(iii) to indicate situations that are permanent :

He works in the institute.

Ans. Look at the book.

(b) We use the Present Continuous tense to ex – press an action that is presently going on:

He is working on his experiment.

Ans. Look at the book.

(c) Now complete these sentences using the simple present or the present continuous forms of the verbs in  brackets: – এখন বন্ধনীতে সাধারণ ক্রিয়াপদ কিংবা চলমান বর্তমানের ক্রমাগত রূপ ব্যবহার করে বাক্যগুলি পূর্ণ করো :

(i) We _____ football in the afternoon.(play)

(ii) The sun ______ in the east. (rise)

(iii) Don’t make a noise ; the baby _____ (sleep)

(iv) Someone ____ at the door; can you hear it? (knock)

(v) The man ____ towards the bus. (run)

(vi) The bus usually ____ at 8 o’clock. (come)

(vii) He ____ for an engineering entrance (prepare)

(viii) He ____ German (learn)

Ans. (i) play

(ii) rises

(iii) sleeping 

(ivy knocking

(v) running

(vi) come

(vii) preparing

(viii) learn

7. (a) We use the simple Past tense:

(i) to talk about an action that has already taken place, e.g

This method of treatment of rabies made Pasteur famous all over the world.

(ii) To show a series of completed action, e.g.

He injected the boy with the virus and kept him under Watch.

Ans. There is text book to learn.

(b) We use the Past Continuous tense:

(i) to refer to an action that was going on for a certain period of time in the pass. e.g.

One day, a boy called Louis Pasteur was playing with his friends.

(ii) to show that something happened while another action was going on, e.g.

Many years later, when he was experimenting on rabbits, he found the deadly virus that causes rabies.

Ans. There is text book to learn.

(c) Let’s see how much you have understood Complete these sentences using the Simple Past or the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. – চলো দেখা যাক তোমার কতটা বুঝতে পেরেছ । সাধারণ অতীত ও চলমান অতীত কাল দ্বারা বন্ধনী থেকে ক্রিয়ার রূপগুলি  সম্পূর্ণ করো ।

(i) Louis Pasteur ____ in 1895. (die)

(ii) Pasteur knew that the mad wolf ____ from rabies. (suffer)

(iii) When I reached his house, he _____ lunch. (have)

(iv) I _____ last evening. (arrive)

(v) The boys ______ football when it suddenly began to0 rain. (play)

Ans. (i) died.

(ii) suffering.

(iii) had.

(iv) arrived. 

(v) playing. 

8. Imagine you are the young boy who was bitten by The mad dog. You are telling your friends what hap-pened when you were coming home from school. Fill in The gaps in the passage below with correct forms of the verbs to complete your story.  – মনে করো তুমি একটি ছোট ছেলে যাকে পাগল কুকুর কামড়েছিল । তুমি তোমার স্কুল থেকে বাড়ি আসার সময় কী ঘটেছিল তা বন্ধুদের বলো । তোমার গল্পটি সম্পূর্ণ করতে ক্রিয়াপদের সঠিক ফর্মগুলি সহ নীচের শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো।

Yesterday I _____ (return) from school alone.One the way I _____ (see) a group of boys around a dog. The dog _____ (seem) to be mad, and the boys _____ (throw) stones at it. This _____ (make) the dog angry and frightened. The dog ____ (be-gin) to bark angrily. The boys ___ (find) this very funny and they ____ (hit) the dog with a stick. I ______ (stand) nearby quietly. Suddenly the dog ____ (rush) at me and ____ (bite) me. I ____ (shout) to the boys to help me. But they ___(run) away. The dog ____ (is) so angry that it ____(will) not let go of my leg. Finally, three man from a nearby shop _____ (come) out and ____(chase) the dog away.

Ans. Yesterday I was returning form school alone. One the way I saw a group of boys around a dog. The dog seemed to be mad, and the boys was throwing stones at it. This made the dog angry and frightened. The dog began to bark angrily. The boys found this very funny and they hitting the dog with a stick. I standing nearby quietly. Suddenly the dog rushed at me and bilien me. I shouted to the boys to help me. But they ran away. The dog was (is) so angry that it would not let go of my leg. Finally, three man from a nearby shop came out

and chased the dog away.

9. Here are a few words from the lesson. See if you can match the words to their meanings : এখানে কিছু শব্দ দেওয়া আছে, পাঠ থেকে । দেখ তুমি যদি পারো তাহলে শব্দগুলির সাথে তার অর্থগুলি মেলাও :

Scared• a living thing, too small to be seen without a micro scope, that causes infectious diseases.
scratched• sick and not improving.
ailing• to be frightened of something or afraid that something bad might happen.
Virus• a very small living thing that you can only see under amicroscope.
micro-organism• when the skin is cut or dam aged slightly with something sharp, such as nails.


Scared• to be frightened of something or afraid that something bad might happen.
scratched• when the skin is cut on damaged sightly with something sharp,such as nails.
ailing• Sick and not improving.
Virus• a living thing, too small to be seen with out a microscope,that causes infectious diseases.
microorganism• a very small living thing that you can only see under a microscope.

10. Look at the pictures given below. Write sentences in the boxes using words from the lesson to describe the pictures.

Ans. Do it yourself.

11. Look at the following sentences. They are in Direct speech. Imagine you are reporting the conversation to someone. Rewrite the sentences in Indirect/Reported Speech.  নীচের বাক্যগুলি দেখ । তারা হচ্ছে পরোক্ষ উক্তি । ভাবো তুমি কাউকে খবর দিচ্ছ । পরোক্ষ উক্তিতে বাক্যগুলি আবার লেখো ।

(a) “What is the matter?” Louis asked him.

Ans. Louis asked to him that what was the matter.

(b) “Can you save my son?” the woman asked Louis.

Ans. The woman asked to Louis that can he save her son.

(c) “I’ll do whatever I can,” said Louis to the boy.

Ans. Louis said to the boy that he will do whatever he can.

12. Work in groups. Make a poster (using pictures and captions) to create public awareness of what happens when mosquitoes and animals bite. Remember to mention the 

(i) diseases.

(ii) their prevention. and 

(iii) their eure.

Ans. Do it yourself. (Practice work)

13. Mamu was trying to write about Florence Night-ingale for her school magazine on the occasion of World Health Day. Let’s see how she prepared to write it:

• First she made a mind map for her passage. She wrote down important words and phrases related to Flo-rence Nightingale so that she could include them in herb passage.

• Then she organised the points and wrote her first draft

• After that, she revised her draft and wrote the final copy.

Read her final copy and do the task that follows.

Florence Nightingale was the second daughter of William Edward Nightingale and Frances (Fanny) Smith. From her childhood Florence Nightingale wanted to serve people. So she completed a course in nursing to serve sick and old people. When the Crimean War broke out in 1854, she volunteered at once to go to Constantinople to serve the sick and wounded soldiers. She took three nurses with her but Sydney Herbert, the then Secretary of State at war, wanted her to take out a much larger party of nursing she was officially asked to take charge of the nursing in the military hospital at Scutari in Turkey. 

The party left England in October 1854. They reached the barrack hospital at Scutari on November 5. On arrival she found that the hospitals were overcrowded. Everything was filthy and unhygienic. Patients had to lie even in the corridors. she had a tough fight with the administration to set everything in order. She spent many hours a day in the wards. she attended to every patient and comforted them with love and sympathy. She used to move in the wards each night comforting wounded soldiers with a lamp in her hand. 

The wounded soldiers began to call her The Lady with the Lamp. Soon, she became the symbol of love and hope for all. Her lamp lit up their lives with a healing touch. Florence Nightingale realised that human love was as important as medicine for healing. To her, the best way to serve God was to serve the suffering people. 

Now think of a few words to describe Florence Nightingale. 

Working with a partner, draw / paste a picture of Florence Nightingale in a piece of chart paper, and paste around the picture all the words that you have written to describe her.

Ans. Do it yourself. (Practice work)

14. Read the definition given below:

A proverb is a well-known phrase or sentence that gives advice o says something that is generally true.

Some examples of proverbs are –

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

The most important function of proverbs is to teach people good morals. They often contain advice, with the purpose of teaching wisdom to common people. Since proverbs are usually metaphorical and indirect, they allow writers to express their advice in a less harsh Way. Pick out a proverbs from the list given below:

(a) A white elephant.

(b) Crocodile tears.

(c) All that glitters is not gold.

(d) Every cloud has a silver lining.

(c) Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, Wealthy and wise.

(f) A black sheep.

Now, read the lesson carefully, Then, using the text as the basis, in groups discuss and prepare a speech on the following proverb:

Prevention Is Better Than Cure.

Remember to prepare the speech from the perspec-tive of maintaining good health. The group leader or any other member chosen by the group will then present the speech before the class. The class will vote for the best speech among the groups. The teacher will suggest neces-sary improvements to the groups. The speech voted to be the best by the class will then be made before the morning assembly of the school.

Ans. Do it yourself.

15. Prepare a quiz on the lesson Louis Pasteur.

Each group will select a quizmaster and a scorer to conduct the quiz and keep the scores. The quiz will be held among the groups other than he group conducting the quiz. Each group will take turns to conduct the quiz in the class.

The groups will make a note of the questions of each group. Then all the questions will be compiled by the class and the answers will be written down in their notebooks.

(You may refer to Lesson 3 for ideas.)

Ans. Practice work.

16. Fun with sounds: practise saying this tongue twister as fast as you can.

Four Frenchmen from France fried forty-five flying fish that fly faster than flat flying fleas.

Now, in pairs, make a tongue twister using information from the lesson, and make your friends Say it for fun.

Ans. This in done in the book if self.

17. Refer to a dictionary or your text and give two examples of adjectives with the following prefixes or suffixes. (One is done for you.) – কোনো অভিধান বা তোমার পাঠ্যকে বোঝায় এবং নিম্নলিখিত উপসর্গ বা প্রত্যয় সহ ১টি বিশেষণের উদাহরণ দাও । একটি তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া ।


Now, use some of these adjectives in your own sentences. – এখন তোমার নিজের বাক্যে বিশেষণগুলি ব্যবহার করো ।

disable – Always help to the disable persons.

careless – careless people are not successful.

survive – The army survive his life in the descent.

18. (a) Recite:

The mosquito named Little

Has venom in her spittle.

Net, repellent and spray

Always frighten her away.

(b) Now, develop a poster based on the poem.

Ans. This in done in the book itself.


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