SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 6 A New Day, A New way

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SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 6 A New Day, A New way

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A New Day, A New way

ACTIVITIES (অ্যাকটিভিটি) – ক্রিয়াকলাপ

1. Answer the following questions from the lesson . (নিম্নলিখিত প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর দাও) :

(a) Why was Seema upset – সীমা কোন বিভ্রান্ত ছিল?

Ans. Seema was upset because she did not get her salary which was need to pay her daughters school fees.

(b) What did Swati suggest to her mother? – স্বাতী তার মাকে কী সুপারিশ করেছিল?

Ans. Swati suggested her mother to meet the women who was head in NGO.

(c) What happened when Seema met the lady at the office of the NGO? – কী হয়েছিল সীমা যখন সেই ভদ্রমহিলার সাথে তার NGO – এর অফিসে দেখা করেছিল?

Ans. Seema seeing so many women out there like her who are working there and trusting women she went back to dreaming about rebuilding her future.

(d) What did the women of ‘Brave Mothers’ do? – এর মহিলারা কী করত?

Ans. They were made soft toys.

(e) What was Seema interested in doing? – সীমা র কীসে উৎসাহ ছিল?

Ans. Seema interested in cocking.

(f) How did the NGO help Seema? – NGO কীভাবে সীমাকে সাহায্য করেছিল?

Ans. The NGO helped to Seema assure her of proper training and support.

Chapter 1The Prince of Panidihing
Chapter 2My Native Land
Chapter 3Explore India: Quiz Time
Chapter 4Dokchory learns about the panchayat 
Chapter 5Louis Pasteur
Chapter 6A New Day, A New way
Chapter 7Sympathy
Chapter 8Chandraprabha Saikiani
Read For Pleasure
Chapter 1The wooden Horse
Chapter 2Two Drops of pulse polio
Chapter 3The second voyage of sindbad
Chapter 4Albert Schweitzer
Chapter 5The village child
Chapter 6The Three Runners
Chapter 7The spider and the Fly
Chapter 8On Happiness

2. Check your comprehension. (তোমার দক্ষতা যাচাই করো )

Find out the meanings of the words in italics and select the correct answers from the options. – তির্যক শব্দগুলির অর্থ খুঁজে বের করো এবং বিকল্পগুলি থেকে সঠিক উত্তর নির্বাচন করো 🙂

(a) Seema looked at Swati’s calm and resolute face.

(i) sad

(ii) adamant

(iii) brave

(iv) determined, firm

Ans. (iv) determined, firm.

(b) “I would like to choose culinary training as a vocation.”

(i) tailoring

(ii) toy making 

(iii) embroidery

(iv) cooking

Ans. (iv) cooking.

(c) Her heart brimmed with new dreams.

(i) lacked

(ii) overflowed

(iii) loaded

(iv) exhausted

Ans. (ii) overflowed.

3. Here are some more words from the lesson.

Read the words in column A and find out their meanings in column B. Draw lines to match each word with its meaning. – এখানে পাঠ থেকে আরও কিছু শব্দ দেওয়া আছে । A স্তম্ভে র শব্দ গুলি পড়ো এবং B স্তম্ভে তার মানে খোঁজে প্রত্যেকের মানের সাথে লাইন টেনে মেলাও ।

(a) edge(i) put one’s arms around some body to hold them tightly,especially to show deep love or liking.
(b) adored(ii) wrote something quickly.
(c) jotted(iii) loved somebody very much.
(d) hugged(iv) a raised design on a fabric.
(e) embossed(v) the outside limit of an object, a surface or an area.


(a) edge(v) the outside limit of an object, a surface or an area.
(b) adored(iii) loved somebody very much.
(c) jotted(iv) a raised design on a fabric.
(d) hugged(i) put one’s ams around some body to hold them tightly,especially to show deep love or liking.
(e) embossed(ii) wrote something quickly

4. Sit in groups. Each group will take up one of the following points for discussion. The leader of each group will present the answers to the class on behalf of the group:

(a) What, according to you, are the qualities of a good daughter / good son?

(b) Do you think Swati is a good daughter? Why do you think so?

(c) What are the good qualities you have that match with Swati’s? (Each member will write his / her good qualities as a daughter/ son.)

(d) What will you do to become a better daughter/Son?

Ans. Do it your self (practice work)

5. Let’s learn some grammar:

Look at the underlined words in the following sentences from the lesson.

“Seema Deka drew the window curtains of her living room. Without switching on the light, she sat on the edge of her bed, lost in thought. “

The underlined words on, of and in are prepositions. A preposition is a word usually placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to a place, time, cause, purpose or means.

Here are some common types of prepositions. They denote

(a) place or positions:

e. g. in, on, at over, under, above, below, behind, be-tween. heyond

(i) The book is on the table.

(ii) He is at school now.

(b) time:

e.g. al, on, in, for from……….. fo, since, during, till/until 

(i) She will go to office in the morning

(ii) She sat there for three hours.

(c) cause:

e.g. because of, on account of, fron, out of. of

(i) The match had to be stopped because of the rain.

(ii) Our school is closed on account of Bihu.

(d) purpose:

e.g. for

(i) I am waiting for the taxi.

(e) means:

e.g. by with, on, in

(i) I go to school by bus.

(ii) I will cut the cake with this knife.

Ans. Look at the book.

Now fill in the blanks with the correct preposition from the choices given in brackets. – বন্ধনীর থেকে বিকল্প নির্বাচন করে সঠিক Preposition – গুলি বসাও শূন্যস্থানে ।

(a) Seema was upset _____ the information. (With/in/by)

Ans. by

(b) Swati told her ____ a lady who lived her (about/of/ for)

Ans. about

(c) She asked Seema to see the lady _____ her office. (on at/ by)

Ans. on

(d) She was the boss _____ the NGO. (for/by/of)

Ans. of

(e) Swati goes to school _____ bus. (by/on/with)

Ans. by

6. As you know, there are different ways of present – ing the same idea. Find a sentence in the text that has the same meaning as each of the following statements.The first one has been done for you. – তোমার যেমন জানো এক‌ই ধারণা উপস্থাপনের বিভিন্ন উপায় বয়েছে । পাঠ্যের এমন একটি বাক্য সন্ধান করো যার নীচের বিবৃতিটির সাথে তার এক‌ই মানে আছে । একটি তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হল ।

(a) She Was very wise for her age, Seema thought.

She looked so mature, Seema thought.

(b) He had expired a few years ago.

Ans. He had passed away nearly five years ago.

(c) Depending on Seema’s success, she would be given more work.

Ans. Based on Seema’s performance, she would as-sign more customers.

(d) Her heart was filled with new hopes and desires.

Ans. Her heart brimmed with new dreams.

7. Read the lesson carefully once again. Working with your partner, use the information given in it to design a signboard for the NGO ‘Brave Mothers’ which will be displayed near the gate. 

Ans. Do it yourself.

8. This is the copy of a letter that Seema wrote to the Branch Manager of Assam Co-operative Milan Bank for the sanction of a loan. Read it.



The Branch Manager

Assam Co-operative Milan Bank

Naharguri, Assam

Date: 1 January 2019

Sub: Application for sanction of a loan amount

of Rs. 10,000/- 


I have been a customer with your bank for over five years. I would ike to apply for a personal of Rs 10,000/- to set up a catering business. I have done the 

necessary market survey and have submitted all the neces – sary documents.

I will be very grateful if you could sanction the loan at the earliest

Thank you, and looking forward to hearing from you 

Yours faithfully 

Seema Deka

Now, write a similar letter te ‘Brave Mother’s asking for a loan to set up veur tex making business Carefully note how te begin and end a letter: Also note how the date, subject line and salutation are written.

Ans.  Do it yourself.

9. In the lesson, Swati tells her mother that she would call up the NGO, ‘Brave Mothers’. She would seek help from the representative from the NGO who had visited her school to create awareness on “Entrepreneurship Development and Self Reliance”.

Now work in pairs. Imagine one of you is swati’s mother and the other is the lady from ‘Brave Mother’s’.Write a telephone conversation between Seat and the lady. Note down the conversation and enact it before the class.

Ans. De it yourself.

10. Find out rom your teacher/parents/nearest bank /internet how to open an online bank account. Write out the instructions in clear steps below and tell

your classmates how to open the account.

Ans. Do it yourself.

11. Swati’s mother has set up a small catering service with the money taken as loan from the NGO and her personal loan from her bank. She wants her business to grow quickly. So she tells Swati to prepare/ write out an attractive advertisement for her business to put in the local newspaper. Working with your partner, prepare the advertisement using chart paper, colour pen-cils and pictures. The teacher will select the best three advertisements to put up in the class noticeboard and award prizes.

Ans. Practice work.

12. Recite the poem : – কবিতাটি পুনরায় পাঠ কর ।

A House A Home

What is a house?

It’s brick and stone

and wood that’s hard.

Some window glass

and perhaps a yard.

It’s eaves and chimneys

and tile floors

and stucco and roof

and lots of doors.

What is a home?

It’s loving and family

and doing for others.

It’s brothers and sisters

and fathers and mothers.

It’s unselfish acis

and kindly sharing

and showing your loved ones

you’re always caring.

– Lorraine M. Malli

Ans. Look at the book.

বঙ্গানুবাদ : ঘর কি?

এটি ইট এবং পাথর 

এবং কাঠ যা কঠিন ।

কিছু জানালার কাঁচ

এবং সম্ভবত: এক গজ

এটা ছাঁচ এবং চিমনি 

এবং টালির মেঝে

এবং প্লাষ্টার ও ছাদ

এবং অনেক দরজা ।

বাসা কি?

এটি প্রেমময় ও পরিবার 

এবং অন্য্যদের জন্য করে ।

এটি ভাই ও বোনেরা

এবং  বাবা ও মায়েরা

এটি নি:স্বার্থ কাজ করে

এবং সদয় ভাগ করে নেওয়া ।

এবং তোমার ভালোবাসার মানুষদের

দেখানো যে তুমি সর্বদা যত্নশীল ।


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