SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 7 Sympathy

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SEBA Class 8 English Chapter 7 Sympathy

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ACTIVITIES (অ্যাকটিভিটি) – ক্রিয়াকলাপ

1. Read the poem and choose the correct options to complete the sentences: কবিতাটি পড়ে সঠিক বিকল্প নির্বাচন করে বাক্য সম্পূর্ণ করো ।

(a) The poet was in deep sorrow. A proud man came and helped him by – কবি গভীর দুঃখে ছিলেন । এক গর্বিত মানুষ সেখানে আসেন এবং তাকে সাহায্য করেন –

(i) offering him kind words.

(ii) ignoring him.

(ii) giving him gold.

(iv) giving him pleasant company.

Ans. (ii) Giving him gold.

(b) When the poet lay in want and grief, the on who helped him was – যখন কবি অভাব ও দু:খে ছিলেন, তাকে সাহায্য করেছিল-

(i) a rich man. 

(i) a poor man.

(ii) a proud man.

iv) a holy man.

Ans. (i) A poor man.

(c) The poor man gave the poet – দরিদ্র মানুষটির কবিকে দিয়েছিল –

(i) a cold look.

(ii) sympathy.

(iii) gold.

(iv) not a kind word.

Ans. (ii) sympathy.

(d) When the poet’s sorrow passed, he went to the proud man and – যখন কবির দু:খ কেটে যায়, তিনি গর্বিত মানুষটির কাছে যান এবং –

(i) gave him back the gold.

(i) ignored him.

(ii) didn’t give back the gold.

(iv) helped him.

Ans. (i) gave him back the gold.

(e) The poet refers to sympathy as ‘heavenly’ be-cause Sympathy – কবি সহানুভূতিকে  ‘স্বগীয়’ বলেছেন কারণ – 

(i) is a feeling found in proud people.

(ii) is found only in rich people.

(ii) is an ordinary human feeling.

(iv) is a blessing from God.

Ans. (ii) is an ordinary human feeling.

Chapter 1The Prince of Panidihing
Chapter 2My Native Land
Chapter 3Explore India: Quiz Time
Chapter 4Dokchory learns about the panchayat 
Chapter 5Louis Pasteur
Chapter 6A New Day, A New way
Chapter 7Sympathy
Chapter 8Chandraprabha Saikiani
Read For Pleasure
Chapter 1The wooden Horse
Chapter 2Two Drops of pulse polio
Chapter 3The second voyage of sindbad
Chapter 4Albert Schweitzer
Chapter 5The village child
Chapter 6The Three Runners
Chapter 7The spider and the Fly
Chapter 8On Happiness

2. (a) Here are some questions to help you find out how much you have understood the poem: তুমি কবিতাটি কতটা বুঝতে পেরেছ তা জানতে তোমাকে এখানে কয়েকটি প্রশ্ন করা হয়েছে ।

(i) How did the proud person help the poet when The poet was unhappy?

Ans. The proud person gave him a gold when the poet was unhappy.

(ii) What did the poor man do when he found the poet lying in pain and sadness?

Ans. The poor man bound the head of the poet and give him some bread and watch him night and day.

(iii) Why does the poet think that he cannot help The poor man back in the same way?

Ans. Because the poet realized that gold is great but greater far is heavenly sympathy.

(iv) Why is the poor man’s help greater than gold?

Ans. Because a ordinary human feeling, which called sympathy, the sympathy and love was show in to the poor man’s help.

(v) “Oh, gold is great, but greater far

Is heavenly sympathy.”

Why does the poet think so?

Ans. Because gold can feel us well but true care also feel us well.

(b) Find the poem lines that match the meaning of the following sentences: নিম্নলিখিত বাক্যগুলির অর্থের সাথে মিল আছে এমন কবিতার লাইনগুলি সন্ধান করো ।

(i) I was sad and very unhappy.

Ans. I lay in sorrow, deep distressed.

(ii) I was in need and was sad and hurt.

Ans. I lay in want, and grief, and pain.

(iii) He fed me and took care of me.

Ans. He watched me night and day.

(iv) Gold is valuable but sympathy and love are far more valuable.

Ans. Oh, gold is great, but greater far is heavenly sympathy.

(c) Make sentences with the following phrases: নিম্নলিখিত বাক্যগুলি দিয়ে বাক্য তৈরি করো।

(i) looks were cold:

Ans. Gandhiji lookS were cold.

(ii) night and day:

Ans. My mother took care of me night and day.

(iii) Pay him back:

Ans. If you take a loan from someone, pay him back.

3. Below are some lines from the poem with Some words underlined. Choose the correct meanings of the words from the options given in brackets. – নীচের কিছু শব্দের রেখাযুক্ত কবিতা থেকে কিছু  লাইন দেওয়া আছে । বন্ধনীতে দেওয়া বিকল্পগুলি থেকে শব্দের সঠিক অর্থ বেছে নাও।

(i) I lay in sorrow, deep distressed (tired / unhappy/ angry)

Ans. Unhappy.

(ii) He gave me gold (money / jewellery / sheets)

Ans. Jewellery.

(iii) And blessed his charity (money / kind help / pride)

Ans. Pride.

(iv) A poor man passed my way (to move past / stopped me)

Ans. to moved past.

(v) Is heavenly sympathy (selfishness/ godly good-ness / pride)

Ans. godly goodness.

(vi) Greater far is heavenly sympathy (the feeling of being sorry at another’s sadness / the feeling of pain / a superior feeling)

Ans. the feelings of being sorry at another’s sadness

4. Lets have fun with words!

The jumbled words below have been taken from the poem. Spell the words correctly. List their antonyms ( if any) alongside. Mention whether the words are nouns or adjectives, One has been done for you.


5. As you know, the lines of a poem are not always written like prose. Here are some of the main ideas of the lines of the poem, but in a jumbled order. Arrange each set of words to get a complete sentence.BRemember to start the sentence with a capital letter and end it  with a full stop. – তুমি জানো, একটি কবিতার লাইনগুলি সর্বদা গদ্যের মতো লেখা হয় না । এখানে কবিতাটির লাইনগুলি কয়েকটি মূল ধারণা দেওয়া, তবে একটি বিচলিত ক্রমে । বড় হাতের অক্ষর দিয়ে বাক্যটি শুরু করা এবং ফুলস্টপ দিয়ে শেষ করতে ভুলবে না ।

(a) deeply / distressed / was / he

Ans. He was deeply distressed.

(b) heard / a proud man a of / his grief

Ans. A proud man heard of his grief.

(c) looks / cold/ were / his

Ans. His looks were cold.

(d) didn’t offer / he / a / kindly word

Ans. He didn’t offer a kindly word.

(e) the gold / him / back l paid / to / he

Ans. He paid back the gold to him.

(f) even / thanked / him / I

Ans. Even I thanked him.

(g) gave him / bread / the poor man / and / him / looked after

Ans. The poor man gave him bread and after looked him.

(h) than / the poor man’s / is / gold / greater / sympathy

Ans. The poor man’s sympathy 1s greater than gold.

6. Read the paragraphs and then match then to the appropriate stanzas of the poem: (অনুচ্ছেদটি পড় এবং তারপরে এগুলি কবিতার যথাযথ স্তবকের সাথে মেলাও। )

Ans. (2nd stanza’s) – 1 st paragraph.

(1st stanza’s) – 2nd paragraphs

7. (a) Look up the dictionary to find out what is meant by the word ‘values’. ( ‘মান’ শব্দের অর্থ কী তা বোঝার জন্য অভিদন্সান অনুসন্ধান করো। )

(b) Discuss what is meant by the term ‘human values’. (‘মানবিক মূল্যবোধ’ শব্দটি কী বোঝায় তা আলোচনা করো । )

(c) Make a list of different types of human values.Taking the help of the dictionary, write the meaning of each of the human values you have listed. Also, write a least one synonym and antonym for each human value you have selected. One example has been worked out for you. – বিভিন্ন ধরনের মানবিক মূল্যবোধের একটি তালিকা তৈরি করো । অভিধানটির  সাহায্য নিয়ে তোমার তালিকাভুক্ত প্রতিটি মানসিক অর্থ লেখো । এছাড়াও, তোমার নির্বাচন প্রতিটি মান হিসেবে কমপক্ষে একটি প্রতিশব্দ লেখো । একটি উদাহরণ তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হয়েছে । একটি প্রতিশব্দ লেখো । একটি উদাহরণ তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হয়েছে ।


8. In groups, turn the theme of the poem 

“Sympathy” into a story. You can write about four men in a village – one who is very rich, one who is very poor and two who are neither too rich nor too poor. – গোষ্ঠীগুলিতে ‘সহানুভূতি’ কবিতাটির থিমটিকে একটি গল্প রূপান্তরিত করো । তুমি একটি গ্ৰামে প্রায় চারজন লোক লিখতে পারেন। – খুব ধনী একজন খুব দরিদ্র এবং আর দুজন যারা খুব ধনীও নন বা খুব দরিদ্র‌ও নন ।


• one man fell into deep distress (describe the type of distress)

• Approached a rich man ; rich man gave money.

• He repaid the rich man’s money when he recovered from his problems.

• Later he fell sick ; was nursed back to health by a poor man.

• Conclusion.

Ans. One day a man lay in sorrow and deep distressed. This time a rich man was passing on this way and the rich gave him money for help. When his sorrow and he repaid The money when he recovered from his problem. The rich man stood erect and spoke him to thanks and blessed his charity. After some days later he fell sick. Then a needed back to health by a poor man. She gave him food and watched him day and night.

(Sympathy is greater than Money)

9. Let’s learn some grammar: এসো কিছু ব্যাকরণ শিখি। নিম্নলিখিত বাক্যগুলি পড়।

Read the following sentences –

Ans. (a) Give me some bread. – আমাকে কিছুটা রুটি দাও।

(b) Take me to the doctor. – আমাকে ডাক্তারের কাছে নিয়ে য়াও ।

We can say these sentences in a polite why by using could and would as shown below. – নীচে দেখানো হয়েছে এবং এটি ব্যবহার করে আমরা নম্রভাবে এই বাক্যগুলি বলো ।

(a) (i) Could / Would you give me some bread?

(ii) I wonder if you could give me some bread.

(iii) Would you mind giving me Some bread?

(b) (i) Could / Would you take me to the doctor?

(ii) I wonder if you could take me to the doctor.

(iii) Would you mind taking me to the doctor?

Now let’s practice saying these sentences. Divide the class into wo groups and give them names. Let one group ask ques – tions beginning with will/would/can could. The other group will give answers.

Ans. Do it yourself.


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