Class 11 English Chapter 6 The Browning Version

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Class 11 English Chapter 6 The Browning Version

Bengali Medium Solutions by Roy Library helps students understand the literature lessons in the textbook. Class 11 English Chapter 6 The Browning Version NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill The sole purpose of the solutions is to assist students in learning the language easily. Class 11 All Books PDF File Download English Solution gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. AHSEC Class 11 English Notes, HS 1st year English Solutions, HS 1st year English Question Answer The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. NCERT Class 11 English Solutions, Class 11 English Chapter 6 The Browning Version will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Assam Board Class 11 English Question Answer, Class XI English Question Answer provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the NCERT/CBSE Class 11 English Textbooks. AHSEC Class 11 English Suggestion are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

 The Browning Version


Understanding The Text

1. Comment on the attitude shown by Taplow towards Crocker – Harris.

Ans: Taplow’s attitude towards his teacher Mr Crocker-Harris is typical of a young boy towards a strict middle-aged teacher. He is very scared of the man and does not give in to any temptation of leaving the place even when the young science teacher Frank suggests so. Mr Crocker-Harris always abides by the rule and never shows undue favour to anyone for working extra hours. He has a very dry sense of humour and cannot make anyone laugh. Yet, Taplow feels compassion for his teacher and laughs at his jokes out of common politeness. Though Taplow does not show any fondness for Mr Crocker-Harris, yet he is quick to defend the teacher in front of Frank. He even adds that Mr Crocker – Harris does not take pleasure in torturing the boys unlike some other teachers of his school.

In conclusion, we can say that Taplow’s attitude towards his teacher may not be one of love, but definitely of respect and obedience.

2. Does Frank.seem to encourage Taplow’s comments on Crocker-Harris?

Ans: Though not very explicitly, Frank does encourage Taplow to make fun of his elderly teacher. Frank is obviously envious of the obedience that Mr Crocker-Harris commands from his students. He even insinuates the boy to run away because the teacher is already a little late. But, Taplow is too scared to do such a thing. When Taplow imitates Mr Crocker-Harris, Frank craftily asks him to repeat so that they could have fun at the expense of the teacher. Again, when Taplow relates to him about the joke in class, Frank takes the next opportunity of laughing at his colleague. This clearly shows the lack of respect among on teachers and their sense of rivalry. Despite his show of disapproval, Frank enjoys Mr Harris being ridiculed by his own pupil.

3. What do you gather about Crocker-Harris from the play?

Ans: We see Mr Crocker-Harris through the eyes of his student Taplow, since he does not make an appearance. From Taplow, we learn that Mr Harris is a disciplinarian and adherent to rules. He is a hard task master and does not excuse any laxity on the part of students. Even without resorting to torture, he commands a control over his pupils and gets obedience from them. The students are well aware that he is not biassed towards anybody and from him they will only get what they deserve. Though the students dislike his sternness, yet respect him, because he is not a sadist like some others in school. He does not want others to like him. He remains withdrawn in a shell. However, one last remark from Taplow sums up our idea about Mr Crocker-Harris: ‘The funny thing is that in spite of everything, I do rather like him. I can’t help it.!

Chapter 1 The Portrait Of A Lady
Chapter 2 “We’re Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
Chapter 3Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Chapter 4Landscape Of The Soul
Chapter 5The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role
Chapter 6The Browning Version
Chapter 7The Adventure
Chapter 8Silk Road
Chapter 9My Impressions Of Assam
Chapter 1A Photograph
Chapter 2The Laburnum Top
Chapter 3The Voice Of The Rain
Chapter 4Childhood
Chapter 5Father To Son
Chapter 1The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse
Chapter 2The Address
Chapter 3Ranga’s Marriage
Chapter 4Albert Einstein At School
Chapter 5Mother’s Day
Chapter 6The Ghat Of The Only World
Chapter 7Birth
Chapter 8The Tale Of Melon City

Talking About The Text

Discuss with your partners

[Please note: There are three persons in this discussion. It is a casual conversation where they discuss whether it is right to talk about teachers among friends.]

1. Talking about teachers among friends.

A: Have you seen the new Maths teacher? He looks very strict.

B: Why are Maths teachers always like that? Even in my previous school, we used to dread our Maths teacher.

A: As it is, I don’t understand half of the problems. And when the teacher is unapproachable, it is the end of it.

B: I don’t like the Hindi teacher too. He tries to be very funny, but I don’t find any humour in his jokes.

C: Why are you discussing and criticising the teachers like this? May be, if you put in more effort and do well in the subjects you will find that teachers aren’t so bad, after all!

A: Don’t tell me. I was just mentioning the new teacher. I am not criticising or making fun of anyone like the senior students.

C: I have seen their attitude. Whenever a teacher tries to bring in discipline, they try to make fun of him. It is not right to talk about teachers and find faults, because they are the ones who have made us what we are today.

A: You are right. I owe a lot to my teachers for all the knowledge and encouragement I have received. Yes, we should not be talking about people who are trying so hard to shape our future.

B: I am sorry too.

2. The manner you adopt when you talk about a teacher to other teachers.

A: What did Mr Anand ask you about the science teacher?

B: Oh! He just wanted to know whether we could follow anything he taught in class.

A: What did you say?

B: Hah! I told him about his funny pronunciation. Anand sir and I had a good laugh.

C: You should not have done that. They may have some professional rivalry, but you have nothing against him. Moreover, this science teacher is so helpful towards the students.

A: Even otherwise, I feel it reflects very poorly if we disrespect one teacher in front of another.

B: You guys are right. I will meet Anand sir tomorrow and try to undo the damage, even if only a bit.

C: Teachers are our best guides and their only interest is our success in life because that is what proves their work. So, we should always keep in mind to respect them and never speak ill of one teacher to another.

3. Reading plays is more interesting than studying science.

A: I recently read an English translation of a French play. I must tell you, nothing has gripped me the way it did.

C: How can you waste time reading a play when there are such interesting things in this age of science?

B: It’s just a matter of interest. I too am fond of literature more than science. It takes you to a world of your imagination and emotion.

A: Don’t tell him. He is a man of science and will not understand the pleasure that you can derive from reading a play.

B: And plays need not be ancient. There are modern plays dealing with contemporary themes. When you read them, the characters just come alive. You feel as if you are a part of the action.

C: May be I have not read any good work till now but I sincerely haven’t been able to develop a taste for plays. I am more interested in scientific theories and would rather spend time in the lab.

A: Then do so, while I go to the library to get hold of a good play.

Working With Words

A sadist is a person who gets pleasure out of giving pain to others.

Given below are some dictionary definitions of certain kinds of persons. Find out the words that fit these descriptions.

1. A person who considers it very important that things should be correct or genuine. e.g. in the use of language or in the arts: P…..

Ans: Purist.

2. A person who believes that war and violence are wrong and will not fight in a war: P….

Ans: Pacifist.

3. A person who believes that nothing really exists: N….

Ans: Nihilistem.

4. A person who is always hopeful and expects that the best in all things: O…………..

Ans: Optimist

5. A person who follows generally accepted norms of behaviour: C…………

Ans: Conformist.

6. A person who believes that material possessions are all that matter in life: M………..

Ans: Materialist

Things To Do

Based on the text enact your own version of the play. Work in pairs.

[ Please note: This will be classroom activity.]

Additional Questions And Answers

Long Answer Type

1. Compare and contrast Frank and Crocker – Harris.

Ans: Frank and Mr Crocker-Harris are teachers of the same school. Mr Harris is a senior teacher in that school teaching literature, while Frank teaches Science. Being a senior teacher, he is more particular about rules of the institution and does not show undue favour to any student. He commands a lot of respect and obedience from students even without torturing them. He is unrelenting when it comes to work. But, despite everything, Taplow likes Mr Crocker – Harris.

Frank, being young, prefers to be on friendly terms with students. He is envious of the senior teacher for the authority he enjoys over the students. Frank makes fun of Mr Crocker – Harris and encourages Taplow to do the same. But, we never come across Mr Crocker-Harris indulging in such irresponsible acts.

2. What idea do you gather about Taplow’s attitude towards Mr Crocker-Harris from your reading of the play?

Ans: We see Mr Crocker-Harris through the eyes of his student Taplow. We learn that Mr Harris is a disciplinarian and abides by the rules of the institution. Unlike the others he does not disclose results before they are formally announced by the Headmaster. He is a hard task master and does not excuse any laxity on the part of students. He is not biassed towards anybody. The students respect him because he is not a sadist like some others teachers in school. Even on the last day, he gives extra work to Taplow. Taplow is disappointed and annoyed too, but does not dare to disobey the teacher. Taplow finds it very strange that Mr Harris does not want others to like him. However, one last remark from Taplow sums up his attitude towards Mr Crocker – Harris: ‘The funny thing is that in spite of everything, I do rather like him. I can’t help it.

Short Answer Type

1. Who is Taplow? Why was he in school till six-thirty in the evening?

Ans: Taplow is a young boy of sixteen, studying in the lower fifth. Mr Crocker – Harris had asked him to stay back and do extra work on that last day for having missed school for a day during that week due to illness.

2. Who is Frank? Does he recognise Taplow?

Ans: Frank is a young colleague of Mr Crocker-Harris who teaches science to the higher classes. He does not recognise Taplow as a student because Taplow is in the lower fifth.

3. Who is Mr Crocker-Harris? What makes him different from other teachers?

Ans: Mr Crocker-Harris is a senior teacher in the school and teaches literature in lower fifth. Mr Harris is different from other teachers because he always sticks to rules, does not like flattery and is not biassed towards anybody. He is not a sadist and therefore, is respected by the students.

4. What is Taplow’s view on science and literature?

Ans: Taplow shows definite inclination towards science and dislikes literature. He feels science is for more exciting than classical literature which he considers to be ‘muck’ or dirt.

5. Why do you think, Frank envies Mr Harris?

Ans: Frank envies Mr Harris, the senior teacher’s authority and command over the students. The students do not show any distinct fondness for the man, but nevertheless speak, without hesitation, of how different he is from other teachers in school.

6. Show with an example from the text that Frank encourages Taplow to make fun of Mr Crocker – Harris.

Ans: Behind the look of disapproval, Frank enjoys the humour and ridicule at the expense of his senior colleague. When Taplow imitates his teacher, Frank asks him to repeat it. When Taplow relates the incident of Mr Crocker-Harris cutting a poor joke in class, Frank has a good laugh and encourages Taplow’s mimicry.

7. What happened when Mr Crocker-Harris made a poor joke in class?

Ans: When Mr Crocker-Harris made a joke in class, none understood nor laughed, except Taplow. He felt sorry for the teacher and acted out of common politeness. The teacher presumed he had understood and praised Taplow’s improvement in Latin. He asked Taplow to explain the joke so that others could also taste the pleasure.

8. Why did Taplow refuse to ‘cut’?

Ans: ‘Cut’ here means to escape before the teacher arrives. Since he had been waiting after school and Mr Crocker-Harris was late, Frank suggested he should run away and play with his friends. But, Taplow did not even dare to give it a thought knowing the consequence. Mr Harris was capable of following him home.

9. Why was Taplow given extra work on the last day of school?

Ans: Even on the last day, Taplow was given extra work by Mr Crocker-Harris. It was because he had missed a day of school, the previous week, due to illness. Mr Harris, being a tough task master, never excused the boys on any ground.

10. Who is Millie? What does she ask Taplow to do?

Ans: Millie is the wife of Mr. Crocker-Harris. When she finds Taplow being made to wait by her husband, she feels bad and tells him to go and play for a while. When he shows reluctance, sends him to a chemist to get some medicines for his teacher, so he could take a break on this pretext.


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