Class 11 English Chapter 7 The Adventure

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Class 11 English Chapter 7 The Adventure

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 The Adventure


Understanding The Text

A. Tick the statements that are true.

(a) The story is an account of real events.

(b) The story hinges on a particular historical event.

(c) Rajendra Deshpande was a historian.

(d) The places mentioned in the story are all imaginary

(e) The story tries to relate history to science.

Ans: True statements:

(b) The story hinges on a particular historical event.

(e) The story tries to relate history to science.

B. Briefly explain the following statements from the text.

1. “You neither travelled to the past nor the future. You were in the present experiencing a different world.”

Ans: This statement was made by Rajendra Deshpande when Gangadharpant related his experience to him. Gangadharpant made a brief transition from the real world to a parallel world in a state of unconsciousness when he was hit by a truck. He had been thinking about the Battle of Panipat at that moment. Thus, his mind travelled to a different world which showed him a contrasting view of the Battle of Panipat. The real world clashed with the parallel world as they presented two diverse versions of the same battle.

2. “You have passed through a fantastic experience: or more correctly, a catastrophic experience.”

Ans: Rajendra Despande tried to rationalise the Professor’s experience on the basis of two scientific theories though he had doubts on his ability to convince. He applied the Catastrophe Theory to the Battle of Panipat. It offered radically different alternatives to the same reality. The juncture at which Vishwasrao was killed proved to be a turning point. The troops lost their morale and fighting spirit. But, the torn page in the Professor’s pocket showed the course taken by the battle when the bullet missed Vishwasrao. It was a crucial alteration of event. Its effect on the troop was also quite the opposite. It boosted their morale and provided extra impetus to fight and win the battle. Professor Gaitonde’s experience was fantastic because he had seen both the versions of the same battle.

3. Gangadharpant could not help comparing the country he knew with what he was witnessing around him.

Ans: In his phase of transition, Gangadharpant faced two different pictures of the same reality. In the history as he knew it, Abdali won the Battle of Panipat routing the Marathas. The other in the parallel world showed Marathas winning the battle and gaining supremacy in Northern India. They set up centres of information and technology to which the East India Company offered aid and support. The British were allowed to retain Bombay for merely commercial reasons. He could not help comparing the country he knew with what he was witnessing around him.

4. “The lack of determinism in Quantum Theory!”

Ans: The Quantum Theory states that energy is not absorbed or radiated continuously, but discontinuously, in quanta. Determinism is the doctrine that everything, especially one’s choice of action, is determined by a sequence of causes independent of one’s will. In the Quantum Theory, there is a lack of determinism. For example, the behaviour of electrons orbiting the nucleus in an atom cannot be predicted. In three different worlds, the electron may be found in different locations. Similarly, reality is never one-sided. Alternative worlds can exist at the same time. Once the observer finds where it is, we can know which world we are talking about.

5. “You need some interaction to cause a transition.”

Ans: This statement was made by Rajendra when Gaitonde asked why he made a transition. According to Rajendra, this was one of the many unsolved questions in science. Nevertheless, he guessed that some interaction of thoughts is required to cause such a transition. Probably he was thinking about the Catastrophe Theory and its effect on wars. Perhaps the Professor was also thinking about the Battle of Panipat at the time of the accident. The brain neurons triggered off the transition from the real to the parallel world.

Chapter 1 The Portrait Of A Lady
Chapter 2 “We’re Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
Chapter 3Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Chapter 4Landscape Of The Soul
Chapter 5The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role
Chapter 6The Browning Version
Chapter 7The Adventure
Chapter 8Silk Road
Chapter 9My Impressions Of Assam
Chapter 1A Photograph
Chapter 2The Laburnum Top
Chapter 3The Voice Of The Rain
Chapter 4Childhood
Chapter 5Father To Son
Chapter 1The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse
Chapter 2The Address
Chapter 3Ranga’s Marriage
Chapter 4Albert Einstein At School
Chapter 5Mother’s Day
Chapter 6The Ghat Of The Only World
Chapter 7Birth
Chapter 8The Tale Of Melon City

Talking About The Text

1. Discuss the following statements in groups of two pairs, each pair in a group taking opposite points of view.

(i) A single event may change the course of the history of a nation.

Group A: It just takes a single significant event to change the course of history of a nation.

Group B: No, history of a nation can change only with a series of events gradually developing from one to another.

Group A: Yes, apparently it may look like that. But if you have in depth knowledge of history you will see that there were certain incidents, small yet significant, which became a turning point.

Group B: Do you have such knowledge of history to prove your point?

Group A: Well, let me tell you about the rise of the Maurya dynasty in Indian history.

Group B: That cannot be attributed to a single cause. There were so many jewels in India during that period.

Group A: No, it all started with Chanakya. We also know him as Kautilya. Once he went to the royal court of King Dhananand of the Nanda dynasty to attend a meeting. Because of his looks and long hair, no one could recognise the great scholar. When he occupied a high chair, he was dragged down by his hair. Humiliated by this incident, Chanakya pledged to ruin the Nanda dynasty and till then, not to tie his hair. He then groomed and mentored Chandragupta, organised a renegade army and defeated Dhananand in battle and established the Maurya dynasty. It turned out to be the most glorious phase in Indian history.

(ii) Reality is what is directly experienced through the senses.

Group A: Reality is what we directly experience through our senses.

Group B: Reality is a relative term. What is real to you may not be so for me. Or what is real today may not be real tomorrow.

Group A: No, but what we see, hear, feel or touch is actually the reality. Rest is all imaginary.

Group B: It’s wrong to judge the world from our perspective alone. The world of spirits and ideas constitute the other half of reality.

Group A: It could be. But we see only one aspect of it at a time. So that is true and real for us. And if we go by your theory of different realities existing simultaneously, it will only create confusion and disorderliness.

Group B: What you are talking about is only your conscious world. There are manifestations of reality in the subconscious and unconscious states too.

(iii) The methods of inquiry of history, science and philosophy are similar.

Group B: The methods of inquiry of history, science and philosophy are similar.

Group A: Can’t be. They are all fundamentally different subjects. How can their treatment be same?

Group B: Yes, but the principles on which they are based are similar. They diverge in different directions. They gather facts and derive conclusions from the same sources.

Group A: How can that be? History deals with the past, with people and events that are long gone by. Philosophy deals with some basic principles of life and human thoughts. And science is concerned only with matter and the physical world.

Group B: But, the general principles that govern all three branches of learning are the same. One develops from the other. Philosophy and science are integrally related though the relation is not apparent. Philosophy is also an area of human history. History does not necessarily mean wars and battles, kings and kingdoms. It is the development of human race. Thus, all are related to life and living and so the methods of inquiry and study are similar.

2. (i) The story is called ‘The Adventure’. Compare it with the adventure described in ‘We’re Not Afraid to Die……..’

Ans: Though both have been regarded as adventures, there are some basic differences. In ‘We’re Not Afraid to Die…’ the adventure is in the physical world, something that can be read and understood easily. But, Professor Gaitonde’s adventure is on an intellectual plane and requires in depth study to comprehend. While one journeys through rough seas and fights out the enormous waves, the other makes a transition to a parallel world and journeys through an alternative reality. Both emerge successful despite all odds. The English family anchors at a small island while Professor finds his anchor on the Catastrophe Theory which he relates to the Battle of Panipat.

(ii) Why do you think Professor Gaitonde decided never to preside over meetings again?

Ans: After the Azad Maidan incident, Professor Gaitonde decided never to preside over meetings again. When he saw the vacant chair of the president, he approached the stage and went towards it. Amidst protests from the audience, he tried to reason out that an uncharted lecture was like Shakespeare’s Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark. But, the crowd was not convinced or moved. They kept the chair merely as a symbol and showered him with eggs, tomatoes and other objects. When he took the mike, the people swarmed the stage and physically pulled him down and threw him out. This bitter experience firmed his decision of never presiding over meetings.

Thinking About Language

1. In which language do you think Gangadharpant and Khan Sahib talked to each other? Which language did Gangadharpant use to talk to the English receptionist?

Ans: Gangadharpant and Khan Sahib must have talked in Hindi as it was the only common medium of communication between them. With the English receptionist, Gangadharpant spoke in English.

2. In which language do you think Bhausahebanchi Bakhar was written?

Ans. From the title we can assume that Bhausahebanchi Bakhar was written in Marathi.

3. There is mention of three communities in the story: the Marathas, the Mughals, the Anglo-Indians. Which language do you think they used within their communities and while speaking to the other groups?

Ans: While speaking within their community, Marathas used Marathi; Mughals used Persian and Urdu; Anglo – Indians used English and even local dialects among themselves.

With other groups, Marathas used Hindi and English; Mughals used a mix of Persian, Urdu and Hindi; while Anglo – Indians used English and local languages.

4. Do you think the ruled always adopt the language of the ruler?

Ans: This is not so. There are reasons for it. Those who are ruled form the mass while the ruler is a minority. The mass belong to various sections and may not be adaptable to languages. But the ruler has to reach them, make himself heard and followed. Thus, court language and commonly spoken language is always different.

Working With Words

A. Tick the item that is closest in meaning to the following phrases.

1. to take issue with

(i) to accept

(ii) to discuss

(iii) to disagree

(iv) to add

Ans: (iii) to disagree

2. to give vent to

(i) to express

(ii) to emphasise

(iii) suppress

(iv) dismiss

Ans: (i) to express

3. to stand on one’s feet

(i) to be physically strong

(ii) to be independent

(iii) to stand erect

(iv) to be successful

Ans: (ii) to be independent

4. to be wound up

(i) to become active

(ii) to stop operating

(iii) to be transformed

(iv) to be destroyed

Ans: (ii) to stop operating

5. to meet one’s match

(i) to meet a partner who has similar tastes

(ii) to meet an opponent

(iii) to meet someone who is equally able as oneself

(iv) to meet defeat

Ans: (iii) to meet someone who is equally able as oneself.

B. Distinguish between the following pairs of sentences.

1. (i) He was visibly moved.

(ii) He was visually impaired.

Ans: (i) ‘visibly’ means clearly or evidently or something that  is clearly seen.

(ii) ‘visually’ pertains to vision or eyesight. ‘visually impaired’ means defect in eyesight.

2. (i) Green and black stripes were used alternately.

(ii) Green stripes could be used or alternatively black ones.

Ans: (i) ‘alternately’ means ‘by turns’ or one after the other. Green and black are used one after the other.

(ii) ‘alternatively’ means ‘as an option’. Black ones could be used as an option.

3. (i) The team played the two matches successfully.

(ii) The team played two matches successively.

Ans: (i) ‘successfully’ means ‘with a win’. The team won the two matches.

(ii) ‘successively’ means ‘one right after the other. The team played two matches consecutively.

4. (i) The librarian spoke respectfully to the learned scholar.

(ii) You will find the historian and the scientist in the archaeology and natural science sections of the museum respectively.

Ans: (i) ‘respectfully’ means with due respect. The librarian spoke to the scholar with due respect.

(ii) ‘respectively’ means ‘separately and in the order mentioned’. The historian and the scientist would be found separately as mentioned.

Noticing From

The story deals with unreal and hypothetical conditions. Some of the sentences used to express this notion are given below:

1. If I fire a bullet from a gun in a given direction at a given speed. I know where it will be at a later time.

2. If I knew the answer I would solve a great problem.

3. If he himself were dead in this world, what guarantee had he that his son would be alive.

4. What course would history have taken if the battle had gone the other way?

Notice that in an unreal condition, it is clearly expected that the condition will not be fulfilled.

Things To Do

A. Read the following passage on the Catastrophe Theory downloaded from the Internet.

Originated by the French mathematician, Rene Thom, in the 1960s, Catastrophe Theory is a special branch of dynamical systems theory. It studies and classifies phenomena characterised by sudden shifts in behaviour arising from small changes in circumstances.

Catastrophes are bifurcations between different equilibria, or fixed point attractors. Due to their restricted nature, catastrophes can be classified on the basis of how many control parameters are being simultaneously varied. For example, if there are two controls, then one finds the most common type, called a ‘cusp’ catastrophe. If, however, there are more than five controls, there is no classification.

Catastrophe Theory has been applied to a number of different phenomena, such as the stability of ships at sea and their capsizing, bridge collapse, and with some less convincing success, the fight-or-flight behaviour of animals and prison riots.

B. Look up the Internet or an encyclopaedia for information on the following theories.

(i) Quantum theory

(ii) Theory of relativity

(iii) Big Bang theory

(iv) Theory of evolution

Ans: (i) Quantum theory: It states that energy is not absorbed or radiated continuously. It exists in units and can be divided.

(ii) Theory of relativity: Propounded by Einstein, it is the theory of the relative character of motion, velocity, mass, time, etc.

(iii) Big Bang theory: The theory of cosmology stating that the expansion of the universe began with a gigantic explosion.

(iv) Theory of evolution: Propounded by Darwin, it holds that all species of plants and animals developed from earlier forms by hereditary transmission, those forms surviving which are best adapted to the environment.

Additional Questions And Answers

Long Answer Type

1. Why did Professor Gaitonde go to Bombay? What did he experience at the Town Hall library?

Ans: Professor Gangadharpant Gaitonde went to Bombay in pursuit of information regarding how the present state of affairs was reached. Being a historian, he would go through history books and try to solve the riddle. In Bombay, he was disturbed at the sight of the imposing building of the East India Company which was alive and flourishing. In his knowledge, it had wound up after the revolt of 1857.

He went to the library at the Town Hall. He asked for a list of books including five of his own. The first four were as he had written them. But, the fifth volume presented history that he had never known. The book mentioned Battle of Panipat being on won by Marathas and the supremacy of Marathas in North India after that. It mentioned that Maratha leader Vishwasrao survived a bullet and this boosted the morale of the army who chased Abdali from the soil. Professor Gaitonde was surprised how the book presented a different and unreal view of history.

2. How did Rajendra Deshpande explain the Professor’s catastrophic experience?

Ans: When Professor Gaitonde narrated his weird experience, Rajendra tried to rationalise it with the help of the Catastrophe Theory. The torn page from a book substantiated as vital evidence which Rajendra could not brush off as mere fantasy. There were two different accounts of the same battle, one written by Gangadharpant and the other he got from the Bakhar. Though both said that Vishwasrao was hit by a bullet, one claimed him dead while the other said he survived and Marathas won the battle. If the Catastrophe Theory was applied to the Battle of Panipat, the death of Vishwasrao was the turning point. It led to the defeat of the Marathas. But, on the torn page, history takes a different turn. The leader survived and the battle was won by the Marathas. The Professor experienced two versions of reality at the same time and it was fantastic.

Short Answer Type

1. What raced through the Professor’s mind when the train sped to reach Bombay?

Ans: Professor Gaitonde’s mind developed a plan of action in Bombay. He would go to the library at the Town Hall and browse history books. There he would find out how the present state of affairs was reached. Then he would return to Pune and have a long talk with Rajendra Deshpande.

2. What was it that shocked the Professor as he disembarked at Bombay?

Ans: When Professor Gaitonde emerged from the Victoria Terminus, he faced the imposing building of East India Company headquarters. He was shocked because the Company wound up business just after the rising of 1857. But, here it was alive and flourishing.

3. What change did he find in the last volume of his books?

Ans: Reading the five volumes of his work, he discovered that a change occurred in the fifth volume. It mentioned a different version of the battle of Panipat. It said that Abdali was chased back by a victorious Maratha army led by Sadashivrao Bhau and Vishwasrao.

4. How did the victory affect the Marathas and the East India Company?

Ans: The victory in the battle of Panipat acted as a morale booster for the Marathas who established supremacy over North India. Watching these developments, the East India Company decided to shelve their expansion programme.

5. What did Professor Gaitonde see at the Azad Maidan? What did he do?

Ans: The Professor had set out for a stroll towards Azad Maidan where he saw a lecture was in progress, but the presidential chair was vacant. He went towards it saying that an uncharted lecture was like Shakespeare’s Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark.

6. What happened after he went to the mike?

Ans: The audience was in no mood to hear Gangadharpant who  insisted on presiding over the meeting. They threw tomatoes and eggs at him and finally pulled him down from the stage with force. He was somewhere lost in the melee and regained consciousness the next morning at Azad Maidan.

7. How did Rajendra relate the Catastrophe Theory to the battle of Panipat?

Ans: Rajendra applied the theory to the controversial death of Vishwasrao in the battle of Panipat. One version read that the leader was killed leading to the defeat of the Marathas. But, the Bakhar said the bullet missed the leader and the Marathas won the battle. They presented two manifestations of the same reality.

8. How is Professor Gaitonde’s transition explained?

Ans: Rajendra admits that it is one of the unsolved questions in science. He, however, states that there is a need of some interaction for transition to take place. Perhaps the Professor was thinking about the Catastrophe theory and the battle of Panipat at the time of his accident. In his state of unconsciousness, he saw the parallel world.

9. Why did Professor Gaitonde decline to preside over the Panipat seminar?

Ans: Professor Gaitonde’s thousandth address at Azad Maidan proved to be a disaster as he became the target of a violent audience. He learnt a lesson there and resolved never to preside over a meeting again. He, thus sent a note of regret to the organisers of the seminar.

10. Justify the title of the story ‘The Adventure’.

Ans: Though not an adventure in the physical world, yet Professor Gaitonde experiences an equally interesting journey in the intellectual world. He wandered from the real world to a parallel world meeting two manifestations of the same reality. Thus, the title is appropriate.


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