Class 11 English Chapter 13 Childhood

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Class 11 English Chapter 13 Childhood, AHSEC Class 11 Students will find the solutions very useful for exam preparation. Class 11 English Chapter 13 Childhood The experts of Roy Library provide solutions for every textbook question to help students understand and learn the language quickly. Class 11 English Chapter 13 Childhood solutions are free to use and easily accessible.

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Class 11 English Chapter 13 Childhood

Bengali Medium Solutions by Roy Library helps students understand the literature lessons in the textbook. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill The sole purpose of the solutions is to assist students in learning the language easily. Class 11 All Books PDF File Download English Solution gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. AHSEC Class 11 English Notes, HS 1st year English Solutions, HS 1st year English Question Answer The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. NCERT Class 11 English Solutions, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Assam Board Class 11 English Question Answer, Class XI English Question Answer provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the NCERT/CBSE Class 11 English Textbooks. AHSEC Class 11 English Suggestion are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.



Textual Questions And Answers

Think it Out

1. Identify the stanza that talks of each of the following.


Ans: individuality: stanza 3, where he talks about his own mind, individual thoughts and decisive power of his own.

rationalism: stanza 1, where he discusses the ability to distinguish fact from fantasy.

hypocrisy: stanza 2, in which he talks about the duality of the adult world, where people do not practise what they preach.

2. What, according to the poem is involved in the process of growing up?

Ans: The process of growing up involves different stages of realisation and exploration of one’s own self and human values in general. The innocence and simplicity of childhood gives way to rationalism and scepticism. One gradually learns to see through the hypocrisy of the adult world where love is preached and hatred is practised. As a person grows up, he becomes aware of his own capacity to think and make decisions. His thoughts are no longer influenced or directed by others. But at the same time, there is a lamentation at the loss of childhood.

3. What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood?

Ans: The poet regrets the loss of childhood and along with it, the disappearance of innocence and simplicity. Words like Heaven and Hell were enough to keep a child from doing wrong things. But, he accepts the process of growing up which involves various stages of realization and awakening. He is nostalgic about his childhood and laments that it is now lost and forgotten.

4. Which do you think are the most poetic lines? Why?

Ans: The most poetic lines are the concluding lines of the poem “It went to some forgotten place, That’s hidden in an infant’s face,…”. These lines are filled with nostalgia and touch a deep chord in the reader’s heart. It takes us back to a forgotten phase in our life, pure, innocent and divine.

Chapter 1 The Portrait Of A Lady
Chapter 2 “We’re Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
Chapter 3Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Chapter 4Landscape Of The Soul
Chapter 5The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role
Chapter 6The Browning Version
Chapter 7The Adventure
Chapter 8Silk Road
Chapter 9My Impressions Of Assam
Chapter 1A Photograph
Chapter 2The Laburnum Top
Chapter 3The Voice Of The Rain
Chapter 4Childhood
Chapter 5Father To Son
Chapter 1The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse
Chapter 2The Address
Chapter 3Ranga’s Marriage
Chapter 4Albert Einstein At School
Chapter 5Mother’s Day
Chapter 6The Ghat Of The Only World
Chapter 7Birth
Chapter 8The Tale Of Melon City

Additional Questions And Answers

1. Is the poet nostalgic about his childhood?

Ans: Yes, the poet regrets the loss of childhood and wonders when exactly the transition from childhood to adulthood took place.

2. What, in the poem, stands as an example of rational thinking?

Ans: Accepting the existence of place only from a geographical point of view instead of a fanciful imaginative one, stands as an example of rational thinking that develops as a child grows up. Here, the poet refers to the concept of Heaven and Hell which have no geographical existence.

3. What trait in the grown-ups is exposed in the poem?

Ans: The poem exposes the hypocrisy seen in the world of adults. They talk and preach of love to their children but do not practice in their own lives. They speak of peace, but perpetrate war. Such hypocrisy is not found in children.

4. What did the poet find out about his mind?

Ans: The poet found out that his mind was his own and he could direct and influence it as he wished. He could have his own distinctive ideas and make decisions by himself.

5. How is independent thinking a way towards adulthood?

Ans: A child always has to depend upon the decisions and directions of the adults. His mind is not mature enough to be able to make correct judgements. As he grows up, the mind grows too. He begins to think independently and no longer accepts the thoughts and opinions of others. It is the beginning of his journey to adulthood.

6. Where has the poet’s childhood gone?

Ans: The poet’s childhood is lost. He feels it must be there in some place forgotten by the adult world. Childhood has hidden itself behind the face of an infant where it rests till that infant grows into an adult and is once again forgotten.

7. When did my childhood go?

Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,

Was it the time I realized that Hell and Heaven,

Could not be found in Geography,

(a) What is the question that disturbs the poet?

(b) Why does the poet mention the age of eleven?

(c) What does he realise of Heaven and Hell?

(d) Find a synonym of ‘stopped’ in the above lines.

Ans: (a) The poet is anxious to know when his childhood passed away.

(b) He mentions the age of eleven because it is the threshold between childhood and adolescence, in a man’s journey to adulthood. It is a critical juncture in life.

(c) He realized that Heaven and Hell are imaginary concepts and not found physically in the world. They do not have a geographical existence.

(d) The synonym of ‘stopped’ is ‘ceased’.


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Answer: You can get AHSEC Class 11 English Question Answer Chapter Wise On Roy Library. For every textbook question Answer to help students understand and learn the language quickly.

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Question: How can students use the solutions for exam preparation?

Answer: Students can use the solutions for the following:

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