Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 The Address

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Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 The Address

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 The Address


Textual Questions And Answers

Reading With Insight

1. ‘Have you come back?’ said the woman. ‘I thought that no one had come back.’ Does this statement give some clue about the story? If yes, what is it?

Ans: This statement, by the woman, gives us a fair idea of the past and the present scenario which involves both the older woman and the young girl. Her presumption that no one would return means she had known them from long and also that they had gone somewhere from which there was no return.

Mrs Dorling was a non-Jewish acquaintance of the narrator’s mother. She had taken away most of their belongings for safekeeping in case they had to leave that place. They had known each other before the war. However, the narrator’s entire family, being Jews, was executed, but she somehow managed to escape. Mrs Dorling never thought anyone of the family would survive, to return. Probably, she feared that now the girl might claim her possessions. Her words, as well as her behaviour, towards the narrator, were cold and unfriendly. She even refused to invite her in or talk to her. Thus, the statement in the beginning complements the end of the story.

2. The story is divided into pre-War and post-War times. What hardships do you think the girl underwent during these times?

Ans: The pre – War period was when she had come home and found several things missing in her house. Those were times of uncertainty and fear. So, when Mrs Dorling volunteered to take away their ‘nice things’, her mother was even grateful. Those days, they were always prepared to flee or face arrest by the Nazis.

We get the glimpse of her pre – War times only through her memory. Being the only survivor in the entire family, the post – War times were traumatic for her. She could not gather enough courage to face even the material possessions which, she knew, remained with Mrs. Dorling. And when she finally found them, she stared at the irony that every material possession of her family survived, but the family itself did not. She resolved to erase the painful memories of the past by not claiming the possessions and deciding to forget about them.

3. Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?

Ans: The address somehow remained a link to her past. She remembered it from the pre – War times but was not interested in seeing the stored stuff. She was scared of facing them, for they belonged to a connection that no longer existed. Yet, after a passage of time, as she gradually, overcame the initial trauma, she found herself curious to see those things, touch them and remember each moment associated with them. She, thus came to the address twice and found herself amidst all familiar objects placed in an unfamiliar, unpleasant surrounding. It was then that she realised how valueless the ‘nice things’ were without her family. She walked out of the house resolving never to come back again. These objects would bring her nothing but pain, thus she had to forget the address forever.

4. ‘The Address’ is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment.

Ans: From all the wars that have been fought, we can only conclude that waging a war cannot be a solution to any problem. It is an irony that to bring peace, there is a war. It results in human loss, tragedy and devastation. The Second World War stands testimony to this irrefutable truth. This story is about a girl’s journey to her past and her final resolution to leave behind the painful memories that obsessed her. She was a young Jewish girl in Holland who suffered the torments of WWII. She lost all the members of her family. What were left behind were her mother’s material possessions in the house of Mrs Dorling which she had gone to ‘see, touch and remember’. Once there, in the midst of those familiar objects, she understood how insignificant they had become when severed from the people they were associated with. Wars always leave behind a trail of suffering, pain and tears and that is what is poignantly depicted in ‘The Address’.

Chapter 1 The Portrait Of A Lady
Chapter 2 “We’re Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
Chapter 3Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Chapter 4Landscape Of The Soul
Chapter 5The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role
Chapter 6The Browning Version
Chapter 7The Adventure
Chapter 8Silk Road
Chapter 9My Impressions Of Assam
Chapter 1A Photograph
Chapter 2The Laburnum Top
Chapter 3The Voice Of The Rain
Chapter 4Childhood
Chapter 5Father To Son
Chapter 1The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse
Chapter 2The Address
Chapter 3Ranga’s Marriage
Chapter 4Albert Einstein At School
Chapter 5Mother’s Day
Chapter 6The Ghat Of The Only World
Chapter 7Birth
Chapter 8The Tale Of Melon City

Additional Questions And Answers

Long Answer Type

1. Describe the narrator’s first visit to ‘Number 46, Marconi Street’.

Ans: The narrator’s first visit to the address was clearly unrewarding. She knocked on the door and introduced herself as Mrs S’s daughter. But Mrs. Dorling showed no sign of recognition and simply stared at her, holding the door in a manner to make it clear that she was not welcome. For a moment, the narrator felt there had been a mistake. But the green cardigan worn by the woman which had once belonged to the narrator’s mother, confirmed her identity beyond any doubt. Mrs. Dorling asked whether she had come back to that place and expressed her inability to do anything for her. She even refused to talk to her. In despair, the narrator went back to the station.

2. ‘I was in a room I knew and did not know.’ Elaborate the dilemma faced by the narrator.

Ans: After being unceremoniously turned away the first time, the narrator visits the address again, this time being met by Mrs. Dorling’s fifteen year old daughter. Her mother was out on an errand and she ushered the visitor to the living room. The narrator was horrified at the sight of all familiar objects in totally unfamiliar surroundings. She knew all those things, but they were torn out of context which made them valueless and meaningless. She had come all the way to see, touch and remember them. But when actually confronted with them, she resolved to erase all memories of that painful past.

3. Give a character sketch of Mrs. Dorling.

Ans: Mrs. Dorling was an opportunistic woman. She renewed contact with Mrs. S because she knew that they being Jews may have to leave the country anytime. The Jews were wealthy people and owned a lot of tasteful and expensive things. Mrs. Dorling used the opportunity to take away most of their valued possessions with her on every visit with an assurance of safekeeping. But, when the narrator visited after the War, she refused to recognize her and made it clear that she had never expected any of them to come back. She declined the narrator’s request to talk, and turned her away from the door. She was a selfish, motivated woman who lacked compassion and humanity.

Short Answer Type

1. Who is the narrator? Why did she go to ‘Number 46, Marconi Street’?

Ans: The narrator is a Jewish girl, Margi Minco, who lost her family in the World War. She went to the address where all her mother’s belongings were kept by a woman, Mrs. Dorling.

2. What kind of welcome did she receive from Mrs. Dorling?

Ans: The lady was cold and indifferent to her visitor. She pretended not to recognize her and made it clear that she had never expected any of them to return. Mrs. Dorling refused to talk to her.

3. Why, do you think, Mrs. Dorling declined to recognize her?

Ans: Though Mrs. Dorling had met her before the war, she refused to recognize her because she thought the narrator might have come to claim her valuable possessions that the lady had kept in her custody.

4. How was the narrator confirmed that she was seeing the right person?

Ans: When Mrs. Dorling stared at her without any sign of recognition, the narrator doubted she might have made a mistake. But the green cardigan worn by the woman which had once belonged to her mother, removed all doubts.

5. What change did the narrator notice in her house when she had come during the first half of the war?

Ans: When the narrator was home for a few days, she found several things missing and something about the rooms had changed. Her mother was surprised that she was so quick to notice.

6. How did Mrs. S explain Mrs. Dorling’s act of taking away the nice things’?

Ans: The narrator’s mother could not see through Mrs. Dorling’s plan to cheat her of her belongings. She explained to her daughter that the lady had taken the things for safe-keeping, and herself took a great risk in carrying out the large items.

7. Why was the narrator uninterested in the ‘stored stuff’ initially after the Liberation?

Ans: The narrator was uninterested and also afraid of coming face – to – face with things that had belonged to a connection that no longer existed. They were associated with memories of people who were dead.

8. Why did she return to the address after a long time?

Ans: When life became stable and normal once again, the narrator was curious about her mother’s possessions that might still be there at the address. She wished to recall her memories.

9. How did the narrator feel when she was in the ‘midst of things’ in Mrs. Dorling’s house?

Ans: She felt horrified in the midst of things so familiar to her, yet torn out of context. She felt suffocated in the strange atmosphere and her nostalgia gave way to oppression.

10. Why did she not wait for Mrs Dorling’s return?

Ans: The narrator had come to see, touch and recall her memories, but when she actually did so, she realized that these objects has their meaning only in her past. She did not wish to linger any more. She, therefore, did not wait for Mrs. Dorling’s return.

11. Were the ‘things’ able to bring her happiness?

Ans: Her mother’s possessions, now in custody of Mrs. Dorling, appeared valueless and meaningless when displaced from their familiar surroundings. Without her mother and the family, these objects merely brought back painful memories, but no joy.

12. Why did the narrator resolve to forget the address?

Ans: Having been there in the midst of ‘things’, she realized that the objects linked in her memory with a happy life of the past had lost their value as they had been severed and kept in strange surroundings.

13. “Of all the things I had to forget, that would be the easiest.” What does the narrator mean by this?

Ans: The narrator had lost her entire family to the war. But she has to reconcile with her loss and move on. She had for long remembered Mrs. Dorling’s address, but having realized now that material possessions were meaningless and insignificant, she wanted to forget the address. This she says would be easiest to forget from all her painful memories.


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