Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 3 Ranga’s Marriage

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Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 3 Ranga’s Marriage

Bengali Medium Solutions by Roy Library helps students understand the literature lessons in the textbook. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill The sole purpose of the solutions is to assist students in learning the language easily. Class 11 All Books PDF File Download English Solution gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. AHSEC Class 11 English Notes, HS 1st year English Snapshots Solutions, HS 1st year English Question Answer The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. NCERT Class 11 English Solutions, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Assam Board Class 11 English Snapshots Question Answer, Class XI English Snapshots Question Answer provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the NCERT/CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots Textbooks. AHSEC Class 11 English Snapshots Suggestion are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

Ranga’s Marriage


Textual Questions And Answers

Reading With Insight

1. Comment on the influence of English – the language and the way of life – on Indian life as reflected in the story. What is the narrator’s attitude to English?

Ans: The influence of English, as a language and way of life, in Indian society can never be overlooked. In this story, we get a reflection of an Indian village where no one spoke English or used English words in their conversation. The village accountant was the first person to send his son Ranga to Bangalore to study English. That is why, his homecoming was such a great event in the village. A crowd gathered to see what he looked like and tried to find out whether he still wore the sacred thread. English was considered a ‘priceless commodity’ and thus they were in awe of a person who studied it.

The narrator’s attitude was quite positive. He showed that the language did not have any adverse influence on Ranga, who still wore the sacred thread and bent low for the ‘namaskara’.

2. Astrologers’ perceptions are based more on hearsay and conjecture than what they learn from the study of the stars. Comment with reference to the story.

Ans: It is undeniable that astrology is a branch of science and requires study. In most Indian villages, however, it is practised without much knowledge, primarily because the society is steeped in superstition. In this story too, we have no idea of Shastri’s level of astrological knowledge as he is in connivance with the narrator to fix up Ranga’s marriage. His movement of lips and fingers in making calculation of stars and planets was easily believed by Ranga who had such unconventional views. Shastri was already tutored by the narrator, but he made it seem like it was the prediction of Ranga’s planetary positions.

3. Indian society has moved a long way from the way the marriage was arranged in the story. Discuss.

Ans: Though Indian society has moved a long way, as compared to what we read in the story, but arranged marriages are still prevalent in conservative families, especially in rural India. The remarkable change, however, is seen in the marriageable age. Girls are no longer married off at the tender age of eleven, like Ratna in the story. Today, education and career gets priority over marriage. Unlike the role of the narrator, a mediator or match – maker is no longer required. There is independence in choosing a life-partner according to their own judgement. In the story, Ratna is not even considered for an opinion, which does not happen today.

4. What kind of a person do you think the narrator is?

Ans: The narrator is basically a well-meaning person, friendly and involved. He is very proud of his village though his description is exaggerated. The extent of his involvement with the village is evident in the way he arranges Ranga’s marriage. He resorts to manipulation and influences the Shastri to do as he had planned in order to get Ranga agree to the marriage. Despite Ranga’s unconventional approach to marriage, the narrator emerges successful in creating the alliance. Ranga and Ratna are so fond of him that they name their son after him. He is a genuine well wisher of the couple.

Chapter 1 The Portrait Of A Lady
Chapter 2 “We’re Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
Chapter 3Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Chapter 4Landscape Of The Soul
Chapter 5The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role
Chapter 6The Browning Version
Chapter 7The Adventure
Chapter 8Silk Road
Chapter 9My Impressions Of Assam
Chapter 1A Photograph
Chapter 2The Laburnum Top
Chapter 3The Voice Of The Rain
Chapter 4Childhood
Chapter 5Father To Son
Chapter 1The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse
Chapter 2The Address
Chapter 3Ranga’s Marriage
Chapter 4Albert Einstein At School
Chapter 5Mother’s Day
Chapter 6The Ghat Of The Only World
Chapter 7Birth
Chapter 8The Tale Of Melon City

Additional Questions And Answers

Long Answer Type

1. What does the writer say about the social and cultural life of his village Hosahalli?

Ans: The narrator pays a glowing tribute to his village while narrating a story that had taken place in the village ten years ago. He feels offended at English geographers who made no mention of the village in their books and criticises Indian writers who followed suit. It is the most important part of the State of Mysore. English language is not widespread there and Ranga is the first person who goes to Bangalore to study. His homecoming is a great event. People were even curious to know whether he still wore the sacred thread. People had blind faith on Shastri and his knowledge of stars and planetary positions. Arranged marriages at early age was prevalent in the village.

2. How did the narrator accomplish the mission of Ranga’s marriage?

Ans: When Ranga touched the author’s feet, he blessed him that he might get married soon. Though Ranga’s views on marriage were quite unconventional, yet Shyama (the author) was determined to work towards an alliance of Ranga with Rama Rao’s beautiful eleven year old niece Ratna. Thus, he cleverly arranged a meeting between Ranga and Ratna at his house. He discovered that Ranga developed a silent liking for the girl. In order to confirm the boy’s feelings, Shyama even resorted to a lie that she was already married and connived with the village Shastri to influence Ranga. In the end, Ranga confessed his feelings for Ratna and they were married.

3. How did the village people react to Ranga’s homecoming?

Ans: Ranga was the son of the village accountant who was the first person from that village to be sent to Bangalore to study. In Hosahalli, English was a priceless commodity. No one spoke it nor used English words in conversation. Since Ranga was exposed to English culture, the whole village came to see the changes that may have come over him. An old woman ran her hands over his chest to feel for the sacred thread and gave a satisfied smile. They were assured he had not lost his caste. Once they realised Ranga still had the same hands and legs, eyes and nose, they slowly dispersed from there.

Short Answer Type

1. How does the author describe the Hosahalli village?

Ans: As per the author Hosahalli is as important to Mysore as is the sweet filling in ‘Karigadabu, the south Indian fried sweet. It is an important part of Mysore, as Mysore is to India.

2. What does the author say about the use of English in the village?

Ans: The villagers did not speak or use English words. Words like ‘change’ were unknown to them. That is why, they flocked to get a glimpse of Ranga who had studied English at Bangalore.

3. Why did the author go to Ranga’s house? Why was he impressed?

Ans: The author joined the crowd on Ranga’s homecoming. He was impressed by the way Ranga touched his feet to do ‘namaskar’ and asked for his blessings.

4. What disappointed the author when he spoke to Ranga on marriage?

Ans: The author was disappointed with Ranga’s unconventional view on marriage. He said he would wait and marry a mature girl who can be admired. Otherwise, he would prefer to remain a bachelor.

5. Who, according to the author, was a suitable girl for Ranga?

Ans: Though Ranga was not keen on marriage, the author already had in his mind the eleven year old niece of Rama Rao as the perfect bride for Ranga.

6. Who was Ratna? What made the author think she was the perfect choice?

Ans: Ratna was Rama Rao’s beautiful niece who had come to stay with him after her parents’ demise. She was from a big town, knew singing and could play the veena and harmonium.

7. How did Ranga and Ratna meet the first time?

Ans: They met at the narrator’s house where Ratna came to fetch buttermilk. The narrator sent for Ranga at the same time. They were not aware of the plan.

8. What made the author sure that Ranga had fallen in love at first sight?

Ans: The author noticed Ranga looking at her several times. He said he wanted to leave but did not move from there. The fallen look on his face on hearing she was married, confirmed that Ranga had fallen in love with Ratna at first sight.

9. Why did the narrator lie about Ratna?

Ans: The narrator wanted to confirm Ranga’s feelings for the girl. He wanted Ranga to confess his feelings and give his consent. Thus, he resorted to a lie as a part of the plan.

10. Why did the narrator take Ranga to see Shastri?

Ans: The narrator had already instructed Shastri on how to influence Ranga to consent to this alliance. He took Ranga on the pretext of asking Shastri whether Ranga was worried about anything.

11. How did Shastri bring in Ratna’s name?

Ans: Shastri disclosed that something about a girl worried Ranga. The girl’s name could be something found in the ocean like Kamala, Pachchi or, as prompted by the narrator, Ratna.

12. What made Ranga believe Shastri?

Ans: Ranga was thinking about Ratna, but was not aware of the author’s plan. He believed the astrologer read it from the calculations he made.

13. Why was the narrator invited by Rangappa?

Ans: Ranga invited the narrator to a dinner hosted on the occasion of his son’s third birthday.

14. Justify that Ranga and Ratna loved and honoured the narrator.

Ans: Ranga and Ratna’s love for the narrator becomes evident in the fact that they named their son after him. It was a Western tradition to name a child after someone you love. They named him ‘Shyama’.


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