Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 5 Mother’s Day

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Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 5 Mother’s Day

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 Mother’s Day


Textual Questions And Answers

Reading With Insight

1. This play, written in the 1950s, is a humorous and satirical depiction of the status of the mother in the family.

(i) What are the issues it raises?

Ans: The primary issue raised here is the status of a mother in the family. She is always taken for granted, her hard work unrecognised and ungratified. She gives away her life adjusting to and accommodating the needs of the other members of the family. Her likes and dislikes, wishes and desires are throttled and crushed under the drudgery of her mundane monotonous chores. In the play, Mrs Pearson’s frustration is not so much her work as the ungratefulness of her family. They take their mother as a person who fulfils their needs, serves them and never says no. She is relegated to the status of an unpaid servant.

(ii) Do you think it caricatures these issues or do you think that the problems it raises are genuine? How does the play resolve the issues? Do you agree with the resolution?

Ans: The problems raised in the play are genuine and commonly seen. The attitude of the daughter and the son towards their mother is prevalent in most families. Mothers are seen to make sacrifices all along the way for the sake of the family, but children overlook this as the duty of a mother that she is supposed to perform. They have fixed working hours, but a mother works relentlessly round the clock. What is exaggerated is the sudden shift of personality with Mrs Fitzgerald, but that is done with the definite purpose of driving home sense into the uncaring family members.

The resolution is just what she could have desired. The mother longs for the care and companionship of her husband and children who were always busy enjoying their lives. The family once again comes together only after the high drama enacted by the two women.

2. If you were to write about these issues today what are some of the incidents, examples and problems that you would think of as relevant?

Ans: The issues raised by Priestley are relevant even today, especially in India. Though urban India has undergone remarkable changes with mothers becoming bread earners and financially independent, yet in most families it becomes very trying for the woman to maintain an equilibrium between a homemaker and bread – earner. In rural India, the scenario is still grim. Women are expected to serve their husbands and sons and the larger extended family. They are deprived of education and are never consulted in decision-making. The issues of lack of consideration for a woman’s wants and desires, of a woman being given some free time and of her catering to everyone’s needs, raised in this play, are all relevant.

4. Is drama a good medium for conveying a social message? Discuss.

Ans: Drama is definitely a very good medium for conveying social messages. In a well-enacted drama, the characters come alive with their portrayal and transport the audience into a world that the playwright has created. Every character is introduced at the appropriate moment and has a role in bringing out the message to the readers or the audience. Because it is in the form of a conversation between different characters, we can have an insight into all of them and maybe identify as being one of them. The impact of a narrative is always more than the descriptive. Thus, drama has more effect and impact than other forms of literature in communicating a social message.

4. Read the play out in parts. Enact the play on a suitable occasion.

Ans: [Please note: This is a Classroom activity].

5. Discuss in groups plays or films with a strong message of social reform that you have watched.

Ans: Students do Yourself.

Additional Questions And Answers

Long Answer Type

1. Give a character sketch of Mrs Anne Pearson. How is she different from Mrs Fitzgerald?

Ans: We are introduced to Mrs Pearson as a timid and suppressed woman who has devoted her life to the service of her husband and two children. Her life has been one long journey of sacrifice gone unrewarded and thankless. She is treated as a servant in her own house, required by others only to fulfil their needs. No one even bothered to know whether she was happy or if she had any desires.

Mrs Fitzgerald is a contrast to Mrs Pearson. She is strong, assertive and dominating. It was her presence in Mrs Pearson’s body that changed the family’s attitude towards the suppressed mother.

2. Describe the behaviour of the husband and the two children towards Mrs Pearson before the high drama took place.

Ans: Mrs Pearson was treated very shabbily by her own husband and her two children. All her life had she served them, and seen to it that they got whatever they wanted. But, her hard work went completely unrewarded. While she stayed at home cooking, cleaning, keeping their clothes ready, they went out and enjoyed life. Dorris came home and demanded tea. She even ordered her mother to iron her dress. Cyril was angry when she did not mend his clothes as promised. Her husband was infuriated that she had not kept tea ready even though he had planned to have it in the club.

3. How did the personality change affect Mrs Pearson’s life?

Ans: Though Mrs Pearson asked for a reversal being unable to bear to see the misery that her family was going through, yet the little bit of assertion and dominance brought positive changes to her life. Her husband and children realised that she was capable of putting her foot down, so they should stop taking her for granted. They had always overlooked a lonely woman who worked all day to keep them happy. But her happiness did not matter to any of them. They started looking at her from a different perspective. Cyril and Dorris agreed to prepare dinner and the whole family sat for a game of cards. For the first time, they sat around the mother.

Chapter 1 The Portrait Of A Lady
Chapter 2 “We’re Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
Chapter 3Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Chapter 4Landscape Of The Soul
Chapter 5The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role
Chapter 6The Browning Version
Chapter 7The Adventure
Chapter 8Silk Road
Chapter 9My Impressions Of Assam
Chapter 1A Photograph
Chapter 2The Laburnum Top
Chapter 3The Voice Of The Rain
Chapter 4Childhood
Chapter 5Father To Son
Chapter 1The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse
Chapter 2The Address
Chapter 3Ranga’s Marriage
Chapter 4Albert Einstein At School
Chapter 5Mother’s Day
Chapter 6The Ghat Of The Only World
Chapter 7Birth
Chapter 8The Tale Of Melon City

Short Answer Type

1. Why did Mrs Pearson invite Mrs Fitzgerald to her house?

Ans: Mrs Pearson was facing problems with her family. She invited her neighbour Mrs Fitzgerald, who was a fortune teller, to read her fortune and discuss her problems.

2. What was the problem Mrs Pearson had been facing in the family?

Ans: Mrs Pearson was an uncomplaining person, working all day for her family and being treated as a servant by her husband and children. They never showed any concern or gratitude towards her.

3. What does Mrs Fitzgerald attribute Mrs Pearson’s misery to?

Ans: Mrs Fitzgerald says that her misery is due to her own doing. Mrs Pearson has been running after them and taking orders all the time. She should be assertive and become the mistress of the house.

4. Has Mrs Pearson been able to bring up a good family? Why?

Ans: Mrs Pearson’s doting on her children and husband has actually spoilt them. They have not learnt to give due respect to a mother or wife. They have just given orders and treated her like dirt.

5. What was Mrs Pearson’s reaction to her neighbour’s advice?

Ans: Mrs Pearson told her neighbour that what she advised was easy to say, but difficult to do. She was very fond of her family. She knew they were insensitive, selfish and thoughtless, but felt perhaps they did not mean to be so.

6. What plan did Mrs Fitzgerald suggest to begin reforming the Pearson family?

Ans: Mrs Fitzgerald suggested that they should exchange personalities. She had learnt the art in the East. Mrs Pearson’s body would house the strong, dominant and assertive personality of Mrs Fitzgerald and set things right.

7. How was Mrs Pearson’s first encounter, after the change, with her daughter Dorris?

Ans: Dorris, the spoilt daughter, came in and ordered her mother for tea and to iron her yellow dress that she needed to wear that night. But, Mrs Pearson ignored her completely and told her to do the jobs herself.

8. How did Mrs Pearson shock her son Cyril?

Ans: Mrs Pearson’s nonchalant attitude to her son, when he asked for tea and about mending his clothes, shocked him. She also told him she would no longer do things she didn’t like.

9. What reason did she give her son for not making tea?

Ans: Cyril wanted tea because he had been working for eight hours. Mrs Pearson said her eight hours were over and hence she would not make the tea. Henceforth, she said, she too would work forty hours a week and take the weekend off.

10. How did Mrs Pearson put her husband in his place?

Ans: When George shouted at his wife for not keeping tea ready though he would not have it, she told him to try the same at his club. She told him how he was laughed at by others in the club for his laziness and pomposity.

11. What did Mrs Pearson tell her son when he objected to her hurting his father’s feelings?

Ans: Mrs Pearson told her son that it did people good to have their feelings hurt. The truth should be known so that one could rectify them. If he did not go to the club so often, people would stop laughing at him.

12. Why did the real Mrs Pearson insist on changing back to their original form?

Ans: The real Mrs Pearson could not bear the drama any more. She could not stand seeing her husband and children so miserable. She did not enjoy her family being so roughly and rudely treated.

13. What was Mrs Fitzgerald’s final advice to Mrs Pearson after they change back?

Ans: She advised Mrs Pearson to be firm and not to offer any explanation or apology. If she did that all her efforts would go to wasted. She should make it clear that she could be tough again if they did not behave.

14. Did Mrs Pearson’s efforts pay off? How?

Ans: Her efforts paid off positively. For once her family realised what she was capable of. The family came together with a sigh of relief. They were even ready to share the household work with her. It was the first sign of closeness.

15. Justify the title ‘Mother’s Day’.

Ans: The title carries the theme loud and clear. It is the victory of a mother over her spoilt children and irresponsible husband. Mrs. Pearson, the mother, regains her pride and status in the family as the mistress and not a servant.


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Answer: Students can use the solutions for the following:

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