SEBA Class 10 Geography Chapter 7 Practical Geography

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Class 10 Geography Chapter 7 Practical Geography

NCERT Solution for Class 10 Geography, CBSE Solution for Class 10 Geography, gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. SCERT Geography Class 10, Class 10 Bhugol, He experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. 10th Geography Notes in English, 10th Geography, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Class 10 Geography Important Questions and Answer, Class 10 Geography Extra Questions and Answer, provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

Practical Geography


1. What is map? Prepare a list of map elements and state each of them with proper diagrams.

Ans: The representation and drawing of earth’s surface or any part of it according to a definite scale on a plane surface or a paper is called map.

Different types of maps and map elements are necessary to study. 

These include: 

(i) Title of the map. 

(ii) Map boundaries. 

(iii) Map scale. 

(iv) Conventional symbols. 

(v) Distance. 

(vi) Direction. 

(vii) Area. 

(viii) Shape and size of map.

2. Draw and name any five conventional symbols used to represent physical features on a map.

Ans: Five main physical features that are represented through conventional symbols are: 

3. Draw and name any five conventional symbols used to represent cultural features on a map.

Ans: Five main cultural features that are represented through conventional symbols are: 

4. Draw and name the international, state, district and subdivision boundary lines.

Ans: The international, state, district and subdivision boundary lines are: 

5. Draw the conventional symbols for the features mentioned below: 

(a) unmetalled road. 

(b) spring.

(c) deciduous forest.

(d) fort. 

(e) well.

(f) Hut.

(g) inhabited village.


6. Draw the outline map of Assam supplied to you on a separate sheet of paper using grid system and plot thereon the important and necessary map elements.

Ans: Outline map of Assam using grid system:

Outline Map of Assam ( prepared using grid system) with necessary map elements.

7. Carry on practice to represent features like the major rivers, towns, national highways, national parks or wildlife sanctuaries, wetlands, rail lines, etc. on a map of your district or state supplied to you.


Chapter – 1Physical Geography
Chapter – 2Environmental Geography
Chapter – 3Concept Of Region And Regional Geography Of The World
Chapter – 4Regional Geography Of U.S.A
Chapter – 5Regional Geography Of Japan
Chapter – 6Regional Geography Of India
Chapter – 7Practical Geography
Chapter – 8Map Scale

8. Draw the international and state boundaries correctly on the map of your state.


9. Present a description of the map supplied to you on the following points:

(a) Introduction.

(b) Physical environment.

(c) Cultural environment.

Ans: (a) Introduction: In the introduction of a map the following should be mentioned:

(i) The name of the country, state, district, region, etc. 

(ii) The latitudinal and longitudinal extension, scale and location of the map.

(b) Physical environment: While giving a description of physical environment of the region depicted on the map, the following should be taken into consideration:

(i) Identify the symbols used in the map.

(ii) The complete description of the physical environment of the region should be mentioned with respect to the location, type, situation and condition of the physical features such as flowing river, dry river, spring, grassland, reserved forests, etc.

(iii) There are two symbols to represent the topographic condition of region in a map. 

These are: 

(i) Contour: It is a line symbol. 

(ii) Spot height: It is a point symbol.

(c) Cultural environment: The cultural environment includes the man-made elements or features such as roads, houses and buildings, settlements, agricultural fields, villages, towns and cities, markets, industries, etc. These cultural features are depicted on the map with the help of some conventional symbols which enables us to understand the economic, social and cultural characteristics of any region.

10. Write briefly about the importance and need of map reading.

Ans: The geographical representation and drawing of earth’s surface or any part of it according to a definite scale on a plane surface or a paper is called map.

Map constitutes one of the important tools in the study of geography. Therefore, a student who studies geography should know how to read a map because in understanding various geographical features such as mountains, hills, valleys, plains, plateaus, forests, grasslands, agricultural fields, houses, towns, cities, etc. The earth being a huge structure, every part of it cannot be visited and seen by us. That is why, maps are important. A map is a mini-earth on paper and the various geographical features are reduced in size and presented on a map. Thus, maps make the learning of geography easier, quicker, faster and less troublesome. They provide a quick understanding of the various features of the earth or of a particular place. Maps also help us in understanding matters related to distance, direction and spatial relationship among various elements on the earth’s surface. Thus, map reading has a lot of relevance and significance in study of geography. In fa constitutes an important aspect of learning of geography.

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