Class 12 English Chapter 1 The Last Lesson

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Class 12 English Chapter 1 The Last Lesson

Class 12 English Chapter 1 The Last Lesson gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. Class 12 English Chapter 1 The Last Lesson, The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. NCERT Class 12 English Solutions, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Assam Board AHSEC Class 12 English Book Question Answer, provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the Class XII English Textbooks Question Answer. are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

The Last Lesson



Think as you read

1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

Ans. Franz was expected to be prepared with participles for school that day.

2. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?

Ans. The silence in the school was very unusual that day. The presence of the village elders was something that was noticed only on that day.

3. What had been put up on the bulletin-board?

Ans. The order of imposition of German language was put up on the bulletin-board.

4. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?

Ans. The entire school wore a sombre and gloomy look, children were silent, village elders were present in the classroom and M. Hamel was in his special dress.

5. How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?

Ans. Franz’s feelings about the school and his teacher changed when he heard that it was the last day of French learning in school and the last day for M. Hamel as well. He would never probably see his teacher ever again.

Understanding the text

1. The people in this story suddenly realise how precious their language is to them. What shows you this? Why does this happen?

Ans. The people in the story suddenly realise the importance of their language and this is evident in the events of the last day of French learning. There was a solemn silence in the school. The village elders, who had never considered it important to know their language, were present in class making a last frantic effort to learn the basic alphabets. This happened because in the Franco – Prussian war, France was defeated by Prussia ( consisting Germany, Poland and parts of Austria). Alsace ( where this incident took place) and Lorraine, being two border districts of France, were the first to bear the brunt of the attack. Berlin had issued an order that German language be imposed in these districts as the only medium of instruction. Thus, the people of Alsace lost their language.

2. Franz thinks, ” will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What could this mean? (There could be more than one answer.)

Ans. When Franz heard the pigeons on the rooftop sweetly cooing, he was suddenly struck by apprehension that maybe the Germans would now have a control over the birds as well.

Franz also thought the birds in France sing in French. So, the imposition would apply to them too.

Franz realised the gravity of the situation and felt sorry for the birds thinking the switch over would be as difficult for the birds as it would be for the people.

1The Last Lesson
2Lost Spring
3Deep Water
5Going Places
6Memoirs Of A Chota Sahib
1My Mother At Sixty-Six
2Keeping Quiet
3Notes A Thing Of Beauty
4A Roadside Stand
1The Tiger King
2The Enemy
3On The Face Of It
4Memories Of Childhood
5Magh Bihu Or Maghar Domahi

Talking about the text

1. ” When people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.” Can you think of examples in history where a conquered people had their language taken away from them or had a language imposed on them?

Ans. There are several examples in history which shows imposition of language over the natives of a place. For eg. English was imposed by the British in North America and Australia. Even in India they had made it the official language. In Latin American countries, Spanish and Portuguese were imposed on the natives.

2. What happens to a linguistic minority in a state? How do you think they can keep their language alive? For example:

Punjabis in Bangalore 

Tamilians in Mumbai 

Kannadigas in Delhi

Gujaratis in. Kolkata

Ans. Barring rural India, rest of the country accepts either or both English and Hindi as a medium of communication. So, for the linguistic minority it becomes easy to gain access into the society. Knowledge of the local language over a passage of time makes it even easier for them. As far as keeping their language alive is concerned, people of the same state or same language always form a society or group of their own where they share a common bond. They celebrate functions and festivals and also interact among themselves.

3. Is it possible to carry pride in one’s language too far? Do you know what linguistic chauvinism’ means?

Ans. It is not possible neither beneficial to carry pride in one’s language too far. Knowledge over one’s language is good and respect towards one’s culture and tradition is appreciable. But this pride should not verge on deriding other languages or slighting them.

‘Linguistic Chauvinism’ means an extreme or unreasonable support for one’s own language and considering it to be superior to other languages.

Working with words

1. English is a language that contains words from many other languages. This inclusiveness is one of the reasons it is now a world language. For example:

petite –  French

kindergarten – German

capital – Latin

democracy – Greek

bazaar – Hindi

Find out the origins of the following words.


Ans. tycoon – Japanese 

tulip – French 

logo – Greek

bandicoot – Telegu 

barbecue – Spanish (Creole)

veranda – Indian (root word Portuguese)

robot – Czechoslovakia

zero – Arabic 

ski – Norway 

trek – African

2. Notice the underlined words in these sentences and tick the option that best explains their meaning

(a) “What a thunderclap these words were to me!” 

The words were

(i) loud and clear.

(ii) startling and unexpected.

(iii) pleasant and welcome.

Ans. (ii) startling and unexpected.

(b) When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.”

It is as if they had the key to the prison as long as they

(i) do not lose their language.

(ii) are attached to their language.

(iii) quickly learn the conqueror’s language.

Ans. (ii) are attached to their language.

(c) Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time.

You will get to your school

(i) very late.

(ii) too early.

(iii) early enough.

Ans. (iii) early enough.

(d) I never saw him look so tall.

M. Hamel

(a) had grown physically taller

(b) seemed very confident

(c) stood on the chair

Ans. (b) seemed very confident.

Noticing form

Read this sentence

M.Hamel had said that he would question us on participles. In the sentence above, the verb form “had said” in the first part is used to indicate an “earlier past. The whole story is narrated in the past. M. Hamel’s “saying” happened earlier than the events in this story. This form of the verb is called

past perfect.

Pick out five sentences from the story with this form of the verb and say why this form has been used.

Ans. (i) For the last two years all our bad news had come from there…..

(ii) I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen…

(iii) Not till then, when I had got a little over my fright……

(iv) It was in honour of this last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday clothes….

(v) Only the desks and benches had been worn smooth.

The underlined forms of the verbs are used to indicate an “earlier past”. The past perfect form is thus used to indicate the earlier of the two activities that happened in the past.


1. Write a notice for your school bulletin board. Your notice could be an announcement of a forthcoming event, or a requirement to be fulfilled, or a rule to be followed.






This is to notify that the school has organized a Tree Plantation Drive from 22nd Feb to 25th Feb, which will be spearheaded by the Principal. Interested students may give their names to their respective Class Teachers.

Vikrant Sharma

Secretary, Nature Club.

2. Write a paragraph of about 100 words arguing for or against having to study three languages at school.

Ans. Against: Though knowledge of more than one language gives us an edge in getting past others in many aspects of life, yet an imposition of the same at school level becomes a burden on us. In the academic curriculum, it is not merely the knowledge but also the scores in the language that matters. There are many other subjects to which we need to devote our time and score good marks. In such a situation, mastering the nuances of a third language which we may never even hear anyone speak around us seems a waste of time and effort. Thus, I am against the study of three languages at school besides the other major subjects.

For: Hardly can a person in today’s world disagree with the fact that more the knowledge of languages, more equipped we are to meet the challenges of this ever widening world. We live in a global village where interaction and Communication is required with people of various nations. Moreover, our country is so diverse that knowing just one language will isolate us from most people. Lastly, the young mind is more receptive to learning new languages than an adult. Learning three languages in school will not hamper studying other subjects at all.

3. Have you ever changed your opinion about someone or something that you had earlier liked or disliked? Narrate what led you to change your mind.

(This is a sample only. In this example, feelings change from like’ to ‘dislike’. Students will write their own experiences expressing either positive or negative feelings.)

Ans. Yes, in course of life, we come across several people who we take a liking to. But sometimes, small incidents can change our opinion of that person. This change can be either positive or negative. I had a friend I was very close to. We had shared good times and even helped each other a lot. But one day, my perception of my friend changed completely. His insensitive attitude towards an old man suffering from Alzheimer’s disease (an ailment resulting in severe forgetfulness) shocked me. What was poignant to my senses seemed a joke to him. He laughed at the pain and suffering of the person, who hailed from his neighbourhood. This incident, though a small one, changed my feelings towards him. Not that there is any hatred between us, but the closeness is no longer there.

Things to do

1. Find out about the following (You may go to the internet, interview people, consult reference books or visit a library.)

(a) Linguistic human rights.

(b) Constitutional guarantees for linguistic minorities in India.

Ans: Students shall do themselves.

2. Given below is a survey form. Talk to at least five of your classmates and fill in the information you get in the form.

Ans: Students shall do themselves.


Short answer type questions

1. Who is “I” referred to in the story The Last Lesson?

(The Last Lesson “I”)

Ans. The “I” referred to in: the story is a person named Franz who is relating to us an incident of his childhood.

2. Why was it the last lesson?

Ans. It was the last lesson in French language in the village school of Alsace. Lorraine and Alsace, two border districts of France came under German rule during the Franco – Prussian war and thus German was imposed on them as the only medium of instruction.

3. What did Franz think when he passed by the bulletin board?

Ans. When Franz passed by the bulletin board and saw the crowd around it, he wondered what could be the next bad news.

4. What were the words that were a thunderclap to Franz?

Ans. M. Hamel’s announcement of that being the last day of French learning came as a shocking blow to Franz.

5. Why were the old men of the village sitting in the classroom?

Ans. The old men of the village were in the classroom because they regretted not having gone to school when they should have. They also came to thank the teacher for his forty years of service.

6. What did Franz think when the blacksmith told him not to hurry?

Ans. When the blacksmith Wachter told him not to hurry and that he had plenty of time, Franz thought he was being laughed at for already being so late to school.

7. How do the people realise the importance of their language?

Ans. It was only when the imposition order came from Berlin that the French in Alsace and Lorraine woke up to the importance and preciousness of their own language. They realize its importance when they have already lost it.

8. What happened when Franz was asked a question on participles?

Ans. Franz obviously could not answer the question on participles. On the last day, he wished he could answer the question loud and clear without a mistake but that was not to be. He got all mixed up and stood there, unable to look at his teacher.

9. Why did M. Hamel write ‘Vive La France’ on the blackboard?

Ans. ‘Vive La France’ means Long Live France. Monsieur Hamel wrote it on the board as a tribute to the country and the language they had lost to the Germans. He desired to instill a spirit of patriotism in the young minds.

10. What is the underlying message of the story The Last Lesson’?

Ans. The story comes with a message for its readers: It shows what happens when we do not take pride in our country or our language. Patriotism is an essential quality in each and every citizen in order to safeguard one’s motherland, culture and language.

Long answer type questions

1. “I thought of running away and spending the day out of doors.” Why did the speaker think of running away and spending the day out of doors?

Ans. The speaker, little Franz, thought of running away because he was already very late for school and was not prepared with the lesson on participles. He was, thus, apprehending a scolding from his teacher. Moreover, the weather outside was very attractive with the bright sun and birds singing in the woods, along with the sight of Prussian soldiers taking their morning exercise. All these tempted Franz to spend the day out in the open.

2. What were the unusual things noticed by Franz on the day of the last lesson?

Ans. The first unusual thing noticed by Franz was the silence around the school. Franz had depended on the usual commotion and noisy scene in order to enter the classroom without being seen. Then, it was gentleness of his teacher that surprised him. As he took his seat, he noticed M. Hamel’s special dress which he kept reserved for occasions like school inspection or prize distribution days. But the most unexpected sight was the presence of some village elders in the classroom. The former mayor, former postmaster and others occupied the last benches which had earlier remained vacant.

3. What, according to M. Hamel, was the fault of Alsace? Whom did he blame for it?

Ans. According to M. Hamel, the fault of Alsace was the harmful habit of procrastination. The habit was more pronounced when it came to education. All other things gained priority over studies. It would always be postponed to be done at a later date which would eventually never arrive.

M. Hamel blamed the people of Alsace collectively for this. The parents considered schooling to be a waste of time. They rather preferred to put their children to work and add to the family income. The children themselves were not too keen on attending school. Besides, M Hamel too had neglected his primary duty when he sent the children to tend to his garden or even whimsically declared holidays whenever he wanted to go fishing.

4. What was M. Hamel’s opinion of the French language?

Ans. Being a Frenchman, M. Hamel had high regards for his mother tongue. On the day of the last lesson, he went on to eulogies the language and emphasized on the need of its preservation. He said French is the most beautiful language in the world, coherent and well organized, and easy to understand because of its clarity and distinctness. He appealed to all the people to take utmost care to preserve their language since that will be the only platform where people can stand united. This unity, in turn, will provide them the strength to overcome the mighty Germans and win back their freedom. Thus, language will always be a unifying factor for the people of their nation.

5. What were the subjects and topics taken up by M. Hamel on the last day? How did Franz find the topics?

Ans. Despite it being the last day in the school in Alsace as a French teacher, M. Hamel carried on uninterruptedly with the scheduled lessons. The students were asked questions on participles which they had been told to come prepared with. Then, he went on with other lessons from grammar. Thereafter, the children were given a lesson in writing on the new copies which he had provided for them. The youngest ones in the class room. were given to draw fish hooks. It ended with a history lesson. Franz, being attentive in class that day, found the lessons surprisingly easy to understand. He realized that it was only due to his dislike for studies and also the intolerance of the teacher that had made school so undesirable.

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