Class 10th Elective History Chapter 2 The First World War

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Class 10th Elective History Chapter 2 The First World War

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The First World War


Very Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Who were the members of the Triple Alliance?

Ans. The members of the Triple Alliance were Germany, Austria and Italy.

2. Who were the members of the Triple Entente?

Ans. The members of the Triple Entente were England, France and Russia.

3. What was the immediate cause of the First World War?

Ans. The immediate cause of the First World War was the murder of Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria at Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.

4. Who assassinated the Austrian prince Francis Ferdinand at Sarajevo?

Ans. A Serbian youth named Gavrilo Princip assassinated the Austrian prince, Francis Ferdinand, at Sarajevo.

5. What was the percentage of defence expenditure of Germany during 1870-1914?

Ans. The percentage of defence expenditure of Germany during 1870-1914 was nearly 335%.

6. What was the percentage of defence expenditure of England during 1870-1914?

Ans. The percentage of defence expenditure of England during 1870-1914 was nearly 180%.

7. What was the percentage of defence expenditure of Russia during 1870-1914?

Ans. The percentage of defence expenditure of Russia during 1870-1914 was nearly 214%.

8. What was the percentage of defence expenditure of Italy during 1870-1914?

Ans. The percentage of defence expenditure of Italy during 1870-1914 was nearly 185%.

9. Who were the members of the Central Powers?

Ans. The Central Powers consisted of Germany and Austro-Hungary.

10. How many people died as a result of German attack on Lusitania?

Ans. About 1200 people died, as a result of the German attack on the British ship named Lusitania.

11. Which countries were defeated at the naval battle of Gallipoli?

Ans. England and France were defeated at the naval battle of Gallipoli.

12. Which country did first use the Tanks in the First World War?

Ans. England was the first country to use Tanks in the First World War.

13. How many soldiers died in the First World War?

Ans. About 13 million soldiers died in the First World War.

14. How many delegates attended the Peace Conference at Versailles?

Ans. 70 delegates attended the Peace Conference at Versailles.

15. Who authored the ‘Fourteen Points’?

Ans. The ‘Fourteen points’ was authored by Woodrow Wilson, the US President.

16. How many provisions did the Treaty of Versailles contain?

Ans. The Treaty of Versailles contained 440 provisions which were divided into 14 parts.

17. Who represented England in the Peace Conference of Versailles?

Ans. Lloyd George, the Prime Minister of England represented England in the Peace Conference of Versailles.

18. Who represented Italy in the Peace Conference of Versailles?

Ans. Orlando, the Prime Minister of Italy represented Italy in the Peace Conference of Versailles.

19. Who represented France in the Peace Conference of Versailles?

Ans. Clemenceau, the Prime Minister of France represented France in the Peace Conference of Versailles.

20. Who represented the USA in the Peace Conference of Versailles?

Ans. Woodrow Wilson, the US President represented the USA in the Peace Conference of Versailles.

21. What was the amount of reparation imposed on Germany by the Allies?

Ans. The amount of reparation imposed on Germany by the Allies was 6,000 million sterling pounds.

22. What was the gain of Italy in the Treaty of Versailles?

Ans. The main gain of Italy from the Treaty of Versailles was that she got Tyrol from Austria.

23. What was the gain of Poland in the Treaty of Versailles?

Ans. The main gain of Poland from the Treaty of Versailles was that she got Posen and West Prussia from Germany and Galicia from Austria.

1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
2The First World War
3The World Between The Two World Wars
4The Second World War
5The United Nations Organization
6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
7The Non-Aligned Movement
8Foreign Policy Of India


1. Mention the countries of the Balkan Peninsula.

Ans. The countries of the Danube valley of Eastern Europe came to be known as the Balkan Peninsula. The countries of the Balkan Peninsula were Bulgaria, Thrace, Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Albania, etc.

2. Mention four terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

Ans. The main peace treaty signed between Germany and the Allies after the end of the First World War came to be known as the Treaty of Versailles. 

Four terms of this Treaty were:

(i) Germany had to surrender Alsace and Lorraine to France.

(ii) The twin states of Austria-Hungary were divided into two separate countries of Austria and Hungary.

(iii) Luxembourg achieved its independence and became a neutral country.

(iv) Poland received Posen and West Prussia from Germany and Galicia from Austria.

3. The War Situation in 1914.

Ans. The First World War started on 28 July 1914. 

The main events that took place in 1914 were:

(i) The German armies attacked on Belgium on 3 August 1914.

(ii) The Germans next proceeded towards France. They defeated France along with the British forces who were assisting to restrict the Germans attack.

(iii) This defeat created an enmity of the Germans with Britain and so the Germans attacked the ports opposite to the English Channel.

(iv) The French too constructed trenches and resorted to keep the Germans engaged in a protracted war.

(v) On 29 August 1914, at the battle of Tannenberg, the Austrian forces defeated Russian Forces.

(vi) Under the leadership of Hindenburg, German forces defeated Russian in the battle of Masurian Lakes. This victory helped the Central Powers in marching towards the Allies.

(vii) On 20 October 1914, Turkey joined the Central Powers and attacked Russia.

(viii) English forces won many decisive victories against the Central Powers in Africa and in the Middle East.

4. The War Situation in 1918.

Ans. The First World War began on 28 July 1914 and continued up to November 1918. 

The main events of the war in 1918 were:

(i) In November 1917, a Supreme Allied War Council was formed with the purpose to organize military operations against the Central Powers. In March 1918, the Allied Powers appointed Marshal Ferdinand as the directing authority of this military operations.

(ii) The second battle of Marne in July, 1918 completely routed the German forces.

(iii) Bulgaria surrendered on 29 September 1918. Turkey followed suit on 30 September and Austria-Hungary on 3 November.

(iv) On 9 November 1918, German Emperor William II, fled from Germany to Holland and the new republican government signed the armistice with the Allies on 11 November 1918.

5. The military provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.

Ans. The treaty signed between Germany and the Allies after the end of the First World War, came to be known as the Treaty of Versailles. 

Its main military provisions were:

(i) One of the main military provisions of the Treaty of Versailles was to put greater emphasis on the disarmament of Germany.

(ii) Germany had to reduce the strength of its army to one lakh.

(iii) Germany had to abolish conscription and restrict production of war materials.

(iv) Germany was allowed to retain only 15,000 soldiers in the navy. This treaty fixed Germany’s total number of warships, cruisers and destroyers at 6, 6 and 12 respectively.

(v) This treaty imposed restriction on possessing submarines by Germany.

(vi) Germany was ordered to destroy all her forts from Rhine Valley and Heligoland.

Mention the dates of the following events:

(a) Crimean War.

Ans: Crimean War: 1854-56.

(b) Austro-Prussian War.

Ans: Austro-Prussian War: 1866.

(c) Franco-Prussian War.

Ans: Franco-Prussian War: 1870-71.

(d) Russo-Turkish War.

Ans: Russo-Turkish War: 1877.

(e) French Revolution.

Ans: French Revolution: 1789.

(f) Austro-Prussian Dual Alliance.

Ans: Austro-Prussian Dual Alliance: 1879.

(g) Anglo-French Entente Cordiale.

Ans: Anglo-French Entente Cordiale: 1904.

(h) Independence of Greece.

Ans: Independence of Greece: 1929.

(i) Berlin Congress.

Ans: Berlin Congress: 1878.

(j) Anglo-Japanese Alliance.

Ans: Anglo-Japanese Alliance: 1902.

(k) Sarajevo incident.

Ans: Sarajevo incident: 28 June 1914.

(l) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

Ans. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: 3 March 1918.


1. Discuss four major causes of the First World War.

Ans. The First World War is considered to be one of the important events of world history. It was the first war fought on a global basis. It altered the scenario of the world to such an extent that a totally a new world emerged from the embers of this man-made calamity. The war originated as a result of a series of long pending causes.

Four major causes of the First World War were:

(i) International rivalry: The colonial and imperialistic rivalries prevalent in the international scene since 1850, prepared the ground for the war. Many of the European countries such as England, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Belgium, etc. were involved in a series of bitter and fierce rivalry and competition for the possession of colonies. 

The most important rivalries that preceded the war were:

(i) The Anglo-French in Egypt.

(ii) The Anglo-Russian in Persia.

(iii) The Franco-German in Morocco.

(iv) The Russo-Japanese in China.

(v) The rivalry between Russia, England, Germany and Austria in the Balkan Peninsula.

By 1900, these rivalries had reached a breaking point. The annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908, lifted the Austria-Serbian rivalry beyond repair. Austria was determined to crush Serbia’s rising power. The consequence of this rivalry was the event of 28 June 1914, which ignited the decade-long gathered inflammable material into an international inferno.

(ii) Emergence of aggressive nationalism: During the 25 years prior to the outbreak of the war, many of the politically suppressed, economically oppressed and socially exploited nationalities desired for racial unity. The countries of the Balkan Peninsula in the Eastern Europe were inhabited by different nationalities such as the Serbs or Slavs, the Albanians, the Mecedonians, the Croats and the Bulgarians. Among these, the Serbian national movement was the most prominent and they objected to Austrian control over them. The annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria in the wake of Turkish Revolution of 1908, caused the Serbs to revolt and fight for independence. It was in this backdrop, that the Sarajevo incident which ignited the flame of the First World War, took place.

(iii) Rival system of alliances: By the beginning of 1900, Europe was practically divided into two rival military camps. The man who initiated the formation of various alliances and pacts was Otto Von Bismarck of Germany. He formed the ‘Three Emperors’ League’ in 1873, comprising the emperors of Austria, Germany and Russia. In 1879, Bismarck formed the ‘Austro-German Dual Alliance’ which became Triple Alliance with the joining of Italy in 1882. Soon, England and France buried their differences and formed a counter-alliance named ‘Anglo-French Entente Cordiale’ in 1904. During this period, England also tried to settle her differences with Russia. This resulted in the signing of the ‘Anglo-Russian Convention’ in 1907.

With the conclusion of the Anglo-Russian Convention, the Anglo-French Entente Cordiale was transformed into ‘Triple Entente’ in 1907. Both these alliances had secret clauses which created fear and suspicion among the countries of the opposite camp. Thus by 1907, Europe had become ready to explode a dynamite waiting for a matchstick to light it.

(iv) Massive arms build-up: The rapid industrialisation of Germany brought her surplus national capital which she used to upgrade her defense and war-machinery. Since 1900, she began to arm herself to the teeth as she knew that a trial of strength was inevitable. Seeing the military expansion of Germany, other European countries such as, England, France, Italy and Russia commenced rapid military expansion programmes. In fact during the period 1870-1914, the major powers of Europe started a massive arms build-up and greatly increased their defense expenditure. During this period, Germany increased her defense expenditure to 335%, Russia to 214%, Italy to 185%, England to 180%, Austria-Hungary to 155% and France to 133%. This made Europe a ready to explode a bomb.

2. Discuss the major military pacts and alliances contracted by the European powers before the outbreak of the First World War.

Ans. The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 is one of the major events of world history after which the world has never remained the same. One of the most important factors was the formation of alliances and pacts by the different countries of Europe. It was Bismarck who initiated the system of pacts and alliances in Europe.

The major military pacts and alliances contracted by the European powers before the outbreak of the First World War were:

(i) ‘Three Emperors’ League’ (1873): Bismarck organized a union of three emperors of Europe named ‘Three Emperors’ League’ in 1873. It consisted of the emperors of Germany, Austria and Russia. The main aim of this league was to keep France isolated in European politics, so that she wouldn’t be in a position to attack on Germany for annexing her rich region of Alsace and Lorraine.

(ii) Austro-German Dual Alliance (1879): Since Bismarck was not very sure of the support of Russia in any conflict, he entered into a secret military pact with Austria in 1879. This alliance came to be known as the ‘Austro-German Dual Alliance. The union of Germany and Austria created ripples in the European politics and compelled countries such as England and France to come together.

(iii) Triple Alliance (1882): Germany instigated France to occupy Tunis in Africa. This created a rivalry between France and Italy. Taking advantage of the situation, Germany took Italy into Austro-German Dual Alliance and converted it into the Triple Alliance in 1882. The creation of Triple Alliance had far reaching repercussions. The other European powers felt the need to form similar protective alliances.

(iv) Russo-Prussian Pact (1887): The Russo-Prussian Pact is known as Reinsurance Treaty. During the crisis in Bulgaria between Austria and Russia, Germany supported Russia. This led to the collapse of the ‘Three Emperors’ League’. To establish Russo-German relations on a strong footing, German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck entered into pact with Russia known as the ‘Russo-Prussian Pact’ in 1887.

(v) Anglo-Japanese Treaty (1902): This treaty was signed between England and Japan in order to maintain a status quo in the prevailing colonial possessions of the imperial powers in the east and also to preserve the peace and tranquility in China and Korea. They tried to achieve this goal by maintaining their territorial integrity conducive for equal commercial pursuits.

(vi) Anglo-French Entente Cordiale (1904): The creation of a secret military alliance by Germany, Austria and Italy tilted the international peace and balance. England and France felt threatened and so decided to bury their differences and to form a similar alliance. This alliance came to be known as the ‘Anglo-French Entente Cordiale’. This alliance was formed in 1904.

(vii) Anglo-Russian Convention (1907): During this period, England tried to settle her differences with Russia. Theophile Delcasse, the former Prime Minister of France, played a key role in bringing England and Russia to the negotiating Table. This resulted in the signing of the ‘Anglo-Russian Convention’ in 1907 wherein both countries followed a policy of ‘give and take’ regarding the main issues that divided them.

(viii) Triple Entente (1907): With the conclusion of the Anglo-Russian Convention, the Anglo-French Entente Cordiale was transformed into ‘Triple Entente’ in 1907. Thus, Triple Entente consisted of England, France and Russia. This was organized as a counter-alliance against the Triple Alliance consisting of Germany, Austria and Italy.

Thus by 1907, Europe was divided into several military alliances. Most of these alliances had secret clauses which created fear and suspicion in the other countries of Europe. There is no doubt to the fact that the formation of secret alliances and pacts created a sense of fear and military competition among the European powers which in turn prepared the ground for the outbreak of the First World War.

3. Narrate briefly the circumstances leading to the division of Europe into two opposing armed camps before the outbreak of the First World War.

Ans. The circumstances leading to the division of Europe into two opposing armed camps comprising Germany, Austria and their allies as one camp and England, France and their allies as another camp, before the outbreak of the First World War were:

(i) In the process of establishing a German nation state, the Germans invaded France and occupied Alsace and Lorraine.

(ii) Viewing the event of an attack from France, Germany made an alliance with Austria and Russia and thus laid the foundation of the Three Emperors’ League in 1873.

(iii) Germany developed a more friendly relation with Austria by the Austro-German Dual Alliance in 1879.

(iv) On the other hand, England and France joined hands to restrict the German soldiers in the Western Front. Thus, the Anglo-French Entente cordiale was signed in 1904.

(v) England had a very bitter relationship with Russia, regarding Persia, Afghanistan and Tibet. In this situation, France played a very significant role in building a good relation between the two countries and thus the Anglo-Russian Convention was formed in 1907. After the inclusion of France in this convention, it was known as the Triple Entente in 1907.

4. Give a brief review of the history of the armed conflicts in Europe and Africa during 1902-14.

Ans. The armed conflicts that occurred in Europe and Africa during 1902-14 were:

(i) In 1904, by agreements between Anglo-French and Franco-Spain, the Moroccan countries like Bosnia, Morocco, Herzegovina, Tripoli and the Balkan Peninsula were secretly portioned among the English, the French and the Spain. This enraged Germany and as a result, the first Morocco crisis developed.

(ii) The secret pacts between Britain, France and Spain erraged the Germans and they declared Morocco as an independent country and advocated for holding an international conference on the matter. The international conference was held in Algeciras from January-April 1906. In this conference, France and Spain were provided with some special rights and privileges along with the Sultan of Morocco over the Moroccan countries.

(iii) In 1911, owing to the deteriorating law and order situation in Morocco, France sent an armed force to Morocco to tackle the situation. In reply, Germany also sent its warship to Morocco. This made the war imminent between the two countries and thus, the second Moroccan crisis developed in 1911.

(iv) The second crisis was again solved in favour of France with a tripartite agreement between France, Britain and Germany on 3 and 4 November 1911.

(v) In the meantime, Italy attacked Turkey and Rhodes and other islands in the Mediterranean Sea. These attacks of Italy, created great confusion in Germany, Austria and Hungary. Owing to these attacks by Italy on Turkey, Turkey handed over Tripoli to Italy by the Treaty of Lausanne on 15 October 1912.

5. Narrate briefly the war situation during 1917-18.

Ans. The First World War began on 28 July 1914. The immediate cause of the war was the murder of Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria at Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 by a Serbian revolutionary youth. The war continued up to 1917 with no side claiming to be the winner. The war took a new turn due to the following two major events that took place in 1917:

(i) War situation in 1917: The United States of America joined the war in support of the Allies in 1917. The American entry immediately changed the course of the war in 1917. America declared war on Germany on 6 April 1917 and on Austria in December, 1917. Although America had remained neutral for more than two years, she was forced to enter the war as the fortunes of the Allies, England and France were not very good. There was a possibility of Germany over-running the entire European continent which might prove harmful to the rising power of America. Secondly, one of the German U-boats had destroyed a British ship named Luistania which had about 118 Americans compelling the USA to join the war. Soon after America joined the war, many other countries followed suit. Soon China, Brazil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Liberia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, etc. also declared war against the Central powers. The joining of America completely turned the war situation. America which was well-off economically started to pour men and materials into the battlefront. She sent thousands of soldiers to France to fight against the Germans. Within a short time, the Allies with the American forces began to make much headway in the war. The second event that changed the war situation in 1917 was the Russian Revolution which took place in Russia in October 1917. One of the major results of the Russian Revolution was that Russia soon withdrew from the war by a treaty named the Treaty of Brest Litovsk with Germany, which was signed on 8 March 1918. It was a great step for Germany as the eastern front became secure and the German forces stationed in this front could be utilized in the western front.

(ii) War situation in 1918: A supreme Allied War Council was created in November, 1917 with a view to have better coordination among the Allied members. Marshal Ferdinand Foch was authorized to direct the major offensive against the Central Powers in France. He was to be assisted by Marshal Petain, a French general and Sir Douglas Haig, the British commander. With better organization and command, the Allies began to get victories after victories and the Germans realized that their end was near.

Nevertheless, the German military chief General Ludendorff made a brave effort by launching a massive attack on the Anglo-French combined forces in March 1918. But within a short time, he was defeated at several places. In the second battle of Marne in France, Germans had to suffer defeat. Thereafter, the Germans continued to suffer defeat one after another. On 29 September 1918, Bulgaria surrendered followed by Turkey on 30 September 1918. Austria surrendered on 3 November 1918. Finally on 9 November 1918, the German Emperor, William II, fled to Holland and sought political asylum. A new republican government was formed in Germany which quickly signed an armistice with the Allies on 11 November 1918. In this way, the First World War came to an end.

6. Discuss the results of the First World War.

Ans. The First World War is viewed as one of the most significant episodes of world history. It is one of the most poignant events of modern times. Its repercussions and consequences were so overwhelming that every nation, every race and every corner of the world underwent rapid changes as a result of this war.

The results of the First World War were:

(i) The peace settlement: One of the most important consequences of the First World War was the peace settlement that followed it. The most important treaty was signed by Germany. This treaty came to be known as the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty signed between Austria and the Allies was known as the Treaty of St Germain. She too had to surrender several of her territories. The Treaty of Trianon was signed with Hungary. The Treaty of Neuilly and the Treaty of Sevres were signed with Bulgaria and Turkey respectively.

(ii) Downsizing of Germany: The First World War was a great blow to German expansion and prestige. Her territory was completely reduced, militarily subdued, economically crippled and internationally ridiculed. Much of her territory was parceled out. All her colonies in Asia and Africa were taken away. Her military strength was reduced to 1,00,000 men. In short, Germany was down-sized and hemmed from all sides.

(iii) Sowed the seeds of the Second World War: The Treaty of Versailles was absolutely vindictive and humiliating. Germany was treated like an international criminal. A similar treatment was given to other Central Powers, such as Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, etc. Vengeance was the key feature of the Versailles Peace arrangement. Hence, the vanquished nations were determined to undo the injustice done to them at the Paris Peace Conference. The Second World War was the inevitable consequence.

(iv) Rise of new nations: One of the major results of the war was the creation of several new nations. The Versailles Peace conference re-drew the map of Europe on national lines and created new states, such as, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and restructured Poland.

(v) Led to national awakening in several countries: The famous ‘Fourteen Points’ of Woodrow Wilson of America and the principle of self-determination which characterized the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919, was a great triumph for the suppressed nationalities. This boosted the national awakening in Asia, Africa and in the Turkish empire.

(vi) Rise of dictatorships: Post-war Europe was confronted with a variety of complex problems and in many cases infant democracies found themselves incapable of coping with them. The result was the emergence of certain anti-democratic movements such as Bolshevism, Fascism, Nazism, etc. which brought untold havoc in the world later.

(vii) Change in the balance of power: The war radically altered the balance of power in the world. Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Austria gradually sank in importance. The international center of power shifted from Europe to America. New York and Washington became the core center of international politics and diplomacy.

(viii) Establishment of the League of Nations: Perhaps the most lasting consequences of the First World War were the establishment of the League of Nations to maintain peace and security in the world. The credit for establishing it goes to Woodrow Wilson of America who proposed such an institution in his ‘Fourteen Points’. During the post-war period, this international organization played a key role in settling several international disputes and bringing peace to the world at least for some time.

(ix) Great loss of life and property: The war caused great loss of life and property. The loss is almost inestimable. Millions lost their lives and while millions became homeless and wounded. The destruction of property was colossal. It took a long time for the world to recover from the shocks of the war and the after-effects of the war.

7. ‘The defeat of the Central Powers in the First World War led to the emergence of several new nation states in Europe’. Discuss.

Ans. The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 is one of the most significant events of world history. It was caused by a culmination of several factors such as colonial and imperialistic rivalries, several crises in Balkan Peninsula, massive arms build up, division of Europe into rival military camps, rise of aggressive nationalism, etc. This was the first global war. The war was fought by two rival camps named Central Powers and Allied Powers or Allies. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria, Turkey, Bulgaria, etc. while the Allies comprised of England, France, Russia, America, China, etc.

The war came to a close with the signing of the armistice by Germany with the Allies on 11 November 1918. Soon, an international peace conference was held at Versailles in Paris to frame the peace treaties. The Peace conference lasted over a year and concluded with the signing of five separate treaties with the defeated Central Powers in 1919 and 1920. The main peace treaty signed between Germany and the Allies came to be known as the Treaty of Versailles. This Treaty had 440 provisions divided into 14 parts. One of the main results of these peace treaties was the emergence of several new nations particularly in the Balkan Peninsula. 

The other results were:

(i) The twin states of Austria-Hungary were divided into two separate countries.

(ii) A new state known as Czechoslovakia comprising Bohemia, Moravia and Sudetenland of Germany was created.

(iii) A new country called Yugoslavia was formed. It consisted of Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Herzegovina, Croatia and Dalmatia.

(iv) New countries such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, etc. were carved out from Russia.

(v) Poland was declared independent and restructured.

(vi) Belgium was declared a neutral country.

(vii) Luxembourg was declared an independent and neutral country.

(viii) The port city of Danzig, a purely German town, was declared a free city.

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