Class 10th Elective History Chapter 4 The Second World War

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Class 10th Elective History Chapter 4 The Second World War

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The World Between The Two World Wars


Very Short Answer Type Questions:

A.  [Mention the dates of the following events]

(a) German attack of Soviet Russia.

Ans. German attack of Soviet Russia: 22 June 1941

(b) Operation Torch.

Ans. Operation Torch: November, 1942.

(c) Destruction of the ‘Prince of Wales’.

Ans. Destruction of the ‘Prince of Wales’:10 December 1941.

(d) Surrender of Singapore to the Japanese.

Ans. Surrender of Singapore to the Japanese: 14 February 1942.

(e) Dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Ans. Dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: 6 and 9th August 1945.

(f) Surrender of Japan to Douglas McArthur.

Ans. Surrender of Japan to Douglas McArthur: 2 September 1945.

(g) Independence of Philippines.

Ans. Independence of Philippines: 1945

B. Give the Answer of the following:

(a) How many fighter planes were utilized by Hitler in the attack of Norway?

Ans. Hitler utilized 800 fighter planes in the attack of Norway.

(b) Who was Vidkun Quisling?

Ans. Vidkun Quisling was the leader of the Fascist group that supported Hitler in his conquest of Norway.

(c) Who organized the ‘Free France’ Movement?

Ans. A French patriot named Colonel Charles de Gaulle organized the ‘Free France’ Movement.

(d) Which country did Hitler attack under the code name ‘Operation Sea-Lion’?

Ans. Hitler attacked England under the code name ‘Operation Sea-Lion.’

(e) Which country did destroy the British warships the ‘Prince of Wales’ and the ‘Repulse’ off Singapore?

Ans. Japan destroyed the British warships the ‘Prince of Wales’ and the ‘Repulse’ off Singapore.

(f) Who was known as the ‘Desert Fox’?

Ans. Erwin Rommel, one of the most capable German Generals came to be known as the ‘Desert Fox’.

(g) What is the new name of Formosa?

Ans. The new name of Formosa is Taiwan.

(h) Who was the President of the USA when the atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Ans. Harry S. Truman was the President of the USA when the atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

(i) Who dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima?

Ans. Enola Gay of the of the USA Air Force dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima.

(j) Who dropped the atom bomb on Nagasaki?

Ans. Charles W. Sweeney of the USA dropped the atom bomb on Nagasaki.

(k) What was the name of Hitler’s wife?

Ans. The name of Hitler’s wife was Eva Braun.

(l) Who was the supreme commander of the Allied Forces after August 1943?

Ans. The supreme commander of the Allied Forces after August 1943 was Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten.

(m) Where did Japan surrender to General Douglas McArthur of the USA?

Ans. Japan surrendered to General Douglas McArthur of the USA on board the battleship ‘Missouri.’

(n) What was the code name of German attack on Russia?

Ans. The code name of German attack on Russia was ‘Operation Barbarossa.

(o) Which countries did attack the Nazis under the code name of ‘Operation Overlord’?

Ans. The combined armies of America and England attacked the Nazis under the code name of ‘Operation Overlord’.

1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
2The First World War
3The World Between The Two World Wars
4The Second World War
5The United Nations Organization
6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
7The Non-Aligned Movement
8Foreign Policy Of India


1. What are the different phases of the Second World War?

Ans. The different phases of the Second World War were:

(I) Phase I: from 1939 to 1940.

(ii) Phase II: from 1940 to 1941.

(i) Phase III: from 1941 to 1942.

(iv) Phase IV: from 1942 to 1944.

(v) Phase V: from 1944 to 1945.

2. What circumstances led to the entry of the USA in the Second World War?

Ans. The Second World War began with the German attack on Poland on 1 September, 1939. America did not join the war with the other Allies as she was least concerned about European politics. However, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, a naval port of America in the Hawaii Islands on 7 December 1941, compelled USA to join the war in 1941 along with the Allies.

3. Dropping of the Atom Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Ans. The President of the USA, Harry S. Truman was apprehensive of the role of Soviet Russia in the war in the Far East. So, to took control of the war in the Far East, Truman ordered to attack Japan by dropping two atom bombs consecutively on 6 and 9 August, 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. This devastated the two cities and killed millions of people.

4. Resistance Movements in Poland.

Ans. Soon after the invasion of Poland by the German force in September 1939, the people of Poland organized their Resistance Movement against the invading army under the leadership of the exiled Polish General Sikoroski. In 1942, the Polish communists also started their Resistance Movement. But, the Nazis crushed these movements with a heavy hand killing hundreds of people who opposed the German authority. The Resistance Movement became quite strong from the month of August 1944 and thousands of Poles joined the war of liberation against the Nazis. In the fascist counter offensive, nearly 2,50,000 people lost their lives in Poland.

5. Resistance Movements in France.

Ans. Soon after the invasion of France in June 1940, many patriotic men including many military generals left France and settled in England and in other parts of Europe. These men started a Resistance Movement named the ‘Free France Movement’ against the Germans. This movement was led by the exiled Colonel Charles de Gaulle who organised a French government in exile. In France, the communists also organized a separate movement in 1942. These anti-Nazi and anti-Fascist organizations arranged a ‘National Defence Force’ of 5,00,000 people who made the lives of the Nazis difficult in France. The National Defence Force along with the Allied powers rebelled against the Nazis and the Fascists rule in France and gained their independence.

6. Resistance Movements in Yugoslavia.

Ans. Yugoslavia had been conquered by Hitler before the outbreak of the Second World War. Soon the people of Yugoslavia started their Resistance Movement against the invading Nazis. Marshal Josip Broz Tito, the communist leader took the lead in the Resistance Movement of Yugoslavia. The Yugoslavian Resistance Movement was both against the invading Nazis and the supporters of the Nazis within the country. Josip Tito raised an army named a ‘People’s Liberation Army’ and freed Yugoslavia from the Nazis in 1944. After the expulsion of the Nazis, Tito was able to form a government and ruled the country for several years.

7. Resistance Movements in Greece.

Ans. In April 1941, Hitler captured Greece and established the Nazi rule. In the wake of Hitler’s attack, the government fell and the patriotic elements including the king fled to Cairo and there they formed a government in exile. Soon the communists started the Resistance Movement against the Nazis within the country. They started two organizations named the ‘National Liberation Front’ (NLF) and the ‘National Popular Liberation Army’ (ELAS). These organizations freed Greece from the Nazi rule in 1944. Soon after the liberation of Greece, the members of the government in exile tried to form a government in Greece and this resulted in a Civil War between the communists and the members of the government in exile. The Civil War of Greece lasted from 1946 to 1949. This weakened the internal condition of Greece to a great extent.

8. Resistance Movements in Vietnam.

Ans. The Resistance Movement by the people of Vietnam was not only against France but also against Japan and America. The Communist Party took the leadership of the movement under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh. The Communist Party was organized in 1941. The Communist Party declared Vietnam as the ‘Democratic Republic of Vietnam’ in September 1941. It fought against France and against Japanese aggression. The communists freed their country first from the Japanese, then from France and at last from America. Vietnam attained her independence in 1973.

9. Extent of damages caused by the Second World War.

Ans. The Second World War caused immense loss of life and property. The estimated war expenditure of the USA stood at 350 billion dollars while that of the other countries stood at 1,000 billion dollars. The value of the property destroyed came to another 1,000 billion dollars. In terms of human resources, the number of people killed stood at 22 million and people were injured about 34 million. The number of civilians killed in the war was over 20 million. At the behest of Hitler, Aikman seemed to have killed more than 6 million Jews.


1. Give a brief history of German attack on Poland and the Baltic States.

Ans. The outbreak of the Second World War on 1 September 1939 is a turning point in the world history. The event had far-reaching consequences which altered the face of the world.

(i) German invasion of Poland: The immediate cause for the outbreak of the Second World War was the German invasion of Poland whose integrity and unity had been guaranteed by England and France by the Munich Pact of 1938. Therefore, England and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939. The people of Poland put up a strong resistance, but within a few days western Poland was occupied by Germany. On 27 September, Warsaw, the capital of Poland was occupied by the German army. Fearing complete occupation of Poland, Russia also attacked Poland. As a result of this attack from two sides, the western part of Poland came under German control while the eastern part came under the command of Russia. The Russian occupation of the eastern part partially blocked the expansionist plan of Hitler for some time. Although England and France had promised the integrity and unity of Poland, yet they were unable to do anything about it.

(ii) Russian invasion of Baltic countries: In November 1939, Russia attacked Finland and in March 1940, she signed a Treaty with Finland. This Treaty secured Russia, the possession of an area for establishing a naval base in Finland. Fearing a threat to her own security, Soviet Russia secured the right to establish military bases in the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. This made them satellite states of Russia.

(iii) German invasion of other European countries: The victory over Poland boosted the confidence of Hitler and he marched towards Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg and Holland during April and May, 1940. Within a short time, the German army completely conquered these countries with very little opposition. In the conquest of Norway, Germany used aeroplanes extensively. In the battle of Norway, Vidkun Quisling, the leader of the fascist group, supported Hitler in annexing Norway, by betraying his own country. After establishing the German supremacy in the above mentioned countries, Hitler directed his attention to France.

Hitler attacked France with a huge force on 5 June 1940. The attack was so severe and violent that the Prime Minister of France, Paul Reynaud had to run away from Paris. In his place, Marshal Henri Phillipe Petain became the Prime Minister. The new Prime Minister signed an armistice with Hitler on 22 June 1940. Under the terms of this armistice, Hitler occupied half of France while the other half came to be controlled by Marshal Petain. This part of France came to be known as Vichy France as the headquarters of Marshal Petain was in the city of Vichy.

2. Give a pen-picture of German attack on England culminating in the Battle of Britain.

Ans. The German attack on England in 1941 is one of the important stages of the Second World War. The invasion was a failure. Nevertheless, it affected both the countries greatly, strengthening the resolve of Britain to avenge the destruction caused by Germany on her soil while Germany was determined to bring down the might of Britain.

Soon after the conquest of France in 1940, Hitler began his assault on his arch enemy, England. In fact, after the defeat of France, England stood alone in the battlefield against Hitler. Therefore, Hitler started a strong military offensive named the ‘Operation Sea-Lion’ against England sometime in July-August, 1940. The most severe part of the attack on Great Britain occurred from 8 August to 17 September 1940, The Germans bombarded the British seaports, airports, aeroplane manufacturing units, various industrial establishments, residential houses, etc. Most of the German attack was concentrated on the city of London. The German attack was so severe that about 20,000 people died in the city of London alone. Many nearby cities and towns also were completely razed to the ground as a result of recurring German bombardments. In retaliation, England also resorted to a violent counter offensive against Germany and made heavy and repeated bombing on the capital city of Berlin. During April-May 1941, the British Royal Force shot down nearly 2,400 fighter planes of Germany. This air battle between Germany and Britain during the period of 1940-1941 came to be known as the ‘Battle of Britain’. England won the battle mainly due to the dedication, hardship and courage of the British airmen of the British Royal Force. The credit of success also goes to the American support and to the great leadership provided by Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of England.

3. Briefly narrate the history of German attack on Soviet Russia.

Ans. The German invasion of Russia in June, 1941 is a significant event in the history of the Second World War. The downfall of Hitler was one of the major causes for its failure.

The history of German attack on Soviet Russia is discussed below:

(i) First invasion of Russia: Hitler’s military offensive against Russia was code named the ‘Operation Barbarossa’. The attack on Russia began on 22 June 1941 and continued up to 1943 in different stages. 

The main reasons for the invasion of Russia were:

(a) The destruction of the communist rule.

(b) The annihilation of the Slavs of Russia along with the Jews.

(c) The occupation of a living space for the surplus German population in the Urals.

(d) The occupation of the Donetz valley which was full of raw-materials for industrial production.

(e) The occupation of Ukraine. This place was known as the granary of Soviet Russia.

(f) The occupation of the Caucasus that was full of mineral oils and resources.

Hitler made three attempts to conquer Russia but failed in all his attempts. The first attack on Russia began with a huge German force on 22 June 1941. The Russians put up a strong defence. To meet the challenges of the war, a very powerful National Defence Council was formed in Russia with Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Berya and Malenkov as members. Germans had an upper hand in the beginning and was able to reach 20 miles from Moscow. But within a short time, the Germans were routed by the Russians mainly because the Germans could not suffer the extreme cold that the Russians were used to. Thus, the first attempt to conquer Russia ended in failure.

(ii) Second and third invasion of Russia: The second attempt started in April-May 1942. This time too the Germans were able to achieve some success. A severe battle for Stalingrad was fought. During this attack, Germany lost 30,000 soldiers and thousands were wounded and crippled for life. Nearly 1,40,000 men surrendered to the Red Army.

The third attempt started in the middle of 1943. The Germans were defeated in the Battle of Kursk with a loss of 5,00,000 soldiers. Thus, the third attempt of Hitler in conquering Russia ended in failure. The main reasons for the failure were the stiff resistance put up by the Russians as well the severe Russian cold which the Germans were not used to such extreme climatic conditions during war.

4. Discuss the course of the Second World War in Africa and the Mediterranean region between the Axis Powers and the Allies.

Ans. The war between Germany and England in August 1940, gave Italy a chance to take advantage and invade the British Somaliland. Taking the British Somaliland under her control, the Italian force under General Marshal Graziani moved towards Egypt and the Suez Canal area with an army of 2,50,000 soldiers in September 1940. Initially, the Italian force under Marshal Graziani gained some success against the British. Within a short time, the British retaliated with a stronger force under British General Wavell and recaptured Libya and re-established her supremacy in Egypt and over the Suez Canal region. The British soldiers moved further down and took control over Sudan, Kenya, Italian Somaliland and Ethiopia.

After these defeats of the Italians in Africa, Hitler sent Erwin Rommel better known as ‘Desert Fox’ with a German auxiliary force. His arrival turned the tide of the war in favour of the Axis Powers for some time. Soon after his arrival, the British started a fresh military offensive against the Italians and the Germans code named ‘Operation Battleaxe’. But this offensive proved to be a failure. In April 1941, Rommel defeated the British forces at Tripoli and Libya. This defeat compelled the British to start another military operation named the ‘Operation Crusader’ by Auchinleck. But this offensive too did not bear much fruit.

Therefore, a new military operation named the ‘Operation Torch’ was started once again under the overall command of General Montgomery. While Montgomery concentrated his attack in Tunisia, Tripoli and Libya, the head of an Anglo-American force Eisenhower attacked Morocco and Algeria. The combined attack proved to be successful and Rommel was forced to retreat from the battlefield by about 1000 miles. On 6 March 1943, a huge German force under Rommel was defeated in the Battle of the Kasserine Pass. This defeat compelled Rommel to leave Africa for good. In May 1943, the allied forces captured nearly 2,50,000 Italians stationed at Tunisia. These defeats of the fascist forces in the African theatre of war, sealed the fate of the fascists in Africa. Thus, by June 1943, the African region came under the complete control of the Allied Powers.

5. Give a brief resume of the history of the Second World War in the Far East following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.

Ans. America joined the Allies during the Second World War, soon after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in the Hawaii Islands on 7 December 1941. The attack was a huge shock to America. On 8 December 1941, America declared war on Japan. A huge American force under General Douglas McArthur was dispatched to the Far East to bring Japan to their knees.

Inspiring by their success in the attack of Pearl Harbour, Japan continued her military conquests of the region. She had already conquered China, Indo-China, British Burma, Malay Penisula and Thailand in 1940. Japan occupied Hong Kong on 25 December 1941.

Before capturing Hong Kong, on 10 December 1941, Japan destroyed the two British warships named the ‘Prince of Wales’ and the ‘Repulse’.

During the first three months of 1942, Japan occupied Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. After that she occupied Burma, Java, Borneo, Sumatra and Bali. With 60,000 soldiers, Singapore surrendered to Japanese on 15 February 1942.

Within May 1942, British forces were expelled from Burma. With this defeat, British lost her pride of supremacy in international arena.

Soon after the arrival of the American force under the command of General McArthur in the Far East, they began a serious military offensive against Japan. The first battle was fought in the Coral Sea between the Solomon Islands and Australia in May 1942. This naval battle resulted in the defeat of the Japanese navy. Within a short time, most of the countries that had been conquered by Japan were freed by the American forces. Philippines was freed from the Japanese control in October 1944. In August 1943, British Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten was made the supreme commander of the newly created South-East Asia Command to fight against the Japanese. Under his command, the Allied Forces started capturing various countries that were under the Japanese possession. Soon Burma, Malaysia, Singapore and China came under the control of the Allied Powers.

6. Mention the principal events leading to the defeat of the Fascists.

Ans. The principal events leading to the defeat of the Fascists were:

(i) The change in strategy in the warfare of the Allied Powers initiated by Stalin gave the Allies an edge over the Fascists.

(ii) The formation of the United Nations Organization comprising 23 countries along with the two super powers, the USA and the Soviet Russia.

(iii) The heavy defeats suffered by the Fascists in Africa, the Mediterranean, Far East, the Soviet Russia and the Pacific region.

(iv) The massive attacks and bombardments by the Allied Forces in Italy and Germany.

(v) The defeat of Mussolini in the election of the Supreme Council of the Fascists on 24 July 1943.

(vi) The surrender of the Prime Minister of Italy, Marshal Pietro Badoglio to the Allies unconditionally and the declaration of war against Germany on behalf of the Allies.

(vii) The massive offensive drive by the Anglo-American under the code name of the ‘Operation Overlord’ on Germany.

(viii) The freeing of Paris, Brussels and many other states.

(ix) The Soviet Red Army liberated Bylorussia and northern part of Poland within the month of June 1944.

(x) In the Yalta Conference (of February 1945), a formula was accepted for the collective occupation and control of Germany.

(xi) Potsdam Conference issued an ultimatum to Japan that either she must surrender to the Allied Forces or face final destruction.

7. How was Japan forced to surrender to the USA and with what results?

Ans. The President of the USA, Harry S. Truman was apprehensive of the role of the Soviet Russia in the war in the Far East. So, to take the control of the war in the Far East. Truman ordered to attack Japan by dropping two atom bombs consecutively on 6 and 9 August 1945, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. The total number of people died in this bombardment was more than 3,20,000. This attack forced the Japanese Cabinet to decide to abandon the struggle and surrender unconditionally. Thus on 15 August 1945, the Japanese forces surrendered to the British and to the Soviet Russia. On 2 September 1945, the Japanese forces surrendered to the American General Douglas McArthur on board to the battleship named Missouri.

8. Discuss the immediate consequences of the Second World War.

Ans. The Second World War began on 1 September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland. The war continued for nearly six years and concluded with the dropping of atom bombs on Japan in August, 1945. 

The war had the following far-reaching consequences on the world:

(i) Peace treaties and settlement: Towards the close of the Second World War, the ‘big five nations’ namely the USA, Russia, Britain, France and China held a number of conferences at Cairo, Moscow, Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam to discuss about the fate of Japan and Germany. However, no common formula could be evolved by the big powers for a peace treaty with Germany. Therefore, after the war, Germany was partitioned into four zones to be administered by the four powers while Japan was occupied entirely by the American forces under General McArthur. Later, he was given the task of establishing a responsible government in Japan.

(ii) Disastrous effect of the war: It is almost impossible to assess accurately the loss of life and property caused by the war. In terms of losses of human lives, the number of people killed stood at 22 million and the injured at 34 million. The number of civilians killed in the war was around 20 million. The value of property destroyed stood at 1000 billion dollars. The total expenditure of the war was over 1350 billion dollars. It brought untold economic hardships on the people all over the world.

(iii) End of Fascism and Nazism: One of the main war objectives of the Allies during the Second World War, was the destruction of German Nazism and Italian Fascism. The war sounded the death knell for Fascism, Nazism, militarism, totalitarianism, imperialism and aggressive nationalism.

(iv) Rise of the USA and Russia: The Second World War led to the emergence of the USA and Russia as two super powers. England and France declined in importance, as a result of the immense destruction and loss, they both suffered. New York and Moscow became the new political epic centers. International politics began to revolve around these two nations.

(v) Beginning of the cold war: After the Second World War, world came to be divided into two blocs namely the Western bloc led by the USA and the Eastern bloc led by Russia. Each of the blocs tried to put down the other by covert and overt operations and intrigues. This state of international politics came to be known as the cold war.

(vi) Setback for colonialism and imperialism: Colonialism and imperialism received a great setback. The Atlantic Charter signed by the USA and the Great Britain once again put up democracy, self-rule and self-determination. The humiliation and the economic destruction of the imperialist powers weakened the spirit of empire building. Secondly, starting of the liberation movements after the war sounded a great blow to the cause of colonialism and imperialism.

(vii) Triumph of nationalism: The war boosted the freedom struggle movements among the colonial people in Asia and Africa. The principles of Atlantic Charter of 1941, stimulated nationalism in several countries. As a result, national freedom struggle movements of India, Burma, Ceylon, Indonesia, China, Egypt, etc. took a leap forward and quickened the process of attaining independence.

(viii) The birth of the UNO: The greatest consequence of the war was the creation of the United Nations Organization on 24 October 1945 to preserve world peace and security. The havoc and misery caused by the war opened the minds of the international leaders who tried to establish a permanent and more efficient international organization to maintain peace and security in the world in the form of the UNO.

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