Class 10th Elective History Chapter 5 The United Nations Organization

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Class 10th Elective History Chapter 5 The United Nations Organization

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The World Between The Two World Wars


Very Short Answer Type Questions:

(Mention the dates of the following events):

(a) Establishment of the League of Nations.

And. Establishment of the League of Nations: 10 January 1920.

(b) Atlantic Charter.

Ans. Atlantic Charter: 14 August 1941.

(c) Death of Dag Hammarskjold.

Ans. Death of Dag Hammarskjold: 17 September 1961.

(d) Assassination of Patrice Lumumba.

Ans. Assassination of Patrice Lumumba: January, 1961.

(e) Independence of Namibia.

Ans. Independence of Namibia: 21 March 1990.

(f) Creation of the state of Israel.

Ans. Creation of the state of Israel: 14 May 1948.


(a) Aims and objectives of the UNO.

Ans. The main aims and objectives of the UNO are:

(i) To maintain international peace and security.

(ii) To develop friendly relations among the nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of people.

(iii) To achieve cooperation among the countries in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian character.

(iv) To serve as a centre for harmonizing nations’ actions in order to achieve these common goals.

(b) Dumbarton Oakes Conference.

Ans. The Dumbarton Oakes Conference was held in Washington in the months of August and October in 1944. It was organized to take actions on the decisions taken by the super powers of the world such as the USA, Soviet Russia, Great Britain, France and China. It was in this conference that the name ‘United Nations Organization’ was proposed. This conference finalized the blue-print of this international organization. It was also decided that there would be a Security Council consisting of five big powers as its permanent members. These five big powers would comprise of the USA, the Great Britain, France, Russia and China. The formation of the General Assembly was also decided. In this conference, the total member of membership of the Security Council was fixed at 11, though this number was raised later.

(c) San Francisco Conference.

Ans. The San Francisco Conference was held on 26 April 1945, at the Theatre Hall in San Francisco. The head of the conference was the Secretary of States of the United States of America, Mr Edward ettinius. A total of 260 representatives from 51 countries attended the conference. This conference accepted the UN Charter which constitutes the constitution of the UNO. The representatives of all the 51 states signed the UN Charter on 26 June, 1945. The UNO was formed on 24 October 1945, by the approval of all the 51 countries present in the conference.

(d) Secretary General of the UNO.

Ans. The Secretary-General of the UNO is elected and appointed by the General Assembly in consultation with the UN Security Council. He is the chief administrative officer of the UNO. His main task is to look after the legislative aspects of the various organs of the UNO. The Secretary General is entrusted with a staff force to carry out his various administrative duties. He is responsible for the smooth functioning of the UNO and is also responsible for the preparation of the annual budget of the UNO.

(e) Fund of the UNO.

Ans. The annual expenditure of the UNO is met by the funds procured by donation and membership fees. The total annual expenditure of the UNO comes nearly to 6 billion US dollars. Out of the total fund of the UNO, one-third comes in terms of compulsory levy from the member states and the rest two-third comes from voluntary donation. The United States of America contributes the highest amount to the UN Fund. The other major donors are Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Soviet Russia, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Finland, Libya, Spain, Austria, etc. About 30% of the total budget is collectively contributed by the USA, Japan and Germany.

(f) Crisis in Congo.

Ans. Congo was known as Belgian Congo before the attainment of independence from Belgium on 30 June 1960. The liberation movement in Congo was started under the leadership of Patrice Lumumba. Kasavubu became the President and Patrice Lumumba became the Prime Minister of free Congo which came to be known as Zaire, after its independence. Soon there started a rebellion by few soldiers under the leadership of Tshome for the independence of the rich province of Katanga from Zaire. This move was supported by the Belgium government and they sent their military in support of the rebellion. Therefore, the new government of Zaire submitted a complaint to the UNO against foreign military intervention. On receiving the complaint, UN Security Council sent a UN force to take control of the situation. Meanwhile, Patrice Lumumba was assassinated and this murder created a political turmoil in Zaire. While visiting Zaire to find out a solution to the existing political turmoil, UN Secretary General, Dag Hammarskjold, died in an air crash on 17 September 1961 and that also further heightened the tension. Within two years, the problem in Zaire was solved by the UNO as Katanga was reunited with the rest of Congo as a result of the UN intervention.

(g) Problem of Namibia.

Ans. The territory of Namibia was under the domination of South Africa. The people of Namibia had to undergo a great deal of suffering and hardship under the racist rule of South Africa over 70 years. In the struggle for freedom and independence of Namibia against South Africa, the League of Nations provided support to Namibia. After the end of the Second World War, the Namibians organized a movement of liberation of their country from South Africa. The struggle for freedom continued for several years. As a result of the untiring effort of the Namibians and the UN initiative, Namibia ultimately got her independence on 21 March 1990. Sam Nujoma became the first President of free Namibia.

1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
2The First World War
3The World Between The Two World Wars
4The Second World War
5The United Nations Organization
6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
7The Non-Aligned Movement
8Foreign Policy Of India


1. Give a brief account of the organisational set up of the UNO.

Ans. The establishment of the United Nations Organisation on 24 October 1945 is indeed a landmark event in the history of the mankind. It ushers a new era of international peace, security and cooperation. It is the culmination of several decades of men’s effort to bring lasting peace to the world.

Structure of UNO: UNO has six principal organs to carry out its main functions. They are the following:

(i) The General Assembly.

(ii) The Security Council.

(iii) The Economic and Social Council.

(iv) The Trusteeship Council.

(v) The International Court of Justice. and

(vi) The Secretariat.

(i) The General Assembly: The General Assembly is the deliberative organ of the UN. It consists of the representatives of all member states. Each member state has only one vote but may send five representatives to the UN. The General Assembly meets at least once in a year, the session commencing on the third Tuesday of September. It elects a President in the beginning of the sitting, to preside over its session for the whole year. But, a special session can be held at the initiative of the Security Council. Its main work consists of discussion on the international problems and to make recommendations to the Security Council. It elects members of other organs and the Secretary General, passes annual budget, controls the work of both the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council, etc. The General Assembly can also give membership to new states on the recommendation of the Security Council.

(ii) The Security Council: Security Council is the most important organ of the UNO. Originally, it consisted of 11 members. But, later its number was raised to 15. Currently, it consists of five permanent members and 10 non-permanent members. The five permanent members are the USA, Russia, the UK, France and China. One of the unique features of the Security Council is the “Veto Power’ of the five permanent members by which, any of the permanent members can block or prevent the passing of any proposal within the Council, if they are opposed to it. The Security Council is entrusted with the primary responsibility of maintaining international peace and security and for this purpose it is empowered to discuss any matter which threatens international peace and to take effective enforcement measures to bring peace to the world. The Security Council is authorized to punish any member state for violating the principles of the UNO. It also searches out means for disarmament.

(iii) The Economic and Social Council: The Economic and Social Council consists of 54 members elected by the General Assembly. The members of the Council meets thrice in a year to make recommendations to the United Nations on the subjects under its purview. Its main function is to study and report with recommendations to the General Assembly on economic, social, cultural, educational, health and allied matters and to promote cooperation among member-states in these fields.

(iv) The Trusteeship Council: The Trusteeship Council was created to exercise supervisory control over the colonies which were liberated from the vanquished powers of the Second World War. These colonies were known as the Trust Territories. The Council consists of all member-states administering Trust Territories, permanent members of Security Council and the same number of members as the trustees elected by the General Assembly from member states for a three-year term.

(v) The International Court of Justice: This is the principal judicial organ of the UN. Its headquarters is at the Hague in Netherlands. It consists of 15 Judges elected independently by the Security Council and the General Assembly for a nine-year term. It takes decision on cases submitted to it by the UN members. The Court also gives advisory opinion to the General Assembly and to the Security Council.

(vi) The Secretariat: The vast administrative functions of the UN are performed by a Secretariat under the supervision of the Secretary General who is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendations of the Security Council. Although the Secretary General is only a chief administrative officer of the UN, nevertheless, he wields considerable amount of international clout and exercises a lot of influence in world politics. He is assisted by Assistant Secretaries who head various UN departments.

2. Discuss the procedure of the formation of the Security Council. What are the powers of the Security Council?

Ans. The Security Council is the executive body of the UNO. Articles 23 to 32 of the UN Charter describe the composition of the Security Council. The UN Security Council originally consisted of 11 members. But, later its number was raised to 15. Currently, it consists of five permanent members and 10 non-permanent members. The five permanent members are the USA, Russia, the UK, France and China. One of the unique features of the Security Council is the ‘Veto Power’ of the five permanent members by which any of the permanent members can block or prevent the passing of any proposal within the Council, if they are opposed to it. The 10 non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term on rotation basis so that every country gets the chance to become a member of UN Security Council.

The main powers and functions of the Security Council are:

(i) To maintain international peace and security.

(ii) To remove the sources of disputes or means of friction among nations.

(iii) To suggest means of settlement of disputes among nations.

(iv) To search out means for disarmament.

(v) To resist war if it becomes imminent among nations.

(vi) To try to create an atmosphere for declaration of ceasefire in the event of a war being fought between two or more nations.

(vii) To try to settle bilateral or multilateral issues through peaceful means.

(viii) To give advice to the General Assembly to appoint the Secretary General of the UNO.

(ix) To punish any member state for violating any principles of the UNO.

(x) To impose economic sanctions against any member-state involved in violating the principle(s) of the UNO which may lead to breach of international peace.

(xi) The Security Council can take military actions against such states.

3. What are the different organs of the UNO?

Ans. The establishment of the United Nations Organisation on 24 October 1945 is indeed a landmark event in the history of the mankind. It ushers a new era of international peace, security and cooperation. It is the culmination of several decades of men’s effort to bring lasting peace to the world.

Structure of UNO: UNO has six principal organs to carry out its main functions. 

They are the following:

(i) The General Assembly.

(ii) The Security Council.

(iii) The Economic and Social Council.

(iv) The Trusteeship Council.

(v) The International Court of Justice. and

(vi) The Secretariat.

(i) The General Assembly: The General Assembly is the deliberative organ of the UN. It consists of the representatives of all member states. Each member state has only one vote but may send five representatives to the UN. The General Assembly meets at least once in a year, the session commencing on the third Tuesday of September. It elects a President in the beginning of the sitting, to preside over its session for the whole year. But, a special session can be held at the initiative of the Security Council. Its main work consists of discussion on the international problems and to make recommendations to the Security Council. It elects members of other organs and the Secretary General, passes annual budget, controls the work of both the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council, etc. The General Assembly can also give membership to new states on the recommendation of the Security Council.

(ii) The Security Council: Security Council is the most important organ of the UNO. Originally, it consisted of 11 members. But, later its number was raised to 15. Currently, it consists of five permanent members and 10 non-permanent members. The five permanent members are the USA, Russia, the UK, France and China. One of the unique features of the Security Council is the “Veto Power’ of the five permanent members by which, any of the permanent members can block or prevent the passing of any proposal within the Council, if they are opposed to it. The Security Council is entrusted with the primary responsibility of maintaining international peace and security and for this purpose it is empowered to discuss any matter which threatens international peace and to take effective enforcement measures to bring peace to the world. The Security Council is authorized to punish any member state for violating the principles of the UNO. It also searches out means for disarmament.

(iii) The Economic and Social Council: The Economic and Social Council consists of 54 members elected by the General Assembly. The members of the Council meets thrice in a year to make recommendations to the United Nations on the subjects under its purview. Its main function is to study and report with recommendations to the General Assembly on economic, social, cultural, educational, health and allied matters and to promote cooperation among member-states in these fields.

(iv) The Trusteeship Council: The Trusteeship Council was created to exercise supervisory control over the colonies which were liberated from the vanquished powers of the Second World War. These colonies were known as the Trust Territories. The Council consists of all member-states administering Trust Territories, permanent members of Security Council and the same number of members as the trustees elected by the General Assembly from member states for a three-year term.

(v) The International Court of Justice: This is the principal judicial organ of the UN. Its headquarters is at the Hague in Netherlands. It consists of 15 Judges elected independently by the Security Council and the General Assembly for a nine-year term. It takes decision on cases submitted to it by the UN members. The Court also gives advisory opinion to the General Assembly and to the Security Council.

(vi) The Secretariat: The vast administrative functions of the UN are performed by a Secretariat under the supervision of the Secretary General who is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendations of the Security Council. Although the Secretary General is only a chief administrative officer of the UN, nevertheless, he wields considerable amount of international clout and exercises a lot of influence in world politics. He is assisted by Assistant Secretaries who head various UN departments.

4. What are the functions of the different organs of the UNO?

Ans. The functions of the different organs of the UNO are:

(i) The General Assembly:

(a) Its main function is to advise the Security Council on all matters covered in the Charter of the UN.

(b) It also discusses on the reports submitted by other organs and takes decisions on all the matters brought to its notice.

(c) It appoints new members and the Secretary General on the recommendation of the Security Council.

(d) It approves the budget of the UNO.

(ii) The Security Council:

(a) To maintain international peace and security.

(b) To remove the sources of disputes or means of friction among nations.

(c) To suggest various means of settlement of disputes among nations.

(d) To search out means for disarmament.

(iii) The Economic and Social Council:

(a) It studies the problems related to economic, social, educational, cultural, health, scientific and natural causes.

(b) It makes people aware of their rights and duties so that they can enjoy them equally without any hinderances.

(c) It also holds international seminars and conferences on the issues forwarded by the General Assembly.

(d) It renders service to the member-states in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter and UN approval.

(iv) Trusteeship Council:

(a) It supervises the administration of Trust Territories.

(b) It accepts and examines the report of the administration of Trust Territories from those countries entrusted with the task of administration of these areas.

(c) The Council arranges visit to the areas to find out the real situations.

(d) It presents a report to the General Assembly every year.

(v) The International Court of Justice:

(a) The Court can adjudicate matters related to bilateral issues submitted for its decision by any member-state against any member state of the UNO.

(b) The verdict of the Court is binding on all parties/ member- states of the UNO.

(c) The Court can adjudicate matters related to issues covered by the Charter of the UNO.

(vi) The Secretariat:

(a) The Secretary General is the administrative head of the UNO and has to look after the services of all the organs of the UNO.

(b) He has to attend the sessions of the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council.

(c) He has to submit an annual report on the working and activities of the UN to the UN General Assembly.

(d) He has to appoint various officials of the UN and also has to ensure that the UN officials act in an impartial manner.

(e) He prepares the UN Budget and gets it approved by the General Assembly.

5. Discuss the achievements of the UNO.

Ans. The establishment of the United Nations Organization on 24 October 1945 was the most lasting and the most important result of the Second World War. Since its formation, it has worked immensely for the maintenance of international peace and security.

Following are the main achievements of the UNO:

(i) It has succeeded in establishing peace in many parts of the world.

(ii) It has succeeded in resolving many of the disputes between the countries through peaceful means.

(iii) It has helped in the production of more agricultural and food products.

(iv) It has provided the member-states with various technological aids.

(v) It has made the capitalist countries to invest in the underdeveloped and developing counties.

(vi) It has helped the attainment of independence of the colonized countries.

(vii) It has helped the development of education, science and technology in the world.

(viii) It has helped the invention of life-saving medicines.

(ix) It has played an important role in the field of welfare of women and child.

(x) It has helped more than 40 dependent countries to attain independence.

(xi) It has brought people’s awareness about AIDS, leprosy, tuberulosis, global warming and climate change and the need for remedial measures.

(xii) It has tried to get rid of famines, starvation, death, malnutrition, poverty, etc.

6. Discuss the causes leading to the outbreak of the Korean War.

Ans. The causes leading to the outbreak of the Korean War were:

(i) Korea was annexed by the USA and the Soviet Russia after the Second World War. The cold war situation between the USA and the Soviet Russia created a great tension over colonized Korea.

(ii) The division of Korea by the USA and the Soviet Russia into South Korea and North Korea divided the Koreans into two opposite camps.

(iii) The invasion of Soviet Russia dominated South Korea by the USA dominated North Korea, alarmed the situation of an inevitable war.

(iv) The UNO took stern measures to resolve the war-like situation and sent the UN military force to take control of the situation. But, the UN military force was fully dominated by the USA soldiers. This created a war-like situation in Korea.

(v) The UNO by its relentless efforts made both the USA and Soviet Russia to sign an armistice in July 1953.

7. Give a brief review of the Vietnamese struggle for liberation.

Ans. The Vietnamese struggle for independence was one of the most heroic struggles for freedom ever fought in the world. Vietnam became a mere pawn on the chessboard for the two superpowers, the USA and the Soviet Russia to play their diplomatic game. Eventually, the people of Vietnam rose up in arms and fought for their freedom.

During the Second World War, Japan had conquered Vietnam like other nations of the region. Soon after the defeat of Japan, France came back to Vietnam and took control of it as it was a French colony before the outbreak of the Second World War. Soon after the beginning of the war, the Vietnamese started their liberation struggle first against the Japanese and thereafter against the French. The leader of this freedom movement was Ho Chi Minh who organized a Liberation Movement in 1941. In September 1941, under his leadership, they declared Vietnam as the ‘Democratic Republic of Vietnam’ and formed a new government. This movement was mostly led by the communists under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh.

Soon America came to the scene as she did not want Soviet Union to control the affairs of the Vietnam alone. She instigated certain groups within Vietnam to fight against the communists leading to a civil war and division of the country into two parts, North Vietnam and South Vietnam. South Vietnam came under the influence of the America while North Vietnam came under the control of Soviet Russia. On the pretext of removing of communism from North Vietnam, the USA actively supported the efforts of South Vietnam. In fact, America practically controlled the affairs of South Vietnam. They began to use their military might to get rid of the communists in North Vietnam. But, the communists supported by Russia and China waged a relentless war against America and her supporters. For nearly 30 years, America fought against the communist in North Vietnam but failed in her attempt to free the country from the communists. Eventually, America was forced to leave Vietnam in 1973 allowing the people of Vietnam to live peacefully.

8. How did UNO resolve the crisis in the Middle East?

Ans. The Middle East, since the conclusion of the Second World War, became a troubled spot in world politics. The region became a disturbed area mainly due to the division of Palestine into two countries namely Israel and Palestine. The UNO had taken the initiative in forming a separate state for the Jews who had no homeland of their own. This act of the UNO was not favourably looked upon by the Arab nations. Therefore, soon after the formation of the new state of Israel on 14 May 1948, a war started between the Arab nations and Israel which resulted in the defeat of the Arab countries.

Gamal Abdel Nasser, the President of Egypt, was the undisputed leader of Arab nationalism and he tried to nationalise Suez Canal in July, 1956 which forced England and France to declare war on Egypt. Soon, Israel too joined the war on the side of the European powers. Under the threat of Russian intervention, the war was brought to a close but the Israel-Palestine problem continued to remain a festering wound. In 1967, a war began between the Arab countries Egypt, Jordan and Syria one side and Israel on the other side over the issue of the closure of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israel shipping. As the war lasted only six days, this war came to be known as the ‘Six Day War’. During this war, Israel was able to occupy many strategic points of the surrounding Arab nations which further intensified the on-going tension between Israel and the Arab nations.

Once again a war started between Egypt and Israel in 1973 upsetting international peace and tranquility. However under American pressure, the war was brought to a close. The Middle East, thus remained for a long time a trouble spot, ready to flare up any time. The UNO could do very little to ease the tension between Israel and the Arab countries. The peace of the Middle East was disturbed by the sudden attack of Iraq on Kuwait. Kuwait made a strong protest to the UNO and asked her help in forcing Iraq to withdraw her army from Kuwait. Since Iraq refused to obey the UN request to withdraw from Kuwait, it organized a UN sponsored invasion of Iraq forcing Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. But, unfortunately the USA during the Gulf War converted the Security Council or the UNO to suit her whims and fancy. This has belittled the importance of UNO in the recent times. Thus, we can see that the UNO intervened several times in the Middle East Crisis but the crisis has not been fully solved mainly due to the American support of Israel.

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