Class 10th Elective History Chapter 6 Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period

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Class 10th Elective History Chapter 6 Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period

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The World Between The Two World Wars


Very Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Name of the first Asian country to become independent.

Ans. Philippines was the first Asian country to become independent.

2. Who was the founder of the Indian National Congress?

Ans. Allan Octavian Hume was the founder of the Indian National Congress.

3. Who was the founder of the African National Congress?

Ans. Nelson Mandela was the founder of the African National Congress.

4. Who were the leaders of the Burmese freedom movement?

Ans. The leaders of the Burmese freedom movement were Aung San and U Nu.

5. Name two leaders of the freedom movement of Indonesia.

Ans. Hadiningrat and Rader Adjang Kartini were the two leaders of the freedom movement of Indonesia.

6. Who organized the Tung-meng-hai in China?

Ans. Dr Sun Yat-Sen organized the ‘Tung-meng-hai’ in China.

7. Name a person responsible for the organization of Kuomintang?

Ans. Sung Chiao-Jen was responsible for the organization of Kuomintang.

8. Where did Chiang Kai-shek establish the Chinese National Government?

Ans. Chiang Kai-shek established the Chinese National Government in Canton.

9. What is the present name of Gold Coast?

Ans. The present name of Gold Coast is Ghana.

10. Which continent is called the ‘Dark Continent’?

Ans. Africa is known as the ‘Dark Continent’.

11. What is the present name of Peking?

Ans. The present name of Peking is Beijing.

12. What is the date of the death of Dr Sun Yat-Sen?

Ans. Dr Sun Yat-Sen died on 12 March 1925.

13. What is the present name of Congo?

Ans. The present name of Congo is Zaire.

14. Who was the leader of the freedom movement of Algeria?

Ans. Mohammad Ahmed Ben Bella was the leader of the freedom movement of Algeria.

15. Which company did construct the Suez Canal?

Ans. The Suez Canal Company constructed the Suez Canal.

16. How many years did Nelson Mandela spend in jail?

Ans. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail.

17. When did the African National Congress emerge?

Ans. The African National Congress emerged in 1912.

18. SWAPO stands for what?

Ans. SWAPO stands for the South West African People’s Organisation.

19. Where did Kwame Nkrumah receive his collegiate education?

Ans. Kwame Nkrumah received his collegiate education from the Achimota College, the Lincoln University in Pennsylvania (in the USA) and the London School of Economics (in England).

20. Where did Robert Gabriel Mugabe receive his collegiate education?

Ans. Robert Gabriel Mugabe received his collegiate education at the Fort Hare University College in South Africa and later in London.


1. Freedom movement of Myanmar.

Ans. Burma (Myanmar) is known for its rich agricultural and forest resources. It has also a flourishing maritine trade and commerce with the foreign countries. For these resources, Burma was colonized first by the British in 1824, which resulted in the Anglo-Burmese Wars. Two more Anglo-Burmese Wars took place in 1854 and 1885-86 respectively. Next, Japan attacked Burma in the Second World War in May 1942 and established its supremacy. This resulted in a revolt against the Japanese colonization under the leadership of Aung San and U Nu. These leaders thwarted the Japanese colonial power in Burma in 1945. But, soon the British reoccupied Burma. Aung San visited London with the view for negotiation with the British and returned to Burma after a few years. On 19 July 1947, Aung San was murdered and in his place, U Nu took the leadership of the negotiation. This negotiation gave fruits and Burma became free from the British colonial rule on 4 January 1948.

2. Freedom movement of Sri Lanka.

Ans. Sri Lanka was first colonized by Portugal. Later, the Dutch took the place of the Portuguese. After two centuries of Dutch rule, Sri Lanka came under the British in 1796 and in 1802, it became a Crown Colony. Much influenced by the Indian freedom movement, the people of Sri Lanka too started a liberation movement of their own. A political party named the ‘Ceylon National Congress’ was formed in 1919, to fight against the British. As a result of the political pressure exerted by this national party, the British home government introduced some reforms in the administration of the country. But, the people were not happy with the few superficial reforms and they demanded independence. Finally, the British were forced to grant independence to Sri Lanka on 4 February 1948.

3. Freedom movement in Ghana.

Ans. The country of Ghana came under the British control in 1821. Within a few years, the British turned it into a Crown Colony. For a long time, the people of Ghana had been demanding autonomy for their country, but the British granted few constitutional reforms which did not satisfy the people. Therefore, a war of liberation was started under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah. In June 1949, Kwame Nkrumah organized a political party named the ‘Convention of People’s Party.” This party became the torch bearer of freedom struggle in Ghana. During the next two general elections, this party was able to get a majority of the seats and so in 1956, the Legislative Assembly passed the resolution calling for total freedom from Britain. Finally, England granted independence to Ghana on 6 March 1957.

4. Freedom movement in Congo.

Ans. Congo was colonized by Belgium. After the end of the Second World War, a war of liberation started in Congo under the leadership of Patrice Lumumba. He organized a political organization named the ‘Congolese National Movement’. The Belgium government tried to suppress this movement for freedom. But, the people of Congo under the leadership of Patrice Lumumba rose up in rebellion all over the country demanding autonomy. Even the people in the Belgium armed forces rose in rebellion in several places in support of Congo’s freedom and independence. In the wake of this national movement and international pressure, the Belgium government finally granted independence to Congo on 30 June 1960. This country came to be known as Zaire from 27 October 1971.

5. Freedom movement in Algeria.

Ans. Algeria was colonized by France. During the Second World War, General Charles de Gaulle organized a resistance movement against the Fascists in Algeria on condition that after the end of the war, Algeria would be given freedom. But, after the end of the war, the government of France under General de Gaulle refused to grant freedom to Algeria. This forced the people of Algeria to begin a war of liberation against the French. The freedom movement was organized by Mohammed Ahmed Ben Bella. He managed to escape to Cairo in 1952 and there he organized the ‘National Liberation Front’ for Algeria in 1954. The National Liberation Front declared independence in 1958 and formed a provisional government for Algeria. France meanwhile, launched ruthless repression and thousands were put behind the bars. However, being pressurized by the international community, General de Gaulle held a referendum in France in 1960 on the question of granting freedom to Algeria and the people of France voted overwhelmingly in favour of granting freedom to Algeria. Therefore, France granted independence to Algeria on 3 July 1962 and Mohammad Ahmed Ben Bella became the first Prime Minister of independent Algeria.

6. Emergence of the state of Israel.

Ans. Before the creation of Israel, the Jews were homeless in the world. On 14 May 1948, the state of Israel was created on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea exclusively for the news. They were a nation without a state. Several years before the creation of Israel, Palestinian had been under British control as per the mandatory system of the League of Nations. While Palestine was under British control, the Anglo-American bloc helped the immigration and settlement of Jews from different parts of the world in Palestine. By the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, the number of Jews who got settled in Palestine had reached a huge number. This caused armed conflicts between the Arabs and the Jews. Therefore, UNO organized the division of Palestine into two countries, one for the Arabs and other for the Jews. But, even after the formation of the new state of Israel, the armed conflicts between Israel and the neighbouring Arab nations continued disturbing the peace of the Middle East several times.

7. Palestine Liberation Organization.

Ans. In the wake of the creation of Israel in 14 May 1948, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was organized mainly to bring about as much harm as possible to Israel and liquidate this state if possible. The main leader of this organization was Yasser Arafat. Since its formation in 1964, the PLO was able to make political, military and economic attacks on Israel, but each time Israel retaliated with equal force. In the beginning, the PLO came to be controlled by the Syrian unit Al-Fatah, an extremist group. In addition, some other extremist outfits such as the ‘Palestine Liberation Front, the ‘Black September’, etc. worked under the banner of the PLO. They were engaged in sabotage activities in different parts of the world particularly against the Jews. Due to constant attack by Israel, many of these outfits left Syria and Lebanon and settled in Algeria. In 1974, the headquarters of the PLO was also shifted to Algiers, the capital of Algeria. On 15 November 1988, Yasser Arafat, the leader of the PLO declared the creation of an independent Palestine state which consisted of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Some sort of peace was brought between the new state of Palestine and Israel by an agreement signed on 13 May 1994.

8. Yasser Arafat.

Ans. Yasser Arafat was the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. In fact, he was one of the founding fathers of this organization. He spent his whole life promoting this organization and its cause. Eventually, he became the spokesman for the Muslims of Palestine who had to fight against the Jews. On 15 November 1988, Yasser Arafat declared the new state of Palestine comprising the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The new state of Palestine was immediately recognized by 80 countries. The credit of establishing the new state of Palestine definitely goes to Yasser Arafat. After a long period of conflict with Israel, Yasser Arafat, on behalf of the Palestine, signed an agreement with Israel on 13 May 1994 restoring peace and normalcy in the country. Yasser Arafat is considered to be one of the greatest leaders of the Muslim world.

1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
2The First World War
3The World Between The Two World Wars
4The Second World War
5The United Nations Organization
6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
7The Non-Aligned Movement
8Foreign Policy Of India


1. Mention the factors responsible for the rise and growth of liberation movements in the colonies of Asia.

Ans. The liberation movements in the colonies of Asia started in the beginning of the 20th century. Several developments and factors were responsible for the emergence of national upsurge in these colonies.

Following are the main factors responsible for the rise and growth of liberation movements in the colonies of Asia:

(i) Political unity: Almost all the imperialist and colonial powers, soon after conquering the various parts of the colonies brought political unity for the sake of easy administration and quick movement of troops. Political unity was the first step to freedom movement. Political unity brought national consciousness, a sense of unity and feeling of one nation among the people of the colonies.

(ii) Education: The education system introduced by the colonial and imperial powers, inculcated lessons on democracy, democratic principles and ideals, individual freedom and liberty, civil and political rights, liberalism, etc. The noble ideals propagated by the French Revolution, the American Revolution and the Russian Revolution came to be accepted by the educated class. Within a short time, the educated middle class became the torch bearers of freedom movements in their colonies.

(iii) The Second World War: One of the inevitable results of the Second World War was that most of the imperial powers such as England, Germany, Italy, Holland, France, Portugal, etc. lost their former economic power as a result of the heavy destruction caused by the war. They became economically weak and military subdued. They were not in a position to resist the rising national upsurge in the colonies.

(iv) Influence of the Russian Revolution: There is no denying the fact that many of the Asian countries were much influenced by the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. The ideals of Marxism as shown by the success of the Russian Revolution were a great example to the colonies. The principles outlined by the revolution became the guiding principles for the freedom fighters in these colonies.

(v) Influence of Indian freedom movement: The Indian freedom movement exerted a great influence on the freedom struggle movements in many colonies of Asia and Africa. The peaceful freedom struggle movement under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi became a role model for many of the colonies. The various methods of protest and agitation adopted by the Indian National Congress in India were copied by the leaders in their respective colonies.

(vi) Support of the UNO: The support of the UNO in the national movement of the colonies for freedom was a great factor that quickened the granting of independence by most imperialist countries. Countries such as Burma, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea received a lot of support from the UNO and in case of Korea and Vietnam, the UNO actively supported the freedom struggle movements.

2. Give a brief review of the history of liberation movements in the Asian countries.

Ans. The fall of the Fascists and Japan in 1945 quickened the freedom movements in the Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Burma, Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, etc. The war of liberation from the colonial and imperial powers started soon after the First World War in many of the colonies of Asia and reached a high pitch after the Second World War. 

The liberation movements in some of the Asian countries are:

(i) India: British conquered the whole of India, soon after their victory at Plassey in 1757. The first major resistance against the British was the Sepoy Mutiny which broke out in 1857 and lasted up to 1858. Though this revolt did not succeed in throwing out the British from India yet it lighted the torch of freedom in the minds of the Indians. In 1885, Allan Octavian Hume started the Indian National Congress to channelize the liberation movement in a proper manner without causing harm to the British government. By 1919, the liberation movement came under Mahatma Gandhi, who organized three mass movements for the liberation of the country. 

These were:

(a) The Non-cooperation Movement of 1920.

(b) The Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930.

(c) The Quit India Movement of 1942.

These three mass movements forced the British government to grant independence to India on 15 August 1947.

(ii) Burma: The British attempt to conquer Burma led to the first Anglo-Burmese War of 1824. This was followed by two more wars in later years. During the Second World War, Burma was conquered by Japan. This forced the people of Burma to organize a liberation movement against the Japanese. This movement was led by Aung San and U Nu. After the Japanese defeat, Burma was reoccupied by the British. Therefore, the Burmese leaders fought against the British forcing the British to grant freedom to this country on 4 January 1948. Though Aung San was murdered on 19 July 1947, U Nu took up the banner of liberation struggle and got freedom for his country on 4 January 1948 from the British colonialism.

(iii) Indonesia: Indonesia formerly known as the East Indies consisted of 13,500 islands of which only 6,000 are suitable for habitation. The Dutch were the earliest foreigners to colonize Indonesia. The people of Indonesia organized a liberation movement against Dutch imperialism under the leadership of Hadiningrat and Raden Adjang Kartini. Several political organizations came up in the 20th century which fought for the freedom of the country. Another important leader was Ahmed Sukarno who organized a national political party named the ‘Indonesian National Association’ in 1927. Under his leadership, the liberation struggle became a mass upheaval forcing the Dutch authorities to grant freedom to Indonesia on 2 December 1949.

(iv) Sri Lanka: The Portuguese were the first to colonize Sri Lanka. Later, the Portuguese were ousted by the Dutch and finally the country came under the British in 1796 and in 1802, it became a Crown Colony of Britain. Soon after the First World War, there started a liberation movement in Sri Lanka on the lines of the Indian freedom movement. The liberation movement in Sri Lanka was led by a political party named the ‘Cylon National Congress’. This party was able to organize the masses against the British and as a result the British introduced some reforms such as constitutional democracy, dominion status, etc. But, the people were not happy with these superficial changes and demanded total freedom. Finally, the British granted independence to Sri Lanka on 4 February 1948.

(v) Other countries: The Japanese conquered Thailand, Philippines and Malaya during the Second World War. But, the defeat of Japan in the war resulted in the emergence of several liberation movements in these countries. Eventually, most of these countries became independent.

3. Narrate briefly the course of the Indian freedom movement.

Ans. The course of the Indian freedom movement is discussed here under:

(i) Beginning of the Indian freedom movement: The Indian freedom movement started with the First War of Independence which took place in May, 1857. Within a hundred years, the whole of India came under the British control and dominion. The economic exploitation, political unity brought by the British, spread of western education, development of better transport and communication, etc. led to a national awakening in the country towards the beginning of the 20th century. This resulted in the emergence of certain political agitation and demands. To channel the political demands of the people of India, Allan Octavian Hume, a retired British official, started the Indian National Congress in 1885. From 1885 to 1905, this party was able to organize the educated people to fight for better governance in the country. Their chief means were prayer, petition and protests. However, the British attempt to divide the nationalists particularly from Bengal created a political turmoil in the country. Lord Curzon’s attempt to divide Bengal into two parts resulted in the Swadeshi and Anti-partition movements. Both the movements, brought a large number of Indians into the national movement for freedom.

(ii) Arrival of Mahatma Gandhi: The arrival of Mahatma Gandhi on the political scene of India in 1919, changed the course of Indian freedom struggle movement. He infused a new spirit into the movement and launched a new method of fighting against the British. His chief method was non-violence or Satyagraha. Within a few years, he became the undisputed leader of the masses. Under his guidance, the Indian freedom movement passed through three important stages:

(a) The Non-cooperation movement: A movement organized by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920 to expel the British from the Indian soil by a mass movement wherein the people were asked not to cooperate with the British in any of its services, to boycott educational institutions, law courts, legislatures, not to pay taxes, to give up foreign cloths, to surrender all British-given titles and honours, to practise hand spinning and weaving, to offer resignation from government services, etc. The movement was a great success. But, Gandhi called off the Non-cooperation Movement in 1922, when the movement turned violent.

(b) The Civil Disobedience movement: In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi organized the second mass movement named the Civil Disobedience Movement. It began with his march from his asharam at Sabarmati to Dandi with his 78 followers and making salt on the sea-coast of Dandi with the object of breaking salt laws issued by the British. The movement became an all India movement and greatly boosted the national spirit.

(c) The Quit India movement: The third mass movement named the Quit India movement was started in Mumbai in August, 1942. During this movement, the political leaders asked the British to go back or quit India for good and leave India to the Indians. This movement too became a grand success and the British realized that they would not be able to stay long in India.

(iii) Beginning of the communal policy: When the British realized that the Indian National Congress had become very powerful, they started to follow the ‘divide and rule’ policy. With this in view, they helped the starting of the ‘Muslim League’ by some prominent Muslim leaders. They introduced communal representation and gave all support to Muslim League as a bulwark against the Congress. The result of this policy was the division of India into India and Pakistan. India got freedom on 15 August 1947 while Pakistan became a free nation on 14 August 1947.

4. Discuss the history of independence movement of Indonesia.

Ans. Indonesia formerly known as East Indies was colonized by the Dutch. The terrible economic hardship caused by the Dutch colonists forced the people of Indonesia to start a war of liberation. The first movement for liberation was started by Hadiningrat and Raden Adjang Kartini. This was the first stage of the independence movement in Indonesia. From the second decade of the twentieth century, the nationalist movement in Indonesia took a definite shape. During this time, several political parties came up. The most prominent among them were Sarekat Islam, Muhammadiyah, Indische Social-Demokratische Vereeniging’, etc. These political organizations aroused political consciousness in the country. This was the second stage of the Indonesian freedom movement.

The third stage of the movement started when students of the country started joining the political movement. Under the leadership of the students, small groups or units were formed in different parts of the country. This resulted in the formation of the ‘Perserikatan Komunist India’. This communist organization was able to arouse the national feeling and bring thousands of people into the fold of agitation. Two of its important leaders were Dekker and Ahmed Sukarno. They formed a political organization named the ‘Indonesian National Association. From 1931 onwards, this party played a key role in bringing the peasants and the working class to the political movement of the country. Under the banner of the ‘Association of Political Organizations of the Indonesian People’, Sukarno tried to bring some kind of unity among the various political parties in the country. Meanwhile, the Dutch rulers let loose a reign of suppression against the political leaders and against the political activities in the country.

During the Second World War, Indonesia was conquered by Japan. Immediately after the fall of Japan in the war, the freedom fighters of Indonesia declared the independence of their country on 17 August 1945 in Jakarta. But, soon after the war, the Dutch returned to Indonesia and reoccupied the country. As a result, the people of Indonesia were forced to take up the liberation movement once again on a stronger note. However, the Dutch continued their former policy of repression and suppression of the people’s rights and spirit. This time, however, the world opinion went against the Dutch and also the UNO intervened on behalf of the people of Indonesia forcing Holland to grant independence to Indonesia on 2 December 1949. Sukarno became the first President of free Indonesia.

5. Give a brief review of the political situation in China following the First World War.

Ans. During the First World War, China joined the Allies with the hope that she would get freedom from the Japanese domination. However, when the war ended in 1919, the Allied Powers gave recognition to Japanese rights and privileges in China. This led to the starting of the resistance movement against the Japanese in China as well as against the other foreign powers occupying China. But, the government tried to suppress this mass upsurge. They arrested nearly 1150 students. But, the movement carried on a stronger spirit all over the country. This movement came to be known as the ‘New Culture Movement”. Meanwhile, the success of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia exerted a great influence on the Chinese liberation movement making them realize the futility of democratic methods of obtaining freedom. As a result, communism began to spread all over China particularly among the Chinese students. The Communist Party of China held its first conference at Shanghai in July, 1921. One of its founding leaders was Mao-Tse-Tung. Soon after this conference, many branches of the Communist Party were opened in different parts of China.

Meanwhile, taking advantage of the weakness of the central government in Peking, the leaders of the provincial governments, mainly the warlords declared war against the central government. Most of the provincial rulers wanted to remain free and independent. Thus, China was on the brink of losing her national unity and integrity. During this time, Dr Sun Yat-Sen kept the revolutionary elements in China united and tried to fight against the Chinese warlords in the interest of maintaining national unity of the country. He was able to establish some sort of unity between Soviet-guided Communist Party of China and the Nationalist Party led by him. For some time, the communists too joined the effort to bring peace in the country. Dr Sun Yat-Sen established the nationalist government at Canton on 1 July 1925 and Peking was captured in June 1928 by Chiang Kai-shek, a trusted follower of Dr Sun Yat-Sen. The United States of America gave recognition to this nationalist government and soon many countries followed suit. However, within a short time, a civil war broke out between the communists and the Kuomintang Party or the Nationalist party in China. Therefore, when Japan conquered Manchuria in 1931, the Chinese government could do very little. In the growing Japanese aggression on China, the nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek followed a policy of appeasement towards Japan and tried to liquidate the communist power rather fight against the Japanese.

6. Give a brief review of the revolution culminating in the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in October 1949.

Ans. Dr Sun Yat-Sen was able to establish a nationalist government at Canton on 1 July 1925. Soon thereafter, there started a civil war between the nationalist forces and the communist forces led by Mao-Tse-Tung. In June 1928, the nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek captured Peking and established their control over the central government. The United States of America gave recognition to this government and soon many other countries followed suit. Japan attacked Manchuria in 1931 and established a puppet government over there. The Japanese did not remain satisfied with Manchuria alone. They started conquering the areas close to Manchuria including the rich province of Jehol and thereafter reached the proximity of the Great Wall. In the face of growing Japanese aggression, the nationalist government under Chiang Kai-shek followed a policy of appeasement. The central government was more concerned about liquidating the communists than the Japanese. This caused a political turmoil in the country. The intellectuals, students, youth, the workers and the peasants, all realized the need of the hour was anti-Japanese front and started an organization named the ‘National Salvation Association’ in 1936. People started a resistance movement against the Japanese and asked both the communists and the nationalists to fight against the Japanese. But, the nationalist government refused to do so.

The government in Nanking fell before the Japanese in 1937 and thereafter they occupied the whole Yangtze valley forming a provincial government of their own in Peking. Within a short time, a great part of China came under the Japanese control. Therefore when the Second World War broke out, the communists headed by Mao-Tse-Tung organized a war of liberation from the Japanese and from the nationalist government. After the war ended, the communists started to fight against the nationalist government. Being supported by the United States of America in men and materials including arms and ammunitions, the nationalist were victorious against the communists in the early stage, but gradually they had to suffer defeats one after the other in the hands of the communist later. By the year 1949, the communist liberated the whole of China from the nationalist government. Thereafter, Mao-Tse-Tung declared China as a ‘People’s Republic of China’ on 1 October 1949. The new state of China was immediately recognized by the Soviet Union and other East European communist countries. In the meantime, Chiang Kai-shek along with his followers left China for Formosa (Taiwan) and established a nationalist government over there.

7. Briefly narrate the background of the history of liberation movements in Africa.

Ans. The African continent was under colonial rule for a long period of time. This resulted in the emergence of several anti-colonial liberation movements in Africa. The economic exploitation, spread of education, racial discrimination, influence of Indian freedom struggle movement, influence of Marxism, support of the UNO, etc. were some of the factors that prepared the ground for the liberation movements in Africa. 

The liberation movements in Africa is discussed below:

(i) Ghana: Ghana is a small country of Africa situated on the shore of the Guinea Sea in the South Atlantic Ocean. Formerly, it was known as the Gold Coast. This country came under the British dominion in 1821. Within a few years, the British made it into a Crown Colony. For a long time, the people of Ghana had been demanding autonomy for their country but the British introduced only few reforms which did not satisfy the people. Therefore, a war of liberation was started under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah. After the end of the Second World War, this movement became very strong. In June 1949, Kwame Nkrumah organized the ‘Convention of People’s Party.’ This party became the torch bearer of freedom struggle movement in Ghana. During the next two general elections, this party was able to secure majority of the seats in the legislature and so in 1956, the legislative assembly passed a resolution calling for independence of Ghana from Britain. As a result of international pressure and intense freedom struggle movement in Ghana, England was compelled to grant independence to Ghana on 6 March 1957.

(ii) Congo: Congo was colonized by Belgium and soon it became the personal property of King Leopold II of Belgium. After the end of the Second World War, a war of liberation started in Congo under the leadership of Patrice Lumumba. He organized a political organization named the ‘Congolese National Movement.’ The Belgium government tried to suppress this movement for freedom with all their might. Patrice Lumumba was able to make his party a national party and was able to get mass support. Even the people in the Belgium armed forces rose in rebellion in several places in support of the Congo’s freedom and independence. In the wake of this national movement and international pressure, the Belgium government granted independence to Congo on 30 June 1960. This country came to be known as Zaire from 27 October 1971.

(iii) Algeria: Algeria was colonized by France. During the Second World War, General Charles de Gaulle organized a resistance movement against the Fascists in Algeria on condition that after the war got over Algeria would become free from France. But, after the end of the war, the government of France under General de Gaulle refused to grant freedom. This forced the people of Algeria to begin a war of liberation against the French. The Algerian freedom movement was organized by Mohammed Ahmed Ben Bella. He managed to escape to Cairo in 1952 and there he organized the ‘National Liberation Front for Algeria in 1954. The National Liberation Front declared independence in 1958 and formed a provisional government for Algeria. France meanwhile initiated ruthless repression against the freedom fighters and thousands were put behind the bars. However, being pressurized by the international community, General de Gaulle held a referendum in France in 1960 on the question of granting freedom to Algeria. The people of France voted overwhelmingly in favour of granting freedom to Algeria. Therefore, France granted independence to Algeria on 3 July 1962 and Mohammad Ahmed Ben Bella became the first Prime Minister of independent Algeria.

(iv) Namibia: Namibia was colonized by Germany. In 1915, Namibia became part of South Africa. After the Second World War, the Namibians under the leadership of Sam Nujoma organized the ‘South Western African People’s Organisation’ (SWAPO) for Namibia to fight for the freedom of their country from South Africa. The struggle continued for many years. The Namibians were supported by many countries of the world. The UNO gave full support to their cause. Finally, South Africa withdrew her control of Namibia and granted independence to Namibia on 21 March 1990.

(v) Nigeria: Nigeria is situated on the coastline of Guinea Sea in the South Atlantic Ocean. It became a British colony in 1899. Soon, the people under the leadership of certain western educated persons started a war of liberation from Britain. The main leader of this movement was Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe. As a result of the national movement for freedom, Nigeria got independence on 1 October 1960 from the British imperialism.

8. Discuss the course of the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa with its results.

Ans. South Africa was a British colony. It comprised of four separate colonies. Soon after the formation of the Union of South Africa comprising the four white colonies in 1910, the government initiated a discriminatory policy known as the policy of apartheid in South Africa. The blacks who constituted the majority of the population could not enjoy the political rights and other rights like the minority white men, the British and the Dutch. On 31 May 1910, General Louis Both became the Prime Minister of South Africa. The genesis of the policy of apartheid was marked in the Botha’s administration. The policy by which the South African black people suffered political, economic, social, educational and cultural deprivation and negation of basic human rights and privileges came to be known as the ‘Policy of Apartheid.’

The Policy of Apartheid was started first by James Barry Munnik Hertzog. He is considered to be the father of the policy of apartheid. He also founded the ‘Nationalist Party’ which advocated the principle of apartheid in every sphere of South African life. Even after attaining full independence from Britain in 1961, the blacks who constituted nearly 80 to 85% of the total population had to suffer all types of discrimination at the hands of the 15% to 20% of the whites. Therefore, the black people of South Africa began to organize themselves against this ruthless Policy of Apartheid. The fight against the Policy of Apartheid was mainly organized by the African National Congress (ANC) founded by Nelson Mandela in 1912. This party was much influenced by the activities of the Indian National Congress and the various national movements organized by Mahatma Gandhi in India to achieve freedom for India from the British. 

Soon, the white rulers of South Africa started a period of oppression and suppression of the political activities of the blacks and thousands were put behind the bars. Nelson Mandela was arrested and put in prison in 1963. For the next 27 years, he was kept in jail to prevent him from organizing any political movement against the white dominated minority. The world community particularly the UNO, raised voice against this inhuman repression of the blacks by the white people of South Africa. Many countries including India condemned such inhuman practices of the South African government. As a result of the international pressure, the South African government finally released all the political prisoners and allowed them to take part in the general election in the country. As a result, the ANC was able to secure majority of the seats in the election held in April 1994. Consequently, Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa on 10 May 1994, ushering a new chapter in the history of South Africa.

9. Discuss the history of the emergence of the Arab nationalism under Nasser of Egypt.

Ans. For a long time, Egypt had been ruled by kings. The monarchical form of government was abolished by General Neguib who captured power in July 1952. Within two years, Colonel Gamel Abdel Nasser organised a successful military coup against President Neguib and captured power becoming the President of Egypt.

Soon after becoming the President, he tried to organize the Arab nations against Israel which had been curved out of Palestine on 14 May 1948. The new state of Israel was a threat to their existence and so the Arab nations under the leadership of Nasser started to organize themselves into a strong regional group to fight against America-backed Israel. In July 1956, Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal with a view to get some revenue. This was challenged by England and France which had spent considerable amount of money in building the Canal, Therefore, they declared war on Egypt. Soon Israel joined this war. The war continued for several years. Egypt was helped by most of the other Arab nations. It ended in what is known as the ‘Six Day War’ in 1967. But unfortunately, the war ended in the defeat of the Arab nations.

To counter the repeated attacks by Israel, a League of the Arab states named the ‘United Arab Republic’ was created under the initiative of Abdel Nasser on 1 February 1958. However, the plan did not work as Syria withdrew from this league soon after its formation. Nevertheless, Abdel Nasser remained a champion of Arab cause and fought for the independence of the Arab nations. He wanted to liquidate Israel as it became a threat to their existence. Although he did not succeed in his mission, he was able to bring about certain level of unity and cohesion among the Arab nations. His death in 1970, created a vacuum in Arab politics. He was indeed one of the great leaders of the Arab nationalism.

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