Class 5 English Chapter 1 All Things Bright And Beautiful

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SEBA Class 5 English Chapter 1 All Things Bright And Beautiful

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Marigold Book Class 5 English Notes. Class 5 English Chapter 1 All Things Bright And Beautiful Solutions I Hope, you Liked The information About The Class 5 English Book Question Answer. If you liked Class 5 English Textbook Notes Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

All Things Bright And Beautiful


1. Find out in the poem the words you don’t understand. Look up their meanings in the dictionary. One is done for you:

greatlarge, very good etc.


greatlarge, very good etc.
Smalltiny, little, minor, young, etc.
Brightblazing, brilliant, dazzling etc.
Creaturesanimal, animate being, beast etc.
Wonderfulfantastic, grand, marvellous, extraordinary.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the poem.

(a) All things. and beautiful. (light/ bright/ great)

Ans. All things bright and beautiful. 

(b) Each little flower that-. (runs/ sings /opens)

Ans. Each little flower that opens.

(c) God made their tiny. (rings/ stings /wings)

Ans. God made their tiny wings.

3. Let’s see how much you have understood the poem: 

(a) Write the names of two small creatures.

Ans. The names of two small creatures are butterfly and bird.

(b) “He made their glowing colours” – Who is ‘he’ in this line? 

Ans. ‘He’ in this line is the Almighty- God. 

(c) “He made their tiny wings” – Who is ‘their’ in this line? 

Ans. ‘Their’ in this line refers to the little birds. 

(d). What are the things that God has made? 

Ans. God has made all bright and beautiful, great and small, wise and wonderful things like little flowers, singing colourful birds.

(e) Why does the poet praise God in this poem? 

Ans. According to the poet Lord God made all things and beings in this world. So, he praises God. 

4. Circle the rhyming words in each group: 

(a) small, beautiful, all.

(b) wonderful, small, beautiful.

(c) might, colour, bright.

(d) wings, opens, sings.


5. Complete the word-web with things you find in a garden.


6. Write a word that rhymes with the first two:


The word little, tiny, small have the same meaning in these sentences.

Let’s learn some more words that have the same or nearly the same meaning:

Beautiful – pretty, nice.

Great – large, big.

Wise – clever, intelligent.

Wonderful – lovely, delightful.

8. We can also think of many new words from a given word, such as ‘sun’. One is done for you:

Ans. (a) sunburn.

(b) sun flower.

(c) sunday.

(d) sunshine.

(e) sunlight.

(f) sunrays.

Chapter 1All Things Bright And Beautiful
Chapter 2The Joy Of Helping
Chapter 3Bird Talk
Chapter 4The Stork And The Fox
Chapter 5Let’s Write A Story
Chapter 6The Joy Of Living
Chapter 7My Story
Chapter 8Hello Computer

9. Word chain: Use the last letter to begin the next word. Each new word should be something you find in nature. The first one is done for you.

10. Practice saying these sentences aloud: 

I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream.

If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose. 

I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.

The big bug bit the black beetle.

11. This year, on Earth Day, you wish to send a greeting card to your friend. Here is a greeting card for you.

To ________________________

Wishing you a very happy and green Earth Day. May we all work together to keep our Earth clean!


We send greeting cards on occasions such as the New Year’s day and birthday. Complete the greeting card given below to wish someone a happy New Year. You may choose words given in the box. You may also use a word more than once.

and ________________ to you and your_________________


Ans. Wishing you a very happy New Year. May the New Year bring happiness and prosperity to you and your family.

12. Your school celebrated World Environment Day on 5 June this year by holding a quiz. Your team won the quiz. Write a letter to your friend telling him / her about the quiz. You may use the points given in the box.

Ans. 72/1, Parnasree Pally,

Kolkata 62,

Date: 10. 10. 2018

Dear, Soumya

You will be glad to know that our school arranged a quiz competition. Five teams consisting of five members each, participated. Renowned environmentalist Raktim Sen was the judge. My team scored the highest 49 out of 50. Other teams scored 47, 45, 44 and 42 in the competition. Our team got an encyclopaedia as prize. We celebrated the victory going to a restaurant and eating pizzas. How did you enjoy the World Environment Day?

Please write to me.

Take care,

Your loving friend,


13. Read the following conversation. Rewrite the conversation changing the underlined words into their short forms. 

Runjun: Hello, how are you?

Riaz: I am fine.

Runjun: Can you hold the bag for me?

Riaz: Sorry. I cannot. It is heavy.

Ans. Runjun: Hello, how are you?

Riaz: I’m fine.

Runjun: Can you hold the bag for me?

Riaz: Sorry. I can’t. It’s heavy.

14. Complete the following. You may choose words given in the box. Rewrite the complete sentence: 

(a) Food is to eat as water is to_________________.

(b) Bird is to sing as dog is to_____________.

(c) Earth is to God as machine is to_____________.

(d) Sight is to eyes as smell is to_______________.

(e) Prayer is to pray as games is to_________________.

Ans. (a) Food is to eat as water is to drink

(b) Bird is to sing as dog is to bark.

(c) Earth is to God as Machine is to man

(d) Sight is to eyes as smell is to nose

(e) Prayer is to pray as games is to play

15. Write two words ending with ‘mb’:

thumb, dumb, ______________, _____________

Ans. thumb, dumb, numb, lamb.

16. Say as fast as you can:

Now, write the names of four things ending with ‘s’ to mean more than one.

Ans. Do it yourself.

17. Complete the following by using ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’or ‘therefore’:

(a) Hop, the grasshopper _________________ Annei, the ant are friends. Hop spends all his time singing ________________ dancing. _______________ Annie loves to work all the time.

Ans. Hop, the grasshopper and Annei, the ant are friends. Hop spends all his time singing and dancing. But Annie loves to work all the time.

(b) Annie was busy in summer, _________________ Hop did not meet her.

Ans. Annie was busy in summer, so Hop did not meet her.

(c) Both big _________________ small creatures are made by God, _______________ buildings are not.

Ans. Both big and small creatures are made by God, but buildings are not.

(d) Plastic is bad for the environment _________________, plastic bags should not be used.

Ans. Plastic is bad for the environment therefore plastic bags should not be used.

18. Look carefully at the pictures below. Find out six differences in picture 2 and write them down:

Ans. In picture 2 the things that are absent are-

(a) sun.

(b) cloud.

(c) Birds on the tree.

(d) Head cover on the head of the fisherman.

(e) Fish in the water of the pond. 

(f) the shurbs on the field beside the houses.

19. Read these sentences about a rhinoceros. Write down the questions you want to ask her: Don’t forget to put the question mark:

(a) Who are you

Ans. I am a rhino. 

(b) Where do you live in

Ans. I live in Kaziranga. 

(c) What do you eat

Ans. I eat plants and grass. 

(d) How old are you

Ans. I am ten years old. 

(e) Why are you crving

Ans. I am crying because I am endangered.  

20. Read this paragraph about your state written by a class V student: 

The name of my state is Assam. Assam is a beautiful state. Dispur is the capital of Assam. Assam is full of beautiful trees and flowers. The river Brahmaputra flows through my state. Animals like tigers, elephants, wild boar, buffaloes and deer live in the forests of Assam. Several birds visit my state during the winter. I love my state.

Now write five sentences about your town/village. 

Ans. 1. I live at Dwaripur village near Guskara station in Burdwan district of West Bengal.

2. People of different castes and creed live there. 

3. Agriculture is the main livelihood. 

4. There are three primary and two higher secondary schools and a degree college. 

5. The village is famous for traditional craft art of Dokra artisans.

22. Rearrange the following sentences to complete the story. 

(a) Tenali Raman came to the king’s court with his face covered.

(b) The king asked Tenali Raman not to come to his court. 

(c) The king was impressed by Tenali Raman’s intelligence. 

(d) The king recognised Tenali Raman though his face was covered.

Ans. (b) The king asked Tenali Raman not to come to his court.

(a) Tenali Raman came to the king’s court with his face covered.

(d) The king recognised Tenali Raman though his face was covered.

(c) The king was empressed by Tenali Raman’s intelligence.

23. Role play:

Try to enact the story in your classroom. Play the roles of the king and Tenali Raman. Add your own dialogues.

Ans. Do it yourself. 

1. Why have you come to the court? Why are you covering your face with the pot?

2. Your Magesty, you said you didn’t want to see my face. 

3. You are very intelligent. 

4. Thank you, your majesty. 

Ans. 5. It is a lesson for me, I will never tell you to go away. 

6. Your Majesty, I will never do anything that may make you angry.

We Hope the given Class 5 English Question Answer will help you. If you Have any Regarding SEBA Board 5th Class English Textbook Solutions, drop a comment below and We will get back to you at the earliest.

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