Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 11 A Question of Trust

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SEBA Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 11 A Question of Trust

NCERT Class 10 English Multiple Choice Notes gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Solution he experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. Class 10 English Objective Types Solution, MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers pdf, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Class X English MCQ Question Answer, provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the HSLC Class 10 English MCQ Textbooks Solution are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

A Question of Trust

Multiple Choice Question Answer

1. Who is the writer of the story “A Question of Trust”?

(a) James Herriot. 

(b) Robert Arthur.

(c) Victor Canning.

(d) H.G Wells.

Ans: (c) Victor Canning.

2. Horace Danby was____years old.

(a) forty.

(b) forty five. 

(c) fifty.

(d) fifty five.

Ans: fifty. 

3. What does Horace do in the jail? 

(a) Wrote a book.

(b) Jail cleaner.

(c) Assistant librarian.

(d) None of these.

Ans: (c) Assistant librarian.

4. Horace had an allergic to____.

(a) smoke. 

(b) dust.

(c) petrol.

(d) smell of flowers.

Ans: (d) smell of flowers.

5. Who stole the jewels? 

(a) Horace. 

(b) Sherry.

(c) The woman. 

(d) None of them.

Ans: (c) The woman.

6. How did Horace think that she was the owner’s wife? 

(a) She was confident.

(b) She knew the place well.

(c) Sherry rubbed against her.

(d) All of them.

Ans: (d) All of them.

7. Where were the house keys kept? 

(a) Under the pot.

(b) Hung on a hook.

(c) Under the doormat.

(d) In the letter box.

Ans: (b) Hung on a hook.

8. Sherry is a____.

(a) woman.

(b) child.

(c) dog.

(d) cat.

Ans: (c) dog.

9. What makes him angry?

(a) talking about the woman.

(b) prison.

(c) talking about honour among thieves none of the above.

(d) none of the above.

Ans:(c) talking about honour among thieves none of the above.

10. Did anyone believe his story?

(a) Yes.

(b)  No.

(c) Maybe.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (b) No. 

11. What happened on the third morning?

(a) He prepared a new plan.

(b) He ran away.

(c) He got arrested by the police.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) He got arrested by the police.

12. How did she respond when Horace told her to forget she ever saw him? 

(a) She forgot she saw him.

(b) She told him she won’t pretend anything like that.

(c) She didn’t respond. 

(d) None of the above. 

Ans. (b) She told him she anything like that pretend anything like that.

Chapter – 1A Letter To God MCQ
Chapter – 2Nelson Mandela : Long Walk To Freedom
Chapter – 3Glimpses Of India
Chapter – 4Madam Rides The Bus
Chapter – 5A Tiger In The Zoo
Chapter – 6Amanda
Chapter – 7Animals
Chapter – 8 The Ball Poem
Chapter – 9 The Table Of Custard The Dragon
Chapter – 10The Midnight Visitor
Chapter – 11A Question Of Trust
Chapter – 12Footprints Without Feet
Chapter – 13The Hack Driver

13. What was Horace’s first thought? 

(a) to kill them.

(b) to shout.

(c) to run.

(d) to blackmail the.

Ans: (c) to run.

14. How did Horace come to know about the safe?

(a) servant. 

(b) eavesdropping.

(c) by spying on them.

(d) a magazine article. 

Ans: (d) a magazine article.

15. Where was the safe hidden? 

(a) behind a painting. 

(b) inside an almirah.

(c) it was kept open.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (a) behind a painting.

16. What was Horace fond of? 

(a) books.

(b) robbing.

(c) locks.

(d) None of them.

Ans: (a) books.

17. What did he study about the house? 

(a) rooms and garden.

(b) electric wiring.

(c) paths.

(d) all of them. 

Ans: (d) All of them.

18. Horace Danby was suffering from: 

(a) cold. 

(b) cough.

(c) hay-fever.

(d) teeth ache.

Ans: (c) hay-fever

19. The young lady was in a ………dress:

(a) red.

(b) green.

(c) yellow. 

(d) white. 

Ans: (a) red.

20. Where was the safe in the room?

(a) behind a cheap painting.

(b) behind a curtain.

(c) behind a cupboard.

(d) behind the bed box.

Ans: (a) behind a cheap painting.

21. How many times did Horace Danby make a theft in a year?

(a) only once.

(c) thrice.

(b) twice.

(d) behind the bed box.

Ans: (a) only once.

22. Where had the servant at Shotover Grange gone that afternoon?

(a) to their homes.

(b) to the market.

(c) to the park.

(d) to the cinema.

Ans: (d) to the cinema.

23. Why did Horace rob a safe every year?

(a) to live in style. 

(b) to buy rare and valuable books. 

(c) to live comfortably.

(d) to support his family.

Ans: (b) to buy rare and valuable books.

24. Horace Danby did the job of:

(a) making toys. 

(b) making locks. 

(c) writing books. 

(d) making jewellery.

Ans: (b) making locks.

25. What was the name of the pet dog? 

(a) Joe.

(b) Tommy. 

(c) Rocky.

(d) Snuffy.

Ans: (d) Snuffy.

Very Short Type Questions

26. Who wrote the story “A Question of Trust”?

Ans: Victor Canning wrote the story “A Question of Trust”.

27. Who is the main character of “A Question of Trust”?

Ans: Horace Danby is the main character of “A Question of Trust”.

28. What is the name of the pet dog in the prose piece “A Question of Trust”?

Ans: Snuffy is name of the pet dog in the prose piece “A Question of Trust”.

29. What did Horace Danby like to collect?

Ans: Horace Danby had a passion for rare and expensive books.

30. What did Horace Danby steal every year?

Ans: Horace Danby used to steal rare, expensive books every year.

31. What did the young beautiful lady steal in the story “A Question of Trust”? 

Ans: Jewellery.

32. Who is Horace Danby?

Ans: Horace Danby was a good, honest citizen. He was about fifty years old and unmarried. He lived with a house keeper.

33. Who was Max in the prose-piece “The Midnight Visitor”?

Ans: Max was another secret agent.

34. Where did Horace Danby commit the theft?

Ans: Shotover Grange.

35. Where was the safe hidden?

Ans: The safe was hidden behind a painting.

36. Why had Horace been studying the house at Shotover Grange?

Ans: Horace had been studying the house at Shotover Grange because it was his next target to be burgled. 

37. Fifteen years ago, Horace had served his first and only sentence in a prison library. He loved rare, expensive books. So he robbed a safe every year. Each year he planned carefully just what he would do, stole enough to last for twelve months, and secretly bought the books he loved through an agent.

(a)  What does Horace like to collect? 

(b) Why does he steal every year?

(c) Which word in the above extract means the same as with a lot of alertness’? 

(d) What is strange in the passage?

Ans: (a) Horace like to collect rare and expensive books.

(b) He steals every year to enable himself to make his both ends meet and to purchase expensive books. 

(c) ‘carefully’.

(d) Stealing of expensive books.

38. Now, walking in the bright July sunshine, he felt sure that this year’s robbery was going to be as successful as all the others. For two weeks he had been studying the house at Shotover Grange, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its paths and its garden. This afternoon the two servants, who remained in the gange while the family was in London, had gone to the movies.

(a) What made Horace feel sure of his success?

(b) Why had he been studying the house at

Shotover Grange ?

(c) Which word in the above extract means the same as ‘observing carefully’? 

(d) Where had the servants gone?

Ans: (a) Horace felt sure of his success because he had planned his work carefully.

(b) had been studying the house at Shotover Grange because it was his next target to be burgled.

(c) ‘studying’.

(d) The servants had gone to the movie.

39. His fingerprints, for he had opened the safe without gloves, were all over the room, and no one believed him when he said the wife of the owner of the house had asked him to open the safe for her. The wife herself, a gray-haired, sharp-tongued woman of sixty, said that the story was ono nonsense. 

(a) Though Horace Danby was a brilliant thief, he was befooled? Who befooled her 

(b) How was he befooled?

(c) Which word in the extract means the same as ‘a place where all the valuable are kept in lock’? 

(d) Does the ‘title’ of the story match?

Ans. (a) The lady in the red befooled her. 

(b) That lady pretended to be the owner of but the house and made him open the safe without gloves, leaving his fingerprints.

(c) ‘safe’.

(d) Yes, it does as Horace opened safe in trust.

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