Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 12 Footprints without Feet

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SEBA Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 12 Footprints without Feet

NCERT Class 10 English Multiple Choice Notes gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Solution he experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. Class 10 English Objective Types Solution, MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers pdf, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Class X English MCQ Question Answer, provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the HSLC Class 10 English MCQ Textbooks Solution are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

Footprints without Feet

Multiple Choice Question Answer

1. Who is the writer of the story “Footprints without feet”?

(a) James Herriot.

(b) Robert Arthur. 

(c) Victor Canning.

(d) H.G Wells.

Ans: (d) H.G Wells.

2. Griffin came to the village of_______.

(a) Leicester.

(b) Iping.

(c) Dorchester.

(d) Bluping.

Ans: (b) Iping.

3. Who found Griffin eccentric? 

(a) the two boys. 

(b) Mrs Hall. 

(c) Jaffers.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (b) Mrs Hall.

4. What caused the villagers to suspect the scientist?

(a) The robbery.

(b) The furniture incident.

(c) Unexpected availability of cash on him.

(d) All of the above. 

Ans: (d) All of the above.

5. What did she think had happened to her furniture?

(a) Nothing.

(b)The scientist had put spirits in them.

(c) The scientist was playing with them.

(d) The furniture had gone mad.

Ans. (b) The scientist had put spirits in them.

6. What is being referred to as the “strange incident” that happened in the study? 

(a) Griffin stealing money while being invisible.

(b) Griffin arriving at the inn during off season.

(c) Griffin pretending to be waiting for a cheque.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (a) Griffin stealing money while being invisible.

7. Why was Mrs Hall prepared and ready to tolerate strange habits and irritable temper?

(a) He had paid in advance. 

(b) He was a scientist.

(c) Both (a) and (b).

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (a) He had paid in advance. 

8. What do you mean by the word “eccentric”?

(a) uncommon.

(b) extra. 

(c) catchy.

(d) None of them. 

Ans: (a) uncommon.

9. What was an unusual event? 

(a) A guest at the inn during winters.

(b) A guest at the inn during summers. 

(c) A guest at the inn during spring. 

(d) Nothing was unusual there.

Ans: (a) A guest at the inn during winters.

Chapter – 1A Letter To God MCQ
Chapter – 2Nelson Mandela : Long Walk To Freedom
Chapter – 3Glimpses Of India
Chapter – 4Madam Rides The Bus
Chapter – 5A Tiger In The Zoo
Chapter – 6Amanda
Chapter – 7Animals
Chapter – 8 The Ball Poem
Chapter – 9 The Table Of Custard The Dragon
Chapter – 10The Midnight Visitor
Chapter – 11A Question Of Trust
Chapter – 12Footprints Without Feet
Chapter – 13The Hack Driver

10. How did Griffin finally escape? 

(a) By hitting them.

(b) By taking off all his clothes. 

(c) By running away as fast as he could. 

(d) By hiding.

Ans: (b) By taking off all his clothes.

11. Why was it a bad time to wander in London?

(a) It was mid winter.

(b) He was without clothes. 

(c) Both (a) and (b) fest.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) Both (a) and (b).

12. Griffin’s body became as transparent as ———.

(a) Glass.

(b) Ice.

(c) Air.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (a) Glass

13. “Brilliant scientist though he was, Griffin was rather a __ person.”

(a) Lawless. 

(b) Lawful.

(c) Good. 

(d) Rude.

Ans: (a) Lawless.

14. After whom were the boys following? 

(a) A scientist. 

(b) A policeman.

(c) Anice-cream vendor. 

(d) None of the above. 

Ans: (a) A scientist.

15. After making a theft in the shop of a theatrical company where did Griffin decide to go?

(a) Iping village.

(b) Oxford city. 

(c) Paris. 

(d) London.

Ans: (a) Iping village

16. Who did Griffin attack and rob all the money?

(a) the landlord.

(b) the shopkeeper of the London store. 

(c) the owner of the big London store. 

(d) the owner of the theatrical company.

Ans. (b) the shopkeeper of the London store. 

17. Griffin left his muddy footprints on the steps of a house in the middle of ———.

(a) London.

(b) Paris.

(c) Moscow. 

(d) Iping.

Ans: (a) London.

18. What type of man was Griffin? 

(a) brilliant scientist.

(b) lawless person. 

(c) both (a) and (b). 

(d) none of the above.

Ans. (c) both (a) and (b).

19. Whose house did Griffin set on fire?

(a) the landlord.

(b) the clergyman. 

(c) Mrs Hall. 

(d) the shopkeeper.

Ans: (a) the landlord.

20. What was Griffin?

(a) scientist.

(b) clergyman.

(c) shopkeeper.

(d) landlord.

Ans: (a) scientist.

Very Short Type Questions

21. Who is the author of “Footprints without feet”?

Ans: H.G Wells is the author of “Footprints without feet”.

22. During which season did Griffin, the become a homeless scientist, be wanderer?

Ans: Griffin became a homeless wanderer in winter.

23. Name the centre of the theatre world of London.

Ans: Drury Lane is the centre of the theatre world of London.

24. Why were the Landlord and his wife surprised that morning?

Ans: The landlord and his wife woke up early. They were surprised to see the scientist’s door wide open.

25. How did Griffin’s body become invisible?

Ans: By the intake of rare drugs.

26. Whose house Griffin set on fire? 

Ans: His landlord .

27. Who was the invisible man? 

Ans: Griffin was the invisible man.

28. What was the name of village constable?

Ans. The name of village constable was Mr. Jaffars.

29. Where was the theatrical company located?

Ans: The theatrical company was located at Drury Lane.

30. Who noticed footprints without feet in the beginning ?

Ans: The Two boys noticed footprints without to feet in the beginning.

31. Where had the two boys see them? 

Ans: In the centre of London on the steps of a house.

32. Where did Griffin take a shelter to escape the cold?

Ans: Griffin took a shelter to escape the cold into a Big London store.

33. Who was the owner of the inn? 

Ans: Mrs Hall was the owner of the inn. 

34. What was the name of the village? 

Ans: Iping village.

35. What did Griffin steal?

Ans: Clothes and money.

36. What is the meaning of imprints?

Ans: Impressions.

37. What is the meaning of invisible?

Ans: That which can’t be seen.

38. Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits, and that the stranger had somehow caused these to enter into her furniture.

(a) Why did Mrs. Hall think that the room was haunted by spirits?

(b) Who had caused this to happen? 

(c) Which word in the extract means the same as ‘fits of crying’?

Ans: (a) Inside the empty room, Mrs. Hall heard a sniff close to her ear. Then the hat in the room leapt up and dashed itself into her face. It made her to think that the room was haunted by spirits.

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