Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 13 The Hack Driver

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SEBA Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 13 The Hack Driver

NCERT Class 10 English Multiple Choice Notes gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Solution he experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. Class 10 English Objective Types Solution, MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers pdf, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Class X English MCQ Question Answer, provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the HSLC Class 10 English MCQ Textbooks Solution are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

The Hack Driver

Multiple Choice Question Answer

1. Who is the writer of the story “The Hack Driver”?

(a) James Herriot. 

(b) Robert Arthur. 

(c) Victor Canning.

(d) Sinclair Lewis. 

Ans: (d) Sinclair Lewis.

2. What was Bill’s other name? 

(a) Magnuson. 

(b) Magie.

(c) Maddie.

(d) Magpie.

Ans: (a) Magnuson.

3. Name the barber in the story

(a) Garry.

(b) Jerry.

(c) Gustaff.

(d) Ridkley.

Ans: (c) Gustaff.

4. How was Bill’s appearance? 

(a) red faced.

(b) cheerful. 

(c) thick in the middle. 

(d) All of them. 

Ans: (d) All of them.

5. Who accompanied him on his trip to New Mullions the second time? 

(a) his boss. 

(b) his friend.

(c) his sister.

(d) a man familiar with Oliver Lutkins.

Ans. (d) a man familiar with Oliver Lutkins.

6. Did the narrator find Lutkins on his first visit?

(a) Yes, he found Lutkins.

(b) No, he did not find Lutkins.

(c) Maybe.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (b) No, he did not find Lutkins.

7. Where did the narrator and the hack driver go after lunch?

(a) Gray’s barber shop.

(b) Gustaff’s barber shop.

(c) poolroom.

(d) Oliver’s mother’s farm.

Ans: (d) Oliver’s mother’s farm.

8. Where did Fritz send the narrator and the hack driver? 

(a) Gray’s barber shop.

(b) Gustaff’s barber shop.

(c) poolroom.

(d) no where.

Ans: (b) Gustaff’s barber shop.

9. How did the narrator expect New Mullions to be?

(a) sweet and simple. 

(b) muddy streets. 

(c) raw shops.

(d) None of the above. 

Ans: (a) sweet and simple.

10. How far was New Mullions from the narrator place of employment? 

(a) Forty miles.

(b) Forty five miles. 

(c) Fifty miles. 

(d) Forty nine miles. 

Ans: (a) Forty miles.

11. What was the narrator supposed to do?

(a) To fight cases.

(b) To present legal briefs.

(c) To serve summons.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (c) To serve summons.

12. What was Gustaff?

(a) a barber. 

(b) a butcher.

(c) a hack driver. 

(d) a carpenter. 

Ans: (a) a barber.

Chapter – 1A Letter To God MCQ
Chapter – 2Nelson Mandela : Long Walk To Freedom
Chapter – 3Glimpses Of India
Chapter – 4Madam Rides The Bus
Chapter – 5A Tiger In The Zoo
Chapter – 6Amanda
Chapter – 7Animals
Chapter – 8 The Ball Poem
Chapter – 9 The Table Of Custard The Dragon
Chapter – 10The Midnight Visitor
Chapter – 11A Question Of Trust
Chapter – 12Footprints Without Feet
Chapter – 13The Hack Driver

13. Where did the narrator and the hack driver enjoy their lunch?

(a) In a big restaurant.

(b) At Oliver’s house.

(c) At Fritz’s house.

(d) On Wade’s Hill.

Ans: (d) On Wade’s Hill.

14. Where did the hack driver take the narrator first of all?

(a) Fritz’s shop.

(b) Gustaff’s shop.

(c) Gray’s shop.

(d) Oliver’s mother’s farmhouse. 

Ans. (a) Fritz’s shop.

15. Where was the narrator sent one day?

(a) New Mullion. 

(b) Old Mullion.

(c) Red Mullion. 

(d) Hill Mullion.

Ans: (a) New Mullion.

Very Short Type Questions

16. Who wrote “The Hack Driver”?

Ans: Sinclair Lewis wrote “The Hack Driver”.

17. What job did the narrator get after graduation?

Ans: After doing his graduation, the narrator got the job of a junior assistant clerk in a law firm.

18. Why was the narrator happy to go to New Mullion?

Ans: The narrator did not like the dirty and dark sides of the city life. He thought that he would find some pleasant sights in New Mullion.

19. I had to go to dirty and shadowy comers of the city to seek out victims. Some of the larger and more self-confident ones even beat me up. 

(a) Name the chapter from where the above lines have been taken?

Ans: The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis

20. What job did the narrator get after graduation?

Ans: After doing his graduation, the narrator got the job of a junior assistant clerk in a law firm.

21. Why is the lawyer sent to New Mullion?

Ans: The lawyer is sent to New Mullion to serve summons on a person named Oliver Lutkins.

22. The narrator and the back driver drove around together to find Lutkins.

(i) Which were the places they visited?

(ii) Why couldn’t they find Lutkins?

Ans: (i) The hack driver took the narrator to almost all the places where Lutkins could be found. They visited Fritz’s shop, GustafFs shop, Gray’s stop, the pool room and Lutkins mother’s farmhouse. 

(ii) They could not find Lutkins because the Hack driver was Lutkins himself.

23. Who was Bill?

Ans: Bill was the hack driver who befriended the lawyer. He was Oliver Lutkins.

24. Where does the narrator go one day to serve summons ?

Ans: New Mullions.

25. What name does the hack driver tell the narrator about him?

Ans: Bill.

26. Where did the lawyer and the hack driver have their lunch?

Ans: On Wade’s Hill.

27. How far is Lutkins’ mother’s farmhouse from New Mullion?

Ans: Three kms away from New Mullion in the north

28. Who wanted to kill the narrator?

Ans: Lutkins’ mother wanted to kill the narrator.

29. What is the meaning of hack?

Ans: A horse drawn vehicle.

30. What is the meaning of summons? 

Ans: Court orders.

31. What is the meaning of poker game?

Ans:  A game of cards.

32. What is the meaning of poolroom?

Ans: Gamblehouse.

33. What is the meaning of pastures?

Ans: Meadows.

34. I even considered fleeing to my hometown, where I could have been a real lawyer right away, without going through this unpleasant training period.

(a) Who was ‘I’?

(b) How did T suffer during the training An period?

(c) What do the word, ‘fleeing’ mean?

(d) Which word is the antonym of happy in the passage?

Ans: (a) The narrator, Junior Assistant Clerk.

(b) During his training period, he was sent to the dirty and shadowy comers of the city to serve summons in a man,called Oliver Lutkins witness in a law suit. 

(c) ‘fleeing’ means ‘running away’.

(d) Unpleasant. 

35. I was glad the fare money would go to this good fellow. I managed to bargain down to two dollars an hour, and then he brought from his house nearby a sort of large black box on wheels. He remarked, “Well, young man, here’s the carriage”, and his wide smile made me into an old friend.

(a) What made the narrator glad?

(b) Did the other person charge anything from the narrator ?

(c) What does the word ‘bargain’ mean?

(d) What was the landmark of his house?

Ans: (a) The narrator became glad to find out that a delivery man was willing to help him in finding out the hack driver.

(b) He charged two dollars an hour for his work.

(e) Negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.

(d) A large black box on wheels.

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