Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 6 Amanda

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SEBA Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 6 Amanda

NCERT Class 10 English Multiple Choice Notes gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Solution he experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. Class 10 English Objective Types Solution, MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers pdf, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Class X English MCQ Question Answer, provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the HSLC Class 10 English MCQ Textbooks Solution are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.


Multiple Choice Question Answer

1. Who wrote the poem ‘Amanda’? 

(a) Leslie Norris.

(b) John Berryman.

(c) Robert Klein. 

(d) Robert Frost.

Ans: (c) Robert Klein.

2. The sole inhabitant in the emerald sea is a/an ________.

(a) shark.

(c) Amanda.

(b) mermaid.

(d) octopus.

Ans: (c) mermaid.

3. What does ‘languid’ mean in the poem Amanda?

(a) Green.

(b) relaxed.

(c) rage.

(d) long hair.

Ans: (b) relaxed.

4. What made Amanda sulky and become moody? 

(a) When she had to complete her homework.

(b) When her mother gives her too many instructions.

(c) When she has to clean her shoes. 

(d) None of the Above.

Ans: (b) When her mother gives her too many instructions.

5. Why should Amanda not eat chocolate?

(a) it causes heart disease.

(b) it will damage liver.

(c) it causes acne. 

(d) it causes cancer.

Ans: (c) it causes acne. 

6. If Amanda is an orphan, what will she do?

(a) She will roam about in the streets. 

(b) She will tease everyone in the streets.

(c) She will not complete her homework. 

(d) All of the Above.

 Ans: (a) She will roam about in the streets. 

7. What should Amanda not to do to her shoulders?

(a) Straight.

(b) Hunch.

(c) move.

(d) None of these.

Ans: (b) Hunch.

8. What does the speaker ask Amanda not to do to her nails? 

(a) wash it.

(b) bite it.

(c) hurt it.

(d) none of the above.

Ans: (b) bite it.

9. What will Amanda’s behaviour make people think?

(a) her mother loves her.

(b) her mother harasses her.

(c) her mother is understanding. 

(d) both (a) and (c).

Ans: (b) her mother harasses her.

Chapter – 1A Letter To God MCQ
Chapter – 2Nelson Mandela : Long Walk To Freedom
Chapter – 3Glimpses Of India
Chapter – 4Madam Rides The Bus
Chapter – 5A Tiger In The Zoo
Chapter – 6Amanda
Chapter – 7Animals
Chapter – 8 The Ball Poem
Chapter – 9 The Table Of Custard The Dragon
Chapter – 10The Midnight Visitor
Chapter – 11A Question Of Trust
Chapter – 12Footprints Without Feet
Chapter – 13The Hack Driver

10. What does she imagine being when she pictures herself in a tower? 

(a) Mermaid. 

(b) Orphan. 

(c) Rapunzel.

(d) None of them.

Ans: (c) Rapunzel.

11. Name the literary devices used in the line “Stop that slouching and sit up straight”.

(a) Anaphora.

(b) Assonance. 

(c) Metaphor.

(d) Alliteration.

Ans: (d) Alliteration.

12. What is the meaning of “slouching”? 

(a) Bend .

(b) Sit in a lazy way. 

(c) lie down.

(d) bend backwards

Ans: (b) Sit in a lazy way.

13. I am an orphan, roaming the street. I pattern soft dust with my hushed, 

bare feet.

The silence is golden, the freedom 

is sweet.

(A) The tone of the given lines is. 

(a) analytical.

(b) despairing.

(c) peaceful.

(d) nervous.

Ans: (c) peaceful. 

(B) The rhyme scheme ‘aaa’ in the above extract is followed in all other stanzas of the poem that are written in parenthesis, i.e. (). Why?

Read the reasons given below, and choose the option that lists the most accurate reasoning:

(i) It shows the simplicity of the child’s thoughts.

(ii) It reflects the harmony and rhythm of the child’s inner world.

(iii) It mirrors a child’s expression. 

(iv) It highlights the poet’?s aesthetic sensibility.

(a) (i) and (iv) 

(b) (i) and (ii) 

(c) (ii) and (iii) 

(d) (iii) and (iv) 

Ans:  (c) (ii) and (iii)

14. Who was Amanda?

(a) A college going girl.

(b) A school going girl.

(c) An orphan girl.

(d) None of the Above.

Ans: (b) A school going girl.

15. What was Amanda to finish?

(a) her homework.

(b) her hair.

(c) her bath.

(d) catch the fishes.

Ans: (a) her homework.

16. Name the literary device used in the line “freedom is sweet”

(a) Anaphora.

(b) Enjambment.

(c) Metaphor.

(d) Alliteration.

Ans: (c) Metaphor.

17. Name the literary device used in the line “Don’t bite your nails, Amanda! Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!”

(a) Anaphora.

(b) Enjambment.

(c) Metaphor.

(d) Alliteration.

Ans: (a) Anaphora.

18. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?

(a) be in the green sea.

(b) lead a relaxing life.

(c) All of the above.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) All of the above.

19. How is silence described? 

(a) Golden.

(c) Platinum.

(b) Silver.

(d) Love.

Ans: (a) Golden.

20. What does Amanda wish to do in the sea?

(a) catch the fishes.

(b) move slowly. 

(c) watch soft-moving waves.

(d) None of the Above.

Ans: (b) move slowly.

Very Short Type Questions

21. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternatives given in brackets:

(a) Life in a tower is tranquil and rare. (disturbed/quiet/ transparent)

Ans: Quiet.

22. Who wrote the poem “Amanda”?

Ans: Robert Klein wrote the poem “Amanda”. 

23. Did you finish your homework, Amanda? Did you tidy your room, Amanda? I thought I told you to clean your shoes,Amanda

(a) According to the narrator, how is Amanda.

(b) What does the narrator ask Amanda to do?

Ans: (a) Amanda is a very careless girl.

(b) The narrator asks Amanda to finish her homework and then clean her room and shoes.

24. What kind of a girl was Amanda? 

Ans: Amanda was a girl who loved freedom.

25. Don’t eat the chocolate, Amanda ! 

Remember your acne, Amanda ! Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you Amanda !

(a) Who is scolding Amanda?

(b Amanda should not eat chocolate because …………. .

Ans: (a) Amanda’s mother is scolding her. 

(b) it will cause acne.

26. Why does Amanda imagine to be? 

(i) a Mermaid 

(ii) an orphan, and 

(iii) Rapunzel,

What does it show about her?

Ans: (i) Amanda imagines herself to be a mermaid so that she may drift in the silent sea and enjoy the loneliness and peace there. She yearns for freedom.

27. What does the poet ask Amanda not to do in the poem” ‘Amanda’?

Ans: The poet advises Amanda not to bite her nails, not to hunch her shoulders and not to eat chocolate. She advises her to sit straight and take care of her acne. She further advises her to keep herself clean.

28. Who is Amanda?

Ans: Amanda is a young school going girl who wants freedom in everywhere.

29. Does Amanda live on a tower? 

Ans: Amanda does not live on a tower. She imagine herself to be Rapunzel who lived on a tower.

30. What does Amanda like to bite? 

Ans: Amanda likes to bite her nails.

31. Who lives in a languid, emerald sea? 

Ans: A mermaid lives in a languid emerald sea.

32. What about her homework is asked by the speaker? 

Ans: Amanda is asked to finish her homework by the speaker.

33. What does the speaker ask Amanda to clean?

Ans: Amanda is asked to clean her shoes by the speaker. 

34. What was Amanda asked to remember?

Ans: Amanda was asked to remember her acne.

35. How is life in a tower?

Ans: Life in a tower is tranquil and rare.

36. What type of girl is Amanda as mentioned in the final stanza?

Ans: Amanda is a moody type of girl as mentioned in the final stanza. 

37. What was Amanda asked not to eat? 

Ans: Amanda was asked not to eat chocolate. 

38. How is the silence and freedom in  the street? 

Ans: The silence is golden and freedom is sweet in the street.

39. Don’t bite your nails, Amanda !

Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda !

Stop that slouching and sit up straight, Amanda!

(a) The speaker wants Amanda.

(b) The speaker is………..

(c) The word from the passage which 

means the same as ‘erect’ is…………

(d) Who is the poet?

Ans: (a) to learn good habits.

(b) Amanda’s mother.

(c) straight.

(d) Robin Klein

40. There is a languid, emerald sea,

where the sole inhabitant is me — a

mermaid, drifting blissfully.

(a) Who is me in these lines?

(b) What does the desire to be “sole inhabitant” tell you about ‘Amanda’? 

(c) Which word in the extract means the same as: ‘Relaxed’

(d) What is the colour of the sea?

Ans: (a) Amanda.

(b) Her desire is to be a mermaid, living in the green sea.

(c) blissfully.

(d) Emerald/Green.

41. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

(a) Amanda is a boy.

Ans: False.

(b) Amanda likes to bite her fingers. 

Ans: False.

(c) The sole inhabitant in the emerald see in an octopus.

Ans: False.

(d) The speaker has asked Amanda to make her room order and tidy. 

Ans: True.

(e) Amanda likes to have chocolates.

Ans: True.

(f) Amanda thinks herself as Rapunzel.

Ans: True.

(g) Amanda is asked to take a bath.

Ans:  False.

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