Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 9 The Table of Custard the Dragon

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SEBA Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 9 The Table of Custard the Dragon

NCERT Class 10 English Multiple Choice Notes gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Solution he experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. Class 10 English Objective Types Solution, MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers pdf, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Class X English MCQ Question Answer, provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the HSLC Class 10 English MCQ Textbooks Solution are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

The Table of Custard the Dragon

Multiple Choice Question Answer

1. Who wrote the poem “The Tale of Custard the Dragon”?

(a) Ogden Nash.

(b) Walt Whitman.

(c) Robert Frost.

(d) Leslie Norris.

Ans: (a) Ogden Nash.

2. Where did Belinda live? 

(a) in a red house.

(b) in a white house.

(c) in a small but Am.

(d) in a mud house.

Ans: (b) in a white house.

3. The name of the little black kitten was:

(a) Ink.

(b) Blink.

(c) Mustard.

(d) Custard.

Ans: (a) Ink.

4. What happened to the pirate? 

(a) He got hurt by dragon.

(b) He got a new ship.

(c) He got a new workers.

(d) He was killed by the dragon.

Ans: (d) He was killed by the dragon.

5. Who faced the pirate bravely?

(a) Blink.

(b) Custard the dragon.

(c) Ink.

(d) Belinda.

Ans: (b) Custard the dragon.

6. What was the name of Belinda’s yellow dog?

(a) Blink.

(b) Custard.

(c) Ink.

(d) Mustard.

Ans: (d) Mustard.

7. What was the name of Belinda’s dragon? 

(a) Blink.

(b) Custard.

(c) Ink. 

(d) Mustard.

Ans: (b) Custard. 

8. What was the name of Belinda’s grey mouse?

(a) Blink.

(b) Custard.

(c) Ink.

(d) Mustard.

Ans: (a) Blink.

9. Who was Belinda?

(a) The poet of The Tale of Custard the Dragon.

(b) The owner of four pets namely Ink, Mustard, Blink and Custard.

(c) The little black kitten. 

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (b) The owner of four pets namely Ink, Mustard, Blink and Custard.

10. Who saved everyone from the pirate?

(a) The little black kitten, Ink.

(b) The grey mouse named Blink.

(c) The dragon called Custard.

(d) The little yellow dog, Mustard.

Ans: (c) The dragon called Custard.

Chapter – 1A Letter To God MCQ
Chapter – 2Nelson Mandela : Long Walk To Freedom
Chapter – 3Glimpses Of India
Chapter – 4Madam Rides The Bus
Chapter – 5A Tiger In The Zoo
Chapter – 6Amanda
Chapter – 7Animals
Chapter – 8 The Ball Poem
Chapter – 9 The Table Of Custard The Dragon
Chapter – 10The Midnight Visitor
Chapter – 11A Question Of Trust
Chapter – 12Footprints Without Feet
Chapter – 13The Hack Driver

11. Name the poetic device used in the line “mouth like a fireplace” 

(a) Oxymoron.

(b) metaphor.

(c) Assonance.

(d) Simile.

Ans: (d) Simile.

12. Name the poetic device used in the line “And the little yellow dog was sharp as mustard”

(a) Oxymoron. 

(b) metaphor.

(c) Assonance.

(d) Simile.

Ans: (d) Simile.

13. Whom did Belinda use to tease? 

(a) The little black kitten, Ink,, 

(b) The grey mouse named Blink.

(c) The dragon called Custard.

(d) The little yellow dog, Mustard. 

Ans: (c) The dragon called Custard.

14. What all does the dragon possess?

(a) big sharp teeth.

(b) spikes on top of him.

(c) sharp toes.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (a) big sharp teeth.

15. Who is described as the most timid of all?

(a) The little black kitten, Ink.

(b) The grey mouse named Blink.

(c) The dragon called Custard.

(d) The little yellow dog, Mustard.

Ans: (c) The dragon called Custard.

16. Who tickled the dragon? 

(a) The little black kitten, Ink,, 

(b) The grey mouse named Blink.

(c) Belinda, the owner. 

(d) The little yellow dog, Mustard.

Ans: (c) Belinda, the owner.

17. Belinda lived in a little ——  coloured house. 

(a) White.

(b) Brown. 

(c) Red. 

(d) Yellow.

Ans:  (a) White.

18. Belinda also had yellow coloured ————.

(a) Wagon. 

(b) Cat.

(c) Dragon.

(d) Dog. 

Ans: (d) Dog.

19. The dragon was named as Custard as he was

(a) Silly.

(b) Brave.

(c) Fat.

(d) Simile.

Ans: (d) Coward.

20. The dragon’s feet was like ————.

(a) Knife.

(b) Sword.

(c) Fireplace.

(d) Chimney.

Ans: (a) Knife.

21. Belinda was as brave as a group of ————.

(a) Lion.

(b) Tiger. 

(c) Bear.

(d) Elephant.

Ans: (c) Bear.

22. ———— compared with a coward knight Percival.

(a) Custard the dragon.

(b) The little black kitten, Ink.  

(c) The little yellow dog, Mustard.

(d) Belinda.

Ans: (a) Custard the dragon.

23. A ———— Suddenly came to Balinda’s house through window.

(a) Thief.

(b) Pirate.

(c) Robber.

(d) Police.

Ans: (b) Pirate.

24. The pirate had a wooden ————. 

(a) Leg.

(b) Teeth.

(c) Hand. 

(d) Pistol.

Ans: (a) Leg .

25. The pirate was holding pistol in his ————. 

(a) Right hand.

(b) Both hands. 

(c) Left hand. 

(d) Jacket.

Ans: (b) Both hands.

26. The dragon hit the pirate with his 

(a) Leg.

(b) Fire mouth.

(c) Tail.

(d) Thorn.

Ans: (c) Tail.

27. The pirate attacked the dragon by firing —— bullets.

(a) Three. 

(b) Two.

(c) Six.

(d) Eight.

Ans: (b) Two.

28. The color of the wagon was ——.

(a) Red.

(b) White.

(c) Black.

(d) Yellow. 

Ans: (d) Yellow.

A Very Short Type Questions

29. Who wrote “The Tale of Custard State of c the Dragon”?

Ans: Ogden Nash wrote “The Tale of Ani Custard rd the Dream Dragon”.

30. How was Custard the dragon received after he had killed the pirate?

Ans: Custard was received like a hero after he had killed the Pirate. Belinda embraced him and Mustard licked him. Even Ink and Blink moved around Custard in happiness.

31. How does the poet describe Belinda and her animals’  bravery? 

Ans: The poet said that Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of beers. Ink and Blink followed lions down the stairs. Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage. But Custard as a coward.

32. What did Custard the dragon cry for?

Ans: The dragon cried for a nice safe cage. 

33. Why did Custard cry for a safe new cage? 

Ans: Custard cried for a nice safe cage because he was coward and timid. All the pets taunt him.

34. Who is Custard?

Ans: Custard is Belinda’s pet dragon.

35. Who was Belinda? 

Ans: Belinda is a young girl who lives in a white little house with her pets.

36. Why did Belinda and the other pets laugh at the dragon? 

Ans: Everyone laughed at the Dragon because Belinda tickled him unmerciful. 

37. Who mourned over the death of the pirate? 

Ans: None mourned over the death of the pirate.

38. What were the names of Belinda’s pets?

Ans: Belinda has four pets. They are a little black kitten, Ink, a little yellow dog, Mustard, a grey mouse named Blink and a dragon called Custard.

39. How did the pirate look?

Ans: The pirate held a pistol in his left hand and another pistol in his right hand. He had black beard and his one leg was of wood. He held a bright cutlass in his teeth. It was clear that his intentions were not good.

40. Belinda paled, and she cried Help! Help!

But Mustard fled with terrified yelp, Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household, og

And little mouse Blink strategically mousehold.

(a) Name the rhyme scheme of the stanza.

Ans: The rhyme scheme of the stanza is abab. 

(b) Which poetic device is used in the passage? 

Ans: The poetic device is used in the passage is alliteration.

41. The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon,And gulped some grog from his pocket flagon.

He fired two bullets but they didn’t hit, And custard gobbled him every bit.

(a) What was the pet name of Belinda’s dragon?

(b) What did the pirate do when he gaped at Belinda’s dragon?

(c) ‘Gobbled’ means……………..

(d) How many bullets did he fire?

Ans: (a) Custard.

(b) The Pirate drank some wine from a bottle that he carried in his pocket while watching the dragon.

(c) swallowed. 

(d) Two bullets.

42. Belinda embraced him, Mustard licked him, No one mourned for his pirate victim. 

Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate Around the dragon that ate the pirate. 

(a) In glee did gyrate means that…………….

(b) Everyone embraced Custard because ……………

(c) Name the bravest creature who saved every body in Belinda’s house? 

(d) Which word means the same as ‘hug’? 

Ans: (a) they danced happily circular movement.

(b) he killed the pirate. 

(c) Custard the dragon

(d) Embraced

43. Choose from the box given below the words that rhyme with the following

(a) age, house, taste, rest, cage, loud, fresh, mouse, vague

Ans: Rage – cage, House – mouse.

(b) bright, sound call, caught, sing, right, call, around, hat

Ans: Bright – right, Sound – around. 

(c) dragon, rage grey, wagon stairs, bears, cage, cries

Ans: Dragon – wagon, Rage – cage 

(d) wagon, ink cannon, dragon, ring, blink, king

Ans: Wagon – dragon, Ink – blink.

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