Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 5 Bina kutir

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Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 5 Bina kutir

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Alternative English Class 12 Notes PDF with you. Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 5 Bina kutir Solutions I Hope, you Liked The information About The Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 5 Bina kutir Question Answer. If you liked Class 12 Alternative English Notes Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

Bina kutir



A. State whether these sentences are True or False.

1. Bina Kutir is a RCC building.

Ans. False.

2. Rehana is the name of the daughter.

Ans. False.

3. The narrator sips Coco-Cola.

Ans. True.

4. The young man is preparing for an Economics exam. 

Ans. True.

B. Answer These Questions in one or two words.

1. Which car brand is mentioned in the story?

Ans. Ford.

2. Mr. Mehta’s office is located in which city?

Ans. Calcutta.

3. Which alternative location was offered to the narrator  regarding a rented accommodation? 

Ans. Lachit Nagar.

4. Where does the young son go to pursue medical studies? 

Ans. Dibrugarh.

5. Who is Brajen Kalita?

Ans. He is a PWD oversees.

C. Answer These Questions in a few words.

1. Name the places from Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram mentioned in the story. 

Ans. Pasighat and Aizawl.

2. What is name of the younger son’s wife and in which part of the house are they seen to be engaged in conversation?

Ans. The younger son’s wife’s name is Rehana. They shared a conversation in the backyard of Bina Kutir.

3. Who enquired about the monthly shipment of a product, and what was the product?

Ans. A couple who entered the stationary shop to drink Coco- Cola enquired about the monthly shipment of a product. The product was a shipment of Glaxo.

4. To which school were classes shifted for six months, and why?

Ans. The classes were shifted for six months to Bishnuram Hugh School. This was because the military had taken over the school of the speaker.

Chapter 1A Cup of Tea
Chapter 2The voyage
Chapter 3The Verger
Chapter 4The Martyr’s Corner
Chapter 5Bina Kutir
Chapter 6Ozymandius Of Egypt
Chapter 7Because I Could Not Stop For Death
Chapter 8Strange Meeting
Chapter 9The Solitude Of Alexander Selkirk
Chapter 10The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
Chapter 11Night Of The Scorpion

5. What did the girl go to watch when it passed the gate? 

Ans. The girl went to watch the horse-driven carriage with film posters adorning it; which was accompanied by a band-party that passed her home.

D. Answer These Questions Briefly in Your Own Words. 

1. What is your impression of the neighbourhood where Bina Kutir is located?

Ans. if we need to talk about the impressions on the neighbourhood where Bina Kutir is located, we see that it is strikingly opposite to the small Assam type single storey house was not only dilapidated and with no maintenance but also stood as an object that was fixed in time as the rest of the area had changed drastically with the coming of modernity, urbanism and commercialization into the city of Guwahati. This saw a transition of the area into a motley assembly of newly constructed concrete buildings whose iron rods popped out in all directions. The area not only housed residential houses but also had godowns, commercial spaces, shops; all of which the speaker saw as “monotonous, lifeless and staid”.

2. What does the presence of trade and commercial establishments signify regarding the growth pattern of city life depicted in Bina Kutir?

Ans. The presence of trade and commercial establishments signifies the economical and social growth of the city. This was made possible sudden and unplanned entry of Punjabi and Marwari communities who came essentially as “business people”. This led to an increased flow of income and revenue which played a significant role in the rise of a new income class that vouched for modernity, Globalization, urbanism and progress.

3. How does the narrator use the Coco-Cola bottle to facilitate the flight of the narrator’s imagination in the story?

Ans. The narrator use the Coco-Cola bottle to facilitate the flight of the narrator’s imagination in the story.The hot and humid season caused the speaker to increasingly visit the neighbouring stationary shop that kept Coco-Cola bottles. The frequent visits led to the speaker engaging in conversation with the costumers and the shopkeeper regarding a small Assam-type single-storey house which was blooming with the rare bina flower. As it caught the attention of the speaker, he had a sudden desire to stay in the house via renting it out from the owners. Unable to do so, he engages with his imagination to create the past and present of the house as well as the life and personality of its residents.

4. What plans do the two sons have regarding commercial growth mentioned towards the end of the story?

Ans. Following the death of the father, tension between the two sons intensified as the physician son who the father had disowned was given a part in the will to take responsibility of Bina Kutir. On learning this, he promised to take care of the house by paying it taxes and not leasing it out for rent. However, he also had other plans in the future to build a huge RCC building and give it for rent, with his own chamber in the ground floor. This immediately caused friction between the brothers as the Professor son who was always immersed in textbooks and notes, now plans to open a press in his own house as it is more profitable being a publisher. This difference of opinion eventually caused them to enter in a legal tussle which has not only spoilt the relation between the brothers but also made the fate of Bina Kutir uncertain.

5. Comment on the significance of the title of the story ‘Bina Kutir’.

Ans. The story revolves thoroughly with the Assam-type single- storey house that the speaker encountered in his search for a new rented place for himself. Although he might have been in minimal proximity with the place, but we see that gradually as the story proceeds it starts to take over the imagination of the speaker. The house is an old dilapidated house that stood in between a motley assembly of newly constructed concrete buildings whose iron rods popped out in all directions. As the area saw fast changes due to modernity and urbanism, godowns, commercial spaces and shops increased which made the are appear “monotonous, lifeless and staid” in the eyes of the speaker. The main attraction of the house was the full-blooming of the rare bina flower. It is for the flower’s namesake that the speaker had himself named the resident as ‘Bina Kutir in his imagination. The follow-up of kutir comes from the fact that the house was a small residence that appeared even smaller when viewed along with the tall RCC buildings. This new interest of the residence in the speaker caused several conversations between him and several other neighbours, costumers and shopkeepers; all of which created mystery and more curiosity in the speaker who imagines the past and present of the house and the people living in them. In this attempt, the we are shown the varied themes of generation gap, materialism, traditional views v/s modernity, love, family, conflict, urbanity, commercialism and Globalization that seem to be drastically changing the socio-cultural milieu of the Assam.

Additional Questions

1. Why was the house named Bina Kutir? And who named it?

Ans. The house was named Bina Kutir by the speaker. This was done as he was attracted to the house to stay there in rent. The name was attached as he saw the full-blooming of the rare bina plant which intensified his desire to not only stay in it but also acquire as much information regarding the house as possible.

2. How was the response and views of the daughter different from her brothers, in regard to Bina Kutir?

Ans. With the death of the father and the owner of Bina Kutir, we see that both the sons engage in a legal tussle with each other. Unlike them, she was passionate in to the dream and memories of the house and her father as same as it always did. This was so because the house was always her life and each part of it was dear to her. Although she may leave with her husband to Arunachal and Mizoram for work purposes, she promises herself that she shall keep the house as it is to her best abilities. She, unlike her brothers seems to be more emotional attach to the house and its memories.

3. Why do you think the speaker imagined the daughter’s name as Bina?

Ans. The speaker probably imagined the daughter’s name as Bina for she was a rare person who was loving, caring, graceful, beautiful and emotional like the flower that caught in a strikingly opposite space that surrounded her. In the case of the daughter, we see that the same as she is a contrast to the materialistic views of her brothers for the house as well as life in general.

4. Why did the father disown his second son?

Ans. The father disowned his second son when he expressed his desire to study medicines and become a physician but the penultimate reason was that he, despite his father unwillingness had decided to marriage a Punjabi girl that he had fallen in love with.

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