Class 5 English Chapter 2 The Joy of Helping

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SEBA Class 5 English Chapter 2 The Joy of Helping

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Marigold Book Class 5 English Notes. Class 5 English Chapter 2 The Joy of Helping Solutions I Hope, you Liked The information About The Class 5 English Book Question Answer. If you liked Class 5 English Textbook Notes Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

The Joy of Helping


1. Let’s check how much we have understood. Choose the correct alternative from the following options:

(a) The headmaster was talking about.

(i) flood damage.

(ii) soil erosion.

(iii) earthquake disasters.

(iv) deforestation.

Ans. The headmaster was talking about earthquake disasters.

(b) The headmaster sought contributions from teachers and students-

(i) to help the flood affected people.

(ii) to organise a function at school.

(iii) to help earthquake hit people.

(iv) to go for a picnic.

Ans. The headmaster sought contributions from teachers and students to help earthquake hit people.

(c) Raju thought of contributing- 

(i) bread, butter and fruits.

(ii) bread, biscuits and fruits.

(iii) clothes, water and money.

(iv) water, biscuits and bread.

Ans. Raju thought of contributing bread, butter and fruits.

(d) The contributions were carried to the earthquake affected area in-

(i) a cart.

(ii) a goods van.

(iii) a mini truck.

(iv) a tractor.

Ans. The contributions were carried to the earthquake affected ares in a goods van.

(e) The team members of the school felt very-

(i) happy to help the people in misery. 

(ii) funny at helping the people in misery. 

(iii) sad to help the people in misery. 

(iv) worried about helping the people in misery. 

Ans. The team members of the school felt very happy to help the people in misery.

(f) When we help someone we always feel-

(i) miserable.

(ii) happy.

(iii) sad.

(iv) funny.

Ans. When we help someone we always feel happy.

Chapter 1All Things Bright And Beautiful
Chapter 2The Joy Of Helping
Chapter 3Bird Talk
Chapter 4The Stork And The Fox
Chapter 5Let’s Write A Story
Chapter 6The Joy Of Living
Chapter 7My Story
Chapter 8Hello Computer

2. Arrange the following sentences as it happened the lesson: 

(i) Tomorrow, after morning assembly we will collect your contributions. 

(ii) The team members felt very happy to have helped the people in distress. 

(iii) People has lost their homes and belongings. 

(iv) During the lunch break, Nita, Gita and Raju were discussing their contributions. 

(v) The goods van and a team of volunteers including Raju and Rita then left for their destination.

Ans. People has lost their homes and belongings.

Tomorrow, after morning assembly we will collect your contributions.

During the lunch break, Nita, Gita and Raju were discussing their contributions.

The goods van and a team of volunteers including Raju and Rita then left for their destination.

The team members felt very happy to have helped the people in distress.

3. Let’s read, think and write: 

(a) While going to school, you find a puppy in a muddy ditch. The puppy has fallen into the ditch and is struggling to come out. What will you do in this situation? Write three sentences on the action you would take.

Ans. While going to school I found a puppy in a muddy ditch. Then— 

(i) I decided to take out the puppy from the ditch. 

(ii) I kept my school bag aside and tried to reach to the puppy. 

(iii) I took the puppy out of the ditch and cleaned it. 

(b) One of your friends gets injured in a friendly football match at your school. Write three sentences on how you will help him. 

Ans. What I will do-

(i) I will immediately rush to the injured player and examine the injuries.

(ii) I will elevate the place of injury above the level of the heart to bring down the swolling.

(iii) I will take the injured player out of the ground for further medical treatment.

4. Choose the appropriate meaning of the underlined words from the given options:

(a) “The earthquake destroyed many areas of our neighbouring district.” 

(i) broke.

(ii) moved.

(iii) built.

(iv) damaged.

Ans. (iv) damaged.

(b) “The teachers and students then left for their destination.” Destination here refers to:

(i) the playground.

(ii) their school.

(iii) distant village.

(iv) earthquake affected place.

Ans. (iv) earthquake affected place.

(c) They were very sad to see the plight and misery of the people. 

(i) playful environment.

(ii) difficult and sad situation.

(iii) happy situation.

(iv) faces.

Ans. (ii) difficult and sad situation.

(d) Everyone was very grateful to the volunteers for their help.

(i) satisfied.

(ii) happy.

(iii) thankful.

(iv) joyful.

Ans. (iii) thankful

5. Read the following sentences: 

(a) They were very sad to see the plight and misery of the people there. 

(b) The team members felt very happy to have helped the people in distress.

The first sentence expresses sadness and the second sentence expresses happiness. Now, choose appropriate words from the butterfly and write in the boxes to make meaningful sentences:

6. Read the following line: 

“A team of volunteers…………” 

The underlined word stands for a collection or a group of people. Now read the following sentences. They all contain words that show a collection. 

(a) A flock of sheep was grazing in the field. 

(b) I have a bunch of keys.

(c) Can you see the herd of cattle? 

(d) He gave me a bundle of sticks. 

(e) A delegation of teachers visited the Chief Minister. 

7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct word: 

(a) A team of_____________.

Ans. A team of players

(b) A flock of ______________.

Ans. A flock of birds

(c) A bunch of ________________.

Ans. A bunch of flowers.

(d) A bundle of _________________.

Ans. A bundle of books

(e) A herd of_________________.

Ans. A herd of elephants.

8. Look up the meanings of these words in a dictionary: 


Ans. Do it yourself.

9. Look at the picture and read:

It was 8:30 in the morning. Rohit, Nikhil and Anjuma were walking to school. Abhi was in his wheelchair. His father was taking him to school.

The children noticed Abhi. Rohit came forward and asked Abhi’s father, “Uncle, can we take Abhi to school?” “Oh, yes,” said Abhi’s father. “He will enjoy your company.” Rohit, Nikhil and Anjuma took Abhi with them to school.

10 (a). Read what Rohit told his teacher after he reached school: 

We were walking to school today at 8:30 in the morning. We met Abhi and his father on the way. Abhi was in his wheelchair. His father was taking him to school. I asked him if Abhi could come with us. He agreed, and Abhi came with us.

Now, complete the following passage with the words given in the help box: 

Rohit, Nikhil and Anjuma _______________ to school, Abhi_________________in his wheelchair. His father _______________ behind him. He ______________ Abhi to school.

Ans. Rohit, Nikhil and Anjuma were walking to school. Abhi was sitting in his wheelchair. His father was walking behind him. He was taking Abhi to school.

10. (b) Write what you were doing at the following time yesterday. 

(i) At 8 o’clock in the morning yesterday __________________.

(ii) At 4 o’clock in the evening yesterday__________________.

Ans. (i) At 8 o’clock in the morning yesterday I was playing football.

(ii) At 4 o’clock in the evening yesterday I was studying English.

11. The teacher was very happy with Rohit and his friends. They showed good manners. Read the words in the bubbles and add some more in the empty bubbles.

12. Read this passage to know about Abhi’s manners. 

Abhi is a loving boy. He speaks politely. He is honest and obedient. He shares his food with his friends. He is neat and tidy. He respects his teachers and elders. He is intelligent too. Everyone loves, him.

13. (a) Anjuma speaks very politely. Listen to what Anjuma says: 

Ans. 1. Please take my pen, uncle. 

2. Would you mind giving me my pen back?

3. I’m very sorry, I broke the glass. 

4. Excuse me, may I carry the book for you? 

14. (b) Complete these sentences with the polite forms given below: 

(i) _________________ I broke your pencil.

(ii) _________________ can I borrow your pen?

(iii) _________________ write a letter for me.

(iv) _________________ bringing a glass of water for me?

Ans. (i) I’m very sorry, I broke your pencil. 

(ii) Excuse me, can I borrow your pen? 

(iii) Please, write a letter for me. 

(iv) Would you mind, bringing a glass of water for me? 

14. Let us learn to make words by adding ‘ing’: 

love – loving.

care – caring.

share – sharing

make – making.

We can also make words by doubling the last letter and adding ‘ing’ to them. Read these words: 

run – running

clip – clipping.

swim – swimming.

cut – cutting.

Now, make words by doubling the last letter and adding ‘ing’ to them. 


Ans. clap – clapping.

sit – sitting.

tap – taping.

hop – hoping.

15. Add ‘ly’ to make new words. Write the words. One is done for you: 

Ans. 1. obediently.

2. Neatly.

3. honestly.

4. kindly.

5. intelligently.

16. Imagine you are in a school summer camp. Write three things you should do and three things you should not do. Use the words given in the box. 

obey my teacherstell lies
quarrelshare my things
talk softlymake a noise


I should I should not
(i) obey my teachers.(i) tell lies.
(ii) share my things.(ii) quarrel.
(iii) talk softly.(iii) Make a noise.

17. (a) Read the sentences on the chart: 

1. Work hard.

2. Help the poor and the sick.

3. Respect your elder.

4. Use a handkerchief while coughing.

5. Use a handkerchief while sneezing.

6. Comb your hair neatly. 

Talk to your friends and add three more sentences to the list. 

Ans. 1. Talk politely. 

2. Obey your teachers. 

3. Wear clean clothes. 

17. (b) Write four sentences in cursive using ‘I must…..’ 

(i) I must obey my parents. 

(ii) I must talk politely. 

(iii) I must be compassionate to the physically and mentally challenged persons.

(iv) I must keep my body and mind clean.

We Hope the given Class 5 English Question Answer will help you. If you Have any Regarding SEBA Board 5th Class English Textbook Solutions, drop a comment below and We will get back to you at the earliest.

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