SEBA Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 11 Case Studies

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SEBA Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 11 Case Studies

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1. Deep is a medical student. His professor has asked him to create a document for his thesis and also create a presentation on recent development in medical field for a seminar on different dates in different places.

But Deep has PC at home but no laptop to carry his presentation for seminar. His professor has told him to provide with the laptop in the seminar. Now, another problem with Deep is that his Office is not working in his PC.

So, he is looking for the solution to his problems.

(a) Where he would create the document for his thesis?

Ans. Deep can use document based on online word processor. He can use Google Docs, an online word processor included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google.

(b) Where he would create the presentation for the seminar?

Ans. Deep can use the Google Sheets to create the presentation and it is part of editors offered by Google.

(c) What is the benefit of using such platform?

Ans. The benefit of using of using such platforms are –

  • It is a free tool.
  • Access work from any device.
  • Google Cloud Storage allows you to access your documents from anywhere.
  • Allows real-time collaboration.
  • It’s fully compatible with Microsoft Office.
  • Automatic saving.

(d) Where he would keep the documents so that he can avail the documents from anywhere (if USB is not working)?

Ans. Deep can use the cloud storage. Cloud storage is a cloud computing model that stores data on the Internet through a cloud computing provider who manages and operates data storage as a service.

(e) Where he schedules the seminar and get reminders and why?

Ans. Deep can schedules the seminar and get reminders on Google Calendar App.

Benefit of setting reminders are –

  • It allows you to create multiple lists to organize your work.
  • Reminders repeat every day or until you mark them as done.
  • Reminders are private and cannot be shared with others.

(f) On the way to catch his flight to the airport, he lost his way. Suggest an App that Deep can use to find the location of the airport.

Ans. Google Maps is one of the best and most popular location tracker app for both iPhone and Android mobiles. So, Deep must use Google Maps to find the location of the airport.

2. Rohan wants to take his parents for Char Dhams yatra. But he confused how to book tickets and book hotels as there may be rush, and he can’t take his age-old parents move here and there.

His friend has given suggestion for online booking. But Rohan has never used such system.

Can you help him with the following?

(a) What is advantage of online ticketing?


  • Online booking system are time-saving.
  • Online booking systems simplify reservation process.
  • Booking can be done 24/7.

(b) Why is online booking important?


  • Saves time.
  • Reduces workload.
  • Accessible 24/7.
  • Don’t pay unnecessary commissions.

(c) What are the disadvantages of booking online?


  • One of the major disadvantages of online booking systems is that, for all their positives, they do come at a monetary cost – don’t believe all the promises of free trials or free online booking systems.
  • Requires Internet access.

(d) What are requirements of online booking?


  • Required Internet Access.
  • Payment options (credit card, bank transfer etc.)
  • Inventory system.

(e) He is confused which websites to search for booking online tickets. Can you help him with some website names?

Ans. Websites for online booking are –,,

3. Nabanita is fond of buying different kinds of goods. She used to go to different shops and malls to buy things. But she wants some solutions to buy goods sitting at home. Then her friend told her about e-commerce. She likes the idea, but she has some queries. Can you solve her queries?

(a) What is the difference between traditional shopping and ecommerce?

Ans. Traditional commerce is a branch of business which focuses on the exchange of products and services, and includes all those activities which encourages exchange, in some way or the other.

e-Commerce means carrying out commercial transactions or exchange of information, electronically on the internet.

(b) What are the advantages of e-commerce?


  • Faster buying process.
  • Cost reduction.
  • Product and price comparison.
  • Eliminates the operating cost.
  • Available 24/7.

(c) Which are the best e-commerce sites?


Chapter 1Introduction To Computer Network
Chapter 2Html5 And Css3
Chapter 3Database Part – II Mysql
Chapter 4Introduction To Loops
Chapter 5Nested Loops In C
Chapter 6Arrays In C
Chapter 7Functions In C
Chapter 8Pointers In C
Chapter 9Structure In C
Chapter 10An Introduction To Object Oriented Programming
Chapter 11Case Studies

(d) What are the possible risks of e-commerce websites?


  • Online security.
  • Privacy issue.
  • Credit Card fault.

(e) What are the risks of online transactions?

Ans. Online transactions are heavily dependent on payment methods like credit and debit cards etc. These details are extremely sensitive and can be risky if not used securely.

4. Aditya is a freelancer. She used to post different works on the Internet. After that she heard of blog. She had some queries regarding blog. Solve her the following queries.

(a) What exactly is a blog?

Ans. Blog is an online journal where an individual, group, or corporation presents a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs.

Good examples of this include a food blog sharing meal recipes.

(b) How do she start a blog?

Ans. 1. Choose a blog name and get her blog hosting.

2. Start her blog by adding blogging sites like WordPress.

3. Pick a simple theme to make her blog her own.

4. Add two key blogging plugins to find her readers and track stats.

5. Write compelling content to create a blog that her readers love.

Some of the free blogging sites are –

WordPress, LinkedIn, Blogger, Tumblr

(c) Do bloggers make money?

Ans. In India, a professional blogger can earn up to $10,000 every month. On average, a blogger can earn between $300 and $400 per month.

(d) What are the different types of blogs?

Ans. The types of blogs are –

  • Personal blogs.
  • Business blogs.
  • Travel blogs.
  • Food blogs.
  • Photography blogs.
  • Fashion blogs.

(e) How did she choose a topic for her blog?


  • She must be confident that what she is writing is good and she is totally satisfied with her article.
  • This is the next part for choosing a topic. Doing research before writing any article is very important.
  • If she wants to write articles for readers then she needs to choose topics on which she has excellent knowledge.
  • She must choose to write topics which can provide lots of information and keep it simple.

(f) How she can be a successful blogger?

Ans. For a successful blogger, the following point must be noted:

  • She must have good writing skills.
  • She is willing to learn.
  • She must have charismatic communication skills.
  • She must be willing to work hard.

5. Roshmi is from a middle-class family. She has completed her graduation and started her work in an IT firm. To get promotion in her job, she has to upgrade her academic skills. But she can’t do regular courses. So, can you help her how can she upgrade her academic skills. Give complete guidance to her.

Ans. Roshmi must upgrade her academic skills by taking courses on online mode. Online mode or online education is a form of education where students use their home computers through the internet.

Advantages of online education:

Roshmi has the following advantages for doing online education.

  • Online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to students. Online learning has a number of tools such as videos, PDFs, podcasts, and teachers can use all these tools as part of their lesson plans.
  • Another advantage of online education is that it allows students to attend classes from any location of their choice and any time.
  • Another advantage of online learning is reduced financial costs. Online education is far more affordable as compared to physical learning.


  • Laptop or PC.
  • Audio / Video software.
  • Webcam.
  • Speaker.

Some of the websites for online education are –,,

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