SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 3 The World Between The Two World Wars

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SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 3 The World Between The Two World Wars

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Very Short Extra Questions for SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 3 The World Between The Two World Wars with you. NCERT Class 10 History Multiple Choice Questions and Answers I Hope, you Liked The information About The ICSE Class 10 History Important Notes. If you liked SEBA Class 10 History Textbook Additional Questions and Answers Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

The World Between The Two World Wars


Answer the Following Questions:

1. What were the chief aims and characteristics of the rise of Nazism in Germany?

Ans. Aims and policies: The aims and policies of the Nazi Party were outlined in the ’25-Point Economic Programme’ initiated by Hitler. 

The main aims and policies of the Nazi Party were:

(i) Cancellation of the Treaty of Versailles.

(ii) Restoration of German colonies to Germany.

(iii) The reunion of all German people.

(iv) Restriction of German citizenship only to persons of German blood.

(v) Appointment of pure Germans in government jobs.

(vi) The public ownership of trusts and business companies.

(vii) To make the press more German in ownership and outlook.

(viii) Restoration of military conscription, etc.

The main characteristics of Nazism were:

(i) It was military in nature.

(ii) It followed an aggressive foreign policy.

(iii) It did not allow opposition from any quarters.

(iv) It was totalitarian in nature.

(v) It was based on the whims and fancies of one man.

(vi) It aimed to suppress democracy, communism and other political movements.

(vii) It used any means to gather power and sustain power.

(viii) It advocated hate campaign against other nationalities particularly against Jews and Slavs of Germany.

(ix) It used war a means to bow down other countries into submission.

2. Write Short Notes on:

(i) League of Nations.

Ans: League of Nations: The establishment of the League of Nations is an epoch-making event in the world history. The Paris Peace Conference held in 1919 at the conclusion of the First World War, decided on the basis of the proposal of President Woodrow Wilson to establish an international organisation named the League of Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security. This conference appointed a commission under the chairmanship of President Woodrow Wilson to prepare

the Covenant of the League of Nations which was eventually adopted by the Paris Peace Conference. After the adoption of the Covenant of the League of Nations by the Conference, it was formally established on 10 January 1920. In spite of League’s best efforts to achieve international peace, security and cooperation, it failed miserably in bringing about lasting peace in the world. Outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 was the

inevitable result of its total failure. Several factors were responsible for its failure. 

These include:

(i) Structural defects.

(ii) Absence of USA from the League of Nations.

(iii) Lack of universal character.

(iv) No enforcement machinery.

(v) Rule of unanimity.

(vi) Conflicting attitudes of the great powers, etc.

Chapter – 1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
Chapter – 2The First World War
Chapter – 3The World Between The Two World Wars
Chapter – 4The Second World War
Chapter – 5The United Nations Organization
Chapter – 6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
Chapter – 7The Non-Aligned Movement
Chapter – 8Foreign Policy Of India

(ii) End of Fascism in Italy.

Ans. End of Fascism in Italy: The political movement launched by Benito Mussolini in Italy during the post-First World War period came to be known as Fascism. The Fascists led by Benito Mussolini captured by power by their famous march to Rome in October 1922. Within a short period, Benito Mussolini became the absolute ruler of Italy and started an aggressive foreign policy. By the Treaty of Lausane, Italy gained Corfu islands from Greece. It formed an alliance with Yugoslavia and made Albania its dependency in 1927. It took over the administration of the free city of Tangier on the west coast of Morocco in 1928 and annexed Abyssinia in 1936. During the Second World War, the Allies attacked Italy as it was part of the Axis group. As the Allied forces landed in Italy, the public turned against the Fascists in Italy. They caught hold of Mussolini and he was murdered. Thereafter, there was absolute anarchy and chaos in the country. Soon some sort of constitutional monarchy was re-established in Italy. The provisional government surrendered to the Allies. In this way, Fascism collapsed in Italy.


(i) The country that came to be called ‘the prisoner of Mediterranean Sea’ was

(a) England.

(b) Italy.

(c) Austria.

(d) France.

Ans. (b) Italy.

(ii) The person who initiated the movement for Italian unification was

(a) Count De Cavour.

(b) Joseph Garibaldi.

(c) Giuseppe Mazzini.

(d) Victor Emanuel III.

Ans. (c) Giuseppe Mazzini.

(iii) During the post-First World War period Albania was annexed by

(a) Austria.

(b) Germany.

(c) France.

(d) Italy.

Ans. (d) Italy.

(iv) The ‘Rome-Berlin’ Axis came to being in

(a) 1936.

(b) 1939.

(c) 1929.

(d) 1934.

Ans. (a) 1936.

(v) The agreement named ‘Pact of Steel’ was signed between

(a) England and France.

(b) England and Russia.

(c) Germany and Russia.

(d) Germany and Italy.

Ans. (d) Germany and Italy.

(vi) The famous march to Rome by Mussolini and his supporters took place in

(a) November 1922.

(b) September 1921.

(c) October 1921.

(d) October 1922.

Ans. (d) October 1922.

(vii) Which of the following African country was conquered by Italy before the Second World War?

(a) Ethiopia.

(b) Sudan.

(c) Congo.

(d) Togoland.

Ans. (a) Ethiopia.

(viii) The 25-point Economic Programme was initiated by

(a) Nazi Party in Germany.

(b) Fascist Party in Italy.

(c) Communist Party in Russia.

(d) Democratic Party in the USA.

Ans. (a) Nazi Party in Germany.

(ix) The first country to be occupied by Adolf Hitler was

(a) Albania.

(b) Austria.

(c) Czechoslovakia.

(d) Poland.

Ans. (b) Austria.

(x) The Nine-Nation Conference was held in 1921 in

(a) London.

(b) Berlin.

(c) Washington.

(d) New York.

Ans. (c) Washington.

Fill in the blanks:

(i) Chancellor _______________ was made the President of the Weimar Republic.

Ans. Frederich Herr Ebert.

(ii) ______________ continued as US President for three consecutive terms.

Ans. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

(iii) The period of economic reconstruction in Russia from 1918 to 1921 is known as the period of ______________.

Ans. War Communism.

(iv) The word ‘Fascism’ originates from the Latin word _____________, meaning group or party.

Ans. Fasces.

(v) The economic reconstruction initiated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in America came to be known as the ______________.

Ans. New Deal.

(vi) The United States of America joined the war against the Axis Powers after Japan attacked ______________ on 7 December 1941.

Ans. Pearl Harbour.

(vii) The New Economic Policy was initiated by _______________ for the reconstruction of Russia.

Ans. Lenin.

(viii) The ‘Great Purge’ in the Communist Party was effected by ______________ in Russia.

Ans. Joseph Stalin.

(ix) Great Britain and France followed a policy of ______________ towards Germany before the Second World War.

Ans. Appeasement.

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