SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 4 The Second World War

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SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 4 The Second World War

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Very Short Extra Questions for SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 4 The Second World War Notes. NCERT Class 10 History Multiple Choice Questions and Answers I Hope, you Liked The information About The ICSE Class 10 History Important Notes. If you liked SEBA Class 10 History Textbook Additional Questions and Answers Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

The Second World War


Answer the Following Questions:

1. What were the chief causes for the outbreak of the Second World War?


What were the events and developments that led to the outbreak of the Second World War?

Ans. The Paris Peace Settlement of 1919-20 proved to be a mere truce. The settlement hardly lasted twenty years. In September 1939, Europe was once again plunged into a catastrophic conflict, more dreadful and more disastrous than the First World War. Several factors and developments were responsible for this international catastrophe.

Following are some of the chief causes which led to the outbreak of the Second World War:

(i) The Peace Settlement of 1919-20: The Treaty of Versailles of 1914 was vindictive, unjust and unfair. It was a dictated treaty. Germany was politically subdued, economically down-sized, commercially ruined, militarily weakened and internationally humiliated. Hence, when Hitler tried to undo the injustice done to Germany, the people wholeheartedly supported him. The result was the Second World War.

(ii) Rise of dictatorships and failure of Democracies: Post-First World War, Europe created conditions ideal for the rise of dictators. Democracy failed to cope with the complex post-war problems. Dictators rose up promising national glory, rapid economic growth and territorial expansion. Dictators like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Tojo, etc. cared little for international principles and stood for the principle of ‘might is right’. Nations like the Great Britain, France, and America, etc. failed to come together and checkmate the rise of these dictators.

(iii) Race for armaments: Although the Treaty of Versailles had disarmed Germany and her Allies, yet within a few years, Germany began to arm herself to the teeth. Her example was quickly followed by her Allies namely, Italy and Japan. Seeing the massive arms build-up, Great Britain, France, Russia and the USA began to arm themselves and prepare themselves for an armed trial of strength precipitating the already existing tension and suspicion in the world.

(iv) Failure of the League of Nations: The League of Nations failed miserably in its primary task of maintaining international peace and security. It had no coercive machinery whereby international aggressor could be punished. It could not take any action against Germany, Italy and Japan when they flouted its principles.

(v) Colonial and commercial rivalry: The best markets and colonies of the world were cornered by powers, such as the USA, the Great Britain and France. Germany, Italy and Japan found themselves with few colonies and overseas markets. Therefore, rulers of these countries adopted military imperialism to get their due share. Accordingly, Japan conquered Manchuria in 1931, Italy invaded Abyssinia in 1935 and Germany set out a career of imperial aggression in 1936, lighting the flame of the Second World War.

(vi) Discontentment of national minorities: The Paris Peace Settlement had not applied strictly the principle of self-determination, as it was difficult to isolate the minorities in certain countries and confer them nationhood. Soon these minorities became discontented and demanded union with the mother-country upsetting the international equilibrium which existed then.

(vii) Immediate cause: The immediate cause of the Second World War was the German invasion of Poland whose national integrity had been guaranteed by Great Britain and France. These two powers had kept quiet when Hitler conquered Austria in 1938 and Czechoslovakia in 1939 not favouring for an armed trial of strength then. Meanwhile, Hitler after having concluded a Non-Aggression Pact with Russia in August, 1939 invaded Poland on 1 September, 1939. Hence, Great Britain and France had no other choice left but to declare war on Germany on 3 September, 1939. Thus, the Second World War began.

2. Mention some of the effects of the Second World War.

Ans. The result of the Second World War was terrifying all over the world. The war resulted in great destruction and devastation.

Some of the effects of the war are:

(i) The war caused large destruction of human resources along with the natural resources.

(ii) A vast transformation in the field of politics, economy, society and in science and technology was caused as a result of the war.

(iii) A feeling of terror was created in the minds of the people as a result of the creation and development of new weapons like atom bombs.

(iv) A feeling of hatred was created in the minds of the vanquished against the victors. The war kept the fire of hatred and revenge burning.

3. Write short notes on:

(i) Battle of Britain.

(ii) Invasion of Russia.

(iii) Dropping of the atom bombs.

Ans. (i) Battle of Britain: The Battle of Britain is one of the major episodes of the Second World War. Soon after the conquest of Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland and France in 1940, Hitler directed his attention to his main enemy, England. In fact, after the defeat of France, England stood alone in the battlefield against Hitler. Therefore, Hitler started a strong military offensive named the ‘Operation Sea-Lion’ against England sometime in 1940. The most severe part of the attack took place from 8 August to 17 September 1940. The Germans bombarded the British seaports, airports, aeroplane manufacturing units, various industrial establishments, residential houses, etc. As a result of the heavy German bombardments, several cities and towns in England were destroyed and a total of about 20,000 civilians died in the city of London alone. In retaliation, England also resorted to a violent counter offensive against Germany and made heavy and repeated bombing on the capital city of Berlin. During the April-May 1941, the British Royal Force shot down nearly 2,400 fighter planes of Germany. This air battle between Germany and Britain during the 1940-1941 periods came to be known as the ‘Battle of Britain’. England won this battle mainly due to the dedication and sacrifice of the British airmen, American support and the great leadership given by the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Chapter – 1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
Chapter – 2The First World War
Chapter – 3The World Between The Two World Wars
Chapter – 4The Second World War
Chapter – 5The United Nations Organization
Chapter – 6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
Chapter – 7The Non-Aligned Movement
Chapter – 8Foreign Policy Of India

(ii) Invasion of Russia: The invasion of Russia by Hitler is a major event in the history of the Second World War. His military offensive against Russia was code named the ‘Operation Barbarossa’ and it began on 22 June 1941.

The main reasons for his invasion of Russia were:

(a) The destruction of the communist rule.

(b) The annihilation of the Slavs of Russia along with the Jews.

(c) To get more areas for the settlement of surplus German population in the Urals.

(d) The occupation of the Donetz valley which was full of raw-materials for industrial production.

(e) The occupation of Ukraine.

(f) The occupation of the Caucasus that was full of mineral oils and resources, etc.

Hitler made three attempts to conquer Russia but failed in all his attempts. The first attempt started on 22 June1941 and it ended in total failure mainly due to the extreme cold climate which the German soldiers found it unable to bear. The second attempt started in April-May 1942. In this attempt, Germany lost nearly 30,000 soldiers while over 1,40,000 German soldiers surrendered to the Red Army. The third attempt started in the middle of 1943. The Germans were defeated in the battle of Kursk with a loss of 5,00,000 soldiers. The main reason for the failure was the stiff resistance put up by the Russians. The Russian cold affected the Germans who were not used to such extreme climatic conditions. The immense loss of men and materials during the three phases of the Russian invasion was one of the primary causes for the sudden collapse of the German power.

(iii) Dropping of the atom bombs: The United States of America was over-concerned about the expansion of Russian influence in different parts of the world. America was much apprehensive of the Russian role in the on-going war in the Far East against the Japanese. Prolonged war could extend the Russian control over the region and that could affect the American influence over the countries of the Far East. Therefore, the US President, Harry S. Truman, decided to drop the atom bombs over Japan to bring the war to a quick end. Accordingly, the American Air Force dropped two Atom bombs, one after another, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945 respectively. Enola Gay of the US Air Force, dropped the bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 while Charles W.  Sweeney dropped the bomb on Nagasaki on 9 August 1945. The impact of the bomb was disastrous. It completely destroyed the two cities and resulted in the death of over 3,20,000 people and injured millions of people. The destruction caused by the dropping of the bombs compelled Japan to surrender to the Allied Powers bringing the war to a close in August, 1945. The Japanese force surrendered unconditionally to the American General Douglas McArthur, on board the battleship ‘Missouri’ on 2 September 1945 bringing down the curtain of the Second World War.

Choose the correct option

(i) The Second World War began in September, 1939 with the German invasion of ______________.

(a) Poland.

(b) France. 

(c) Austria.

(d) Norway.

Ans. (a) Poland.

(ii) The French Prime Minister who signed an armistice with Hitler dividing France into two parts was _____________.

(a) Marshal Henri Phillipe Petain.

(b) Charles de Gaulle.

(c) Paul Reynaud.

(d) Daladier.

Ans. (a) Marshal Henri Phillipe Petain.

(iii) The German invasion of Britain during the Second World War was code named ___________.

(a) Operation Barbarossa.

(b) Operation Sea-Lion.

(c) Operation Torch.

(d) Operation Crusader.

Ans. (b) Operation Sea-Lion.

(iv) The ‘Battle of Britain’ took place in the year ____________.

(a) 1942.

(b) 1943.

(c) 1944.

(d) 1941.

Ans. (d) 1941.

(v) ‘Operation Barbarossa’ refers to Hitler’s invasion of ____________.

(a) England.

(b) France.

(c) Russia.

(d) Norway.

Ans. (c) Russia.

(vi) ‘Operation Battleaxe’ refers to British invasion against ____________.

(a) Italians in Africa.

(b) Germans in Africa.

(c) Japanese in the east.

(d) Italians and Germans in Africa.

Ans. (d) Italians and Germans in Africa.

(vii) The famous Japanese attack on the US naval port Pearl Harbour took place on ______________.

(a) 7 December 1941.

(b) 10 December 1942.

(c) 7 December 1945.

(d) 10 June 1944.

Ans. (a) 7 December 1941

(viii) The Atlantic Charter was signed by _______________.

(a) Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt.

(b) Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.

(c) Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill.

(d) By the representatives of the Allied Powers.

Ans. (a) Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt.

Fill in the blanks:

(i) In Vietnam, the liberation movement was organized by the _____________ party.

Ans. Communist.

(ii) ___________ was the commander-in-chief of the American forces in the Far East.

Ans. General Douglas McArthur.

(iii) In August 1943, British Admiral, ____________ was made the supreme commander of the newly created South- East Asia Command.

Ans. Lord Louis Mountbatten.

(iv) The most striking result of the Second World War was the beginning of the process of the end of _____________ in the world.

Ans. Colonialism.

(v) In 1954, the Philippines became independent from the ___________.

Ans. USA.

(vi) One of the main results of the Second World War was the emergence of ____________ between the super powers, America and the Soviet Union.

Ans. The cold war.

Match the following:

Column AColumn B
(i) Operation Sea-Lion(a) British attack of Italians and Germans in Africa
(ii) Operation Barbarossa(b) German attack on England
(iii) Operation Overlord(c) Anglo-American attack against Germans in Africa
(iv) Operation Crusader(d) German attack on Russia
(v) Operation Torch(e) Anglo-American attack of Germany from France
(vi) Operation Battleaxe(f) Auchinleck’s attack of Germanforces in Africa


Column AColumn B
(i) Operation Sea-Lion(b) German attack on England
(ii) Operation Barbarossa(d) German attack on Russia
(iii) Operation Overlord(e) Anglo-American attack of Germany from France
(iv) Operation Crusader(f) Auchinleck’s attack of German forces in Africa
(v) Operation Torch(c) Anglo-American attack against Germans in Africa
(vi) Operation Battleaxe(a) British attack of Italians and Germans in Africa

Give the name of the following:

(i) The US President who ordered the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: ___________.

Ans: Harry S. Truman.

(ii) The commander-in-chief of the allies forces that landed on Normandy coast: ____________.

Ans: General Eisenhower.

(iii) The Nazi general who killed nearly 6 million Jews: ____________.

Ans: Aikmen.

(iv) Leader of nationalist party in China: _____________.

Ans: Chiang Kai-shek.

(v) The Leader of Vietnam revolution: _____________.

Ans. Ho Chi Minh.

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