SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 5 The United Nations Organization

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SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 5 The United Nations Organization

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Very Short Extra Questions for SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 5 The United Nations Organization with you. NCERT Class 10 History Multiple Choice Questions and Answers I Hope, you Liked The information About The ICSE Class 10 History Important Notes. If you liked SEBA Class 10 History Textbook Additional Questions and Answers Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

The United Nations Organization


Answer the Following Questions:

1. Discuss the circumstances that led to the setting up of the United Nations Organization.

Ans. The establishment of the United Nations Organization on 24 October 1945, is a landmark event in the history of mankind. It marks the dawn of a new era of international relationship. It was a culmination of decades of men’s attempt to bring lasting peace and security in the world. 

Some of the major developments that led to the foundation of the UNO are:

(i) Failure of the League of Nations: The League of Nations was established primarily to maintain international peace and security. But it failed miserably to bring about lasting peace. The Second World War which broke out in 1939, was the inevitable result of this failure.

(ii) Second World War: The Second World War caused greater destruction and havoc than the First World War. The great havoc caused by the Second World War forced many international personalities to think of ways and means of preventing war and maintaining some sort of international peace and security. With this in view, many international conferences were held.

(iii) London Declaration: In July 1941, representatives from England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa met together to sign a joint declaration known as the London Declaration. This declaration expressed the desire for a permanent world peace through the cooperation of all countries.

(iv) Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms: In keeping with the London Declaration, President Roosevelt of America announced his famous ‘Four Freedoms’. These were freedom from fear and insecurity, freedom from want, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The first of these stressed upon the security of the countries of the world.

(v) Atlantic Charter: The declaration of the Atlantic Charter by the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt of America in August 1941, was a significant step towards the formation of the United Nations. It suggested the creation of an international organization to bring about lasting peace in the world.

(vi) Declaration of the United Nations: The eight principles of the Atlantic Charter were accepted by the twenty-six nations. The representatives of these nations later signed a document named the ‘Declaration by United Nations’ at Washington in 1942.

(vii) Various conferences: The Washington Conference was followed by a conference in Moscow in October 1943, where the representatives of Russia, America, Britain, France and China signed a declaration known as the Moscow Declaration wherein they stated the necessity and importance of establishing an international organization for the maintenance of international peace and order. The Moscow Declaration was followed by the Tehran Declaration in December 1943. In November 1944, the actual framework of the proposed United Nations Organization was laid down at a conference of American, British and Chinese and Soviet representatives in Dumbarton Oaks, a private mansion in Washington. The principles enunciated in this conference were endorsed at the Stalin-Roosevelt-Churchill meeting at Yalta in Crimea in February 1945. Finally, on 26 June 1945, the Charter of the United Nations was signed by 51 nations at the San Francisco Conference, marking the beginning of the United Nations Organization. The UN Charter, after being ratified by the five big powers (America, Russia, Great Britain, France and China) and the majority of the states which had put their signature, came into force on 24 October 1945. Since then 24 October is observed as the UN Day.

Chapter – 1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
Chapter – 2The First World War
Chapter – 3The World Between The Two World Wars
Chapter – 4The Second World War
Chapter – 5The United Nations Organization
Chapter – 6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
Chapter – 7The Non-Aligned Movement
Chapter – 8Foreign Policy Of India

2. Write about the various conferences which took place prior to the formation of the UNO.

Ans. The terrible destruction and havoc that the Second World War caused compelled many international leaders to search for lasting international peace. This resulted in the calling of several conferences and meetings which finally resulted in the establishment of the UNO on 24 October 1945. 

The different conferences which prepared the ground for the formation of UNO are:

(i) London Conference and Declaration (June 1941): In June, 1941, representatives from England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa met together at London and made a declaration known as the London Declaration. Under the declaration, they expressed the desire for the establishment of permanent world peace through the cooperation of all.

(ii) The Atlantic Charter (August 1941): The Atlantic Charter signed in August 1941 by Winston Churchill of England and President Roosevelt of America declared the intention of creating an international organization for the maintenance of peace.

The terms of this Charter were:

(a) To oppose any attempts at territorial expansion by any power.

(b) To provide security against attack and invasion.

(c) To allow the people of a country to have their own form of government.

(d) To remove the cause and fear of war from the world.

(e) To disarm the invading country or countries like Italy and Germany.

(f) To attempt at establishing peace in the world after the end of the war.

(iii) Declaration of the United Nations (1 January 1942): On 1 January 1942, representatives of 26 nations adopted the United Nations Declaration accepting the principles of the Atlantic Charter.

(iv) The Casablanca Conference (14-24 January 1943): The next major step in organizing the UNO is the summit meeting held between the US President, Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchil at Casablanca.

(v) The Moscow Declaration (30 October 1943): In November 1943, the foreign ministers of America, China and former Soviet Union and England met at Moscow and made the Moscow Declaration wherein, they stated the desire of forming an international organization to maintain world peace and security.

(vi) The Teheran Declaration (October 1944): To give concrete efforts to the Moscow Declaration, the three leaders, namely President Roosevelt of America, Churchill of England and Joseph Stalin of Russia met at Teheran in December 1943 and declared their intention to support the cause of an international organization named the United Nations.

(vii) The Dumbarton Oaks Conference (August-October 1944): In August 1944, the cause of United Nations was further pushed forward with the Conference at Dumbarton Oaks Conference in the USA. It was attended by representatives from America, China and the Soviet Russia.

(viii) The Yalta Conference (February 1945): Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met once again at Yalta in Russia in February, 1945 to decide on the principles of voting in the Security Council.

(ix) The San Francisco Conference (April-June 1945) Formation of the UNO: Finally on 26 June 1945, representatives of 51 countries met at the Theatre Hall in San Francisco to discuss the Charter of the United Nations and signed it at the conclusion of the conference, marking the beginning of the UNO. After the various countries adopted the Charter in their countries, the new organization named the United Nations Organization came into being officially on 24 October 1945.

3. Mention the various organs whose functions are supervised by the Economic and Social Council for the effectual implementation of plans of social welfare.

Ans. For the effectual implementation of plans of social welfare, the Economic and Social Council supervises the functioning of the following subsidiary organs:

[I] Five Regional Commissions:

(i) The Economic Commission for Africa.

(ii) The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.

(iii) The Economic Commission for Europe.

(iv) The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

(v) The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.

[II] Nine Functional Commissions:

(i) Statistical Commission.

(ii) Population Commission.

(iii) Commission for Social Development.

(iv) Commission on Human Rights.

(v) Commission on the Status of Women.

(vi) Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

(vii) Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

(viii) Commission on Science and Technology for Development.

(ix) Commission on Sustainable Development.

[III] Four Standing Committees:

(i) Committee on Human Settlement.

(ii) Committee for Programme and Coordination.

(iii) Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations. and

(iv) Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies.

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