SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 8 Foreign Policy Of India

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SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 8 Foreign Policy Of India

Today’s We have Shared in This Post Very Short Extra Questions for SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 8 Foreign Policy Of India with you. NCERT Class 10 History Multiple Choice Questions and Answers I Hope, you Liked The information About The ICSE Class 10 History Important Notes. If you liked SEBA Class 10 History Textbook Additional Questions and Answers Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

Foreign Policy Of India


Answer the Following Questions:

1. Discuss India’s contribution towards world peace.

Ans. During the last 60 years of Indian independence, India has played a significant role in world politics and has contributed a great deal towards international peace and security in the world. She has been an active member of the UNO and the Non-Aligned Movement.

India has played a great part in settling many world disputes and in preventing them from becoming a threat to international peace and security in the world. With a view to resolve the Korean Crisis, the UNO constituted a commission under KPS Menon of India in 1947. India later sent a medical mission to render first aid to the wounded during the Korean War. Impressed by her impartiality, India was made the chairman of the commission on the Prisoners of War. India successfully supervised the exchange of prisoners of War. India advocated the cause of the freedom of the people in Indo-China who were striving to free themselves from the rule of the French. India helped in preventing this territory from becoming a Cold War theater. Peace was established in 1954 as a result of an international conference held in Geneva. India sent Krishna Menon to this Conference and contributed a 6-point solution for ending the crisis in Vietnam. 

India was made the Chairman of the Commission for the supervision of the truce in Indo-China. The Suez Crisis in 1956 created a strong reaction all over the world. The Government of India strongly criticized the Anglo-French-Israeli attack on Egypt in 1956. As a result of India’s efforts, a UN Emergency Force was formed and sent to Egypt. Within a short time, the war was brought to a close by both sides. India played an important part in the UN Emergency Force and helped the withdrawal of British, French and Israeli forces from Egyptian territory. India also sent a contingent of troops to the UN force for the supervision of the truce in the Gaza strip between Israel and Egypt.

India also played a significant role in solving the Congo crisis that emerged soon after its independence in 1960. A civil war broke out in Congo in 1960, as a result of an internal revolt demanding the separation of the rich province of Katanga under the leadership of Tshombe who was helped by the Belgium government. The Indian contingent sent under the direction of the UNO played a creditable role in restoring order in Congo. Similarly, when Arab-Israeli wars took place, India played quite an active part in preventing their escalation into major wars. In this manner, India has played a commendable role in bringing peace to the world.

2. Write a brief geo-political discussion on the member states of the SAARC.

Ans. A brief geo-political discussion on the member states of the SAARC has been given below:

(i) Maldives: Maldives is situated at a distance of 675 kilometres from Sri Lanka in south-west direction in the Indian Ocean. It consists of more than 1,200 islands, of which only 202 are fit for human habitation. Maldives became independent from Britain on 26 July 1965. It has unicameral legislature. The tenure of the legislative assembly is five years and is called the ‘Majlis’. The total population of Maldives is 2,30,819 and its capital is Male.

(ii) Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka is situated at a distance of 80 kilometres to the south of India, having a total area of 65,610 square kilometres. On 4 February 1948, Sri Lanka became free and independent and on 22 May 1948, she became a republic. The total population of Sri Lanka is 17.7 million. It has a parliamentary form of government. The head of the state is the President. Colombo is the capital of Sri Lanka.

(iii) Bangladesh: Bangladesh is situated in between the Bay of Bengal in the south, West Bengal (India) in the west and north-west, Assam and Meghalaya in the north, Assam, Tripura and Myanmar in the east. The total area of Bangladesh in 1,43,999 square kilometres. Its total population is 119.3 million. The country has a parliamentary democracy form of government. Its capital is Dhaka.

(iv) Bhutan: Bhutan is a land-locked country. On the north, it has China and India on the east, south and west. Bhutan has a total area of 46,500 square kilometres. It has a population of 16 lakhs. Bhutan has a monarchical form of government where the head of the administration is the king. Bhutan has no written constitution. Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan.

(v) Nepal: Nepal is also a land-locked country having China on its north and India on the east, south and west. Nepal covers an area of about 1,47,181 square kilometres. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal.

(vi) Pakistan: Pakistan attained its independence from Britain on 14 August 1947. The total area of the country is 7,96,095 square kilometres and it has a population of 124.8 million. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.

(vii) India: India got its independence on 15 August 1947. The country has a total area of 32,87,263 square kilometres. The total population of India is 84,39,30,861. India has China, Nepal and Bhutan in the north, Bay of Bengal in the south-east and the Arabian Sea in the south-west, Pakistan in the west and China and Myanmar in the east.

Chapter – 1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
Chapter – 2The First World War
Chapter – 3The World Between The Two World Wars
Chapter – 4The Second World War
Chapter – 5The United Nations Organization
Chapter – 6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
Chapter – 7The Non-Aligned Movement
Chapter – 8Foreign Policy Of India

Choose The Correct Option:

(i) The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) consists of ____________.

(a) Eight countries.

(b) Five countries.

(c) Six counties.

(d) Seven countries.

Ans. (d) Severn countries.

(ii) The socialist countries of the world belonged to the _____________.

(a) First World.

(b) Second World.

(c) Third World.

(d) G-77.

Ans. (b) Second World.

(iii) The concept of Panchasil was taken from ______________.

(a) Buddhism.

(b) Jainism.

(c) Hinduism.

(d) Christianity.

Ans. (a) Buddhism.

(iv) The First Afro-Asian Conference on World Peace and Cooperation was held at ______________.

(a) Belgrade.

(b) Colombo.

(c) Bandung.

(d) New Delhi.

Ans. (c) Bandung.

(v) The headquarters of SAARC is at ____________.

(a) Dhaka.

(b) New Delhi.

(c) Kathmandu.

(d) Colombo.

Ans. (c) Kathmandu.

(vi) SAARC celebrated 1996 as the ____________.

(a) Year of Eradication of Illiteracy.

(b) Year of Youth.

(c) Girl Child.

(d) Poverty Alleviation.

Ans. (a) Year of Eradication of Illiteracy.

(vii) The Simla Agreement between India and Pakistan was signed in ____________.

(a) 1972.

(b) 1971.

(c) 1970.

(d) 1975.

Ans. (a) 1972.

(viii) Which city of India hosted the second SAARC Conference in 1986?

(a) New Delhi.

(b) Nagpur.

(c) Hyderabad.

(d) Bangalore.

Ans. (d) Bangalore.

(ix) The only war that took place between India and China occurred in the year ___________.

(a) 1971.

(b) 1962.

(c) 1965.

(d) 1999.

Ans. (b) 1962.

Fill in the blanks:

(i) The ____________ Movement emerged on the basis of the principles of Panchasil.

Ans. Non-Aligned.

(ii) The legislative assembly of Maldives is called ___________.

Ans. Majlis.

(iii) The _____________ has been the basis of India’s Foreign Policy.

Ans. Panchasil.

(iv) King _____________ of Jammu and Kashmir signed the instrument of surrender with the Government of India.

Ans. Hari Shing.

(v) The countries that attained freedom and independence from colonialism and imperialism have been called the ___________.

Ans. Third World.

(vi) The Chittagong Hill Tracts have been the traditional homelands of the _____________.

Ans. Chakmas.

(vii) Indo-China consists of three countries- Laos, Cambodia and _____________.

Ans. Vietnam.

(viii) After the War of Liberation in 1971, East Pakistan came to be known as ___________.

Ans. Bangladesh.

Name the following persons:

(i) The Chinese leader who signed the Bilateral Peace Treaty with India in May 1954: ____________.

Ans: Zhou Enlai

(ii) The first person to expound the principles of Panchasil: _____________.

Ans: Mao Zadong.

(iii) The Indian leader who tried to solve the Korean crisis on behalf of the UNO: ___________.

Ans: K.P.S. Menon.

(iv) The first Prime Minister of Free Congo: _____________.

Ans: Patrice Lumumba.

(v) The Indian leader who signed the Taskhent Treaty with Pakistan: _____________.

Ans. Lal Bahadur Shastri.

Write the expanded form of the following:

(i) SAARC.

Ans: SAARC: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.

(ii) SAPTA.

Ans: SAPTA: South Asian Preferential Trade Association.

(iii) SEATO.

Ans: SEATO: South East Asia Treaty Organisation.

(iv) ASEAN.

Ans: ASEAN: Association of South East Asian Nations.

(v) OAU.

Ans: OAU: Organisation of African Unity.

(vi) EEC.

Ans. EEC: European Economic Community.

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