SEBA Class 10 Social Economics MCQ Chapter 2 Economic Development

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SEBA Class 10 Social Economics MCQ Chapter 2 Economic Development

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Economic Development



1. Economic growth is a ______ concept. 

(a) qualitative. 

(b) quantitative.

(c) well-being. 

(d) none of these. 

Ans: (b) quantitative.

2. The concept of economic development has evolved after the ______.

(a) mid-fifties. 

(b) mid-sixties.

(c) mid-seventies.

(d) mid-eighties.

Ans: (b) mid-sixties.

3. When did NITI Aayog come into operation?

(a) January 1, 2015

(b) January 15, 2015

(c) February 1, 2015

(d) February 15, 2015 

Ans: (a) January 1, 2015.

4. What was the rate of growth of the Indian economy during the first phase of planning?

(a) 3%

(b) 3.5%

(c) 4%

(d) 4.5%

Ans: (b) 3.5%.

5. Which indicator of human development deals with accessibility to pure drinking water and sanitation?

(a) Life expectancy. 

(b) Literacy.

(c) Standard of living. 

(d) All of these.

Ans: (c) Standard of living.

6. The Chinese aggression took place in _________.

(a) 1960-61

(b) 1961-62 

(c) 1962-63 

(d) 1963-64

Ans: (b) 1961-62.

7. During the first phase of planning, green revolution was confined to few crops like ________ and ________.

(a) sugar cane; wheat.

(b) rice; wheat.

(c) paddy: jute.

(d) wheat; paddy.

Ans: (d) wheat; paddy.

8. NITI Aayog was initiated in the middle of the _______ five year plan.

(a) ninth. 

(b) tenth.

(c) eleventh.

(d) twelfth.

Ans: (d) twelfth.

9. Which of the following means the lessening of state control in the economic system of a nation?

(a) Privatisation.

(b) Globalisation.

(c) Liberalization. 

(d) Disinvestment.

Ans: (c) Liberalization.

10. Which of these is NOT an index of human development?

(a) Life expectancy. 

(b) Economic planning.

(c) Literacy.

(d) Standard of living.

Ans: (b) Economic planning.

11. Which of the following defined sustainable development?

(a) The growth that satisfies current demands without posing a threat to future generations’ ability to fulfill their own needs.

(b) Conserve mineral wealth and explore alternative energy sources while reducing pollution and environmental impact.

(c) The process of creating land and building projects such that they have a lower environmental influence by enabling them to produce fuel-efficient self-sufficiency patterns.

(d) All of the above. 

Ans: (d) All of the above.

12. _________ is the chairman of the NITI Aayog.

(a) The Prime Minister. 

(b) The President.

(c) The Vice chairman appointed by the Prime Minister.

(d) Cabinet Ministers.

Ans: (a) The Prime Minister.

13. represents an economic phenomenon in which the aggregate public expenditure surpasses the aggregate public revenue.

(a) Inflation.

(b) Fiscal deficit. 

(c) Deflation.

(d) Balance of payment.

Ans: (b) Fiscal deficit.

14. _________ Five Year Plan had the objective of increasing the rate of agricultural growth from 6% to 8%. 

(a) 6th

(b) 8th

(c) 10th

(d) 12th

Ans: (d) 12th.

15. During the first phase of planning, Green Revolution was only confined to _________.

(a) Punjab.

(b) Haryana.

(c) West Bengal.

(d) Both (a) and (b).

Ans: (d) Both (a) and (b).

16. _______ is a planning in which there is active participation of people in different stages of plan-making.

(a) Autocratic planning.

(b) Strategic planning.

(c) Democratic planning.

(d) Non-democratic planning.

Ans: (c) Democratic planning.

17. Which of the following is NOT an objective of India’s Five Year Plans? 

(a) Reduction in the growth rate of economy.

(b) Expansion of employment opportunities.

(c) Removal of poverty.

(d) Removal of regional inequalities. 

Ans: (a) Reduction in the growth rate of economy.

18. The term economic growth represents __________.

(a) Structural changes in the economy.

(b) Increase in the per capita production.

(c) Increase in the per capita income.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

19. The term economic development is denoted by improvement in the _______.

(a) distribution system.

(b) technology.

(c) production.

(d) All of the above. 

Ans: (d) All of the above.

20. Life expectancy at birth means average expected length of ________.

(a) life of a person at the time of birth.

(b) a child at the time of birth.

(c) life of a person at the time of death. 

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (a) life of a person at the time of birth.

21. _______ is ahead of India in terms of human development.

(a) Nepal. 

(b) Bangladesh.

(c) Sri Lanka.

(d) Bhutan.

Ans: (c) Sri Lanka.

22. Per capita income is income per ___________.

(a) nation.

(b) person.

(c) family.

(d) locality.

Ans: (b) person.

23. Which of the following defines “literacy rate?” 

(a) Total literate population divided by total population. 

(b) Total literate population divided by illiterate population. 

(c) Proportion of illiterate population in the 18 years and above age group. 

(d) The proportion of literate proportion in the 7 years and above age group.

Ans: (c) Proportion of illiterate population in the 18 years and above age group.

24. _________ index highlights different forms of poverty.

(a) Multidimensional poverty. 

(b) Human development.

(c) Technology achievement.

(d) Gender inequality.

Ans: (a) Multidimensional poverty.

25. ________ index highlights the inequalities between male and female. 

(a) Multidimensional poverty.

(b) Human development. 

(c) Technology achievement.

(d) Gender inequality.

Ans:  (d) Gender inequality

26. _________ index helps to assess how human development has influenced different classes of people in the society.

(a) Multidimensional poverty. 

(b) Human development.

(c) Technology achievement.

(d) Gender inequality.

Ans: (b) Human development.

27. Rail transport is reserved for the __________ sector. 

(a) Private.

(b) Public.

(c) Joint.

(d) All of these.

Ans: (b) Public.

28. _______ out of 244 public sector units were considered as sick units in March 1990:

(a) 25

(b) 67

(c) 96 

(d) 58

Ans: (d) 58.

29. Which of the following was NOT a primary objective of the first phase of planning? 

(a) Securing social justice.

(b) Modernization of technology.

(c) Decrease in economic growth rate. 

(d) Attainment of self reliance.

Ans: (c) Decrease in economic growth rate.

30. Life expectancy is ___________ in developed countries because of the provision of better public health services.

(a) Lower.

(b) Moderate.

(c) Higher.

(d) Same.

Ans: (c) Higher.

31. Which of the following refers to autarky? 

(a) Economic isolation of a nation.

(b) The monetary obligations owed by the vanquished nations to their victorious former enemies.

(c) The policy of making concessions to a revanchist state.

(d) The pursuit of local economic self-sufficiency. 

Ans: (a) Economic isolation of a nation.

32. __________ is a form of privatization wherein the shares of the public sector undertakings are sold to private parties.

(a) Share issue privatization. 

(b) Direct negotiation.

(c) Public auction.

(d) Disinvestment.

Ans: (d) Disinvestment.

33. The Planning Commission of India has been replaced by ________.

(a) NITI Aayog. 

(b) UNDP.

(c) RRBs.

(d) SIDBI.

Ans: (a) NITI Aayog.

34. UNDP’s report on Human Development Index does NOT compare countries based on their _______.

(a) Corporate governance.

(b) Knowledge.

(c) Long and healthy life.

(d) Standard of living.

Ans: (a) Corporate governance.

35. Which of the following refers to the transfer of assets from public to private ownership? 

(a) Privatization.

(b) Liberalization.

(c) Globalization. 

(d) Globalization.

Ans: (a) Privatization.

36. Which of the following statement is about the NITI Aayog?

(a) The aim of NITI Aayog is to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and to enhance cooperative federalism in the country.

(b) The Prime Minister of India serves as the ex officio Chairperson of the NITI Aayog.

(c) There are 8 full time members in the NITI Aayog committee.

(d) Both (a) and (b).

Ans: (d) Both (a) and (b).

37. When the representatives of the people formulate and implement development plans at the lowest level of administration, it is known as __________ planning.

(a) Central level.

(b) State level.

(c) Decentralized.

(d) Grassroot.

Ans: (d) Grassroot.

38. Who among the following can be appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of NITI Aayog?

(a) An IAS officer.

(b) The President. 

(c) Any individual appointed by the Prime Minister.

(d) Cabinet Ministers.

Ans: (a) An IAS officer.

39. NITI Aayog came into operation on __________.

(a) January 10, 2015

(b) January 1, 2015

(c) January 12, 2015

(d) January 26, 2015

Ans: (b) January 1, 2015.

40. Reform process that aims to increase the rate of economic growth is _______.

(a) Development reform.

(b) Economic reform.

(c) Economic planning. 

(d) Foreign exchange planning.

Ans: (b) Economic reform.

41. An increase in per capita income does not automatically imply a rise in economic welfare because:

(I) Distribution of income is not known.

(II) Rate of economic growth is not known. 

(III) Per capita income suffers from the limitation of averages

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) (I) and (III) 

(b) (I) and (II)

(c) (II) and (III) 

(d) (I) (II) and (III)

Ans: (a) (I) and (III).

42. Which of the following is true?

(a) Idea of sustainable development is backed by the concept of four pillars.

(b) Ability to make choices comes from increasing freedom and capability. 

(c) Good governance and people oriented policies are needed to empower people.

(d) Efforts to enhance the knowledge of the people and provide better health facilities leads to better work efficiency. 

Ans: (a) Idea of sustainable development is backed by the concept of four pillars.

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