SEBA Class 10 Social Geography MCQ Chapter 1 Economic Geography: Subject Matter and Resource

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SEBA Class 10 Social Geography MCQ Chapter 1 Economic Geography: Subject Matter and Resource

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Economic Geography: Subject Matter and Resource



1. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on _________.

(a) 5th June. 

(b) 5th July. 

(c) 5th September. 

(d) 5th December.

Ans: (a) 5th June.

2. Production of steel from iron-ore is an example of ________ occupation.

(a) primary. 

(b) secondary.

(c) tertiary.

(d) quaternary.

Ans: (b) secondary.

3. Solar energy is a _________ source of energy.

(a) non-renewable.

(b) renewable.

(c) biotic. 

(d) abiotic.

Ans: (b) renewable.

4. Banking belongs to the category of _________ occupation. 

(a) primary.

(b) secondary.

(c) quaternary. 

(d) tertiary.

Ans: (c) tertiary.

5. The most essential requirement for recycling of wastes is _________.

(a) separation of the wastes at source. 

(b) profitability of the task.

(c) market for the product.

(d) availability of proper technology. 

Ans: (a) separation of the wastes at source. 

6. Natural resources are found in _______.

(a) solid state.

(b) liquid or gaseous state state.

(c) metallic or non-metallic. 

(d) all of the above.

Ans: (d) all of the above.

7. Which of the following is an example of quaternary occupation?

(a) Publicity media.

(b) Education and research.

(c) Bank or other financial institutions.

(d) All of these.

Ans.(d) All of these.

8. Which of the following is not included in wealth?

(a) Company share.

(b) Machineries.

(c) Public health. 

(d) Land and house.

Ans: (c) Public health.

9. On the basis of _______ resources can be classified as individual resource, national resource and international resource. 

(a) origin.

(b) ownership.

(c) availability. 

(d) structure.

Ans: (b) ownership.

10. Plant is an example of _____ resource.

(a) natural.

(b) biotic.

(c) renewable. 

(d) all of these.

Ans: (d) all of these.

11. IUCN was formed in the year ______.

(a) 1948 

(b) 1952

(c) 1956

(d) 1962

Ans: (a) 1948.

12. The World Environment Day is celebrated every year on ________.

(a) 5th June. 

(b) 15th June. 

(c) 5th July.

(d) 15th July.

Ans: (a) 5th June.

13. _________ is a branch of economic geography which deals with agricultural activity, crop production and its associated theory. 

(a) Industrial geography.

(b) Agricultural geography. 

(c) Geography of resources.

(d) Geography of marketing.

Ans: (b) Agricultural geography.

14. The human activity through which humans collect resources from the nature is called _________.

(a) primary occupation. 

(b) secondary occupation.

(c) tertiary occupation.

(d) quaternary occupation.

Ans: (a) primary occupation.

15. The human activity through which the commodities produced by primary as well as secondary activities reach the customers is known as ________.

(a) primary occupation.

(b) secondary occupation.

(c) tertiary occupation.

(d) quaternary occupation.

Ans: (c) tertiary occupation.

16. Mining is included in which type of occupation?

(a) primary occupation.

(b) Secondary occupation. 

(c) Tertiary occupation.

(d) None of these.

Ans: (a) primary occupation.

17. What is the main subject matter of economic geography?

(a) Production of resources. 

(b) Distribution of resources.

(c) Consumption and exchange of resources.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

18. In which type of occupation is agriculture involved in?

(a) Primary.

(b) Secondary.

(c) Tertiary.

(d) Quaternary.

Ans: (a) Primary.

19. Which among the following is an abiotic resource? 

(a) Animals.

(b) Fishes.

(c) Crops. 

(d) Water.

Ans: (d) Water.

20. Which one of the following animals found in Assam is on the verge of extinction? 

(a) One horned rhino.

(b) Giraffe.

(c) White wood duck. 

(d) Wild bear.

Ans: (c) White wood duck.

21. What is the full form of IUCN?

(a) International Union for Conservation of Nature.

(b) International Union for Conservation of Nation.

(c) International Union for Collection of Nature. 

(d) International Union for Council of Nature.

Ans: (a) International Union for Conservation of Nature.

22. What is the first and foremost requirement for proper development of resources? 

(a) Proper survey of resources.

(b) Availability of required technology. 

(c) Identification of resources.

(d) Industrialization.

Ans: (b) Availability of required technology.

23. Which of the following is true?

(a) All resources are wealth, but all wealth may not be a resource. 

(b) All wealth are resources, but all resources may not be wealth. 

(c) All natural resources are wealth, but all wealth may not be a resource.

(d) All man-made wealth are resources, but all resources may not be wealth. 

Ans: (b) All wealth are resources, but all resources may not be wealth.

24. Who was the founder Director General of UNESCO? 

(a) C.F. Jones.

(b) GG Darkenwald.

(c) Julian Huxley.

(d) George Chisholm. 

Ans: (c) Julian Huxley.

25. Which one of these is not a non government organization working in India for the protection of the environment?

(a) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education. 

(b) Wildlife Trust of India. 

(c) Centre for Science and Environment.

(d) Greenpeace India.

Ans: (a) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education.

26. According to Zimmermann, what are the two properties that a material should have to become a resource?

(a) Dynamism and Utility. 

(b) Functionality and Feasibility.

(c) Utility and Functionality.

(d) Utility and Viability. 

Ans: (c) Utility and Functionality.

27. Under which of these classifications of resources does gold not fall into?

(a) Natural Resource.

(b) National Resource.

(c) Biotic Resource.

(d) Abiotic Resource.

Ans: (c) Biotic Resource.

28. The materials found on the earth which are neither useful nor harmful to man are called as _______.

(a) Resource. 

(b) National resource.

(c) Human resource.

(d) Neutral stuff.

Ans: (d) Neutral stuff.

29. The resources which are found only in certain parts of the world are known as _________.

(a) Localized Resources.

(b) Ubiquitous Resources.

(c) National Resources.

(d) Natural Resources.

Ans: (a) Localized Resources.

30. Which is the most important resource of a country?

(a) Man-made Resource.

(b) Human Resource.

(c) Technological Resource.

(d) Biotic Resource.

Ans: (b) Human Resource.

31. Which branch of economic geography deals with sustainable development? 

(a) Agricultural geography.

(b) Industrial geography. 

(c) Geography of resources.

(d) Geography of planning and development.

Ans: (d) Geography of planning and development.

32. When was the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education established?

(a) 1986

(b) 1987

(c) 1984

(d) 1999

Ans: (a) 1986.

33. Which of these resources is not included in the category of wealth? 

(a) Pesticides.

(b) Poison.

(c) Chemical insecticides. 

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

34. Name the government organization that is working in India for the conservation of natural resources.

(a) International Union for Conservation of Nature.

(b) Wildlife Trust of India.

(c) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education.

(d) World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

Ans: (c) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education.

35. On the basis of ________ resources can be classified into individual resources, national resources and international resources:

(a) Ownership.

(b) Renewability.

(c) Durability. 

(d) Origin.

Ans: (a) Ownership.

36. What is the expanded form of UNESCO?

(a) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. 

(b) United Nations Educational, Sociological and Cultural Organisation.

(c) United Nations Educational, Sociological and Conservation Organisation. 

(d) United Nations Environment, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Ans: (a) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

37. Those activities by which man transforms natural commodities into usable forms are called __________ occupations.

(a) Manufacturing. 

(b) Tertiary.

(c) Secondary.

(d) Primary.

Ans: (c) Secondary.

38. The commodities that are harmful to man are called _________.

(a) Neutral Stuff.

(b) Resistance.

(c) Recycling of resource. 

(d) Innovation of resource.

Ans: (b) Resistance.

39. Wealth can be transferred from one individual to another through ________.

(a) Money.

(b) Value.

(c) Both of these.

(d) None of these.

Ans: (c) Both of these.

40. What is the most important primary occupation of man?

(a) Irrigation. 

(b) Trade.

(c) Agriculture.

(d) Farming.

Ans: (c) Agriculture.

41. Paper from bamboo or cloth from cotton are examples of _______ resource.

(a) Human.

(b) Man-made.

(c) Personal.

(d) Individual.

Ans: (b) Man-made.

42. As per C.F. Jones and G.G. Darkenwald, economic geography is associated with _________ activities.

(a) Productive.

(b) Economic.

(c) Social.

(d) Industrial.

Ans. (a) Productive.

43. Recycling is a method to __________ resources.

(a) Innovate.

(b) Conserve.

(c) Improvise. 

(d) Protect. 

Ans: (b) Conserve.

44. Which of the following is not a component of wealth?

(a) Machineries.

(b) Company share.

(c) Debentures.

(d) Public health.

Ans. (d) Public health.

45. IUCN works under which organization?


(b) WHO.

(c) CSE.

(d) UNDP.

Ans: (a) UNESCO.

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