SEBA Class 10 Social Political Science MCQ Chapter 1 Indian Democracy

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SEBA Class 10 Social Political Science MCQ Chapter 1 Indian Democracy

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Indian Democracy



1. Who was the permanent President of the Constituent Assembly?

(a) Dr Rajendra Prasad.

(b) Dr BR Ambedkar.

(c) Dr Sacchindananda Sinha. 

(d) Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.

Ans: (a) Dr Rajendra Prasad.

2. In which country was the federal system of government introduced?

(a) United States of America (USA).

(b) India. 

(c) France.

(d) Canada.

Ans: (a) United States of America (USA).

3. In which year was the Sarkaria Commission set up?

(a) 1983

(b) 1981

(c) 1982

(d) 1984

Ans: (a) 1983.

4. Quasi federal is also known as ______.

(a) Peculiar federation.

(b) Centralized federation.

(c) Federation in form but unitary in spirit. 

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

5. Who was elected as the permanent president of the Constituent Assembly?

(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

(b) J. C. Base.

(c) Sarojini Naidu.

(d) Dr. Sacchidananda Sinha. 

Ans: (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

6. How many sittings/sessions of the Constituent Assembly were held for the formulation of Indian Constitution?

(a) Five.

(b) Seven.

(c) Nine.

(d) Eleven.

Ans: (d) Eleven.

7. Which of the following means “the supreme and absolute power of the state?

(a) Secular.

(b) Socialist.

(c) Republic. 

(d) Sovereignty.

Ans: (d) Sovereignty.

8. In which country was the federal system introduced for the first time?

(a) The United States of America.

(b) China. 

(c) England.

(d) Russia.

Ans: (a) The United States of America.

9. While choosing the federal system, the makers of the Indian Constitution adopted the constitution of ________.

(a) England.

(b) Spain.

(c) Canada.

(d) Russia.

Ans: (c) Canada.

10. India is regarded as _________. 

(a) peculiar federation.

(b) centralised federation.

(c) federal in form but unitary in spirit. 

(d) all of these.

Ans: (d) all of these.

11. When was Sarkaria Commission set up in India? 

(a) 1953

(b) 1963

(c) 1973

(d) 1983

Ans: (d) 1983.

12. The Upper House of _______ is known as House of Lords.

(a) Spain

(b) England

(c) Canada

(d) USA

Ans: (b) England.

13. Who among the following was not a member of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution? 

(a) K.M. Munshi.

(b) D.P. Khaitan.

(c) Dr. S. Sinha. 

(d) N. Madhava Rao.

Ans: (c) Dr. S. Sinha.

14. It took about ________ years to frame the constitution of India.

(a) two.

(b) three. 

(c) four. 

(d) five.

Ans: (b) three.

15. Which among the following is ensured by democracy?

(a) Dignity of the individual. 

(b) Free and fair elections.

(c) Majority rule. 

(d) Equal treatment as per law.

Ans: (c) Majority rule.

16. The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the 

(a) members of the state legislative councils and state legislative assemblies. 

(b) the people on the basis of universal adult franchise.

(c) members of the state legislative councils and state legislative assemblies. 

(d) members of the state legislative assemblies.

Ans: (d) members of the state legislative assemblies.

17. The minimum number of members that must be present to hold the meeting of Lok Sabha is:

(a) 1/10th of the total membership of the Houses. 

(b) 50% strength of the Lok Sabha.

(c) At Least 100 members.

(d) 1/4 of the total membership.

Ans:  (a) 1/10 of the total membership of the Houses.

18. India is a democratic republic, because:

(a) There is Parliamentary supremacy. 

(b) There is independence of judiciary.

(c) The head of the state is elected by the people.

(d) There is distribution of powers between the Center and the States.

Ans: (c) The head of the state is elected by the people.

19. In Article 394A, ________ language is considered as the authoritative text of the constitution of India.

(a) Urdu.

(b) Hindi.

(c) Bengali. 

(d) English.

Ans: (b) Hindi.

20. In India, with several characteristics of a Federal Government, the supremacy lies in the hands of _________.

(a) Constitution.

(b) Supreme court. 

(c) Parliament.

(d) President.

Ans: (a) Constitution.

21. The Indian constitution has been divided into ________ chapters.

(a) 25

(b) 23

(c) 22

(d) 24

Ans: (c) 22.

22. “Rule of Law” is a special feature of the constitutional system prevalent in __________.

(a) Britain.

(b) France.

(c) USA.

(d) Russia.

Ans: (a) Britain.

23. Which Directive of Principles was added by the 42nd Amendment? 

(a) Respect for international law.

(b) Provide free legal aid.

(c) Avoid concentration of wealth.

(d) Ensure equal wages for equal work.

Ans: (b) Provide free legal aid.

24. The Fundamental Duties were included in the Constitution with a motive of _______.

(a) Preventing abuse of Fundamental Rights.

(b) Assigning more power to the executive. 

(c) Curbing subversive and unconstitutional activities.

(d) Laying emphasis on the Fundamental Rights.

Ans: (c) Curbing subversive and  unconstitutional activities.

25. Read the following statements.

Statement (1): All democratic countries generally have a Constitution 

Statement (2): All countries that have a Constitution are not always democratic. 

Select the correct option from the given alternatives. 

(a) 1 and 2

(b) Only I 

(c) Only 2

(d) Neither I nor 2

Ans: (a) I and 2.

26. The elected representatives elect the President of India for a period of ________ years.

(a) 6 

(b) 3 

(c) 5

(d) 4

Ans: (c) 5.

27. The _______ is the ultimate interpreter of the Indian Constitution.

(a) Legislative.

(b) High court.

(c) Parliament.

(d) Supreme Court.

Ans: (d) Supreme Court.

28. In which year were the Union Territories introduced in India? 

(a) 1956

(b) 1952 

(c) 1960 

(d) 1959

Ans: (a) 1956.

29. Which of the following is issued by the court to enquire into the legality of claim of a person to a public office? 

(a) Prohibition.

(b) Certiorari.

(c) Mandamus.

(d) Quo-Warranto.

Ans: (d) Quo-Warranto.

30. Which legal act is the best to empower people to bring about democratic reforms? 

(a) Right to move freely.

(b) Right to Information Act.

(c) Right to Education.

(d) Right to Freedom.

Ans: (a) Right to move freely.

31. Which one of the following is false regarding ‘Democratic Reforms’?

(a) Legal measures can sometimes prove to be counter- productive.

(b) The media should play dynamic role.

(c) Political empowerment and participation of citizens can help.

(d) Legal measures always help in reforming politics.

Ans: (d) Legal measures always help in reforming politics.

32. A form of democracy in which citizens elect representatives to make governing decisions on their behalf is a _______ democracy.

(a) Social.

(b) Liberal.

(c) Representative. 

(d) Deliberative.

Ans: (c) Representative.

33. When was the first Central Legislative Assembly constituted?

(a) 1922 

(b) 1923 

(c) 1921

(d) 1920

Ans: (d) 1920.

34. Autocracy means __________.

(a) Rule by a few persons. 

(b) Rule by a King.

(c) Absolute rule by one person.

(d) Rule by the people’s representative. 

Ans: (c) Absolute rule by one person.

35. The power to decide an election petition is vested in the hands of the __________.

(a) High court.

(b) Supreme court.

(c) Election commission.

(d) Parliament.

Ans: (a) High court.

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