Class 10th Elective History Chapter 1 Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism

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Class 10th Elective History Chapter 1 Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism

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Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism


Very Short Answer Type Questions:

(I) Mention the dates of the following events:

(a) War of American Independence.

Ans. War of American Independence: 1774-1783.

(b) Fall of Constantinople.

Ans: Fall of Constantinople: 1453.

(c) Portuguese conquest of Ceuta.

Ans: Portuguese conquest of Ceuta: 1415.

(d) Occupation of the Philippines by Spain.

Ans: Occupation of the Philippines by Spain: 1565.

(e) Occupation of Peru by Pizarro.

Ans: Occupation of Peru by Pizarro: 1530.

(f) Defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Ans: Defeat of the Spanish Armada: 1558.

(g) Formation of the Dutch East India Company.

Ans: Formation of the Dutch East India Company: 1602.

(h) Formation of the French East India Company.

Ans: Formation of the French East India Company: 1664.

(i) Formation of the English East India Company.

Ans: Formation of the English East India Company: 31st December 1600.

(J) Occupation of Masulipatnam by the English East India Company.

Ans: Occupation of Masulipatnam by the English East India Company: 1611.

(k) Occupation of Virginia by the English East India Company.

Ans: Occupation of Virginia by the English East India Company: 1607.

(l) Occupation of Canada by the English East India Company.

Ans: Occupation of Canada by the English East India Company: 1763.

(m) Opening of the Suez Canal.

Ans: Opening of the Suez Canal: 1869.

(n) Opening of the Panama Canal.

Ans: Opening of the Panama Canal: 1914.

(o) Occupation of Korea by Japan.

Ans: Occupation of Korea by Japan: 1894-95.

(p) Battle of Plassey.

Ans: Battle of Plassey: 1757.

(q) Battle of Wandiwash.

Ans. Battle of Wandiwash: 1760.


1. What is colonialism?

Ans. Colonialism implies the occupation of a weak country by A powerful country and the establishment of a government under foreign rule for tapping and exploiting the wealth and resources, both human and natural, for the benefit of the people of the occupying country. It is the process by which the occupant country rules over the occupied country.

2. What is imperialism?

Ans. Imperialism implies the process of conquest of a country by another country with the help of the latter’s military power and thereafter exploiting the former’s wealth, riches and resources for the enrichment of the dominating country.

3. What is capitalism?

Ans. The economic system in which a country’s business and industry is controlled and run for profit by establishing business relations with other countries or by establishing colonies in those countries is called capitalism. It encourages economic conquest of other countries with a view to sell their finished products as well as serve as a source of supply of essential raw materials for the home industries of the imperialist countries.

4. What was the immediate result of the fall of Constantinople?

Ans. The fall of Constantinople in 1453, resulted in new geographical discoveries by navigation. It also resulted in the emergence of colonies and empires via the newly discovered sea routes.

5. What is Cape of Good Hope? What was its earlier name?

Ans. The southernmost tip of African continent came to be known as the ‘Cape of Good Hope.’

Its former name was ‘Cape of Storms’ as the sea near the tip was a dangerous zone for ships to cross. Later, this cape came to be known as the ‘Cape of Good Hope’ as it became a gateway to India. It was through this route that Vasco da Gama came to India in 1498.

6. What do you understand by the expression ‘New World’?

Ans. By the ‘New World’ we mean the newly discovered countries of the American continent. Amerigo Vespucci of Italy discovered Patagonia (Argentina) in the far south of South America and renamed it as the ‘New World’. This ‘New World’ later came to be known as ‘America’, after its founder’s name.

7. Which country was called the ‘workshop of the world’ and why?

Ans. England was called the ‘workshop of the world’ because England fulfilled all the demands of both its home markets and the colonies set by England in other countries.

8. By what name the six colonies of Britain in Australia were known?

Ans. Australia was discovered by Captain Cook during the period 1768-79. Soon after the discovery of this continent, Australia came to be occupied by the British who established six colonies or states. These were New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. Later, these colonies were organised into a union of six states under the banner of a new federal government of Australia.

(II) Name the persons involved in the following events:

(a) Discovery of sea route from Europe to India.

Ans: Discovery of sea route from Europe to India — Vasco da Gama.

(b) Discovery of sea route to the West Indies.

Ans: Discovery of sea route to the West Indies — Christopher Columbus.

(c) Invention of motion picture.

Ans: Invention of motion picture — Thomas Edison and George Eastman.

(d) Invention of telephone.

Ans: Invention of telephone — Alexander Graham Bell.

(e) Founder of the Standard Oil Company.

Ans: Founder of the Standard Oil Company — William Rockefeller.

(f) Leader of the Cuban Revolution.

Ans: Leader of the Cuban Revolution — Fidel Castro.

(g) Discovery of Australia.

Ans: Discovery of Australia — Captain Cook.

(h) Navigator of the Globe.

Ans: Navigator of the Globe — Ferdinand Magellan.

(i) Discovery of Tasmania.

Ans. Discovery of Tasmania — Abel Tasman.

1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
2The First World War
3The World Between The Two World Wars
4The Second World War
5The United Nations Organization
6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
7The Non-Aligned Movement
8Foreign Policy Of India


1. Mention the factors responsible for the growth of colonialism.

Ans. One of the main features of early modern period was colonialism. Colonialism the socio-political system by which the weak countries were conquered by the powerful countries leading to the former’s total exploitation. Several factors were responsible for the rise and growth of colonialism during the 15th to 17th centuries:

(i) Fall of Constantinople: With the fall of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453, the European countries made considerable upliftment in the commercial relations with the countries of the Middle East and the Far East via the sea routes of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The fall of Constantinople had far reaching consequences in the subsequent emergence of colonialism.

(ii) People’s inquisitiveness and curiosity: The people’s inquisitiveness and curiosity was also a factor for the growth of colonialism. The life and society of the European people were greatly affected by the fall of Constantinople. People started to see things with a new perspective and started questioning the existing social practices and the notions about the universe. People wanted to discover new avenues of opportunity along with unknown lands and people.

(iii) Arrival of learned men: The fall of Constantinople was in a way, a blessing in disguise. As a result of the fall of Constantinople in 1453, many scholars from the Byzantine Empire fled to the Italian cities where they were warmly welcomed and entertained by the local rulers. As a result of their arrival, a new spirit of learning emerged all over Italy and later in Europe. This came to be known as the ‘Renaissance’.

(iv) Invention of telescope and mariner’s compass: The invention of telescope and mariner’s compass is another factor which led to the growth of colonialism. The invention made sea voyages much more easier than the past, thus facilitating the establishment of colonies at different places.

(v) Desire to spread Christianity: Many of the European countries such as Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Holland and Britain undertook geographical explorations with the idea of bringing the colonies to the Christian fold. Europe, during the 13th and the 14th centuries, was full of religious fervour and many countries sought new colonies with a view to spread the Christian faith.

(vi) Motive to earn profit: The motive to earn profits was one of the main reasons for the growth of colonialism. The expansion of foreign trade and the motive to earn more and more profits helped the European countries in the direction of establishing colonies.

(vii) Better weapons: The discovery of better weapons such as fire-arms and cannons undoubtedly enabled the Europeans to venture out to far-away lands and conquer these areas in pitched battles. Better weapons enabled them to defeat local armies and establish new colonies.

(viii) Discovery of medicines: The discovery of life-saving medicines brought a new dimension to the history of medicine by lengthening human life and swapping away deadly diseases. It helped the colonial countries to explore the interior and inaccessible parts of the colonized countries.

(ix) Industrial Revolution: The process of establishment of colonies with rapid strides was further strengthened due to the Industrial Revolution that occurred in 1760.

2. Mention the factors responsible for the growth of imperialism.

Ans. Imperialism can be considered as an offshoot of colonialism. Imperialism implies the process of conquest of a country by another country with the help of the latter’s military power and thereafter exploiting the former’s wealth, riches and resources for the enrichment of the dominating country. Imperialism emerged much later than colonialism. Following factors were responsible for the emergence of imperialism:

[Please Note: In the textbook, the factors of both colonialism and imperialism are given same. So, for this question, students are suggested to take the help of teacher(s).]

3. Give a brief history of the geographical discoveries made by Portugal.

Ans. The Portuguese were the pioneers in the field of geographical discoveries under Prince Henry. The main aim of Prince Henry in the expansion of the territory was to propagate Christianity. The Portuguese also aimed to search for gold, ivory, slaves and spices from the occupied countries. The Portuguese first expanded their territory in the South West Africa by conquering Ceuta in 1415. The conquest of Ceuta could be considered as the event that inaugurated the era of geographical explorations and discoveries.

The Portuguese extended their territory by occupying the islands of Madeira, Azores, the Cape Verde and the Guinea coast. Vasco da Gama gave a new dimension in the expansion of the Portuguese territory by discovering a new sea route to India through the Cape of Good Hope in 1498. The Portuguese established their rule in India by setting up their commercial centre in Cochin in 1500. With due permission of Zamorin, the Portuguese established a military post in Cochin in 1503 for the protection of the Portuguese commercial centre. The Portuguese expanded their territory to Malabar Coast, Goa, Malacca and Malay in the Far East in the Indian Ocean. Establishing the Portuguese supremacy firmly over the Far East in the Indian Ocean, the Portuguese gradually extended to the East by occupying Thailand and taking over Macau on lease from China. This played a vital role in the trade relations of China with the western countries. However, the colonization process of Portugal practically ended with the occupation of Portugal by Emperor Philip II of Spain in 1580.

4. Give a brief history of Spanish colonial empire in Latin America.

Ans. Spain was one of the European countries that took a lot of initiatives in the field of geographical explorations and discoveries. The Spanish establishment of colonies throughout the world identified them as the first colonial power of the modern world. Several sailors and navigators set out to the sea to discover new lands and places. Amerigo Vespucci of Italy was one of them. He discovered Patagonia (Argentina), Brazil, Mexico and many other places in the far south of South America. He renamed these lands as the ‘New World’. Later, it came to be known as ‘America’, after his name.

The supremacy of the Spanish colonial Empire in America lasted for about 300 years. Spain gained huge profits in the form of money and natural resources by the occupation of Texas, California and Florida. Spain extended her colonial empire to Chile on the coast line of the South Pacific Ocean, Colombia and Venezuela on the northern side of South America and to the Amazan River basin. Many new townships developed as the Spanish colonies established themselves permanently. The townships and cities established by Spain were Vera Cruz, New Spain, Panama, Lima, Peru, Uruguay and many more.

5. Give a brief history of the rise and growth of the British colonial empire in India.

Ans. The British attempt to establish a colonial empire in India began with the formation of a trading company named the English East India Company on 31 December 1600. The company received a charter from Queen Elizabeth in 1600 allowing them to trade freely in the east. In this attempt, they had to face a lot of opposition from the Dutch and the Portuguese. Thereafter, the English occupied Musalipattanam and Madras (Chennai) in 1611 and 1639 respectively. The East India Company got Bombay (Mumbai) in 1661 from King Charles II who received it as a dowry from the Portuguese. In 1757, the English East India Company under Robert Clive occupied Bengal during the period of the Seven Years’ War (1756-63). After three years (1960) of the occupation of Bengal, Sir Eyre Coote defeated the French under Lally in the Deccan in the Battle of Wandiwash. Thus, the British colonial empire began in India with the victories in these events.

From the very beginning, till 1660, the English East India Company mainly traded in various kind of spices in India which yield them huge profits. But, gradually they concentrated on India-made cheaper cotton clothes which had great demand among the general masses in England. Within a short period, the demand for India-made calico clothes increased among the rich and wealthy classes of England. As a result, the English East India Company also expanded their business in calico clothes. With the expansion of the trading activities of the company in India, the British territorial possessions along with military power, political administrative control and domination also went on increasing. Within a century, the British brought the whole of India under their absolute control. After the great rebebellion of 1857-58, the vast Indian Empire [then comprising present day India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Burma (Myanmar)] came under the possession of the British Crown.

Eventually, the East India Company became the real master of Bengal.

6. Give a brief history of the rise and growth of the British colonial empire in America.

Ans. The British started late in establishing colonial empire. But, soon they took up the pace and were one of the most powerful colonial powers of the world. The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 by the British gave them an opportunity in establishing their supremacy in America. The British occupied several islands like St Kitts, Nevis, Barbados, Bermudas extending from the North Atlantic Ocean to the North of South America. In North America, the British extended their territory to Virginia, Plymouth, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Rhode Islands, etc. from New England and established their control and hegemony.

The British gradually occupied Maryland, Carolinas, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia, New York and New Jersey. They also extended their colonial possession in Canada. The English mainly settled permanently in Georgia for better political rights and privileges. These English colonies ruled out the supremacy of the French, the Germans, the Irish, the Scottish and the Dutch, thereby uplifting the English supremacy. The British colonialism in America gave the English huge profits through agricultural products like tobacco, rice, indigo and many other agricultural products. This colonization helped England in the Industrial Revolution. England was able to produce huge quantities of industrial products and sale them in the markets abroad. The colonies, thus played a major role in the industrialization of England.

7. Why did France fail to establish an empire in India? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. The European powers had come to India mainly for trading purpose. But, soon they began to dream of political domination of India to boost their trade and commerce. This resulted in an acute power struggle for political supremacy and territorial expansion between the two dominant powers of that time, the English and the French. 

France failed to establish an empire in India due to the following reasons:

(i) French continental pre-occupation: The continental ambitions of France during the 18th century considerably strained her resources. France cared more for a few hundred square miles of territory in Europe than large chunks of Indian territories. On the other hand, England was adamant about her colonial interests.

(ii) Internal religious conflicts and wars: As France was facing internal religious conflicts and involved in continental wars, it made impossible for France to spread colonial power in different countries including India.

(iii) Differences in the organization of the companies: The French company was managed solely as a department of the state and so its fortunes were much affected by the political chaos which then existed in the country. The French merchants could not do anything without the permission of their government.

(iv) Role of the navy: The naval superiority of England placed French at a disadvantageous position. The superior naval force enabled the English East India Company to keep her communications with Europe open, supply the necessary reinforcements and block French reinforcements from Europe or from her colonies.

(v) Impact of English success in Bengal: The English conquest of Bengal in 1757 was undoubtedly of great significance. Besides enhancing the political prestige of the English company, it placed at its disposal vast resources. According to Marriott, “Dupleix made a great blunder in looking for the key of India in Madras, Clive sought and found it in Bengal.”

(vi) Superior leadership: The superior political leadership and military generalship of the English stood in striking contrast to the French. Perhaps, French generals Dupleix and Bussy were in no way inferior to Robert Clive, Lawrence and Saudners. However, Dupleix and Bussy could not do everything. They had to depend on their subordinates, who were incapable and inefficient.

(vii) Responsibility of Dupleix: Dupleix, not withstanding his political brilliance, cannot escape the responsibility of damaging the position of the French in India. Dupleix on the whole was more interested in obtaining some political mileage than trade benefits. He showed comparative indifference towards the trading and financial aspects of the company. Consequently, the trading activities of the French Company, even otherwise not sound, soon began to decline.

(viii) Better trade centres: The English were very fortunate to have better trade centres in India. They had some of the best commercial centers and ports of India under their control. Bombay, Madras and Calcutta were no match for Pondicherry, Mahe and Chandranagar. Consequently, their trade was much better than the French and it helped them to ebb out the French from the Indian soil.

(ix) Better financial position of the East India Company: The English East India Company was much better off financially than its counterpart. This alone proved to be one of the chief causes for their victory against the French during the Anglo-French rivalry in the Carnatic.

(x) Pitt’s Policy: Last but not the least, the Policy of Pitt, the war minister proved to be a great boon to the English East India Company. He fully supported their ventures in India and encouraged the company in their pursuit of economic and political gains.

8. How did the United States of America emerge as a colonial power in Central and Latin America?

Ans. After the independence from the British colonialism in 1783, the United States of America gradually emerged as one of the biggest political and military powers in the world. It started establishing its colonies by taking territorial possessions in North America. It purchased Louisiana, Florida and Alaska from France, Spain and Russia respectively. It also claimed Oregon from the British dominion. It also took over Texas and Mexico into the American dominion. The declaration of the then President of the United States of America, James Monroe (1817-1825), prohibited the intervention of any European countries in the internal affairs of the country. This declaration helped the United States to extend the sphere of her influence over the countries of Latin America.

The United States of America had invested huge amount of capital in various projects and development plans in Mexico. With a view to protect American financial interests, she crushed a popular rebellion there in 1910-1911, started by the people of Mexico under Francisco Madero and continued her domination for several years. Mexico was turned into a virtual protectorate of the United States of America. The poor economic condition and the backwardness of the countries of the Central and South America made it easy for the United States of America to establish its supremacy in these places. All these developments, made the United States of America one of the most powerful nations of the world. The United States of America became the powerhouse of the world through its money power. Through millions of dollars of investment in the countries abroad, the United States of America established her political hegemony over the countries of Central and South America as well as other countries of the world.

9. Discuss briefly the history of the rise of USA as a big colonial power in the Far East?

Ans. After the independence from the British colonialism in 1783, the United States of America gradually emerged as one of the biggest political and military powers in the world. It started establishing its colonies by taking territorial possessions in North America. The United States of America, after establishing its supremacy fully in both South America and North America, focused its attention in the Far East. They focused on China because it was the focal point of the East.

Eyeing the scope of a Japanese invasion in China, the United States of America advocated an Open Door Policy’ regarding trade and commerce with China. China had no options but to accept the proposal of the United States of America because China was in dire strait owing to the threat of external invasions from Japan as well as other countries. In fact, this Open Door Policy saved China from being occupied by other foreign powers. This policy helped China to save its national integrity and geographical possession intact. The mutual jealousy among the great colonial powers of the time, like England, France, Italy, Japan and Germany also helped China to maintain its territorial integrity and national security.

The trade relation of America with China played a crucial role in establishing the supremacy of the United States of America in the Far East. This agreement helped America to boost her trading with the countries of the Far East.

10. Narrate briefly the effects of imperialism in the world.

Ans. Imperialism implies the process of conquest of a country by another country with the help of the latter’s military power and thereafter exploiting the former’s wealth, riches and resources for the enrichment of the dominating country. In other words, imperialism refers to a state of economic slavery of the colonies to the maximum advantage of the imperialist countries of the world. Imperialism had far reaching consequences.

Some of the major effects of imperialism were:

(i) Colonies lost their real independence: The imperialist countries such as England, France, America, Germany, Japan, etc. tried to control the political and economic affairs of the colonies to suit their imperialistic designs. Although many of the colonies had their own governments, yet these governments functioned under the command of the imperialist countries. Thus, the colonies lost their freedom and had to follow the dictates of the imperialist powers.

(ii) Economically declined: The taking away of the natural wealth and vital resources of the colonies made them impoverished and poor. The drain of wealth was the notable feature of modern imperialism. Most of the imperialist countries were more interested in looting the wealth of these countries than bringing civilization and development to the colonies. As a result, the local industries began to decline leading to unemployment and poverty in the colonies.

(iii) Colonies became mere markets: Most of the imperialist countries turned the colonies into ideal markets for the finished goods of their industries. They did not encourage industrialization or modernization of the industries of these countries. The cheap factory made goods were imported to these countries causing a decline of the local industries.

(iv) Created market economy: Imperialism resulted in establishing market economy. The imperial countries made artificial demands by destroying the local industries and supplied goods at cheaper rate to meet this demand.

(v) Created international rivalry: One of the inevitable consequences of imperialism was the rise of international rivalry among the major imperialist powers. The rise of the United States of America as a major power center of the world tilted international balance. The importance of Europe declined and world power shifted to the new world of America. The rising power of America was not favourably looked upon by Russia and Japan. The seeds of the First World War were, in fact, laid by imperialism.

(vi) Created a division of the world: Another significant effect of imperialism was the creation of two categories of countries namely, the haves and the have-nots (the rich and the poor). The rich countries tried to control the affairs of the weak and poor countries while the poor countries hated the rich countries for their economic exploitation. It created mutual distrust, jealousy, disharmony, revenge, etc. in the world upsetting the existing international balance.

(vii) Encouraged freedom movement: A major consequence of imperialism was that it encouraged the rise of freedom movement in the colonies. The looting of wealth, economic slavery and political subjugation awakened the people and they began to demand freedom and independence from the foreign control. The freedom movements that began in many of the Asian and African countries during the early decades of the 19th century must be seen in this context.

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