Class 10th Elective History Chapter 8 Foreign Policy Of India

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Class 10th Elective History Chapter 8 Foreign Policy Of India

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The Non-Aligned Movement


Very Short Answer Type Questions:

[Mention the dates of the following events]

(a) The Indo-China Bilateral Treaty.

Ans. The Indo-China Bilateral Treaty: 29 May 1954.

(b) Formation of the SAARC.

Ans. Formation of the SAARC: 1985.

(c) SAARC stands for what?

Ans. SAARC stands for what?: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.

(d) Liberation of Bangladesh

Ans. Liberation of Bangladesh: 1971.

(e) Girl Child Year.

Ans. Girl Child Year: 1990.

(f) Youth Year.

Ans. Youth Year: 1994.

(g) Indo-Bangladesh Treaty on Tin Bigha.

Ans. Indo-Bangladesh Treaty or Tin Bigha: 26 March 1992.

(h) Indo-Pakistan Treaty of Simla.

Ans. Indo-Pakistan Treaty of Simla: 1972.


1. India’s relations with China.

Ans. India’s relation with China was cordial from the beginning. The two countries approved each other’s national pride and followed a principle of peaceful co-existence and cooperation for developments under the terms of the Panchasil. But by 1962, the relationship was strained and a war broke out between the two countries. Soon the crisis was resolved and both the countries reaffirmed their faith in the terms of the Panchasil and were prepared to maintain good bilateral relations in the coming years.

2. India’s relations with Pakistan.

Ans. From the very beginning of the formation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, the relation between India and Pakistan has not been cordial. The main issue between India and Pakistan has been the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan unjustly demanded the whole of Jammu and Kashmir from India, which India refused to accept. This resulted in the first Indo-Pak War of 1947. The Pakistan army attacked Jammu and Kashmir in October 1947 and tried to capture the whole state. But they were quickly expelled from the region by the Indian army. The second Indo-Pak War took place in 1965 and that too was a disaster for Pakistan. The third war between the two nations took place in 1971 during the war of liberation of Bangladesh and finally Pakistan attacked India in the Kargil sector in 1999. All the wars resulted in the defeat of the Pakistan army. Therefore, they tried to cause much harm to India by supporting Islamic terrorists and allowed them to use the Pakistan territory for training purposes. The relations between the nations have made some progress in the economic and commercial sector, but the real goodwill among the two neighbours has not been reached yet.

3. India’s relations with Bangladesh.

Ans. The Civil War in 1971 in Pakistan, gave rise to a new country called Bangladesh. India had been facing the problems of the Bangladeshi immigrants. This problem has caused threat to the national security of India. Moreover, the dispute over the Farakka Barrage, has made the relation between the two countries bitter as the Bangladesh government complains the inefficient supply of water to their agricultural fields. To make it worse, the claim of Belonia area on the Mohari River in Tripura in the Indian province has made the relation uncertain between the two countries.

4. India’s relations with Nepal.

Ans. Nepal is bound to India by ties of common history, geography, culture and religion. India followed a policy of non-interference in the affairs of Nepal and fully acknowledged its sovereignty and independence. India has cooperated in the economic development of Nepal by giving material and technical assistance. India’s relation with Nepal is based on mutual respect. India has a good relation with Nepal. Nepal government and India have signed an agreement of mutual cooperation and help. During the recent political turmoil resulting in the end of the monarchy in Nepal, India did not interfere but helped the country to come out of the disaster successfully.

1Growth Of Imperialism And Colonialism
2The First World War
3The World Between The Two World Wars
4The Second World War
5The United Nations Organization
6Emergence Of Asia And Africa In The Post-Second World War Period
7The Non-Aligned Movement
8Foreign Policy Of India


1. What are the fundamental aims and objectives of India’S Foreign Policy?

Ans. The Foreign Policy of India has certain important features. The policy of the country was formulated in the year 1930, in conformity with the programmes of the freedom struggle of the country.

The fundamental aims and objectives of India’s foreign policy are:

(i) Abolition of colonialism and imperialism: Ever since India achieved independence from the British control, she has actively promoted the cause of oppressed nations suffering under various imperialist and colonial powers. India is opposed to all forms of colonialism and imperialism.

(ii) Widening the scope of freedom and independence: The Foreign Policy of India aims at widening the scope of freedom and independence by giving support to the freedom struggle of the dependent countries.

(iii) Peaceful co-existence and cooperation: The foreign policy of India aims at maintaining peaceful co-existence and cooperation with countries having different political and economic systems.

(iv) Self-reliance: The foreign policy also aims at attaining self-reliance. This indicates that India has the ability to do or decide things by herself rather than depending on other people for help.

(v) Non-Alignment: The Non-Aligned Policy is one of the strong pillars of India’s Foreign Policy. She was one of the founding members of this group in 1961 and actively promoted the cause of Non-Aligned Movement in the world. India is not in favour of imperialist rule or communist rule.

(vi) Opposition to racial discrimination: An important principle of India’s foreign policy is the opposition to racial discrimination. The national leaders of India have always opposed discrimination on the basis of colour and race.

(vii) Abolition of existing economic disparity: The foreign policy of India aims at abolishing the existing economic disparity in the country.

(viii) Faith in total disarmament: Disarmament and arms control are regarded as the active means through which world peace can be maintained. India has always made efforts for the reduction of armaments and the destruction of nuclear weapons.

(ix) Peaceful solution of disputes: India’s foreign policy aims at attaining peaceful solution of the mutual disputes existing between the nations. It does not favour war as a means of resolving bilateral conflicts among the nations.

(x) Non-intervention: One of the objectives of the foreign policy of India is the non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states. India never tries to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations.

(xi) Maintenance of integrity and unity: Maintenance of territorial/geographical integrity and national unity of all countries is another important objective of the foreign policy of India.

2. Discuss the historical circumstances leading to the emergence of Panchasil as the guiding principle of India’s foreign policy.

Ans. Panchasil is the cornerstone of India’s foreign policy. The development of this principle in 1954 should be viewed in the backdrop of the international politics of the world during the post-Second World War period. Soon after the conclusion of the Second World War in 1945, the Cold War situation between the two power blocs reached a high pitch. By 1949, the capitalist power bloc led by America formed a union of capitalist countries known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). This was followed by the formation of similar union called the Warsaw Pact by the socialist countries headed by Russia in 1955. These events made the Cold War situation quite hot and dangerous. Most of the local issues such as Korean problem, Vietnam crisis, Congo issue, etc. became opportunities for both groups to play their game of covert proxy war. By the 1950s and 1960s, the tug of war between the two power blocs had reached a dangerous level making the Third World War a possibility. Therefore, the newly independent countries such as India, Egypt, Indonesia, etc. did not want to join with any of the power blocs and get involved in their game of proxy war in international politics. They preferred to remain neutral. This resulted in the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in September 1961. The NAM emerged on the basis of the principles of Panchasil.

The five principles of the Panchasil were:

(i) Mutual respect for the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of nations.

(ii) Non-aggression of each other’s territory.

(iii) Mutual non-intervention in each other’s internal affairs.

(iv) Mutual cooperation for mutual benefit.

(v) Peaceful co-existence.

These five principles were taken from Buddhism. The concept of Panchasil was first expounded by Chairman Mao Zadong and later by Pt Jawaharlal Nehru. On the basis of these five principles, India and China signed a Bilateral Treaty on 29 May 1954. This Treaty applied these principles with respect to Tibet. Later, during the first Afro-Asian Conference on World Peace and Cooperation held in Bandung in Indonesia in 1955, these principles were accepted as essential principles of international peace and security.

3. Discuss the circumstances leading to the formation of the SAARC.

Ans. Several international institutions came up in Europe since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Except the Concert of Europe (1818-22), all other international organizations emerged in the wake of the war and therefore they were much war related and were brought into being with the sole purpose of maintaining peace and security among the countries involved. However, after the Second World War there occurred a shift in this trend. Many international organizations were formed with the purpose of economic, social, scientific and cultural advancement of nations.

Besides the UNO, many more multi-national organizations began to emerge comprising certain geo-political region. These organizations were brought into being with the purpose of developing the available natural resources as well as the economic resources of certain region. Many regional organizations came up during the post-Second World War period to harmonize relationship among them as well to offer collective security and cooperation in areas such as development of science, agriculture, trade, banking, eradication of diseases, etc. Sometimes the functional jurisdiction of these types of regional organizations remained confined to the territorial limits of a continent or a subcontinent. 

Some of the examples of these types of organizations are:

(i) The Organization of African Unity (OAU).

(ii) The Organization of American States (OAS).

(iii) The Arab League, the European Economic Community (EEC).

(iv) The Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA).

(v) The Central African Customs Union (CACU).

(vi) The Caribbean Free Trade Area (CFTA).

(vii) The Arab Common Market (ACM).

(viii) The Association of the South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

With the purpose of overall mutual development and co-operation, seven countries of the Indian sub-continent got together and formed an organization named the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in 1985. These seven countries had certain cultural, religious and economic affinity and had similar historical heritage. The countries that joined this group were India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives. This group had its first or inaugural conference at Decca, the capital of Bangladesh on 7-8 December, 1985. The headquarters of this organization was established at Kathmandu (in Nepal). This group has been able to achieve certain common programmes of social development and trade during the past 20 years and more of its existence.

4. Mention the principal aims and objectives of the SAARC.

Ans. In order to bring about better cooperation and mutual understanding among the countries of the Indian sub-continent seven countries of the region got together and formed an organization named the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in 1985. The inaugural conference of the SAARC was held in Decca, the capital of Bangladesh on December 7-8, 1985. 

The main aims and principles of this organization are:

(i) To accelerate the process of economic and social development through the optimum utilization of human and material resources.

(ii) To bring about national and collective self-reliance.

(iii) To maintain peace and security among the countries of the region.

(iv) To uplift the economic, social and cultural status of the people of the member countries.

(v) To discuss and implement plans on agriculture, telephone, public health, education, science and technology, woman problem, poverty, etc.

(vi) To expand the commercial relation among the countries.

(vii) To resolve any disputes among the countries through peaceful means.

With the purpose of improving trade and commercial relationship among the members of the SAARC countries, a separate organization called the South Asian Preferential Trade Association (SAPTA) was floated during the SAARC conference held at Decca on 11 April 1993.

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