Class 10 English Question Answer Chapter 4 Nelson Mandela : Long walk to Freedom

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Class 10 English Question Answer Chapter 4 Nelson Mandela : Long walk to Freedom

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Nelson Mandela : Long walk to Freedom


Textual Questions and Answers :

Oral comprehension check -1

1. Where did the ceremonies take place ?  Can you name any public buildings in India that are made of sandstone? 

Ans: The ceremonies took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheater formed by the Union Buildings in Pretoria. In India the Red Fort and parliament House are made of sandstone. 

2. Can you say how 10 may is an “autumn day” in South Africa? 

Ans: 10May is an “autumn day ” is South Africa because on this day freedom dawned in South Africa. 

3. At the beginning of his speech, Mandela mention “an extraordinary human disaster”. What does he mean by this?  What is the “glorious human achievement” he speaks of at the end? 

Ans: By “an extraordinary human disaster” Mandela means the white rule over the blacks in South Africa. “The glorious human achievement ” is the freedom of the blacks and the end of human disaster. 

4. Why does Mandela thank the international leaders for? 

Ans: Mandela thanks the international leaders for having come to take possession with the people as it was the victory of human dignity. 

5. What ideals he set out for the future of South Africa? 

Ans: He aims to liberate his people from various bondage, like poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. 

Oral comprehension check -2

1. What do the military generals do? How has their attitude changed, and why? 

Ans: The military generals saluted Mandela and pledged their loyalty. Their attitudes had changed because Mandela was their president then. 

2. Why were two National Anthems Sung? 

Ans: Two national anthems were sung by the two major races – the whites and the blacks. The blacks sang the old anthem of the republic. 

3. How does Mandela describe the ‘systems of government in his country 

(1) in the first decade, and 

(2) in the final decade, of the twentieth century? 

Ans: Mandela describes the ‘system of government in his country’ 

(i) in the first decade as the white-skinned people’s supremacy over the blacks, and 

(ii) in the final decade the rights and freedoms  of all peoples are established. 

4. What does courage mean to Mandela? 

Ans: To Mandela courage is not the absence of fear, but the victory over it. 

5. Which does he think natural, to love or to hate? 

Ans: He thinks to love is natural. 

Oral comprehension check -3

1. What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention? 

Ans: Mandela mentions two obligations. The first one is man’s obligations to his family, his parents, his wife and his children. The second is to his people, his community and his country. 

2. What did being free mean to Mandela as a boy, and as a student?  How does he contrast these ‘transitory freedoms’ with “The basic and honourable freedoms”?

Ans: By being free as a boy Mandela meant to be free to wander, swim, run and roast meanies and also to ride bulls. But as a student he meant to be free to stay out at night and to study whatever he liked. 

These were “transitory freedoms” that were far away from “basic and honourable freedoms” that means the freedom of the people to live with dignity and self-respect. 

3. Does Mandela think the oppressor is free? Why/why not? 

Ans: No, Mandela does not think that the oppressor is free. Because an oppressor is the prisoner of hatred. 

Thinking about the text : 

1. Why did such a large number of international leaders attend the inauguration? What did it signify the triumph of? 

Ans: A large number of international leaders attended the inauguration to pay their respect to the new government. It signified the triumph of human dignity. 

2. What does Mandela mean when he says he is “simply the sum of all those African Parrots” who had gone before him? 

Ans: Mandela says so because he only followed the ideal of those African patriots who fought for the rights for his people. He also had to fact torture from the whites while doing so. 

3. Would you agree that the “depths of oppression ” create “heights of character “? How does Mandela illustrate this? Can you add your own example to this argument? 

Ans: Yes, the depths of oppression creates “heights of character “. Mandela says that the decades of racial oppression made leaders like Oliver Rambo, Chief Lu thulium, Suffuse Dado, Bram Fischer and Robert Sobbed etc. 

The same thing was seen in India. Leaders like highland, charlatan Nehru, dastard Patel, Netaji, Lokmanya Tilak etc. Came out against oppression. 

4. How did Mandela’s understanding of freedom change with age and experience? 

Ans: Mandela’s understanding of freedom changed with age and experience. As a boy he enjoyed freedoms to do the activities of boyhood days. But as he grew up he felt freedom as indivisible and felt for his people’s freedom as a whole. 

5. How did Mandela’s ‘hunger for freedom’ change his life? 

Ans: Mandela’s ‘hunger for freedom’ changed his life. A law-abiding attorney because a criminal and a family loving man had to live like a monk. It also made him a great statesman. 

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Thinking about Language : 

1. There are nouns in the text (formation, government) which are formed from the corresponding Verbs (from, govern) by suffixing = (at)ion or ment. There may be a change in the spelling of some verb – noun pairs : Such as rebel, rebellion; constitute; constitution. 

1. Make a list of such pairs of nouns and verbs in the text. 



liberation liberate

2. Read the paragraph below. Fill in the blanks with noun forms of the verbs in brackets. 

Martin Luther King’s —– (contribute)  to our history as an outstanding leader began when he came to the ——- (assist)  of Rosa parks, a seamstress who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. In those days American blacks were confined to position of second class citizenship by restrictive laws and customs. To break these laws would mean ———- (subjugate) and ———- (humiliate) by the police and the legal system. Beatings, ———- (imprison) and sometimes death awaited those who defied the system. Martin Luther Kong’s tractors of protest involved non-violent ——– (resist) to racial injustice. 

Ans: Contribution; assistance; subjugation; imprisonment; resistance. 

2. Using the definite article with nouns. 

You know that the definite article ‘the’ is not normally used before proper nouns. Nor do proper nouns usually occur in the plural. (We do not say : The Nelson Mandela, or Nelson Mandelas) But now look at this sentence from the text:

——– the decades of oppression and brutality ——– produced the olive tambos, the Walter sisulus ——– of our time. 

Used in this way with the and/or in the plural, a proper noun carries a special meaning. For example, 

What do you think the names above mean? 

Choose the right answer. 

(a) for example Oliver Tambo, Walter sisulu ——-

(b)  many other men like Oliver Tambo, Walter sisulu ———/ many men of their type or kind, whose names may not be as well known. 

Did you choose option (b)? Then you have the right answer! 

Here are some more examples of ‘the’ used with proper names. Try to say what these sentences mean. (you may consult a dictionary if you wish. Look at the entry for ‘the’.)

1. Mr Singh regularly invites the Amitabh Bacchans and the Shah Rukh Khan’s to his parties. 

2. Many people think that Madhuri Dixit is the madhubala of our times. 

3. History is not only the story of the Alexander’s, the Napoleons and the Hitler’s but of ordinary people as well. 

Ans: To give special emphasis ‘the’ is used before proper names. 

1. Mr Singh invites important people like Amitabh Bacchan and Shah Rukh Khan. 

2. Madhuri Dixit is compared with madhubala. 

3. History is not only the story of great warriors like Alexander, Napoleon and Hitler but also the story of ordinary people. 

3. Idiomatic Expression 

Match the italicised phrases in column A with the phrases nearest in meaning in column B. (Hint : First look for the sentence in the text in which the phrase in Column A  occurs.) 

1. I was not unmindful of the fact.(i) had not forgotten; was aware of the fact.
(ii) Was not carefull about the fact.
(iii) Forgot or was aware of the fact.
2. When my comrades and I were pushed to our limits(i) Pushed by the guards to the wall.
(ii) Took more then our share of beatings.
(iii) Felt that we could not endure the suffering any longer.
3. To reassure me and keep me going(i) Make me go on walking.
(ii) Help me continue to live in hope in this very difficult situation.
(iii) Make me remain without complaining.
4. The basic and honourable freedoms of…….. earning my keep(i) Earning enough money to live on.
(ii) Keeping what I earned.
(iii) Getting a good salary.

Ans: 1- (i) I was not unmindful of the fact.

2- (iii) Felt that we could not endure the suffering any longer. 

3- (ii) Help me continue to live in hope in this very difficult situation. 

4- (i) Earning enough money to live on

Speaking : 

In groups, discuss the issues suggested in the box below. Then prepare a speech of about two minutes on the following topic. (First make notes for your speech in writing.) 

True liberty is freedom from poverty, deprivation and all forms of discrimination. 

*    Causes of poverty and means of overcoming it

*    Discrimination based on gender, religion, class, etc.. 

*    Constitutionally guaranteed Human Rights. 

Ans:   Notes

Causes : Poverty : No employment, illiteracy, superstitions, indifference of rules. 

Means of overcoming it : Create employments; literate people and get rid of inefficiency and superstitions. 


Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends, 

To day I am going speak on the ’causes of poverty and means for over coming it’. Poverty is a curse caused mainly by no-employment. Due to illiteracy and not acquiring skill of employment this occurs. It is also because of agriculture based economy. To overcome poverty employments opportunity should be created through industrialization. The rate of literacy should be feared up. Vocation education should come up. Liberation will helps us to get rid of our superstitions beliefs. 

Do yourself the remaining two topics


1. Looking at contrast Nelson Mandela ‘s writing is marked by balance : many sentences have two parts in balance. Use the following phrases to complete the sentences given below. 

(i) They can be taught to love. 

(ii) I was born free. 

(iii) But the triumph over it. 

(iv) But he who conquers that fear. 

(v) To create such heights of character. 

1. It requires such depth of oppression —_———

2. Courage was not the absence of fear———

3. ‘The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid ——–

4. If people can learn to hate——

5. I was not born with a hunger to be free——–

Ans: 1. – to create such heights of character. 

2. – But the triumph over it. 

3. – But he who conquers that fear. 

4. – They can be taught to love. 

5. – I was born free. 

2.  This text repeatedly contrasts the past with the present or the future. We can use coordinated clauses to contrast two views, for emphasis or effect. Given below are sentences carrying one part of the contrast. Find in the text the second part of the contrast, and Complete each item. Identify the words which signal the contrast. This has been done for you in the first item.

1. For decades the union buildings had been the seat of white supremacy, and now _

2. Only moments before, the highest generals of the South African defence force and police _   saluted me and pledged their loyalty _. Not so many years before they would not salute _

3. Although that day neither group knew the lyrics of the anthem _ they would soon_

4. My country is rich in the minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil, _

5. The air show was not only a display of pinpoint precision and military force, but_

6. It was this desire for the freedom of my people _  that transform _into a bold one, that drove _ to become a criminal, that turned _ into a man without a home.

Ans: 1. _ it was the site of a rainbow gathering of diff colours and nations for the installation on of South Africa’s first democratic, non-racial government.

2. _ but arrested me.

3. _ know the words by heart.

4. _ but I have always known that its greatest wealth is its people, finer and truer than the  purest diamonds.

5. _ a demonstration of the military’s loyalty to democracy, to a new government that had been freely and fairly elected.

6. _ a frightened young man __ a law – abiding attorney _a family – loving husband __

3. Expressing your opinion Do you think there is colour prejudice in our own country? Discuss this with your friend and write a paragraph of about 100 to 150 words about this. You have the option of making your paragraphs a humorous one. (Read the short verse given below.)

When you were born you were pink

When you grew up you became white

When you are in the sun you are red

When you are sick you are yellow

When you are angry you are purple

When you are shocked you are grey

And you have the cheek to call me ‘coloured’.

Ans: Colour Prejudice

Everyone knows well that there is no colour prejudice in our country. Racism exists in some western countries. The white-skinned people belive that they are superior to the black skinned people. The colour of skin is natural. One cannot change it. But the blood is red. In hospitals blood from  blacks is infused to the body of a white-skinned patient and vice-versa. A doctor never differentiates between whites and blacks.Obviously man’s colour is changed with the change of his mood.

Comprehension Questions and Answers :

Question :- Read the passage carefully and answer the questions choosing appropriate alternatives.

1. Tenth may dawned bright and clear. For the past few days I had been pleasantly besieged by dignitaries and World leaders who were comings to pay their respects before the inauguration;n. The inauguration would be the largest gathering ever of international leaders on South African soil.

The ceremonies took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union building in Pretoria. For decades this hand been the sear of White supremacy, and now it was the site of a rainbow gathering of different colours and nations for the installation of South America first democratic, non-racial government.

Questions :-

1. The world leaders came to South Africa to –

a) Meet Nelson Mendela.

b) Witness the ceremonies.

c) Congratulate South-Africans.

d) Pay their respects to the newly born democratic, non-racial government.

Ans: d) Pay their respects to the newly born democratic, non-racial government.

2. The ceremonies took place in –

a) The lovely sandstone amphitheatre.

b) The capital building

c) An open space

d) The GOVT. buildings.

Ans: a) The lovely sandstone amphitheatre.

3. The inauguration ceremony was held to –

a) Select the president of South Africa.

b) From the government.

c) Install South Africa first democratic, non-racial govt.

d) Honour Nelson Mandela.

Ans: c) Install South Africa first democratic, non-racial govt.

4. The leaders who were present there-

a) Represented the African nations.

b) Represented various tribes of Africa.

c) Were the friends of Nelson Mandela.

d) Were the world leaders.

Ans: d) Were the world leaders.

2. A few moments later we all lifted our eyes in awe as a spectacular array of South African jets, helicopters and troop carries roared in perfect formation over the Union building. It was not only a display of pinpoint precious and military force, but a demonstration of the military loyalty to democracy, to a new government that had been freely and fairly ele Ted. Only moments before, the highest generals of the South African defence force and police, their chests bedecked with ribbons and medals from days gone by, saluted me and pledged their loyalty. I was not unmindful of the fact that not so many years before they would not have saluted but arrested me. Finally a chevron of Impala jets left smoke trail of the black, red, green, blue and gold of the new South African flag.

Question :-

1. African jets, helicopter and troop carries roared-

a) All over the area.     

b) Here and there.

c) Off and on.            

d) In a perfect formation.

Ans: d) In a perfect formation.

2. The highest generals pledged their loyalty with-

a) Their salute to Nelson Mandela.

b) Their shouts.

c) Their military activities.

d) Their surrender to Nelson Mandela.

Ans: a) Their salute to Nelson Mandela.

3. The police would have-

a) Saluted him earlier.

b) Arrested him earlier.

c) Embraced him earlier.

d) Followed his command earlier.

Ans: b) Arrested him earlier.

4. The smoke trails of Impala jets symbolised-

a) Their victory.

b) The installation of a New Govt.

c) Non-racial government.

d) The new natio;nal flag of South Africa.

Ans: d) The new natio;nal flag of South Africa.

3. The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound on my country and my people. All of us will spend many years, if not generations, recovering from that profound hurt. But the decades of oppression and brutality had another, unintended, effect, a d and that was that it produced the Oliver Tambos, the Walter sisulus, the chief luthis, the yusuf Dadoos, the Beam fichers, the Robbert sobukwes of our time men of such depths of oppression to create such heights of character. My country is rich in the minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil, but I have always known that its great wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds.

Questions :-

1. The policy of apartheid created a-

a) Server problem in South Africa.

b) Deep and lasting wound in South Africa.

c) Minor technical problems.

d) Major political problem.

Ans: b) Deep and lasting wound in South Africa.

2. Great men of characters like Oliver thambos, Walter sisulus etc. We’re the resultant production of-

a) Patriotism.

b) Unity of the South African people.

c) Server oppression of the rulers.

d) Fight for freedom.

Ans: a) Patriotism.

3. The greatest wealth of the country was its-

a) Minerals and gems.  

b) Natural resources.   

c) Talented people.      

d) People.

Ans: b) Natural resources.

4. ‘Profound hurt’ means-

a) Abuse by the white people.

b) Hatred for the blacks.

c) Wound caused by the policy of apartheid.

d) Oppression of the rulers.

Ans: c) Wound caused by the policy of apartheid.

4. It is from these comrades in the struggle that I learned the mea ing of courage. Time and again, I have seen men and women risk and give their lives for an idea. I have seen men stand up to attacks and torture without breaking. Showing a strength and resilience that that defies the imagination. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The  brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who  conquers that fear.

No  one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his back ground, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Even in the grimmest times in prison, when my comrades and I were pushed to our limits, I would see a glimmer of humanity in one of the guards, perhaps just for a second, but it was enough to reassure me and keep me going. Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.

Questions :-

1. The ‘ comrades’ means-

a) the speaker ‘s friends

b) the leaders of South Africa

c) the freedom fighters.

d) the speaker’ s friend who participated in the struggle with him-

Ans: d) the speaker’ s friend who participated in the struggle with him-

2. His comrades stood up to-

a) Oppression bravely.

b) Attacks normally

c) Their cause.

d) The freedom of their country.

Ans: a) Oppression bravely.

3. According to Mandela ‘courage’ means –

a) Boldness.

b) Fearlessness.

c) Enduring oppression.

d) Victory over fear.

Ans: d) Victory over fear.

4. What can people be taught?

a) To hate.

b) To love.

c) To be fearless.

d) To endure opposition.

Ans: d) To endure opposition.

5. In life, every man has twin obligations – obligations to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children, and he has an obligation to his people, his community, his country. In a civil and human society, each man is able to fulfil those obligations according to his own inclinations and abilities. But in a country like South Africa, it was almost impossible to for a man of my birth and colour to fulfil both those obligations. In South Africa, a man of colour who attempted to live as a human being eas punished and isolated. In South Africa, a man who tried to fulfil his duty to his people was inevitable ripped from his family and his home and was forced to live a live a life apart, a twilight existence of se ery and rebellion. I did not in the beginning choose to place my people above my family, but in attempting to serve my people. I found that I was prevented from fulfilling my obligations as a son, a brother, a father and a husband.

Question :-

1. In what kind of society can a man fulfill his obligations-

a) A democratic society.

b) A cultural society.

c) A civil and human society.  

d) A free society.

Ans: c) A civil and human society.

2. In South Africa people who tried to fulfill their obligations were –

a) Treated badly.

b) Sent to jails. 

c) Honoured.

d) Pushed and isolated.

Ans: d) Pushed and isolated.

3. What happened when Nelson Mandela attempted to serve his people?

a) He was welcomed to do so.

b) He was prevented from doing so.

c) He was punished.

d) He was honoured.

Ans: b) He was prevented from doing so.

4. The meaning of ‘ inclinations’ is –

a) Mental feelings.

b) Likings and dislikings.

c) Tendency to do something.

d) Natural tendencies of behaviour.

Ans:- d) Natural tendencies of behaviour.

Short Answers Type Question : 

1. Why does the author thank all the international guests? What does he pledge? 

Ans: In the sworn-in ceremony the author thanks all the international guests for having come to take possession with the people of South Africa of what is a common victory for justice, for peace and for human dignity. 

He pledges to liberate all their people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. 

2. How did the South Africa jets, helicopter and troop carries perform on the occasion? 

Ans: On the auspicious occasion South Africa jets, helicopter and troop carriers were ready to display their performance. They roared in perfect formation spectacularly and flew over the Union Buildings. It was their loyalty to democracy and newly formed government. 

3. What does the author think of the African leaders? 

Ans: According to the author he himself is the product of all the African patriotic leaders. They fought for the freedom of the country and suffered from the oppression of the rulers. They made sacrifices. He feels sorry because they are not present today to see their harvest. 

4. What is the greatest wealth of the country? 

Ans: According to the author South Africa is rich in minerals and gems that lie beneath it’s soil. But the greatest wealth of the country is it’s people. They are finer and truer than the purest diamonds. 

5. What according to the author courage means? 

Ans: The author learnt the meaning of courage from his comrades. He learnt that courage is not simply fearlessness. But courage is triumph over fear. A brave man does not feel afraid but conquers fear. 

6. What are the twin obligations that every man have in life? 

Ans: The author feels that every man has twin obligations the first one is to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children and the second one is his obligations to his people, his community and his country. These can be fulfilled in a civil and human society. 

7. Why could not each man fulfill these obligations in South Africa? 

Ans: In South Africa colour prejudices prevailed. Whenever a black man tried to enjoy his social right or political right he was debarred from doing so. He was punished and isolated. So, the blacks failed to fulfill their obligations. 

8. Why did Nelson Mandela feel that his freedom was an illusion? 

Ans: Nelson Mandela understood that his freedom of boyhood days was an illusion. As soon as he became a young man his freedom had been taken from him. He longed for the basic and honourable freedoms of achieving his potential, of earning his keep, of marrying and having a family. His freedom should not be obstructed in a lawful life. He found that his freedom was curtailed. 

9. What does Nelson Mandela mean by freedom? 

Ans: According to Nelson Mandela freedom is indivisible. Freedom is free and common to all. The chains on anyone of his people were the chains on him and on all of them. So to be free himself is to make all countrymen free. 

Long Answer Type Question : 

1. How does Nelson Mandela describe the scene of inauguration? 

Ans: Nelson Mandela gives a vivid description of the scene of inauguration . It was 10th May. The day was bright and clear. The inauguration took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheater formed by the Union Building in Pretoria. International leaders attended the ceremony. The highest defence and police personnel saluted him to show their loyalty to the country. Jets and helicopters flew over them leaving a trail of smokes of black, red, green, blue and gold colours resembling the national flag of South Africa. 

2. What does the author think of the policy of apartheid? 

Ans: According to the author the policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in his country and his people. They would need many years to recover from the deep and strong hurt. But it had one plus point. Decades of oppression and brutality produced great leaders and freedom fighters like Oliver, Tambo, Walter Sisulus, Luthulis, Yusuf Dadoo, Bram Fischer and Robert Sobukwe etc. They were courageous men with wisdom and generosity. 

3.  What does the author say about the people who fought for the country’s independence? 

Ans: The author says that the country’s independence was due to the great sacrifices of thousand of his own people. He was the sum of all those African patriotic people. He regrets that many of them were not there to see the result of their sacrifices, the political freedom of South Africa. Their sacrifices can’t be repaid. He feels sorry because he can’t thank them. The policy of apartheid produced some great leaders. Those were men of courage, wisdom and generosity. 

4. When did the author begin to hunger for freedom and why? 

Ans: The author began to Hunger for freedom only when  he could understand  that his boyhood freedom was an illusion as he discovered that as a young man his freedom had already been curtailed. At first he longed for the transitory freedoms of this and that. But later in Johannesburg, he yearned for the basic and honourable freedoms of achieving his potential. But he felt that with him his brother and sisters were not free. So he joined the African national congress to attain freedom for his people to live their lives with dignity and self-respect that animates human life. 

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