SEBA Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter – 7 The Necklace

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Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter – 7 The Necklace

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The Necklace


Textual Questions and answers:

Read and find out-

1.What kind of person is mme loisel-why is she always unhappy?

Ans: Mme loisel is a very beautiful woman. She is always unhappy because she feels that she must have been married to a richer family than this. She dreams of luxuries.

2. What kind of a person is her husband?

Ans: Her husband is a simple – hearted person who loves his wife very much. He wants to see her happy. He is economical by nature.

3. What fresh problem now disturbs mme loisel?

Ans: After getting the information mme loisel is disturbed by a problem and that is she has no proper dress and ornaments.

4. How is the problem solved?

Ans: M. Loisel gave her four hundred francs. And borrowed a necklace from a friend. Thus the problem was solved.

5.What do m. And mme loisel do next?

Ans: As m. And mme loisel could not find the missing necklace, they decided to replace it.

6.How do they replace the necklace?

Ans: Ti replace the necklace they had to borrow money with ruinous promise. And they had to cut their expenses to the last limit and work hard.

Think about it-

1. The course of the loisel’s life changed due to the necklace. Comment.

Ans: Yes, the necklace changed the course of the loisel’s life . Mme matilda borrowed the necklace from her friend. She wore it and attended the party at the minister’s place. She lost the necklace. They had to replace it. For which they had to borrow money with ruinous promises. To repay the money the course of life under went a severe change. They had to shift to an attic.mme matilda had to work hard like the wife of ordinary man. She wore ordinary dress and did every household work herself. Loisel also worked hard day and night. Life became tough for them for ten years. All these happened because of the necklace.

2.What was the cause of matilda’s ruin?How could she have avoided her?

Ans: The cause of matilda’s ruin was her hankering after luxuries. She dreamt to be loved by rich men and to live a luxurious life. Though she was from an ordinary family her mind flew to be rich and to live like a pretty woman.

She could have easily avoided her ruin. She could make her contended with her situation and live happily with what she had got without hankering after luxuries.

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(iv)The Ball PoemAnswer
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Unit-7Glimpese of IndiaAnswer
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(iii)Tea from AssamAnswer
(iv)The TreesAnswer
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S.L.No.Footprints Without FeetClick Here
Unit-1A Triumph of SurgeryAnswer
Unit-2The Thiefs StoryAnswer
Unit-3The Midnight VisitorAnswer
Unit-4A Question of TrustAnswer
Unit-5Footprints Without FeetAnswer
Unit-6The Making of a ScientistAnswer
Unit-7The Necklace Answer
Unit-8The Hack DriverAnswer
Unit-10The Book That Saved the EarthAnswer

3. What would have happened to matilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace?

Ans: The episode would have taken a new turn if motilda had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace. The misery and suffering could have Been avoided by doing so because the necklace was not of real diamond. It would cost them only five thousand francs to replace in place of thirty six thousand francs. They could have avoided all the harassment they had to face because of the necklace.

4.If you were caught in a situation like this,how would you have dealt with it?

Ans: In fact, l am not greedy enough to borrow luxurious things from others.

Of course, in situation like this i shall always come out with speaking the truth, come what may.

5.The characters in this story speak in English. Do you think this is their language? What clues are there in the story about the language its characters must be speaking in?

Ans: No, English is not their language. French is their language. The followings are the words that say that their language is French.

M. Mme, loisel, forestier, ramponneau, franc, sou, champ elysées, palais-Royal etc.

6. Honestly is the best policy.

Ans: Everyone knows that honesty is the best policy. Still the loisels turn dishonest hiding the story of the lost necklace. And that is why they had all the sufferings for ten years. Had they been honest and spoke the truth their suffering must have been lessened.

7.we should be content with what life gives us.

Ans: Being contented we can avoid suffering. Being greedy one can only invite ruin to one life. It is meaningless in this material world. The rich today became poor tomorrow. What’s the need for hankering after material things that are transient.

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