SEBA Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

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SEBA Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

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The Hack Driver

Textual Questions and answers:

Read and find out –

1. Why is the lawyer sent to new mullion? What does he first think about the place?

Ans: The lawyer is sent to new mullion to serve summons to Oliver lutkins. At first he thinks the place to be sweet and a simple country village.

2. Who befriends him? Where does he take him?

Ans: A delivery man (Bill) befriends him. He takes him to gustaff’s, fritz’s shops and to wades Hill and at last to lutkin’s mother’s place.

3. What does he say about lutkins?

Ans: He says that lutkins owes money to many but he finds it difficult to part with his money.

4. What more does bill say about lutkins and his family?

Ans: Bill says that lutkin’s mother is a real terror. They have a farm three miles north.

5. Does the narrator serve the summons that day?

Ans: No, the narrator does not serve the summons that day. He has to come back.

6. Who is lutkins?

Ans: Lutkins is a cheat. He borrows money from others but does not pay the debt. But he is cheerful and behaves friendly. He is a hack driver.

Think about it-

1. When the lawyer reached new mullion, did ‘bill’ know that he was looking for lutkins? When do you think Bill came up with his plan for fooling the lawyer?

Ans: When the lawyer reached new mullion bill at once understood that he was looking for lutkins. Because the lawyer said that he wanted to meet lutkins.Then bill decided to fool the lawyer with his plan.

2. Lutkins openly takes the lawyer all over the village. How is it that no one lets out the secret? (Hint: notice that the hack driver asks the lawyer to keep out of sight behind him when they go into fritz’s.) can you find other such subtle ways in which lutkins manipulates the tour?

Ans: Lutkins is very clever and acts with apt cleverness. He keeps the lawyer back and approaches people giving them  hint. Fritz hesitates to tell a lie.

He nicely manipulates the tour. He enters gustav’s shop leaving the lawyer behind. Though he talks confidently to the lawyer but he plays the real trick.

3. Why do you think lutkin’s neighbours were anxious to meet the lawyer?

Ans: Lutkin’s neighbours were anxious to meet the lawyer because he was fooled by lutkin’s. Lawyers are supposed to be intelligent but here the lawyer was deceived.

4. After his first day’s experience with the hack driver the lawyer thinks of returning to new mullion to practise law. Do you think he would have reconsidered this idea after his second visit?

Ans: No, he did not reconsider it because he changed his mind on his second visit. On the first day he thought that the villagers were simple – minded and honest. But they were not so. They were deceptive.

5. Do you think the lawyer was gullible? How could he have avoided being taken away for a ride?

Ans: Yes, the lawyer was gullible. He lacked in experience and so he was fooled for the ride.

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S.L.No.Footprints Without FeetClick Here
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Talk about it-

1. Do you come across persons like lutkins only in fiction or do we encounter them in real life as well? You can give examples from fiction, or narrate an incident that you have read in the newspaper, or an incident from real life.

Ans: In real life also we come across people like lutkins. The people easily succeed in deceiving others with their simplicity and cleverness. If one is careful such people can be identified in their first or second attempt.

Mr. Natwarlal is the best example of this kind of person. Once a man came to our village to sell various attracting things in low price. He took advance for some. He delivered the simple items and took some more orders but he never came again. He fooled the people.

2. Who is a ‘con man’, or’ a confidence trickster?

Ans: A ‘con man’ is a trickster. He is expert in deceiving people winning their confidence.

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