SEBA Class 9 Elective History Additional Chapter 1 American War of Independence

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SEBA Class 9 Elective History Additional Chapter 1 American War of Independence

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American War of Independence


1. Name the two European countries which took the initiative in discovering new lands.

Ans. Portugal and Spain took the initiative in discovering new lands. 

2. Which new route did Vasco da Gama discover land when? 

Ans. Vasco da Gama discovered a new direct sea route the Cape of Good Hope to the port of Calicut in India in the year 1498.

3. Who helped Christopher Columbus in his attempt to discover the New world?

Ans. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain helped Christopher Columbus in his attempt to discover the New world. 

4. Which European countries fought over the issue of the area of colonization soon after the discovery of America?

Ans. Spain and Portugal fought over the issue of the area of colonization soon after the discovery of America.

5. Who was the founder of Tudor dynasty of England? 

Ans. King Henry VII was the founder of the Tudor dynasty of England.

6. Who discovered New Foundland and Labrador?

Ans. An English man named John Cabot and his son Sebastian discovered New Foundland and Labrador.

7. Who seemed to have started slave trade with America? 

Ans. John Hawkins and Francis Drake seemed to have started the slave trade with America.

8. Which was the first English colony to be established in America?

Ans. Virginia was the first British colony to be established in America.

9. In which British colony is Philadelphia situated and what does the term mean? 

Ans. The city of Philadelphia belongs to the British colony of Pennsylvania and the term ‘Philadelphia’ means the city of love and brotherhood.

10. Which was the first French colony in America? 

Ans. The first French colony in America was Quebec.

11. Name the first French colony established in America. Who established it and when?

Ans. A Frenchman named Samuel de Champlain established the first French colony of Quebec in 1608. 

12. What separated the French colonies and British colonies in America?

Ans. The Appalachian Mountains formed the dividing line between the French colonies and the British colonies in America.

13. Name the American colony which had independent administration since its formation.

Ans. The British colony of Massachusetts followed independent administration since its formation.

14. When was the formation of 13 British colonies in America completed?

Ans. The formation of 13 British colonies in America was completed by 1763.

15. Which countries fought the Seven Years War and when was it concluded?

Ans. The Seven Years War was fought between France and England and it was concluded in 1763. 

16. Which British Prime Minister enacted the Tea Act in 1773?

Ans. Lord North, Prime Minister of England, enacted the Tea Act in 1773.

17. Which American town became the center of anti-British struggle during the American war of independence?

Ans. The American town of Boston became the center of anti-British struggle during the American war of independence.

18. Who sent Olive Branch Petition and to whom was it sent? 

Ans. The Olive Branch Petition was sent to King George III of England by the representatives of Second Continental Congress in 1775.

19. To which colony did George Washington belong? 

Ans. George Washington belonged to the colony of Virginia.

20. Name three philosophers whose writings and speeches boosted the spirit of the American colonists.

Ans. The writings and speeches of Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry boosted the spirit of the American colonists.

21. Which constitution is considered to be the world’s first written constitution?

Ans. The American constitution is considered to be world’s first written constitution.

22. How is the Upper House of the American Legislative Assembly known?

Ans. The Upper House of the American Legislative Assembly is known as Senate

23. What is the term of the office of the Senators? 

Ans. The term of the office of the Senators is six years.


1. What were the main reasons for the geographical discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries?

Ans. The main reasons for the various geographical discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries were:

(i) fabulous wealth of the east.

(ii) high demand for oriental commodities.

(iii) desire to establish a permanent commercial relation with the new world.

(iv) desire to bring more people into Christianity, etc. 

2. Why are the original inhabitants of America called Indian or Red Indian?

Ans. Christopher Columbus who discovered America did not know that the land discovered by him was a new land. He considered the land of his discovery to be India. Therefore, the original inhabitants came to be called Indian or Red Indian.

3. Which countries began to fight over the colonization of America? How was their fight solved?

Ans. Soon after the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus the fight for new land began between the two major European powers, namely, Spain and Portugal. Their fight was solved by the intervention of then Pope Alexander VI who with the help of a map divided the new world between Spain and Portugal by drawing a line of demarcation on the map.

4. Mention the beginning stage of American colonisation by the British. 

Ans. The beginning of British colonisation of America started during the time of King Henry VII, the founder of Tudor dynasty in England. John Cabot and his son Sebastian, send to find a new route to India, managed to discover New Foundland and Labrador. Centering round these two territories, the British began to expand into other regions of America. During the time of Queen Elizabeth, John Hawkins and Francis Drake started the slave trade with America and also plundered the Spanish ships coming from America. With the decline of Spanish power, the British started colonising the territories round the Atlantic.

5. Why did the French and the English oppose each other in America?

Ans. The main factors that brought the French and English against each other were the following:

(i) French was jealous at the rapid colonisation of America by the British. She had only few colonies unlike the British.

(ii) French wanted to take revenge on England for her defeat during the Seven years war.

(iii) The British forces both in America and India had blocked French plans of expansion.

6. How was the administrative system of the British colonies? 

Ans. The British colonies built their administrative set-up on the model of the English system in England. Every colony had a governor, his advisory council and a representative Assembly. The Governor and most of the members of his Advisory Council were nominated by the British crown. The members of the Representative Assembly were elected by the people. However, only the wealthy landlords could vote. 

7. Name the different groups that came up in America during early part of the American war of Independence.

Ans. Soon after the rejection of Olive Branch petition by king George III, the preparation for war against England started in various parts of America. However, differences of opinion emerged among the colonists regarding their relation with England. Those who opposed the British rule were the Patriots and those who supported the British were called loyalists. There was another group which supported neither of the two groups. They remained neutral. Thus there were three groups before the open outbreak of the war between the American colonies and England. 

8. Name the important philosopher revolutionaries of American war of Independence.

Ans. The ground for American war of independence was prepared by the speeches and writings of four men. These were Samuel Adams, Christopher Gadsden, Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry. Thomas Paine’s book ‘Common Sense’ influenced the American mind to a great extent. These men filled the minds of the colonists with ideals of freedom, independence, self-rule, representative government, etc. 

9. What is the importance of the defeat of the British at Saratoga by the colonists?

Ans. The defeat of the British forces at Saratoga in Oct.1777 is a turning point in the fight between the American forces and the British forces during the American War of Independence. British general Burgoyne had to accept defeat at the hands of the American general Horatio Gates. Until then the colonists had lost many of the pitched battles. But this victory boosted their morale and foreign countries such as France, Spain and Holland came to the side of the American colonists and this sealed the fate of the British chances in America.

10. What were the economic grievances of the American colonists? 

Ans. England guided by the mercantilist principles had passed in the 17th cent. a series of acts such as, Molasses act, Navigation act, sugar act, staple act, stamp act, Townshend duties etc. to strangle the trade and commerce of the thirteen American colonies. The colonists were not allowed to produce certain items and were also banned from trading in certain items. The colonists could only use British ships for import and export of commodities to and from America. They were taxed heavily and that too without representation. Under these circumstances the colonists were forced to take up arms to protect their rights.

11. When was United States of America born? What event marks its birth?

Ans. The birth of the United States of America is one of the glorious events of world history. America was born on 4th July,1776. The adoption of the ‘Declaration of Independence’ by the Third Continental Congress held Philadelphia in 1776 marks its birth.

12. What is Olive Branch Petition?

Ans. The first armed fight between the American colonists and the British forces occurred at Lexington in April, 1775. Soon after this, attempts were made by the Second Continental Congress which met in 1775 to normalise its relation with England and to avoid a full-pledged war. Therefore this congress sent a petition to the reigning monarch of England, King George II expressing their grievances and fundamental rights. This petition came to be known as ‘Olive Branch Petition’.

13. How did the American war of Independence come to an end?

Ans. The rejection of the Olive Branch Petition sent by the Second Continental Congress in 1775 by King George marked the beginning of the full-pledged war between the two forces. The war continued up to 1781 in varying phases. Finally the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at York Town in 1781 brought the war to an end. A treaty known as the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783 brought the American struggle for independence to a proper end.

14. How did the American war of Independence hasten the French revolution?

Ans. One of the chief consequences of the American war of Independence was that it hastened French Revolution. The Frenchmen who had gone over to America to help the American colonists came back fully aroused in the spirit of freedom. political rights and democratic principles. Secondly the financial crisis created by the financial supports to the American colonists compelled King Louis XVI to summon the French States-General in 1789 which lighted the flame of French Revolution.

15. What were the major contributions of American revolution?

Ans. The major contributions of the American war of Independence was the creation of a new, powerful, fully independent nation called United States of America which would grow into a mighty power within a few decades. Secondly it gave birth to the concept of ‘Popular Sovereignty’ and the inalienable rights of man to be free and independent. Thirdly the American constitution became a model constitution and many nations copied some of its noble features such as written constitution, separation of powers, system of checks and balances, separation of church and state, etc.

16. What were the immediate results of Boston Tea Party? 

Ans. Boston Tea Party occurred as a result of the imposition of the tax on tea by the British parliament. Its immediate result was that the port of Boston was closed for commerce, the charter of Massachusetts was annulled and the colony was placed under the direct control of England. These actions on the part of the British further heightened the tension between the American colonists and the British. Eventually Boston became the centre of anti-British struggle in America.

17. Who was Prince Henry of Portugal?

Ans. Prince Henry was a Portuguese prince who took a lot of initiatives in the geographical discoveries and explorations during the 15th century. He established a school of navigation and trained the best sailors, explorers and geographers of Europe during this period. For this initiative he was given the title ‘the Navigator’. For forty years he was the source of inspiration and guidance to the navigators and sailors of Europe.


1. Write in brief how the American colonies achieved their independence. 

Ans. The American Revolution commonly known as the American war of Independence is one of the landmarks events of world history – an event that has altered the very face of the world. The American freedom struggle movement ignited several new developments in the field of governance, political representation, writing of constitution, separation of powers, etc.

Establishment of British colonies: British during the 16 and 17th centuries Great Britain established several British colonies on the Atlantic coast of America. The new land discovered by Christopher Columbus offered wonderful opportunities for British traders, Christian missionaries, people who were persecuted for religious differences, etc. 

These colonies were: 

(i) New Hampshire.

(ii) Massachusetts.

(iii) Rhode Island.

(iv) Connecticut.

(v) New York.

(vi) New Jersey. 

(vii) Delaware.

(viii) Pennsylvania.

(ix) Virginia.

(x) Maryland.

(xi) North Carolina.

(xii) South Carolina. and 

(xiii) Georgia.

Causes for the war: The administration of these colonies was similar to that of England, their mother country. Each colony had a Governor, his advisory council and a representative Assembly. However, the colonists had no representatives in the British parliament. This angered the colonists who did not want to be taxed without representation. The factor that contributed most for the outbreak of American war of Independence was the economic grievances. Many economic restrictions were placed colonies. The colonists were not allowed to produce certain items nor allowed to trade in all items. They could import or export their commodities only through British ships. The British Parliament passed numerous acts preventing the expansion of trade by the colonists.

Events leading to the war: With the view to recover the financial losses suffered during the Seven Years War (1756 1763) the British parliament passed several acts. The most important among these acts was the Stamp act of 1765 which made it compulsory the use of British revenue stamp on all documents, agreements, newspapers, etc. The imposition of stamp tax led to widespread discontentment. Under pressure the British government repealed the act but asserted that the British parliament had the right to impose taxes on the American colonies. In 1767, the Townshend duties on glass, paper and tea were imposed. This was again opposed by the colonists tooth and nail. Under pressure the British government repealed all the taxes except on tea. 

The continuation of the tax on tea was opposed by the colonists and rebellions and protests were held all over the colonies. In one of these protests held in Boston in 1770, four persons were killed by the British troops. This came to be known as Boston Massacre. In 1773, Prime Minister Lord North passed a new Tea act which once again caused national upsurge and people all over the colonies protested against the new act. Therefore in 1773 when a British ship loaded with tea arrived at the port of Boston, a group of colonists entered the ship and dumped the tea into the sea. This incident is known as the Boston tea party.

Immediate cause for the war: Immediately after the Boston Tea party in 1773 the British government closed the Boston port and took over the administration of the colony of Massachusetts to which Boston belonged. The colonists found the closure of the Boston port as an infringement of their rights. They therefore decided to prepare a charter of rights and liberties. Consequently the representatives of all the colonies except Georgia met in the First Continental Congress held at Philadelphia in 1774 and prepared a charter of rights. This document came to be known as the Declaration of rights. The Congress appealed to the English king, George III, to remove all economic and political restrictions imposed on the colonies. But the king refused to listen to their demands. 

Meanwhile a minor battle took place the between the British forces and the colonists at a place named Lexington in April 1775. The colonists, however, did not want to go for a full-pledged war as they had limited resources and men. Therefore in 1775 the Second Continental Congress consisting of the representatives of the colonies met at Philadelphia and sent a petition named Olive Branch Petition to King George IIl in London wherein they expressed their economic and political grievances. However, the king rejected their demands forcing the colonists to take up arms against England, leading to the outbreak of an open war between the two forces.

War and declaration of Independence: The war full pledged war started in 1775 continued up to 1781 in varying degrees. The defeat of the British at Saratoga in Oct. 1777 marked the beginning of the end the British domination of American colonies. Soon after this success of the colonists European powers such as France, Spain and Holland came to the support of the American colonies. Meanwhile a committee appointed by the Second Continental Congress consisting of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and others drew up a charter of American liberty and sovereignty named ‘Declaration of Independence’ which was formally adopted by the Third Continental Congress on July 4,1776. This event marks the birth of a new nation named the United States of America. Even after this the British refused to give up the fight. Finally, the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at York Town in 1781 brought the war to an end. The treaty of Paris signed in 1783 between the two forces officially concluded the American war of Independence.

The main reasons for the defeat of the British by the colonists were due to factors such as geographical distance, inefficient British generals, hiring of foreign soldiers, timely help of France and Spain to the colonists, excellent leadership of George Washington, etc.


1. George Washington.

Ans. George Washington was the most outstanding personality of the American War of Independence. He was the commander-in-chief of the American forces during the American struggle for independence. He was noted for his courage, determination and simplicity and is rated as one of the finest statesman, politician and military general ever produced by America. Due to his excellent character and fine leadership he was elected as the first President of the United States of America. He played a key role in the formation of the constitution of America. After the adoption of the new American constitution 4th March, 1791, George Washington was elected the president of America a second time in 1792. Under his able leadership the new state of America started on a strong footing and achieved great success within a few years. He retired from public life in 1796 and finally died three later in 1799.

2. Boston Massacre.

Ans. In 1767 Charles Townshend, the Chancellor of the British Exchequer, passed import duties known as Townshend duties on several commonly used items such as glass, paper and tea. The imposition of this act aroused widespread riots and violent protests from the colonists. Under pressure Townshend duties were repealed in 1769. Only the tax on tea was retained as a sign of British supremacy over the colonists. But the colonists fed with fire of nationalism and freedom refused to accept this tax and continued to revolt against its imposition. Throughout the country there occurred a series of riots in connection with this new tax on tea. During one of such riots in Boston in 1770, four persons were shot dead by the British troopers. This incident came to be known as Boston Massacre. The Boston massacre is a significant event of American war of independence as it made the colonists feel that their rights could not be obtained except through armed resistance.

3. Features of the American constitution.

Ans. The American war of Independence came to an end by the treaty of Paris in 1783. Soon after this the representatives of the 13 colonies gathered together and famed a new constitution which came into force 4th March, 1791. The American constitution has certain special features. It is considered to be world’s first written constitution. The constitution was very brief and it had only seven articles. 

Some of the major features of this constitution were the following: 

(i) it set up a federal form of government with clear cut separation of powers and responsibilities between the central government and union governments. 

(ii) there is also clear-cut division of powers between the three organs of government- Executive, legislature and judiciary. 

(iii) it envisaged a presidential form of government wherein the president is directly elected by the people. His term of office is four years while that of the vice-president is also four years.

(iv) American legislative organ consisted of two houses, named senate and the house of representative.

(v) it had a set of written rights named Bill of rights. 

(vi) it was marked by separation of church and state.

(vii) it was noted for the abolition of hereditary aristocracy. 

Thus the presidential system, a written constitution a set of written rights. separation of church and state, etc. are some of the note-worthy aspects of American constitution. It influenced the framing of the constitution of many countries including that of India.

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