SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Chapter 5 Concept and Classification of Resource

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SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Chapter 5 Concept and Classification of Resource

Today’s We have Shared in This Post SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Chapter 5 Concept and Classification of Resource Notes in English Medium. I Hope, you Liked The information about the SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Solutions in English Medium Notes. If you liked Class 9 Elective Geography Question Answer SEBA English Medium then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

Concept and Classification of Resource


1. What do you mean by resource? 

Ans. Resource means the natural and man-made objects which can satisfy the various needs of man. Anything that we find in nature is not resource. Only those items of nature that provide some utility to man are considered as resources.

2. What are the human factors that play important role in recognising natural elements as resource?

Ans. The living and nonliving elements of nature remain as parts of nature until these are exploited by man. The natural elements like land, water, plants and animals are considered resources only when they are transformed into useful products by man. Therefore, human factor is the main element that makes a natural product a resource. In this respect, human elements such as cultural value, technology and economic system play a major role.

(i) Cultural value: Culture plays a major role in determining an item as useful. e.g. there are a lot of forest products and plants in many parts of the world. For most people in the world they do not have much value. But in India, many such items have great value due to their medicinal quality or religious significance. Therefore, culture can make an item of nature a resource or a mere natural item.

(ii) Technology: The extent to which natural elements get transformed into useful products depend on the availability of suitable technology.

The extraction and the use of resources require certain technical know-how and modern technology to extract resources in a scientific manner as well as for their proper development. Without proper technology resources remain untapped and under-utilised. e.g. it is believed that certain parts of India has huge stock of oil buried deep under the earth. But due to lack of technology it is difficult to extract oil from such depth. But a time may come when India will have the required technical know-how to extract oil from such depth.

(iii) Economic system: The development of resources also greatly depends on the economic system or economic viability of the country. e.g. India has hundreds of rivers with plenty of water. The water of these rivers constitute an important resource for the nation. But unfortunately, there are regions in India which suffer from severe drought and flood. Due to high cost involved in joining all the rivers of the country, the water of these rivers is not suitably utilised Therefore, economic system plays a major role in transforming a natural item into a useful product.

3. What are the factors that Influence the concept of resource?

Ans. The natural and man-made objects which are capable of satisfying human needs are called resource. The natural elements like land, water, animals and plants are recognised as resource only when these are used and considered useful by human. It is man who decides whether an element is resource or not. However, this concept of resource may change with time as well as with technology. e.g, the elements of nature that we have accepted today as good resources might have remained unwanted long ago. Before the coming of the British in Assam, tea plants found in the forests of Assam did not have much value. But the British recognised its worth and started using it commercially. Soon it became very popular in the west and tea cultivation was introduced on a commercial basis leading to economic boom in the region. Similarly, oil was discovered in Assam long ago. But people did not know its use and did not attach any economic importance to it. Today it is considered to be a ‘precious resource’ and its extraction has boosted the economic status of the state. This shows that a neglected element of the past may prove to be a valuable product in future subsequently with the changing social, cultural and economic situation. In other words, the concept of resource and its importance vary depending on the cultural, economic, technological development of the time.

4. Discuss the effects of the growing population on resources.

Ans. Resources are used by people for their various needs. Therefore as population increases, the demand for various resources also increases. But most resources being non-renewable in nature, cannot be increased with the increase in population. Therefore high population brings about limited supply of resources which in turns leads to high price of resources and their products.

It also forces people to look for alternatives. With the decline in the availability of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, people were forced to seek viable alternatives such as hydro-electric power or nuclear power. When people realised that hydro- electric power and nuclear power generation brings about a great deal of pollution of the environment, they opted for the use of renewable sources of power such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, etc. 

Lastly, extensive usage of resources by a large number of people will bring about greater wastage and greater pollution of the environment. Thus high population has a negative impact on the development and use of resources.

5. What is natural resource? 

Ans. The products of nature which are useful to man or can be used to satisfy various needs of man are called natural resource, e.g. air, land, water, plants, etc.

6. Give few examples of man-made resources.

Ans. Few examples of man-made resources are aluminium, petroleum, steel, tea, cement, cars, trains, aeroplanes, etc. 

7. What is human resource?

Ans. The potential of human beings to fulfill their demands and providing better services is called human resource. 

8. What is meant by renewable resource? Give few examples of it.

Ans. The resources created by nature that can be used again and again and can be replenished are called renewable resources. e.g. air, sunlight, wind, tides, hot springs, biomass, etc.

9. Name few non-renewable resources.

Ans. Few non-renewable resources are coal, petroleum, natural gas, wood, various minerals, etc.

10. Why should wastage of resource be checked? 

Ans. Wastage of resources should be checked due to the following reasons:

(i) Limited resource: Wastage of resources reduces its supply. If the resources are used in the manner it is used today, most of them will become exhausted in the near future.

(ii) Environmental pollution: Wastage of resources may lead to environmental pollution, which in turn, may lead to serious health hazards.

(iii) Progress-oriented: Without resources no country can progress. There is an urgent need to conserve the available resources. 

Therefore, there is no room for wastage of resources.

11. Think over and write how extraction and use of resources can degrade the environment.

Ans. Resources are vital for the economic development of any country. But their improper extraction and usage can have several negative results. Its greatest impact is on environment which gets polluted and degrades over the years. This happens in the following ways:

(i) Burning of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc. from factories and vehicles can cause emission of dangerous gases into the atmosphere. This leads to environmental pollution. In fact, the greatest pollution on the earth is caused by vehicle pollution.

(ii) Many factories which use hydro-electricity or coal, or petroleum for power generation release a lot of smoke and gases into the atmosphere. This also causes pollution of the environment.

(iii) The improper extraction of minerals such as coal, iron, etc. leads to heavy spread of mineral dust all over the place. This degrades the environment around.

(iv) Use of atomic minerals for power generation and nuclear weapon production also brings about environmental pollution as the air and water near such plants are polluted despite the precaution taken by authorities.

(v) The used water from factories using various types of minerals contains a lot of polluted elements which pollute water sources and thereby the plants that absorb such polluted water.

12. What are the sources of natural resources available in your locality? How have the people used and misused the sources of these resources? Write how the misuse can be checked.

Ans. Student Do Yourself.

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