SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Chapter 6 Economics Activities or Occupation

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SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Chapter 6 Economics Activities or Occupation

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Economics Activities or Occupation


1. What do you mean by occupation? 

Ans. Occupation means the activities carried on by people to earn their source of livelihood. It is basically an activity done by man to satisfy his various needs and wants. In other words, the activities which a man performs for his survival and socio-economic advancement of the society in which he lives, is termed as occupation.

2. Mainly how many types of occupation are there? State them with examples. 

Ans. Occupation can be divided into four main categories:

(i) Primary occupation: The occupation that enables man, to satisfy his basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing is known as primary occupation. These are the activities which man has to perform for his survival on the earth through the necessary goods from nature. Human civilisation began with primary occupation and then moved to the secondary and tertiary occupations. e.g. agriculture, animal rearing, fishing, collection of food from the forests, hunting, mining, quarrying, etc.

(ii) Secondary occupation: When primary goods obtained by way of primary occupations are used as raw materials for the production of secondary goods or new goods through certain processes, they are called secondary occupation. The secondary activities increase the value of primary goods. Secondary occupation refers to the manufacturing of finished goods or secondary goods through raw materials or primary goods obtained by way of primary occupation. All industrial operations, commerce, trade, business, etc. belong to this category of occupations. e.g. production of sugar from sugarcane, shoes from leather, clothes from cotton, steel from iron- ore, flour from wheat, furniture from wood, etc.

(iii) Tertiary occupation: The occupation that helps in supplying the primary or secondary goods to the users or connects the producers and consumers is known as tertiary occupation. e.g. transport, communication, education, medical care, distribution of goods, etc.

(iv) Quarternary occupation: The activities that require intelligence, skill, expertise, foresight, etc. are known as quarternary occupation. These are the specialised Occupations of tertiary sector. e.g. banking, various financial services, media, insurance, administration, journalism, tourism, research, etc. The role of these occupations is highly significant in making most of the activities of the other three sectors relevant in the present changing scenario. The growing impact of globalisation on the mode of production, trade and related activities has further enhanced the importance of the quarternary occupations.

3. Write the meaning of primary occupation. 

Ans. Primary occupation means the economic activities associated directly with the collection of resources from nature. Most of the items produced through primary activities used after reprocessing. e.g. agriculture, fishing, lumbering quarrying, mining, hunting, collecting food from forests, etc. 

4. Mention the difference between primary and secondary Occupations.

Ans. The differences between primary and secondary occupations are:

Sl. No.Basic of differencePrimary occupationsSecondary occupations
(i)MeaningEssential for human survival.Not essential for human survival.
(ii)ObjectiveInvolved in collecting resources from nature.To give ‘value addition’ to primary goods.
(iii)SupplySupplies raw-materialsfor secondary sector.Supplies machines for primary activities.
(iv)DevelopmentThe first sector to get developed is the primary sector.Secondary sector gets developed as the economy improves.
(v)ImportanceToday in most countries the importance of primary sector is declining.Today in most countriesthe importance of secondary sector is increasing.

5. Which of the economic activities are included in tertiary occupation? State them with examples. 

Ans. The economic activities included in the tertiary sector with examples are:

(i) Transport and communication activities involved in distribution system.

(ii) Education such as schools, colleges, etc.

(iii) Health-related activities, viz. hospitals, dispensaries, etc. 

(iv) Information technology, viz. ticketing, billing, etc. 

(v) Tourism, etc.

6. Write about the importance of quarternary occupation. 

Ans. As a result of the unprecedented development in transport and communication system, a lot of changes have taken place in the secondary and tertiary occupation. The producers are now capable of establishing linkages easily with the international market and consumers. This has made the economic environment highly competitive due to which the producers need to be concerned about the quality and the acceptability of their product. All these have led to the emergence of quarternary occupation. This includes banking, financial activities, media, insurance, administration, research, etc. These activities play great role in the development of the other three sectors, particularly the secondary and tertiary sectors. Today without adequate development of banking and insurance, secondary and tertiary sectors cannot be properly developed. The growing impact of globalisation on the mode of production, trade, distribution and other related services has greatly enhanced the importance of quarternary occupation.

7. Write how economic development causes occupational change.

Ans. It is an accepted fact that economic development causes occupational change. As the country advances economically, the number of people engaged in the primary sector decreases and the number of people engaged in the secondary and tertiary sector increases. Today nearly 65% of the working population in India is engaged in the agricultural sector. In 1971, the figure was about 70%.

Two factors are responsible for this phenomenon:

(i) Firstly there may be more workers in the agricultural sector than what is required.

(ii) Secondly people are able to obtain more income from the secondary sector than from the primary sector. Hence many people move from the primary sector to the secondary tertiary sector. 

When the secondary sector gets developed, tertiary Occupations such as transport, communication, education, health, information technology, etc. also get developed. The development of industrial production requires good transport and communication system, engineers, well-trained managers, skilled and semi-skilled labourers, healthcare personnel, etc. which are supplied by the tertiary and quarternary sectors. The expansion of the industrial sector or the tertiary sector leads to the expansion of the quaternary sector. This forces people to move from the primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary and quarternary sectors. In this manner, a lot of occupational changes take place with the economic development of the country.

8. Write a brief note on the occupational changes in Assam. 

Ans. Before the advent of British, the economic activities of the people of Assam mainly includes primary occupations such as agriculture, fishing, collection of forest resources and household weaving. The British soon after their arrival in Assam in the 1830’s introduced the production of tea, petroleum and coal in the state. This provided employment opportunities to hundreds of people from the state which led to the development of secondary occupation in the state. After independence, the secondary sector further expanded with the production of tea, petroleum and coal. The development of the secondary sector is accompanied by a similar development in the tertiary sector. A lot of people get engaged in administrative offices, courts, trade and commerce, educational institutions, transportation industry, etc.

The development of tertiary sector led to developments of quarternary occupation. There have been noticeable growth in banking, financial and research institutions in the state. Mass media centres have also increased. Quarternary sector such as journalism, tourism, administrate services, etc. have been making remarkable progress in the state during the last few decades.

9. State the factors responsible for bringing about change in the field of occupation. 

Ans. The main factors responsible for this state of occupational change are: 

(i) Economic development: The main factor that brings about occupational change in a country is its economic advancement. As the economy improves, industries and trade develop leading to greater employment opportunities for the people. Subsequently, a lot of people who formerly worked in the primary sector move to the secondary or the tertiary sector as the income from these sectors are steady and better.

(ii) Growth in educational sector: Economic development boosts the educational development in the country leading to the availability of skilled and semi-skilled persons. This enables hundreds of youth to get employment in the towns and cities in various services such as trade, commerce, banking, health-related activities, etc.

(iii) Expansion of urban centre: One of the inevitable results of globalisation is the spread of urbanisation. As the city or town expands, the various services such as business, trade, commerce, banking, financial services, health services, educational set-up, mass media, insurance, administrative services, etc. also expand. This provides employment opportunities to hundreds of people. Therefore a lot of youth from rural areas migrate to the towns, get trained and eventually get absorbed into various services of the urban sector.

(iv) Improvement in the standard of living: Another factor that contributes to occupational change is the advancement in the standard of living of the people. Today people want more than basic necessities of life. They need relaxation, entertainment and various other services. All these require the service of a good number of people. Consequently, a lot of people start business to cater to these needs of the people.

(v) Low income from agriculture: Many people move away from agriculture as the income from agriculture is not always rewarding. Many people from the agricultural background move to the towns and cities as they get better and steady income from the various work they perform in the towns and cities.

10. With which of the occupations are the people of your locality associated? Classify the people according to their occupation.

Ans. Student Do Yourself.

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