Class 12 Education Chapter 6 Mental health & Hygiene

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Class 12 Education Chapter 6 Mental health & Hygiene

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Mental health & Hygiene


(a) Write true or false:

1. Mental health is the ability to adjust oneself with the environment.

Ans: True.

2. Maintenance of mental health depends on fulfillment of needs.

Ans: True.

3. Mental health is a static state of mind.

Ans: True.

4. Mental health is related to the social values, norms and standard.

Ans: True.

5. Mental health means absence of mental illness.

Ans: True.

6. Mental hygiene is related with the curative aspect of mental disorder.

Ans: True.

7. Harmonious mental and physical health is an important condition of mental health.

Ans: True.

8. Mental health is a normative concept.

Ans: True.

9. Function of mental health is to preserve mental health.

Ans: True.

10. Mental hygiene aims at preservation of mental health.

Ans: True.

11. Mentally healthy person has a balance personality.

Ans: True.

12. Mental illnesses are curable.

Ans: True.

13. There is no influence of heredity on mentally illnesses.

Ans: True.

14. A Mentally healthy person is emotionally stable.

Ans: True.

15. Mental hygiene is the end and mental health is the mean.

Ans: False.

16. A physically healthy person may not be mentally healthy.

Ans: True.

17. Am Mentally healthy person may not be socially well-adjusted.

Ans: False.

18. ‘Mental health like physical health is a matter of degree’.

Ans: True.

19. Mental health is a static state of mind.

Ans: False.

20. Attainment of mental health is possible in social setup.

Ans: True.

21. Harmonious adjustment is an essential condition of mental health.

Ans: True.

22. Habits and attitudes are also determiner of mental health of a person.

Ans: True.

23. Mental health is an absolute concept.

Ans: False.

24. Acquisition of complete mental health is an ideal.

Ans: True.

25. Goal of mental hygiene and education are identical.

Ans: False.

26. Mental hygiene is needed by a mentally healthy person also.

Ans: True.

(b) Fill up the gaps:

27. Mental health of an individual is determined by his adjustment in ___________.

Ans: environment.

28. Mental hygiene is the ___________ to maintain mental health.

Ans: systematic process.

29. Mental hygiene helps in ___________ development of personality.

Ans: mental.

30. Curing mental disease is the ___________ function of mental hygiene.

Ans: main.

31. Mental hygiene is the ___________ and mental health is the ___________.

Ans: means and end.

32. Mental hygiene is the adjustment with maximum ___________ and  minimum ___________.

Ans: mental health, mental unhygeine.

33. Objective of mental hygiene is to obtain ___________.

Ans: Mental health.

34. Mental hygiene has three important aspects preventive, curative and ___________.

Ans: Preservative.

35. ___________ function of mental hygiene is related with check of mental disorders.

Ans: Preventive.

36. ___________ function of mental hygiene is related with promotion of mental health of a person.

Ans: Curative.

(c) Give Short Answer (preferably in one sentence):

37. “Mental hygiene is a science that deals with the human welfare and pervades all fields of human relationship.” Who said this?

Ans: Crow and Crow.

38. “Mental hygiene is concerned with the maintenance of mental health and the prevention of mental disorders” – who said this?

Ans: Hadfield.

39. “Mental like physical health is a matter of degree” – who said this?

Ans: Professor Homal.

40. Write whether a delinquent student may be mentally healthy or not.

Ans: False (No).

41. ‘Mental hygiene means investigation of the law of mental health and the taking or advocacy of measures for its preservation.’ Who gave this definition?

Ans: Draver.

42. Write whether a delinquent student may be mentally healthy or not.

Ans: A delinquent student may not be mentally healthy.

43. Why mental hygiene is considered as a lifelong process?

Ans: Mental hygiene is considered as a lifelong process because it aims to prevention of mental ill-health, preservation and cure.

44. Which is the most significant function of mental hygiene?

Ans: The most significant function of mental hygiene is preservation.

45. Mention a condition of family life which may cause mental health problem.

Ans: Disorganisation of the family a condition of family life which may cause mental health problem.

46. Mention one social quality of a mentally healthy person.

Ans: Person fulfils his objectives in harmony with other peoples.


1. Write the concept of mental health. 

Ans: Mental health very simply means the state of being mentally free from illness or injury. In other sense it means illness free or injury free mental condition of an individual. It has the most important necessity for a better and balanced society.

Different thinkers defined different definition of mental health.

Some of them are:

In the words of Hilgard (1962), ‘mental health means absence of mental illness: more positively, a state characterized by adjustment, a productive orientation and zest. To means mental illness he further explains, ‘Mental illness means emotional, motivational and social maladjustment severe enough to infer with the ordinary conduct of life.’

In the words of Kisher (1964), ‘The progress took the form of the expansion of mental hospitals, the after-case movement, the family care system, the open-door policy and the mental hygiene movements.’ It was Evnil Kraepelin who was the pioneer worker of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in classification of ‘mental illnesses. This was primarily leased on the course of the disease, its symptoms and causes as well.

2. Define mental hygiene.

Ans: Psychologists have forwarded many definitions of mental hygiene.

Some of the definitions are as given below:

(i) In the words of Coville, ‘Mental Hygiene consists of measures to reduce the incidence of mental illness through prevention and early treatment and to promote mental health.’

(ii) In the words of Singh, ‘Mental Hygiene is that science which studies laws and means of curing and preventing mental disease, personality disorders and other abnormalities for balancing adjustment and healthy development of personality.’

(iii) In the words of Crow and Crow, ‘Mental Hygiene is a science that deals with the human welfare and pervades all fields of human relationship.’

(iv) In the words of Hadfield, ‘Mental Hygiene is concerned with the maintenance of mental health and the prevention of mental disorders.’

3. Write two purposes of mental hygiene.

Ans: The purpose of mental hygiene are:

(a) The development of an understanding of the relationship that exist between personality development and life experiences.

(b) The preservation and improvement of the mental health of the individual and of the group. and

(c) The discovery and use of techniques through which assistance can be given to those who are mentally ill.

4. Write two important functions of mental hygiene.

Ans: The main important funcations of mental hygiene may be discussed under the specific ways.

They are:

(a) Preventive Function: The main function of mental hygiene is the prevention of mental illness, personality disorders and the problems of adjustment. Mental hygiene helps us to understand the causes of mental illness, personality disorders and the problems of adjustments of the human child.

(b) Curative Function: Curative function of mental hygiene emphasises on the treatment techniques. Mental hygiene not only helps to know the problems of mental illness, problem of personality disorder and the adjustment problem of the human individual. It also helps to know the techniques of treatment to get relief from the problems.

(c) Preservative Function: Preservation of mental health has special importance of individuals and society as well. Without sound mental health the prosperity of individual and social life both are not possible. The preservative function of mental hygiene specially helps us to know the importance of mental health and the measures, techniques, procedures that are to be followed for its preservation. This function is specially concerned with the welfare of human life and society as well.

5. ‘Mental health is a relative concept’ – Give reason.

Ans: With the term mental health there is another term; i.e. Mental Hygiene which has very close connection. In modern perspective, hygiene very simply means ‘an art of living.’ This art is very important art of keeping the body and mind healthy. Thus hygiene is an art of leading healthy life. Healthy life generally means disease free physical and mental life.

6. What is preventive function of mental health?

Ans: The preventive function of mental health is the prevention of mental illness, personality disorder and the problems of adjustment.

7. What is curative function of mental health?

Ans: Curative function of mental health emphasises on the treatment techniques. This function not only helps us to know the problem of mental illness, problem of personality disorder and adjustment problem of the human individual but also helps to know the techniques of treatment to get relief from the problem.

8. What is preservative function of mental health?

Ans: Preservative function of mental health has special importance for individuals and society as well. Without sound mental health, prosperity of individual and social life is not possible.

9. Why mental health is a dynamic concept?

Ans: Mental health is a dynamic concept because it is a science of healthy living mental hygiene helps us to study all the major issues concerning to the process of peaceful life.

10. Explain mental health as a positive quality of life.

Ans: Mental health is a positive attainment and a healthy person is considered free from all sorts of illness. Prevention of mental ill health, preservation and cure are the aims of mental hygiene. Mental health is a concept of balanced physical and mental behaviour. It is based on adjustment.


1. Explain the meaning of mental hygiene.

Ans: Mental hygiene is a significant aspect of Psychology. It is the science that creates a personality in every individual in society that makes for good adjustment with the environment that attains a proper synthesis between the intellectual, emotional and physical aspects, that is satisfied and optimistic, that experiences a minimum of tension and conflict in its conduct with other individuals in society.

Hygiene is nothing but the set of rules for health. It is the science of healthy living. No one would like to be ignorant of health and its rules. Thus health and Hygiene are very important as subjects and a proper knowledge of the rules of health and hygienes shall help us a great deal in our lives. In the field of education, where we wish to have healthy pupils, in our educational institutions, it is very significant that from the Very beginning healthy habits must be formed by them. For this end in view, a proper training in the rules of Health and Hygiene is imparted to the teacher trainees in the training institutions.

2. Explain the scope of mental hygiene.

Ans: The scope of mental hygiene is very wide. Mental hygiene helps to know the causes of mental disorders or mental disturbance. The cause of mental illness can be well understood with the help of the knowledge of mental hygiene. It helps to know the preventive measures to overcome the mental problems. To help to get relief from all the mental disorders the knowledge of mental hygiene has special significance. It helps to realise the importance of good mental health. The process of personality development can also well be understood with the help of the knowledge of mental hygiene. Mental hygiene helps to know the ways and means of the systematic growth of personality. The importance and the process of harmonious growth of personality can be will known with the help of the knowledge of mental hygiene. It also helps to know the process of adjustment.

Mental hygiene studies the mechanisms of adjustment, i.e. the mental or defence mechanisms which are accepted as the means to resolve the mental tension or conflict or minimise their intensity for sound mental health. Such mechanisms are repression, suppression, inhibition, regression, conversion, sublimation, reationalization etc. Mental hygiene has close link with all the processes of adjustment which are important for good mental health. Any way, the scope of mental health is mainly concerned with the systematic growth of mental life and personality of the human child.

3. Why mental hygiene is important?

Ans: As a science of healthy living mental hygiene helps us to study all the major issues concerning to the process of peaceful life.

In brief it studies:

(i) the cause of mental illness.

(ii) the means of prevention of such illness or to know and apply practically the preventive measures.

(iii) to help to know the art of leading healthy life.

(iv) to realise the importance of the values and follow them to lead a better balanced life.

4. Write three purposes of mental hygiene.

Ans: The purpose of mental hygiene are:

(a) The development of an understanding of the relationship that exist between personality development and life experiences.

(b) The preservation and improvement of the mental health of the individual and of the group. and

(c) The discovery and use of techniques through which assistance can be given to those who are mentally ill.

5. Write three important functions of mental hygiene. 

Ans: The main functions of mental hygiene may be discussed under the specific ways.

They are:

(a) Preventive Function: The main function of mental hygiene is the prevention of mental illness, personality disorders and the problems of adjustment. Mental hygiene helps us to understand the causes of mental illness, personality disorders and the problems of adjustments of the human child.

(b) Curative Function: Curative function of mental hygiene emphasises on the treatment techniques. Mental hygiene not only helps to know the problems of mental illness, problem of personality disorder and the adjustment problem of the human individual. It also helps to know the techniques of treatment to get relief from the problems.

(c) Preservative Function: Preservation of mental health has special importance of individuals and society as well. Without sound mental health the prosperity of individual and social life both are not possible. The preservative function of mental hygiene specially helps us to know the importance of mental health and the measures, techniques, procedures that are to be followed for its preservation. This function is specially concerned with the welfare of human life and society as well.


1. What are the characteristics of a mentally healthy person?

Ans: Mentally healthy individuals have some specific characteristics.

Such characteristics may be discussed as given below:

(i) Mentally healthy individuals have strong personality.

(ii) Mentally healthy individuals are emotionally stable.

(iii) Mentally healthy individuals have no any major adjustment problems.

(iv) They are physically healthy people.

(v) They are free from mental illness.

(vi) They have strong motivational power.

2. Discuss about the relationship between education and mental hygiene.

Ans: The relation between education and mental hygiene is very strong. Mental hygiene is one of the most important aspect of education. It is education that helps to understand the causes of mental problems and also suggests ways and means to cure them. The society, family, etc. may create the problems which education helps to understand them.

3. What do you mean by mental health and how it is related to physical health?

Ans: Mental health very simply means the state of being mentally free from illness or injury. In other sense it means illness free or injury free mental condition of an individual. It has the most important necessity for a better and balanced society.

Mental health and physical health has a very close relation among them. For physical health mental health is necessary. On the other hand a healthy body has a healthy mind. If a person is physically weak it may create adjustment problem causing mental problems leading to various problems.

4. Write short notes:

(i) Mental hygiene.

Ans: Mental hygiene: Mental hygiene is a significant aspect of Psychology. It is the science that creates a personality in every individual in society that makes for good adjustment with the environment that attains a proper synthesis between the intellectual, emotional and physical aspects that is satisfied and optimistic, that experiences a minimum of tension and conflict in its conduct with other individuals in society.

Hygiene is nothing but the set of rules for health. It is the science of healthy living. No one would like to be ignorant of health and its rules. Thus health and Hygiene are very important as subjects and a proper knowledge of the rules of health and hygienes shall help us a great deal in our lives. In the field of education, where we wish to have healthy pupils, in our educational institutions, it is very significant that from the very beginning healthy habits must be formed by them. For this end in view, a proper training in the rules of Health and Hygiene is imparted to the teacher trainees in the training institutions.

(ii) Mental health.

Ans: Mental health: Mental health has specific importance for a better and balanced growth of personality. To lead a good life everybody should possess good mental health. For the progress of individual and the social life as well mental health should be quite sound. Without sound mental health no individual can lead a peaceful life. For education also, there is the need of sound mental health. If our children become poor from the mental aspect they can not properly utilize their mental potentialities. And if they failed to utilise the mental potentialities in a proper manner the process of personality growth becomes very defective. Thus, to help the individual to be mentally strong parents should be more sympathetic towards them. They should carefully look after the proper growth of emotional aspect of their children. Instead of harsh treatment towards the childish behaviour, judicious and sympathetic attitudes should be exposed in their approaches. To treat the mentally disturbed individuals, psychologists have prescribed various approaches and principles. According to them the use of sedation, good nutrition, good physical hygiene, music, games and sports, meditation, and different leisure time activities, viz. riding, walking, participating in educational tour, social services etc. Mental support, positive attitude, encouragement, friendly behaviour etc. are some of the important steps which are necessary to help the mentally ill and sick people. Fresh air, peaceful environment, and provision or routine diet etc. are also necessary to help the mentally ill or sick persons to get early relief from their problem.

(iii) Mental ill-health.

Ans: Mental ill-health: Mental illness in more or less inherited. It is not the result of any misdeeds. It is curable. It can easily be treated. It compels man to behave abnormally.

(iv) Mentally healthy Person.

Ans: Mentally healthy Person: An individual who is able to adjust with different situations of life without any major problem can be defined as mentally healthy individual. A mentally healthy individual does not manifest any abnormality in facing different situations of life. Such individuals do not have any major problem of personality mal-adjustment In a sense, a mentally healthy individual is – 

(i) physically healthy.

(ii) psychologically strong.

(iii) emotionally stable.

(iv) socially well-adjustment.

(v) very confident in decision making etc.

5. ‘This mental health is the end and mental hygiene the means.’ – Explain.

Ans: Diagnostic function of mental hygiene emphasizes on diagnosis of causes and sources of mental problems such as maladjustment, mental illness, mental defect, mental disturbance, abnormalities etc of the individual, Mental hygiene emphasizes on the prevention of mental illness, personality disorders, problems of maladjustment etc. of individual. It helps to understand the causes of mental illness, personality disorders problem of adjustment etc of help to know the ways of means of preventive measures to overcome all the problems. Preservative function help to know the importance of sound mental health for the individual of it helps to understand the measures, techniques, procedures that are ti be followed for preservation of mental health. That is why it is rightly remarked by the psychologists that this mental health is the end and mental hygiene the means.”

6. What type of behaviour is needed on the part of a teacher to promote mental health among students?

Ans: The followings are the behavior which needed on the part of a teacher to promote mental health among students:

(a) Educational tours and excursion should be arranged to develop necessary skills to work other teacher successfully.

(b) Interest in teaching and teaching profession.

(c) Deep knowledge of subject matter, efficient able of time conscious.

(d) Conscious about educational activities in the classroom and enthusiasm.


1. Discuss about the importance of mental hygiene.

Ans: Importance of mental hygiene are:

(i) It helps us to know the importance of mental health.

(ii) To know techniques keeping oneself mentally healthy.

(iii) To know the characterities of a mentally healthy individual.

(iv) To know the causes of mental illness.

(v) To know the ways and means of getting rid of mental problems.

(vi) To know that mental illness is more or less inherited.

(vii) To understand that mental illness is not the result of any misdeeds.

(viii) To know that mental illness is curable.

(ix) To know that mental illness can easily be treated.

(x) To know that mental illness compels man to behave abnormally.

2. How do we promote mental health at home? 

Ans: The family, as the first institution, plays an important role in the process of maintaining and promoting the mental health of individuals.

Some of the conditions within the family which may help in preserving mental health of the child are given below-

(i) Home environment should be free from all types of anxiety and tensions.

(ii) Physiological and psychological needs of children should be fulfilled in order to avoid any feeling or frustration or tension in them.

(iii) Relationship among the family members should be cordial.

(iv) Dominant parental behaviour i.e. rigid imposition of a disciplinary code should be avoided.

(v) Over protection should be avoided.

(vi) Individual differences should be considered without comparing one another.

(vii) Parents inculoate moral values as their children imitate them.

(viii) Children should be orient to stressor and stress coping.

3. Discuss about the objectives of mental hygiene.

Ans: The aims of mental hygiene are very broad and wide extensive. 

Such aims may be specified as:

(i) It aims at preserving mental health.

(ii) It aims at developing personality to help to adjust properly to the environment.

(iii) It aims at preventing the mental defects of an individual to help to develop a balanced and harmonious personality.

(iv) It aims at treating all the personality disorders which cause mental problems and illness.

4. Discuss about the role of school in promoting mental health of the children.

Ans: The roles school play for the prevention of mental illness are:

(i) The schools helps to develop all the psycho-physical capabilities and qualities of the human child.

(ii) It helps realise the value of sound mental health.

(iii) It helps to know the problems of mental life.

(iv) It helps to develop all the qualities and capabilities of human personality.

(v) It helps to make man emotionally strong.

(vi) The school helps to know the need of proper adjustment and its means.

(vii) It helps to realise the value of all the value to lead a peaceful life.

(viii) The school helps to develop a batter balanced personality.

5. What are the functions of mental hygiene?

Ans: Mental hygiene has three important functions.

They are: 

(i) Preventive Function.

(ii) Curative Function.

(iii) Preservative Function.

6. What role can the teachers play for the maintenance of proper mental health of their students? Discuss.

Ans: Teacher plays an important role in developing and preserving mental hygiene of students in the school. The teacher should always be aware of the mental hygiene of the students. Students lack of freedom of their satisfaction of needs, deprivation from playing, boring curriculum etc. should be looked upon by the teacher. The teachers should always put special importance on health education. The knowledge of health and hygiene has special importance to know the causes and the measures to get relief from the problems of mental illness. Teachers help to develop all the psycho-physical capabilities and qualities in the child. Teachers helps to make man emotionally strong. They help to know the problems of mental life. The teachers help to know the need of proper adjustment and its means. They help to develop in students a better balanced personality.

7. Mention five measures that a school can adopt to prevent mental health problems in school.

Ans: Five measures that a school can adopt to prevent mental health problems in school are:

(i) Value education and sex education: Moral values should be imparted through the school curriculum to the students. Sex education should be imparted according to the age of children to remove the misconceptions and with of various sex related problems.

(ii) Discipline education: Discipline in school should be maintained properly for better development of the students. This discipline helps to maintain mental health of the children.

(iii) Managemental techniques in school: The management techniques of school should be democratic in nature. The problems of the students should be solved amicably.

(iv) Teaching process: The teaching process should be need based. The examination system should be cleaned and properly evaluated.

(v) Teacher-parents relation: For proper mental development of the students parents, teacher’s association should be organised from time to time. This will help them to know and understand the problems of the students and to solve them.

8. Analyze some definitions of mental health and try to determine the functions of mental hygiene.

Ans: Different thinkers defined different definition of mental health.

Some of them are:

In the words of Hilgard (1962), ‘mental health means absence of mental illness: more positively, a state characterized by adjustment, a productive orientation and zest. To means mental illness he further explains, ‘Mental illness means emotional, motivational and social maladjustment severe enough to infer with the ordinary conduct of life.’

In the words of Kisher (1964), ‘The progress took the form of the expansion of mental hospitals, the after-case movement, the family care system, the open-door policy and the mental hygiene movements.” It was Evnil Kraepelin who was the pioneer worker of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in classification of ‘mental illnesses. This was primarily leased on the course of the disease, its symptoms and causes as well.

9. Describe the main purposes of mental health as explained by Crow and Crow.

Ans: The purpose of mental hygiene are:

(a) The development of an understanding of the relationship that exist between personality development and life experiences.

(b) The preservation and improvement of the mental health of the individual and of the group; and The discovery and use of techniques through which assistance can be given to those who are mentally ill.

10. Why mental hygiene is important for a healthy-living. Describe briefly.

Ans: Mental hygiene is a significant aspect of Psychology. It is the science that creates a personality in every individual in society that makes for good adjustment with the environment that attains a proper synthesis between the intellectual, emotional and physical aspects, that is satisfied and optimistic, that experiences a minimum of tension and conflict in its conduct with other individuals in society.

Hygiene is nothing but the set of rules for health. It is the science of healthy living. No one would like to be ignorant of health and its rules. Thus health and Hygiene are very important as subjects and a proper knowledge of the rules of health and hygienes shall help us a great deal in our lives. In the field of education, where we wish to have healthy pupils, in our educational institutions, it is very significant that from the very beginning healthy habits must be formed by them. For this end in view, a proper training in the rules of Health and Hygiene is imparted to the teacher trainees in the training institutions.

May be described as below:

(i) Firstly emotions have a wide range and are aroused at the slightest provocation.

(ii) Secondly, violent emotions have paralysing effects on the internal systems of the body.

(iii) Thirdly, emotions are aroused by a great variety of stimuli.

(iv) Fourthly emotional experiences are always accompanied by some characteristic bodily expressions.

(v) Fifthly, emotions tend to persist and leave behind an emotional disposition.

(vi) Sixthly emotions can be easily conditioned.

11. ‘A healthy person also in need of mental hygiene.’ – Explain.

Ans: Mental hygiene consists of measures to reduce the incidence of mental illness through prevention and early treatment and to promote menta health. It is need for a healthy-living because of following reasons.

(i) It helps us to know the importance of mental health.

(ii) It helps to know the causes of mental illness.

(iii) It is helpful to know the ways and means of getting rid of mental problems.

(iv) To know that mental illness is more or less inherited.

(v) To know that mental illness is curable.

12. ‘Mental hygiene is a means for attainment of fuller, happier, harmonious and effective existence.’ – Discuss this statement in the light of the objectives of mental hygiene.

Ans: The two objective of mental hygiene are as follows:

(i) The development of an understanding of the relationship that exists between personality development and life experiences.

(ii) The prevention and improvement of the mental health of the individual and of the group.

13. Explain why mental health is possible in social setup.

Ans: Preservation of mental health has special importance of individuals and society as well. Without sound mental health the prosperity of individual and social life both are not possible. To preservative function of mental hygiene specially helps us to know the importance of mental health and the measures, techniques, procedures that are to be followed for its  preservation. This function is specially concerned with the welfare human life and society as well.

14. ‘Mental health is the outcomes of adjustment.’ – Discuss.

Ans: Mental health is the outcomes of adjustment because:

(i) Hereditary factors: Psychological heredity is mainly responsible for the mental health of the individual. It is concerned with the sensitiveness of the mind, the emotional stability or instability, and the mental mechanism to deal with the day-to-day problems and situations of life.

(ii) Physical factors: The familiar saying of ‘sound mind in a sound body’ is very true in this connection. Mind and body act and react on each other. Thus, whereas the mental health affects the physical health, the physical well-being affects the mental health.

(iii) Social Factors: Of the social factors, the most important are the home, the school and the community. Home is the first and foremost social factors.

(iv) Satisfaction of basic needs: Mental health depends very much on the adequate satisfaction of our fundamental or basic needs. These are physical as well as emotional or psychological needs. The organic or physical needs are to be satisfied for maintaining physical health.

15. What do you mean by mental health and how it is related to physical health?

Ans: Mental health is a state of being mentally free from illness or injury.

Mental health means absence of mental illness, more positively, a state characterised by adjustment, a productive orientation and zest. Mental health and physical health have a very close relation between them. For physical health, mental health is necessary.

On the other hand, a healthy body has a healthy mind. If a person is physically weak, it may create the adjustment problem for him causing mental and various other types of problems.

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