SEBA Class 10 Geography Additional Chapter 1 Physical Geography

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SEBA Class 10 Geography Additional Chapter 1 Physical Geography

Today’s We have Shared in This Post, SEBA Class 10 Elective Geography Solutions for Free with you. Class 10 Geography Additional Notes SEBA. I Hope, you Liked The information About The Class 10th Elective Geography Question Answer. if you liked SEBA Class 10th Geography External Question Answer PDF Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.

Physical Geography


1. What is geomorphology?

Ans: The study of the origin, evolution, morphology, and distribution of landforms is known as geomorphology.

2. What are the two types of geomorphic processes?

Ans: The two types of geomorphic processes are exogenic processes and endogenic processes.

3. Name two important exogenic processes responsible for landform development.

Ans: Wind and glaciers are two important exogenic geomorphic processes that contribute to landform development.

4. What is deflation?

Ans: The process by which wind lowers areas by carrying away sand and small rock particles is called deflation.

5. What are sand dunes, and how are they formed?

Ans: Sand dunes are hills of sand formed by the deposition of wind-blown sand. 

6. What are the two types of sand dunes based on their shape relative to wind direction?

Ans: Longitudinal sand and Transverse sand are formed along the direction of the wind.

7. What are barchans, and where are they commonly found?

Ans: Barchans are crescent-shaped sand dunes commonly found in desert landscapes. Barchans are primarily exposed to wind from one direction. They live in sandy deserts.

8. What is an inselberg?

Ans: An inselberg is an isolated low hillock found in deserts, typically created by wind erosion, particularly through the process of abrasion.

9. How does wind cause erosion in desert landscapes?

Ans: Wind causes erosion by picking up particles of soil and blowing them to new locations. Where wind-blown sands at high velocity hit elevated lands and erode them.

10. What factors influence the shape and size of sand dunes?

Ans: The shape and size of sand dunes depend on factors such as wind properties, wind direction and energy, vegetative cover, and surface structure.

11. What is attrition in the context of wind erosion?

Ans: Sand particles carried by winds start a friction process within itself and because of this their size reduces. attrition is the process by which wind-blown sand and rock particles collide with each other, breaking into smaller pieces through mutual collision.

12. In which areas is the process of attrition more common?

Ans: Attrition is more common in desert areas.

13. What is the average annual rainfall in most desert areas?

Ans: The average annual rainfall in most desert areas is less than 20 cm.

14. What are glaciers, and how do they form?

Ans: A glacier forms when snow accumulates over time, turns to ice, and begins to flow outwards and downwards under the pressure of its own weight and begins to move downward due to its weight and surface slope.

15. Name the three types of glaciers mentioned in the chapter.

Ans: The three types of glaciers are continental glaciers, mountain glaciers, and piedmont glaciers.

16. Where are continental glaciers primarily found?

Ans: Continental glaciers are primarily found in polar regions, covering large portions of continents like Antarctica and Greenland.

17. What are mountain glaciers, and where are they found?

Ans: a glacier that is confined by surrounding mountain terrain, primarily found in mountain ranges like the Alps, Rockies, and Himalayas.

18. What are piedmont glaciers?

Ans: Piedmont glaciers form when multiple mountain or valley glaciers converge at the base of mountains, spreading out over the nearby plains.

19. What is a U-shaped valley, and how is it formed?

Ans:U-shaped valleys form through glacial erosion. As glaciers move, they carry rocks and sediments that erode the valley floor and sides, creating a deep and wide U-like structure.

20. What is a horn in glacial geography?

Ans: A horn is a sharp, pointed peak created by the erosion of multiple glaciers on different sides of a mountain.

Chapter -1Physical Geography
Chapter -2Environmental Geography
Chapter -3Regional and Regional Geography of the World
Chapter -4Regional Geography of U.S.A
Chapter -5Regional Geography of Japan
Chapter -6Regional Geography of India
Chapter -7Practical work of Geography

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