SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Additional Chapter 1 Weather and Climate

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SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Additional Chapter 1 Weather and Climate

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Weather and Climate


1. What is the atmosphere?

Ans: The gaseous layer of air that extends upward from the earth’s surface and surrounds the earth is called atmosphere.

2. What is the weather?

Ans: Weather means the state of atmosphere for a short span of time, like hours, days, or weeks.

3. What is the climate?

Ans: Climate refers to the average atmospheric condition of a place, considered over a long period.

4. What type of climate does North-East India have?

Ans: North-East India has a Tropical Monsoon climate.

5. What are the elements of weather and climate?

Ans: The elements of weather and climate are temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, and precipitation.

6. What is the approximate height of the atmosphere from the earth’s surface?

Ans: The atmosphere extends up to a height of about 10,000 km from the earth’s surface.

7. Why do we feel warmer at noon compared to the morning and evening?

Ans: At noon, the sun’s rays fall vertically, covering a smaller area with higher intensity, making the atmosphere hotter.

8. What is atmospheric pressure?

Ans: Atmospheric pressure is the force exerted by air on a unit area. Atmospheric pressure, also known as air pressure or barometric pressure

9. How is atmospheric pressure measured?

Ans: Atmospheric pressure is also known as barometric pressure because it is measured using a barometer. A rising barometer indicates increasing atmospheric pressure and a falling barometer indicates decreasing atmospheric pressure. The pressure is created by fluid gas molecules in the air, and it extends in all directions.

10. What are the principal elements of weather and climate?

Ans: The principal elements are temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, and precipitation.

11. What is the atmospheric pressure at sea level in millibars at 15°C?

Ans: The atmospheric pressure at sea level at 15°C is considered to be 1013.2 millibars (mb). One atmosphere is 1,013 millibars, or 760 millimetres (29.92 inches) of mercury.

12. What causes frequent rainfall in forests?

Ans: Plants release water into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. The moisture helps create the thick cloud cover that hangs over most rainforests.

13. What are the factors affecting weather and climate?

Ans: Many factors affect the day-to-day weather and long-term climate of a given region: latitude, elevation, nearness to the sea, ocean currents, location of hills and mountains, wind, characteristics of the land, slope of the land, Human activities, and vegetation.

14. What happens to temperature with an increase in elevation?

Ans: Temperature generally decreases at an average rate of 6.5°C per kilometre increase in elevation.

15. What are the main types of climates found around the world?

Ans: The main different types of climates are:

(a) Equatorial climate.

(b) Monsoon climate.

(c) Savanna climate.

(d) Hot desert climate.

(e) Temperate desert mate.

(f) Mediterranean climate.

(g) Temperate humid climate.

(h) Temperate grassland climate.

(i) Temperate maritime climate.

(j) Humid cast-coast climate.

(k) Subpolar (Taiga) climate. and

(l) Tundra climate.

16. What is continental climate?

Ans: Continental climates exist where cold air masses infiltrate during the winter from shorter days and warm air masses form in summer under conditions of high sun and longer days.

17. How do ocean currents affect climate?

Ans: Ocean play a crucial role in regulating global climate. They act as conveyor belts, transporting heat from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt, transporting warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. 

18. What type of winds yield rainfall?

Ans: Moisture-laden winds blowing from water bodies can yield rainfall when they pass over land.

19. What type of climate is found in the equatorial region?

Ans: Equatorial climates are typically hot and humid, with more than 200 cm of rainfall annually.

20. What is convectional rainfall?

Ans: Convectional rainfall occurs when heated air rises, cools, and condenses, causing rain, common in equatorial climates. 

Chapter -1Weather and Climate
Chapter -2People on The Earth
Chapter -3Population Growth and Distribution
Chapter -4Human Settlement
Chapter -5Concept and Classification of Resource
Chapter -6Economic Activities or Occupation
Chapter -7Agriculture
Chapter -8Industry

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