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SEBA Class 9 Elective Geography Additional Chapter 2 People on The Earth
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People on The Earth
1. What are the major branches of Human Geography?
Ans: Major branches of Human Geography include settlement geography, social geography, economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, urban geography, population geography, medical geography, his- torical geography, geography of regional development and planning, etc.
2. What do you mean by Homo sapiens?
Ans: Homo sapiens refers to the biological species to which all humans belong. According to anthropologists, humans evolved from mammals like monkeys and gorillas, sharing similar cellular structures across populations. In fact, the cells constituting the human body are the same for all human beings. It means biologically all human beings belong to a particular species called Homo sapiens.
3. What is the definition of a ‘Human Race’?
Ans: A human race is a group of people with similar physical traits, such as skin color, hair texture, and facial structure, that are passed down from generation to generation through reproduction. It is a biological concept rather than a cultural one.
4. How are human races broadly classified?
Ans: Human races are broadly classified into three groups based on physical characteristics:
(a) Caucasoid (white-skinned).
(b) Negroid (dark-skinned). and
(c) Mongoloid (yellow-skinned).
5. What are the three major racial groups and their corresponding regions?
Ans: The three major racial groups and their regions are:
Negroid – Central Africa (dark-skinned)
Caucasoid – Europe (white-skinned)
Mongoloid – Central Asia (yellow-skinned).
6. What are the three major human races?
Ans: The three major human races are: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid.
7. Which racial group has the largest population in the world?
Ans: The Caucasoid race has the largest population in the world.
8. Where are most of the Mongoloid people found?
Ans: The people of the Mongoloid racial group are largely found in central and east Asia and South-east Asia. The Chinese,
Japa- nese, Korean, Burmese, Thai, Viet- names, Khmer, Malay, etc belong to the Mongoloid racial group.
9. What physical characteristics are typical of the Negroid race?
Ans: The Negroid race typically has mainly dark or dark-brown body skin, curly hair an wide and blunt nose. Most of them are quite tall in statur.
10. What is the primary characteristic of the hair of Caucasoids?
Ans: The hair of Caucasoids is generally straight or somewhat curly with black or brown colour.
11. Which racial group migrated from Southwest Asia to Europe and parts of Africa?
Ans: The Caucasoid racial group migrated from Southwest Asia to Europe and parts of Africa.
12. Which religion is considered the oldest in the world?
Ans: Hinduism is considered the oldest religion in the world.
13. What is the holy book of the Christian religion?
Ans: The holy book of the Christian religion is the Bible.
14. What are the two major divisions of the Islamic religion?
Ans: Shia and Sunni are the two major divisions of Islam.
15. Where did the Buddhist religion originate, and who founded it?
Ans: The Buddhist religion originated in Bodh Gaya, northern India, and was founded by Gautam Buddha.
16. What are the two major divisions of the Buddhist religion?
Ans: The two major divisions of the Buddhist religion are Hinayana and Mahayana.
17. What is the holy book of the Buddhist religion?
Ans: Tripitaka is the holy book of the Buddhist religion.
18. Which religious group has the largest population distribution worldwide?
Ans: Christianity has the largest population distribution worldwide.
If you Want More Questions Answers Then Click on the Buy Link Given Below
Chapter -1 | Weather and Climate |
Chapter -2 | People on The Earth |
Chapter -3 | Population Growth and Distribution |
Chapter -4 | Human Settlement |
Chapter -5 | Concept and Classification of Resource |
Chapter -6 | Economic Activities or Occupation |
Chapter -7 | Agriculture |
Chapter -8 | Industry |
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