SEBA Class 10 English Chapter 12 Amanda!

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Class 10 English Chapter 12 Amanda!

Today’s We have Shared in This Post, Class 10 English Question Answer for Free with you. SEBA Class 10 English Chapter 12 Amanda! Solutions I Hope, you Liked The information About The Class 10 English Solutions PDF. if you liked NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Then Please Do Share this Post With your Friends as Well.


Thinking about the poem:

1. How old do  you think Amanda is? How do you know this?

Ans: I think Amanda is a teenager. It is clear from the  ‘acne’ she has.

2. Who do you think is speaking to her?

Ans: I think her mother is speaking to her.

3. Why are stanzas 2, 4 and 6 given in parenthesis?

Ans : The stanzas are soliloquy and answer to other stanzas. Hence, they are given in parenthesis.

4. Who is the speaker in stanzas 2,4 and 6? Do you think this speaker is listening to the speaker in stanzas 1,3,5 qnd7?

Ans: The speaker in stanzas 2,4 and 6 is Amanda. She says she is an orphan as rapunzel and is a mermaid.I think the speaker in stanzas 1,3,5 and 7is not listening.

5. What could Amanda do if she ware a mermaid?

Ans: Amanda could move smoothly about in the green sea blissfully if she were a mermaid.

6. Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?

Ans: in fact, Amanda is not an orphan but she says so be cause she is wandering in the streets and she does not like that her freedom is curtailed.

7. Do you know the story of rapunzel? Why does she want to be rapunzel?

Ans: Rapunzel is in fact, a beautiful looking plant. Amanda wanted to be very beautiful so she wanted to be rapunzel.

8.What does the girl yearn  for? What does this poem tell you about Amanda?

Ans: The girl yearns for freedom to do what she likes. All teenagers grow some habits. Amanda also has such habits.

9. Read the last stanza. Do you think Amanda is sulking and is moody?

Ans: The last stanza says that Amanda is sulking and is moody. But it is also clear that the speaker is teasing her.

Comprehension questions and answers: 

Q:- Read the extract and answer the questions choosing appropriate options given below:

1. Don’t bite your nails, Amanda! 

    Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda! 

    Stop that slouching and sit up straight, Amanda! 

    (There is a languid, emerald sea, Where the sole inhabitant is me a mermaid, drifting blissfully.) 


1. Who is talking to Amanda? 

a) Her mother.

b) Her father or mother.

c) Her friend.

d) Her brother. 

Ans: b) Her father or mother.

2. What is she doing? 

a) biting her nails.

b) Raising her shoulders. 

c) Sitting awkwardly.

d) All of these. 

Ans: b) Raising her shoulders. 

3. The second stanza is within brackets because it is-

a) The story of mermaid. 

b) Answer to the first stanza.

c) Description of the sea. 

d) Description of the Amanda. 

Ans: a) The story of mermaid.

4. The sea mentioned here is – 

a) The arabian sea.

b) The bay of bengal.

c) The red sea.

d) The green sea. 

Ans: d) The green sea.

2. Did you finish your homework, Amanda? 

    Did you tidy your room, Amanda? 

    I thought I told you to clean your shoes, Amanda! 

    ( I am an orphan, roaming the street, 

    I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet, 

    The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.) 

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1. What did the speaker think he told Amanda? 

a) To do her homework.

b) To tidy her room.

c) To clean her shoes.

d) To prepare her lessons. 

Ans: c) To clean her shoes.

2. Doing homework menes Amanda was – 

a) School – going girl.

b) An intelligent.

c) Maid.

d) Worker.

Ans: a) School – going girl.

3. How does she make designs? 

a) With her hands.

b) With instruments.

c) With her feet.

d) With her bare feet.

Ans: d) With her bare feet.

4. What  according to Amanda is freedom? 

a) Free.

b) Sweet.

c) Golden.

d) Pleasant.

Ans: d) Pleasant.

3. Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda! 

    Remember your acne, Amanda! 

    Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you  


    ( I am rapunzel, I have not a care;

    Life in a tower is tranquil and rare;

    I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!) 


1. Amanda should not eat chocolate because she has-

a) Biscuits.

b) Rice.

c) Teeth problem.

d) Aene.

Ans: d) Aene. Amanda is – 

a) An infant.

b) A child.

c) An adult.

d) Fully grown.

Ans: c) An adult.

3. What is rapunzel? 

a) An orchid.

b) A sea – plant.

c) An animal.

d) A beautiful vegetation.

Ans: d) A beautiful vegetation.

4. Where is life tranquil and rare? 

a) In a town.

b) In a tower.

c) In a village.

d) On the sea. 

Ans: b) In a tower. 

Short answer type questions and answers: 

1. What does Amanda do? What does the speaker ask her to do? 

Ans : Amanda is sitting awkwardly and biting her nails. She is raising her shoulders. Her posture is not normal. The speaker doesn’t like such behaviour. So he asks Amanda to behave properly. 

2. How does Amanda reply the speaker? 

Ans : Amanda replies the speaker in her own carefree way. She says that she is a mermaid and lives in the peaceful green sea. She is the only inhabitant there and moves there blissfully. 

3. What questions does the speaker ask Amanda? 

Ans: The speaker asks Amanda if she finished her homework and if she tidied her room. He also expects her to clean her shoes. 

4. How does Amanda describe her life? 

Ans : Amanda says that she is an orphan. She wanders about the streets. She makes designs on soft dust with her bare feet. To her, silence is golden and freedom is sweet. 

5. Give the central idea of the poem? 

Ans:  Every child feels that his or her freedom is curtailed by their parents. Parents want to modify their children’s behaviour and children feel that they are debarred from enjoying their freedom. In such situation children don’t like to abide by the commands of their parents.

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