SEBA Class 10 Geography Chapter 4 Notes Regional Geography of U.S.A

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Class 10 Geography Chapter 4 Notes Regional Geography of U.S.A

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Regional Geography of U.S.A


1. Write in short the locational and geographical characteristics of USA.

Ans: United States of America is one of the developed nations of the world. 37 states were included under the sovereign jurisdiction of USA. Washington D.C, located in Columbia is the capital of USA and is bounded in the north by Canada, Atlantic Ocean in the east, Mexico and the gulf of Mexico to the south and the Pacific Ocean in the west. The mainland of USA lies between the latitudes 25° N – 43⁰ N and longitudinally between 66⁰ west and 125⁰ west.

Geographical characteristics of the USA are: 

(i) The total geographical area is 96 lakh sq. km land area accounting for about 6.37 percent of the total area of the earth’s surface.

(ii) It is the 4th largest country in the world.

(iii) The whole of USA falls within temperate climatic region. 

(iv) The total population of USA is only 302 million as per 2007 estimate.

(v) in respect of population USA ranks third in the world.

2. Divide USA into physical divisions. Give a comprehensive description of each of them.

Ans: USA is divided into the following three divisions: 

(i) The Appalachian Highland. 

(ii) Central Plains. 

(iii) Rocky Mountains or Cordillera.

(i) The Appalachian Highland: The highlands of eastern part of USA located parallel to the Atlantic ocean is known as the Appalachian Highland. This region extends between the Hudson valley and the Erir-Onterio lakes in the north to the Alabama in the south. The physiography of this region is consisted of hills, mountains, plateau, plains etc. Allegheny mountain in the west, Cumberland plateau in the south west, Appalachian mountain system and the valley in the east, Boris mountain in the south and the Coastal lowlands in the east. The region receives highest annual precipitation in the form of rain. Average altitude of these highland is not more than 2000m from the sea level. Ohio, Tennessee, Hudson, Alabama are the rivers. The Appalachian region is rich in mineral resources like coal, petroleum, iron, etc and many industrial centres have grown as resources. 

(ii) The Central Plain: The vast and extensive plain that lies between the Rockies in the west and the Appalachian Highland in the east is known as Central plain. The region extends between the Great Lake Region in the north to the Mexico Coast in the south. The plain is basically a part of Mississippi-Missouri basin. The main stream Mississippi Missouri and their tributaries flowing through this region has developed this region into a vast fertile plain. This region is very suitable for agriculture. The Central Plain is generally divided into four divisions: a) The Highland Plain Region, b) The Great Lake Region, c) The Mississippi Plain Region, and d) The Mexico Coastal lowlands.

(iii) The Rocky Mountain or Cordillera: The region consisting hills, mountains, plateaus, valleys, lakes, etc. that lies between the Central Plains in the east and the Pacific coastal lowlands in the west is the Cordillera region. This region aligns in the north-south direction and the highlands located towards west of this region is the Rocky mountain. The Rockies are young folded mountains. Some of the peaks of the Rockies are above 4,200 m above the sea level. Some of the important mountain ranges located west of the Cordillera are Sierra Nevada, Cascade, Coast Range, etc. while the major plateaus situated in between the two parallel ranges of the Cordillera are Columbia Plateau, Great Basin, Colorado, etc. 

There are several plateaus in the rainshadow zone of the Pacific Coastal Range including the Great Basin Region. Several lakes such as the Great Salt Lake are also found in this region. Several small rivers originate and flow through the Cordillera. The river Rio Grande flowing towards southeast also empties in the Gulf of Mexico. There are also some fertile valley such as Puget Sound, Wilament and California valleys in the mountains located west of the Cordillera. The Cordillera is rich in mineral resources like gold, silver, copper, coal, petroleum etc. Some of the important metropolitan cities of this region are Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vagus, etc. 

3. Show on a sketch the physical division of USA?


4. Discuss with the help of a sketch the growth and the distribution of population in USA.

Ans: in 1776, when 13 states joined together to declared independence of the United States of America, it had total population of only 3 million. But after independence, due to migration of people from the European countries and merging of another 37 states at different times, its population began to rise at a faster rate. At present, with an estimated population of 302 million in 2007, it is the third largest population in the world. One of the most significant features of the population of the USA is its uneven distribution due to various is natural condition transportation system and development processes. The density of population is high in the Appalachian Highlands and Atlantic Sea Board located in the eastern part of the country. The population is very less in the Central Plain and Cordillera region. The average density of population in this region is 85 persons per sq km as compared to the average density of 32 persons per sq km for the whole country. 3/4th of its population lives in urban because of industrial development. 

5. Discuss the role of agriculture in the economy of the USA.

Ans: The United States of America is the first place in the world in respect of natural resource, agriculture, industrial production and standard of living. The per capita income of the nation is  38,000 dollars at present. It occupies important place in the world in different agricultural production. It is the highest producer of corn, cotton and tobacco and second highest producer of wheat and barley. It produces 46% and 18%  of world production of corn and wheat respectively. It is important to note that agriculture holds only 2% of the Gross National Income of the country. Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of USA though only 5% of population depend on it. 

The role of agriculture in the economy of USA are:

(i) Provides employment: One of the greatest contributions of agriculture in the economy of the USA is that it provides job opportunities to thousands of people Though only 5% of the total population of the USA is dependent on agriculture, yet agriculture related industries such as paper, pulp, sugar, rubber, etc. are the major sources of employment to millions of people in the USA.

(ii) Brings in foreign exchange: The USA occupies a high position in the production of several essential agricultural commodities in the world. She is the highest producer of corn, cotton and tobacco and the second highest producer of wheat and barely. She produces 46% and 18% of world production of, corn and wheat respectively. Bulk of these agricultural produce are exported to other countries. Over 40% of the wheat produced in the country is exported bringing in considerable foreign exchange.

(iii) Supplies food for its own people: The USA is self- sufficient in almost all food items. Today many developed countries also import a lot of food items to feed their population. The USA is fortunate to have sufficient local production of food items. This makes the country less dependent on foreign countries.

(iv) Supplies food grains to the world: The surplus food items that are produced in the USA are exported to other countries. Many nations of the world are greatly dependent on the free food items supplied by the USA. The USA is considered to be the ‘wheat bowl’ of the world. The central plain of the USA produces a major part of the wheat production in the world. This has raised the USA’s economic position in the world.

(v) Encourages industrial production: It is one of the most industrialized nation. The agricultural sector is highly mechanised and many modern agricultural machines are utilised for agricultural works. Industries have greatly benefited from the modernization of agriculture.

6. What do you mean by agricultural belt? How many agricultural belts have been recognised in the USA? Show them on a sketch and describe each of them briefly.

Ans: The division of the country on the basis of cultivation of crops or on the basis of certain agricultural characteristics is known as agricultural belt.

Nine agricultural belts have been recognised in the USA. 

They are: 

(i) Rice and Sugarcane Belt.

(ii) The Cotton Belt.

(iii) Winter Wheat and Tobacco Belt. 

(iv) Maize Belt.

(v) Spring Wheat Belt.

(vi) Mixed Agriculture of North East.

(vii) Dry Farming and Dairy Belt. 

(viii) The Mediterranean Agricultural Belt. 

(ix) The Mixed Farming Belt of the North West Margin. 

(i) Rice and Sugarcane Belt: This agricultural belt is located on the Mexican coast and includes Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and southern part of Louisiana state. Sub-tropical climate is experienced here. Like that of tropical climate, temperature and precipitation in this region is high. The region is composed of fertile alluvial soil. Rice and wheat is abundantly grown here and hence the region has been identified as wheat and sugarcane belt. Banana and pineapple are also grown here. 

Chapter – 1Physical Geography
Chapter – 2Environmental Geography
Chapter – 3Concept Of Region And Regional Geography Of The World
Chapter – 4Regional Geography Of U.S.A
Chapter – 5Regional Geography Of Japan
Chapter – 6Regional Geography Of India
Chapter – 7Practical Geography
Chapter – 8Map Scale

(ii) The Cotton Belt: The cotton is grown just north of the wheat and sugarcane belt covering the southern part of the Mississippi valley. 36°, parallel has bounded and demarcated the northern limit of the cotton belt. About 50% of the cotton of USA is grown in Texas, Mississippi and Arakansas state.

(iii) Winter Wheat and Tobacco Belt: North of the Cotton belt, from the Atlantic coast to the Colorado in the west, the belt is known as winter wheat and tobacco belt covering North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, and Maryland. The eastern part of this belt produces large quantity of tobacco. The western part of this belt covering Nebraska, Kansas. East Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas produce winter wheat. USA exports maximum of its wheat to the world market from this region.

(iv) Maize Belt: In the north of the winter wheat belt from mid Ohio to mid Nebraska maize is produced abundantly. Most of the maize of USA is obtained from iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Nebraska.

(v) Spring Wheat Belt: This belt is located north of the Prairies. Due to severe cold during winter, wheat is practised during spring season. Wheat is obtained mainly from Montaza, North Dakota, South Dakota, and western part of Minnesota. Superior quality of wheat is obtained from here and the excess is exported to other deficit nations of the world.

(vi) Mixed Agriculture of North East: The Mixed agricultural belt of USA includes the south and the states of the Great Lake Region and covers Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and New England State. Basides rye and barley production animals are also reared in large scale based on the Ava of the new grasslands. The belt is also known as the dairy farming belt.

(vii) Dry Farming and Dairy Belt: The belt is consisted of the western part of the Central Plain and the eastern part of the Cordillera region. Rainfall here is low but well distributed throughout the year and hence grasses grow. The condition is congenial for rearing animal like sheep and cattle. Western part of Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho and Montano etc are included in this belt. Jowar and bajra are produced under dry farming method and barley and maize are practised often with irrigation. Milk, beef, meet, wool etc are important dairy products obtained from animal rearing.

(viii) The Mediterranean Agricultural Belt: California, located on the pacific coast of USA exhibits Mediterranean type of climate. Therefore, the belt is also called the Mediterranean agricultural belt. Besides wheat and cotton. citrus fruits like orange, grapes and other fruits like apple etc are produced in large scale.

(ix) The Mixed Farming Belt of the North West Margin: Washington, Idaho, and Oregon located in the North-Western margin of USA are suitable for cultivation of wheat and maize. Besides production of crops, animals are reared for milk and meat. Therefore, this region is called mixed agricultural belt.

7. Name the major industries of USA, and show them on a map. Describe any one of them.

Ans: The major industries of USA are: 

(i) The North East Industrial region. 

(a) Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Clive Land Industrial centre.  

(b) New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore industrial centre. 

(c) Southern New England Industrial centre.

(d) Detroit Industrial centre.

(e) Southern Michigan Industrial Centre. 

(ii) Southern Industrial Region.

(iii) Pacific Coast Industrial Region. 

Pacific Coast Industrial Centre: The region is comprised of Washington, Oregon and California state situated in the cost of the Pacific Ocean in the West. This is the country’s smallest and youngest industrial centre. Nearly 10% of the total labour force work in these industries. Los Angeles and San Francisco located in this region are famous of industrial region. Using hydroelectricity and petroleum several industries like iron and steel, aviation, paper and wine manufacturing industries have flourished here. The film industry developed in California of USA is very famous in the world.

8. Write short note on the following:

(a) Physiography of the Rocky mountainous region:

Ans: The region consisting hills, mountains, plateaus, valleys, lakes, etc. that lies between the Central Plains in the east and the Pacific coastal lowlands in the west is the Cordillera region. This region aligns in the north-south direction and the highlands located towards west of this region is the Rocky mountain. The Rockies are young folded mountains. Some of the peaks of the Rockies are above 4,200 m above the sea level. Some of the important mountain ranges located west of the Cordillera are Sierra Nevada, Cascade, Coast Range, etc. while the major plateaus situated in between the two parallel ranges of the Cordillera are Columbia Plateau, Great Basin, Colorado, etc. 

There are several plateaus in the rainshadow zone of the Pacific Coastal Range including the Great Basin Region. Several lakes such as the Great Salt Lake are also found in this region. Several small rivers originate and flow through the Cordillera. The river Rio Grande flowing towards southeast also empties in the Gulf of Mexico. There are also some fertile valley such as Purget Sound, Wilament and California valleys in the mountains located west of the Cordillera. The Cordillera is rich in mineral resources like gold, silver, copper, coal, petroleum etc. Some of the important metropolitan cities of this region are Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vagus, etc. 

(b) Physiography of Appalachian Highland:

Ans: The highlands of eastern part of USA located parallel to the Atlantic ocean is known as the Appalachian Highland. This region extends between the Hudson valley and the Erir-Onterio lakes in the north to the Alabama in the south. The physiography of this region is consisted of hills, mountains, plateau, plains etc. Allegheny mountain in the west, Cumberland plateau in the south west, Appalachian mountain system and the valley in the east, Boris mountain in the south and the Coastal lowlands in the east. The region receives highest annual precipitation in the form of rain. Average altitude of these highland is not more than 2000m from the sea level. Ohio, Tennessee, Hudson, Alabama are the rivers. The Appalachian region is rich in mineral resources like coal, petroleum, iron, etc and many industrial centres have grown as resources. 

(c) Drainage of Central Plain:

Ans: The vast and extensive plain that lies between the Rockies in the west and the Appalachian Highland in the east is known as Central plain. The region extends between the Great Lake Region in the north to the Mexico Coast in the south. The plain is basically a part of Mississippi-Missouri basin. The main stream Mississippi Missouri and their tributaries flowing through this region has developed this region into a vast fertile plain. This region is very suitable for agriculture. The Central Plain is generally divided into four divisions: a) The Highland Plain Region, b) The Great Lake Region, c) The Mississippi Plain Region, and d) The Mexico Coastal lowlands.

(d) Urbanization of USA and the principal urban centres:

Ans: The USA is economically and industrially the most developed country in the world. More than 76% of the population lives in the urban centers. A major portion of the population of the USA lives in towns and cities. New York with a population of 22 million is the largest and the most populated city in the world. The second most populated city is Los Angeles with a population of 18 million The other important urban centers of USA are Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cliveland, Detroit, Michigan, San Francisco, Los Angeles etc.

(e) Economic characteristics of USA:

Ans: The United States of America is economically the most advanced country. The Gross National product of the country is the highest in the world. The per capita income of the USA is 38,000 dollar at present. The USA produce nearly 20% of the world production of coal, copper and petroleum. It is the highest producer of corn, cotton and tobacco and second highest producer of wheat and barley. It produces 46% and 18% of the world production of corn and wheat respectively. More than 10% of the world export comes from the USA. It is important to note that agriculture accounts for only 2% of the Gross National Income of the country while industry accounts for 30% and trade,  transport and communication accounts for 68%. The people of USA are involved in several economic activities like trade and services, fishing, animal rearing, mining and lumbering. USA is basically an industrial based  country rather than agriculture based country. The economy of USA is considered to be the bedrock of stability for most economies of the world.

(f) Agricultural Belt of USA:

Ans: The division of the country on the basis of cultivation of crops or on the basis of certain agricultural characteristics is known as agricultural belt.Nine agricultural belts have been recognised in the USA. 

They are: 

(i) Rice and Sugarcane Belt, 

(ii) The Cotton Belt.

(iii) Winter Wheat and Tobacco Belt.

(iv) Maize Belt. 

(v) Spring Wheat Belt.

(vi) Mixed Agriculture of North East. 

(vii) Dry Farming and Dairy Belt. 

(viii) The Mediterranean Agricultural Belt.

(ix) The Mixed Farming Belt of the North West Margin. 

(g) North-Eastern Industrial Region:

Ans: Due to availability of mineral resources like coal, iron, petroleum and well developed transport and communication network, the north-eastern part of USA as an industrial region has developed. This is known as North East Industrial region. The region extends from St Luis, South of the Lake Superior and Baltimore in the east (Atlantic Coast). The region covers about 10% of the total area of USA and gives home to 50% of the total population of USA. About 75% of the total industry of USA is concentrated here. Five industrial centres are located within this industrial region. 

These are: 

(i)  Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cliveland Industrial Centre. 

(ii) New York, Philadelphia-Baltimore Industrial Centre.

(iii) Southern New England Industrial Centre.

(iv) Detroit Industrial Centre. and 

(v) Southern Michigan Industrial Centre.

(h) Pacific Coastal Industries of USA:

Ans: The region is comprised of Washington, Oregon and California state situated in the cost of the Pacific Ocean in the West. This is the country’s smallest and youngest industrial centre. Nearly 10% of the total labour force work in these industries. Los Angeles and San Francisco located in this region are famous of industrial region. Using hydroelectricity and petroleum several industries like iron and steel, aviation, paper and wine manufacturing industries have flourished here. The film industry developed in California of USA is very famous in the world.

(i) Dry Agriculture and Dairy farming belt of USA:

Ans: The belt is consisted of the western part of the Central Plain and the eastern part of the Cordillera region. Rainfall here is low but well distributed throughout the year and hence grasses grow. The condition is congenial for rearing animal like sheep and cattle. Western part of Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho and Montano etc are included in this belt. Jowar and bajra are produced under dry farming method and barley and maize are practised often with irrigation. Milk, beef, meet, wool etc are important dairy products obtained from animal rearing.

(j) Mineral resources of the USA:

Ans: The United States of America ranks first in the world regarding the possession and utilisation of several minerals. The mineral wealth is far greater than any other developed country. The USA has a rich supply of petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, copper, bauxite, lead, zinc, gold, silver and uranium. The USA produces nearly 20% of the world’s coal, copper and petroleum. The USA ranks third and fourth in the production of petroleum and iron ore in the world respectively. It also produces a variety of other minerals such as lead, zinc, bauxite, silver and gold. The USA has all the vital minerals required for industrial development. This has been one of the primary reasons for the high industrial development and economic progress of the USA.


A. Answer the following questions: 

1. What is the total geographical area of the USA?

Ans: 96 lakh sq. km. 

2. What is the total population of USA?

Ans: 302 million ( as per 2007 estimate).

3. How many states are there in USA?

Ans: 50.

4. What are the mineral resources of USA? 

Ans: The mineral resources of USA are coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, copper, bauxite, lead, zinc, gold, silver and uranium etc.

5. Name the agricultural belts of the USA.

Ans: The agricultural belts of USA are: 

(i) Rice and Sugarcane Belt.

(ii) Cotton Belt.

(iii) Winter Wheat and Tobacco Belt.

(iv) Maize Belt.

(v) Spring Wheat Belt.

(vi) Mixed Agriculture of North-East.

(vii) Dry Farming and Dairy Belt.

(viii) The Mediterranean Agricultural Belt. and 

(ix) The Mixed Farming Belt of the north west margin.

6. What is Detroit famous for?

Ans: Detroit is famous for automobile industry.

B. Fill in the blanks:

1. The most populated city of the USA is ____.

Ans: New York. 

2. The region of the USA that has Mediterranean climate is the ____.

Ans: Californian region. 

3. Chicago is famous for ____.

Ans: Meat packing industry. 

4. The whole of the USA falls within ____ climatic region.

Ans: temperate. 

5. The central plain of USA is drained by ____ rivers.

Ans: Mississippi-Missouri. 

6. World famous Grand canyon is situated on the ____ river.

Ans: Colorado. 

7. ____ industrial region is the USA’s smallest and the youngest industrial region.

Ans: The Pacific coast.

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