Class 12 English Chapter 9 Notes A Thing of Beauty

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Class 12 English Chapter 9 Notes A Thing of Beauty

AHSEC Class 12 English Syllabus gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. HS 2nd Year English Important Question Answer, The experts have made attempts to make the solutions interesting, and students understand the concepts quickly. NCERT Class 12 English Solutions, will be able to solve all the doubts of the students. Assam Board AHSEC Class 12 English Book Question Answer, provided are as per the Latest Curriculum and covers all the questions from the Class XII English Textbooks Question Answer. are present on Roy Library’s website in a systematic order.

A Thing of Beauty



Think it out

1. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem. 

Ans. In the poem A Thing of Beauty, Keats cites several objects of nature that are beautiful and pleasurable to our senses. They are the sun, moon, young and old trees, sprightly daffodils, the clear streams, and the thick growth of ferns in the forest with a sprinkling of fragrant blossoms.

2. List the things that cause suffering and pain. 

Ans. Despite nature’s blessings, there are a few things that brings pain and misery to man. They are the dearth of noble virtues in man that results in a pall of sadness, and the evil ways that people use to derive a meaning in life. They suffer because they fail to see beauty in nature’s benevolent creations.

3. What does the line, Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to you? (“Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ 

Ans. This line suggests that man has a strong relationship with nature. The two are integrally bound despite the gloom and misery. The flowery band suggests the beauty of this bond that keeps us happy and cheerful and lasts till eternity.

4. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?

Ans. The appreciation of beauty and its everlasting appeal keeps sorrows and sufferings at bay. Love is a manifestation of man’s appreciation of beauty. Beautiful objects dispel the despondency of our soul and enable us to love life.

5. Why is ‘grandeur associated with the ‘mighty dead’?

Ans. Mighty dead’ are legendary people who have left behind inspiring deeds and admirable sagas that inspire and enthuse us through generations. Their exemplary achievements immortalized them through the channels of history and thus glory and grandeur is associated with them.

6. Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us? 

Ans. Things of beauty have a long lasting appeal and unlike the ordinary objects of ephemeral beauty, they are eternal and cannot be dimmed, diminished or destroyed by time or space. Beauty is a constant source of joy and never passes into nothingness.

7. What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth? 

Ans. The poet uses the image of ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink, pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth. The objects that are a part of this bounty are the sun, the moon, trees, plants and flowers etc. that never fail to enliven a tired and weary soul.

1The Last Lesson
2Lost Spring
3Deep Water
5Going Places
6Memoirs Of A Chota Sahib
1My Mother At Sixty-Six
2Keeping Quiet
3Notes A Thing Of Beauty
4A Roadside Stand
1The Tiger King
2The Enemy
3On The Face Of It
4Memories Of Childhood
5Magh Bihu Or Maghar Domahi


1. How does Keats justify that a thing of beauty is a joy forever?

Ans. A great admirer of beauty in Nature, John Keats considers that a thing of beauty is a constant source of pleasure. It is an eternal fountain of happiness and can never pass into nothingness. Beauty soothes and consoles a man steeped in misery and misfortune.

2. What do we wreathe every morning and why? 

Ans. Every morning we wreathe a flowery band that binds us to the earth. This is a bond that keeps us in constant touch with nature and with all its beautiful bounty,

3. What are the sources of man’s sorrow and sufferings?

Ans. The lack of nobility and human quality has been the source of all our misery and misfortunes. Man has sought dark and evil ways to find a meaning in life and have deviated from the path of virtue and association with nature. This dissociation has invited sorrows and sufferings to man’s life.

4. Describe the ‘clear rills’ that Keats talks about. ‘clear rills 

Ans. The poet talks about the clear rills or streams that are the cooling spots and soothe the sight providing great comfort in the heat of the sun. As it flows down dancing and rippling all its way it presents an enchanting sight. It is one of the beautiful objects of nature that is a constant source of happiness and joy.

5. Name the objects of nature that are a constant source of beauty. 

Ans. The objects of nature that are a constant source of beauty and inspiration are the sun, the moon, trees, flowers, rivers, forests etc. Beauty is for the beholder; where one may find joy in all the beautiful objects of nature, a person who is materialistically driven may search for joy all his life and yet never come across it.

6. Why does Keats say that Nature has a positive impact on our lives? 

Ans. Nature has a positive impact on our lives because it has the capacity to lift our moods out of gloom and despair. Nature can enliven and inspire a person even in the most pensive and melancholy moments. One just needs to be in.

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